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Power support

Elenco delle migliori vendite power support

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    • The resistor uses high-precision chip resistor to ensure a good signal-to-noise ratio.
    • The amplifier board features a highly advanced integrated feedback design and a high-speed gate driver error correction, and this technology allows the board to maintain ultra-low distortion throughout the audio band while deliver perfect sound quality.
    • The main filter electrolytic capacitor uses 4700UF/63Vx2 to ensure strong and continuous power support.
    • TPA3255 is a high performance Class D power amplifier that can bring real high-end sound quality.
    • The amp board operates in AD mode with up to two 315W/4R loads and two 150W(non-clipped power)/8R loads with a THD of 10%, and has a 2-VRMS analog input interface to support high performance DAC (Such as TI's PCM5242) seamlessly.
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    • Perfetto per tutti i tipi di allenamento con i pesi, in particolare squat pesanti, stacchi da terra, file piegati, ecc.
    • A seconda delle tue esigenze, può essere rapidamente allentato e stretto tra i singoli esercizi.
    • Rendono la cintura fitness piacevolmente facile da indossare ma comunque completamente resistente. La cintura può essere facilmente ripiegata dopo l'allenamento e riposta in ogni borsa da allenamento.
    • La parte posteriore e anteriore sono più larghe della parte laterale della cintura. Ciò significa massima protezione e stabilità per la zona della schiena e dello stomaco, ma allo stesso tempo comodo da indossare con molta libertà di movimento durante lo sport.
    • L'architettura della cintura powerlifting segue le curve naturali della schiena e della zona addominale, per una stretta, vestibilità confortevole che comprime l'addome in modo efficace senza lo sforzo, il dolore e la fatica tipicamente associati con il sollevamento dei pesi e la formazione di forza.
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    Adattare il bagno o la camera da letto alle necessità di un anziano o di un disabile non deve essere per forza dispendioso. Esistono soluzioni alternative al dover compiere lavori di adattamento che risultano estremamente economiche ma altrettanto affidabili. Una di queste sono i maniglioni a ventosa mobili.
    398,73 €
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    Azienda facente parte di una multinazionale operante nel settore aereospaziale, ricerca un Trainee HR BUSINESS PARTNER SUPPORT/PROJECTS. Main activities Support the HR team to implement the full range of Airbus HR policies and processes within the subsidiary. The trainee will have the opportunity to learn how to deliver HR services across the subsidiary with a constant focus on continuous improvement of the solution offered within the Italian context. The main areas of activities will be on: • Recruitment & On Boarding • Performance, Talent and Career Development • Organisational Analysis (OM and Grading) • Monitoring of Labour costs and HC Planning • Change Management and Communication Competences Master degree in Business Administration, Social Sciences or Human Resource Management. Knowledge of Italian Labour Law. Some experience Human Resources will be considered as a plus. Passion for innovative HR processes. Advanced skills with MS Office (Power Point and Excel) and ability to handle the management of sensitive data. Project Management and Change Management skills. Hands on approach and ability to adapt to a fast changing environment. Ability to act on feedback. Positive attitude, ability to communicate effectively and to work in team, striving to achieve common objectives. Fluent in Italian and advanced level of English.
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    Milano (Lombardia)
    Administrative support Descrizione Aon, leader mondiale nella consulenza per la gestione dei rischi e nel brokeraggio assicurativo e riassicurativo, ricerca per la propria sede di Milano una risorsa da inserire in stage in supporto alla gestione dei rinnovi assicurativi del portafoglio clienti. Profilo stage La risorsa supporterà il responsabile nella gestione delle convenzioni assicurative delle aziende clienti, interfacciandosi con le aziende e i clienti diretti. In particolare, seguirà il processo relativo ai rinnovi delle polizze assicurative e alla regolazione premi (invio allâ€(TM)azienda delle richieste premio, comunicazioni disdette, incasso premio, controllo contabile, rimessa premio alle Compagnie assicurative, aggiornamento anagrafiche clienti). Avrà modo di analizzare ed approfondire le particolarità delle polizze assicurative (garanzie, premi, franchigie, appendici, normativa di riferimento, clausole contrattuali) con particolare riferimento al ramo auto nonché conoscere i principi che regolano lâ€(TM)attività di brokeraggio assicurativo Requisiti Laurea triennale in ambito economico. Buone conoscenze informatiche (Office). Gradita conoscenza della lingua inglese. Completano il profilo precisione e buone capacità relazionali e di organizzazione del lavoro. Caratteristiche dello stage Durata 3 mesi con possibilità di rinnovo; rimborso spese mensile di 700 euro + Ticket Restaurant Sede di lavoro: Milano, Viale Sarca 222/226 Data inizio: novembre Profilo richiesto Titolo di studio: Laurea breve (3 anni) Area di studio: Economica/Aziendale/Commerciale Competenze linguistiche Madrelingua: Italiano Lingua: Inglese Parlato: B1 - Livello intermedio Comprensione: B1 - Livello intermedio Produzione scritta: B1 - Livello intermedio Conoscenze informatiche Word / Pages: Intermedio Excel / Numbers: Intermedio Power Point / Keynotes: Intermedio Informazioni aggiuntive Settore: Banca/Finanza/Assicurazioni Funzione: Finanza/Amministrazione Numero posizioni ricercate: 2 Facilitazioni: Buoni pasto Rimborso mensile: 700 € Inizio previsto: 07/11/2018 Durata: 3 Mesi Luogo: Milano (MI)
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    Italia (Tutte le città)
    La società nostra cliente è un’importante multinazionale del settore dei servizi di trasporto e logistica con ruolo di leader nel suo ramo di business. Ci ha incaricati di ricercare un/a: STAGE IN SALES SUPPORT – BACK OFFICE COMMERCIALE (Rif. 580/SAL/19) La risorsa, inserita all’interno della Sales Back Office, sarà di supporto all’area Sales rispetto a tematiche relative alla pianificazione operativa, al back office commerciale, al reporting verso il cliente e ai rapporti con gli agenti di vendita. La risorsa si occuperà di affiancare i colleghi sulle seguenti attività: • Redazione reportistica relativa all’andamento delle vendite (KPI di vendita - PIPELINE); • Monitoraggio agende della FV e pipeline; • Supporto alla gestione degli Agenti di vendita e monitoraggio relative provvigioni e fatturazione mensile; • Supporto alle vendite su analisi performance, predisposizione reportistica; • Performance dedicate per cliente e analisi di copertura per stima saving in fase di offerta; • Performance per area o direzione, stesura Power Point di presentazione meeting; • Supporto al marketing per la gestione delle campagne sul territorio e assegnazione lead; • Utilizzo CRM. Requisiti richiesti: • Ottima conoscenza del pacchetto Office (in particolar modo Excel) e della posta elettronica • Ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese • Laurea in Economia, Marketing o equipollenti, Spiccate capacità di analisi, organizzazione proattività precisione completano il profilo. Sede di lavoro: Milano – zona Mecenate. Si offre: contratto di stage 6 + 6, rimborso spese e ticket. Gli/le Interessati/e possono inviare il CV, indicando il riferimento SAL
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    Italia (Tutte le città)
    La società nostra cliente è un’importante multinazionale del settore dei servizi di trasporto e logistica con ruolo di leader nel suo ramo di business. Ci ha incaricati di ricercare un/a: STAGE IN SALES SUPPORT & BACK OFFICE COMMERCIALE (Rif. 580/SAL/19) La risorsa, inserita all’interno della Sales Back Office, sarà di supporto alla Direzione Sales rispetto a tematiche relative alla pianificazione operativa, al back office commerciale, al reporting verso il cliente e ai rapporti con gli agenti di vendita. La risorsa si occuperà di affiancare i colleghi sulle seguenti attività: · Redazione reportistica relativa all’andamento delle vendite (KPI di vendita); · Monitoraggio agende della FV e pipeline; · Supporto alla gestione degli Agenti di vendita e monitoraggio relative provvigioni e fatturazione mensile; · Supporto alle vendite su analisi performance, predisposizione reportistica; · Analisi di copertura per stima saving in fase di offerta; · Performance per area o direzione, stesura Power Point di presentazione meeting; · Supporto al marketing per la gestione delle campagne sul territorio e assegnazione lead; · Utilizzo CRM. Requisiti richiesti: · Ottima conoscenza del pacchetto Office (in particolar modo Excel) e della posta elettronica · Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese · Laurea in Economia, Marketing o equipollenti Spiccate capacità di analisi, organizzazione proattività precisione completano il profilo. Sede di lavoro: Milano – zona Mecenate. Si offre: contratto di stage 6 + 6, rimborso spese e ticket.
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    Padova (Veneto)
    All'interno della Direzione Generale Farmaceutica Italia, a supporto della Segreteria Commerciale Retail, siamo alla ricerca di un/una: Trade Marketing Support Lo stage della durata di sei mesi, darà al candidato la possibilità di inserirsi in un contesto dinamico e stimolante e avrà modo di occuparsi delle seguenti attività: * Supporto all'attività di Trade Marketing/ back e front office * Gestione pratiche documentali, inserimento richieste su gestionale SAP * Contatti costanti con stakeholder interni ed esterni * diploma e/o Laurea di primo livello in materie umanistiche o economia/ marketing * Dimestichezza con applicativi informatici e conoscenza pacchetto office: Work Excel Power Point * Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese Completano il profilo curiosità e passione per il Marketing e il mondo delle vendite, proattività e teamwork Si offre: Stage della durata di sei mesi con rimborso spese e mensa aziendale gratuita Sede di lavoro: Abano Terme (Pd)
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    Venezia (Veneto)
    Ricerchiamo un IT Support Specialist per il dipartimento ICT di Gruppo che rispondendo direttamente all’ICT Director, gestisca i sistemi aziendali, fornisca supporto agli utenti e mantenga il sistema gestionale aziendale, SAP. Il candidato ideale possiede i seguenti requisiti: • conoscenza approfondita delle configurazioni di WebService e di interfacciamento tra sistemi; • padronanza di SAP ERP, preferibilmente in ambito logistico produttivo (Moduli SD/MM/PS/PM/PP); • conoscenza di Power BI; • formazione tecnica (diploma o laurea ad indirizzo informatico); • esperienza di almeno 5 anni nel ruolo presso aziende modernamente strutturate operanti nel settore industriale; • buona capacita’ di analisi strutturata; • attitudine al lavoro in team; • organizzazione del tempo e rispetto delle scadenze. Completano il profilo una buona conoscenza della lingua inglese e la disponibilità ad episodiche trasferte all’estero. Sede di lavoro: S. Maria di Sala (Venezia). La ricerca è rivolta a candidati d'ambo i sessi, i cui dati saranno trattati per finalità di selezione in base alla normativa vigente.
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    Italia (Tutte le città)
    Per un progetto con sede a Milano lo staff di Itconsulting è alla ricerca di una figura da Social Support. Si tratta di un'opportunità in ambito digital marketing che consentirà, ai candidati prescelti, di essere inseriti in una realtà innovativa e all'avanguardia, in cui si potrà crescere molto dal punto di vista personale, ma soprattutto professionale. Nello specifico, si tratta di un progetto nel settore assicurativo per il quale ricerchiamo risorse che abbiano maturato almeno 1 anno di esperienza nel ruolo, con conoscenze sui principali social network, in particolare Facebook, che siano in grado di occuparsi del monitoring giornaliero, della categorizzazione e dell'analisi dei contenuti editoriali pubblicati dai consulenti assicurativi sulle proprie pagine social. Competenze tecniche: -Conoscenza professionale di Facebook per uso business -Ottima padronanza del pacchetto MS Office (Excel, Power Point e Word) -Buona padronanza dell'utilizzo di tool di social monitoring -Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese, sia scritta che parlata. Ottimo se hai: -Buona capacità di analisi -Ottima comunicazione e predisposizione alla negoziazione -Proattività e spirito di iniziativa -Creatività Voglia di mettersi in gioco e apprendere nuove skills. Vuoi saperne di più? Inviaci il tuo CV aggiornato e dettagliato con autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi della Legge 196/03 e art.13 GDPR 679/13. Al resto ci pensiamo noi!
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    Roma (Lazio)
    In un’ottica di potenziamento del business della divisione Remarketing che supporta le Case Costruttrici e le Leasing Companies nelle operazioni di ricommercializzazione dei Veicoli Usati, la risorsa opererà per la Direzione Remarketing di una importante Società di Noleggio a Lungo Termine, nostra Cliente. In tale ottica, la risorsa avrà il compito di: -fornire supporto nella gestione dei processi di Remarketing interni alla Società di Noleggio a Lungo Termine in cui verrà inserito; -monitorare costantemente i risultati dell’attività di Remarketing svolta, attraverso degli specifici KPI’s; -fornire un supporto in tutte le attività di back-office commerciale, mediante l’analisi dei dati, sia a consuntivo, che previsionali e la preparazione di specifici report in Excel e di presentazioni in Power Point. Requisiti minimi: -Diploma -Ottimo utilizzo degli strumenti informatici e del pacchetto Office -Orientamento al Cliente: buona attitudine nella gestione delle relazioni commerciali «B2B» -Passione per il settore Automotive -Precisione, serietà e proattività Requisiti Preferenziali: -Laurea in discipline scientifiche e/o economiche -Precedenti esperienze in ambito Automotive -Precedenti esperienze in Concessionaria (o presso un Trader) in ambito Usato / Remarketing -Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese Compenso, benefit, Kit ICT: -Compenso commisurato al ruolo -Ticket Restaurant giornalieri -KIT ICT: PC e telefono Contratto Di tipo subordinato, a tempo determinato, full time Nel rispetto della Legge n. 68/1999, DEKRA accoglie in via prioritaria le candidature delle categorie protette (Art. 1 e Art. 18)
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    Bologna (Emilia Romagna)
    Our Client is a Multinational US Company, leader in the production of Power Units and small and medium Diesel Engines for a wide range of Customers, Dealers and B2B in the Automotive, Construction and Agricultural Industry. Advanced Pre and post Sales culture, supported by New Digital Projects, are today allowing improved Services for the Sales Organizations worldwide, Distributors and Dealers, OEM’s and Sales offices, meeting the Customer’s needs and expectation of Service Management. The candidate we are selecting will be in charge of the implementation of the Digital Transformation Project. The position is open for a Customer System Solutions Manager Digital Transformation projects BASIC FUNCTION Responsible for Field Customer Support Systems, He/She: Proposes and coordinates the development and implementation of web based and IT Systems able to provide technical support and documentation to the Service Dealers, Distributors, OEMs and regional Sales offices. Implements Digital Transformation projects deeply changing the way in which the company interacts with its Distribution network and End Users. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES The Manager, with the support of his/her team, is responsible of developing, planning, budgeting, overseeing all Aftermarket Customer Support Systems for Diesel Engines Globally. More specifically: Defines specification, assures maintenance for and web-based platform systems to make technical documentation available to third party companies associated to the Company Service and Parts Network, to OEM customers and their network when so regulated by OEM Service Contracts. Proposes, defines and coordinates projects for developing: Diagnostic tools and functionalities for Electronically controlled Common Rail Diesel Engines Web based Spare Parts Look up, Parts Ordering system and Warranty System E-commerce and Mobile Apps Web Platforms and other web-based IT systems for Aftermarket Parts & Service IT Systems aimed at supporting OEMs Customer end-of line and on-field using available technology to better meet customer needs. The Candidate we like to meet has a University level of Education, Web based and IT knowledge as well as proven project and team management. Experience in after sales and service is a plus. The ideal candidate is fluent in English, has good attitudes in dealing with colleagues at all levels and Customers worldwide. Problem Solving, independence, attitude to travel managing situations within different cultures is a part of the position. Providing leadership through effective goal setting, support, delegation and communication, He/she Assigns tasks to the team allowing to effectively perform and assuring they deliver high-quality product in alignment with the overall products delivery schedule: Supervises the creation and maintenance of technical documentation to support Spare Parts identification and sales, such as. Assures support, informs, periodically travels and meets colleagues in Spare Parts Sales, Service Network management, Engine Sales globally in all Regions (EMEA, NA, LATAM, CHINA and APAC, INDIA) to train in the use of the tools, to get their feedback and collect information about their needs. Coordinates and develops synergies, encourages the implementation of common systems whenever possible, with the colleagues responsible for the same activities for Kohler gasoline engines and with the other entities and companies of Power Group. Supervises the creation, developing, writing and editing technical documentation to support operation and maintenance of products, such as Use & Maintenance Manuals, Service Manuals for service workshops, training and service tools documentation. Coordinates planning, scheduling, delivering, and communicating the status of related projects and provides periodic reports, keeping management informed of area activities and of any significant concerns or problems. Ensures customer receives required data in a timely manner. Grants support to OEM’s and OEM’s network about the above-mentioned topics. The Company offers: A Permanent Contract directly with the EMEA HQ, Based in Reggio Emilia (Italy) A highly professional environment, advanced technology with focus on Quality and Customer Satisfaction. To apply for this position We invite interested candidates m/f (Legislative Decree 903/77) meeting the requirements of the position Customer System Solutions Manager Rif. 263/19 CSSM to send: updated CV, covering letter. Kindly send you CV and letter of presentation in English or Italian. For first contact with qualified candidates, the initial interviews can be conducted via Skype. You are welcome to contact Susanne Kristiansen, s.kristiansen@kpconsulting.it, Senior Executive Consultant. Responsible for this project, or contact our office directly on 0039 0522 512067. All candidates meeting the described profile will be contacted within two weeks. K&P Consulting Srl, as a permanently associated company in the Register of Employment Agencies Ref. No 39/0002041, invites all candidates (Law 903/77) to read the privacy statement (Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003) on the website www.kpconsulting.it
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    Italia (Tutte le città)
    Financial and technical modeling of Renewables and if applicable, other projects for the Holdings This involves the commercial forecasts and analysis on cash flows, revenue streams and costs across its existing portfolio and new business, in order to make management decisions, together with a variety of ad hoc projects. Responsible for delivering financial planning as well as financial analysis on variance to plan; develop robust business cases to aid decision making. Provide support to Country Manager Analysis of individual projects, to assist company's analysis of business opportunities, and to help decision making as to which opportunities provide an attractive risk adjusted return for the Company Presentations to potential clients, highlighting attractiveness of our solutions Back-up commercial analysis required for permitting, approval, emission allowances, etc. Provide information and recommendations to the Country Manager Liaise with external consultants, where applicable Evaluating the securities of companies in one industry Compare the companies' financial reports with those of previous years and try to predict what will happen to the companies' earnings in the future. Test and suggest new reports in response to current business issues. Establish and maintain systems to analyze and report key performance metrics to aid management in the identification of improvement opportunities and internal best practices. Perform qualitative and quantitative analysis in connection with acquisitions and/or development within the power industry. Perform financial modeling, investment memos, presentations to clients, site visits, etc. Support Business Development team as well as Senior team. Financial Analyst with experience in the Energy sectorGreat career opportunityBachelor Degree in Finance + 3 years of experience within power, gas or oil markets. Must be able to manage multiple projects simultaneously. Must be able to understand key concepts of the power generation industry and in particular of quad-gen technology. Quick learner and a logical structured thinker. Advanced Excel and Power Point spreadsheet skills. Experience including Macros, Pivot Table, etc. Strong quantitative and analytical skills and attention to detail. Ability to work under time constraints and meet aggressive deadlines. Demonstrated ability to work effectively under little supervision. Excellent written and oral communication skills, as this position will have routine interaction with top company management. Ability to solve problems and develop creative recommendations in an environment with limited standardization. Effective communication skills including the ability to listen to the needs of others, research and comprehend complex matters, articulate issues in a clear and concise manner, and present findings as well as recommendations in oral and written presentations. Our client develops, acquires and operates electric power and district heating businesses around the globe with a particular focus upon high-growth, under-served markets and innovative niches within developed markets.Great career opportunity.
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    Italia (Tutte le città)
    Responsible for the implementation of the company H&S target zero objectives and program.Responsible for all OHS efforts. These efforts include definition, application and supervision of policies and procedures, and OHS metrics reporting (monthly and annual consolidation and analysis).Provide significant OHS support and execution for global integration-related initiatives.Work effectively across the full range of OHS disciplines and be able to work with the business management team and senior colleagues.Be confident in representing the Company/Sites with regulatory and industry bodies, the wider community and the corporate organization.Influencing & motivating personnel on Safety matters at all levels of the organization, with the ability to take a stand on the critical safety issues.Develop and conduct occupational safety training for various workgroups, including evaluation and modification of programs to meet local legislative requirementsPlan, design, develop, implement, and evaluate occupational safety events.Provide guidance to site personnel with safety briefings and toolbox talks. Ensure that all OHS communications and alerts are translated into Italian for dissemination.Be the Super user on Intelex OHS system.Support Incident recording and reporting.Provide Incident investigation support.Lead internal audits program and execution and participate in cross-audits.To be the custodian of OHS documentation ensuring document storage and version control for policies and procedures are effective.Coordinate and participate in inspections, investigations, and occupational safety activities with sites.Collate and review the balanced scorecard data, identifying the needs for new or modified occupational safety programs.Identify opportunities for improvements in tracking and reporting procedures.Lead and/or participate on teams with safety, technical, management, and other functional teams representing the OHS function as required. Great job opportunity - Energy sector Milano Must possess required knowledge, skills, abilities and experience and be able to explain and demonstrate, with or without reasonable accommodations, that the essential functions of the job can be performed:In depth, up-to-date knowledge of relevant H&S regulations and legislation applicable in ItalyKnowledge of power plant processes with relevant experience in a high hazard utilities environmentMinimum 3 years of experience in OHS managing role, developed preferably at power sector.Be an experienced manager of people in both direct and indirect situations with excellent delegation and team leading skills.Leadership ability and strong management skills.Technical excellence.Organizational skills, particularly in terms of planning, budget development and tracking. Excellent communication (written, verbal and presentational situations) and personnel motivation skills.Professionalism and reliability.Ability to travel. Languages:Fluent Italian & English Travel requirementsWillingness and ability to travel independently to all worksites as needed.Travel expected in the range of 30% to 40%. Our client have a global teams applies our best-in-class technical and management expertise in traditional and innovative technologies to energize local economies and communities around the world.This job offers an excellent opportunity to work in partnership with the business on a range of interesting and challenging initiatives, and to propose and to implement new areas of development.
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    Bologna (Emilia Romagna)
    Knet HR is a leading Recruitment Consulting Company that operates at a National and International level with specific divisions: - Head Hunting division - Temporary Management Division - Top Manager division - Middle Management Division - Professional Studies Division Our company, authorized to operate by the Italian Ministry of Labor, does not administer personnel, therefore the employment relationship is directly regulated between the client company / firm and our candidate. FIELD TECHNICIAN Report to: GM Europe Purpose of the role: the purpose of the Field Technician is to support the commercial operations department to implement the activities associated with project execution, delivery and customer support post project completion. This should be completed to a high standard in line with contractual obligations and with a focus on customer satisfaction. The role is based in Northern Italy and the focus will be on assisting local Italian clients. In addition to this, some travel may be required to other European countries to provide installation and service support. Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities • Ensure projects are installed and delivered on time in accordance with Company Standards and with a focus on customer satisfaction • Inquisitive mind, able to troubleshoot and diagnose problems. Able to think proactively about how to resolve/mitigate any potential issues during product installation, commissioning and support. • Documentation of all key data required for gate/meter selection, product installation and commissioning as agreed/signed by customer and/or engineering firm Technical Skills · Willingness to perform aspects of masonry work subsequent to proper training · Able to understand engineering data and plans/drawings · Mechanical and electrical skills as pertaining to but not limited to: o Assembly and disassembly of product o Replacement, programming and support of RTU, instrumentation, solar power systems and motor drives o Replacement of gearboxes o Steel cable tensioning and replacement IT Knowledge · Ability and experience with PLC, SCADA and RTU systems as it pertains to but not limited to: · Data table adjustment/entry · Knowledge of I/O as it pertains to floating point registers and digital points · Communication protocol knowledge Other Skills/Knowledge · Basic understanding of electronics · Knowledge of the agricultural irrigation industry · Occupational health and safety · Knowledge of control theory is beneficial · Strong customer service skills Language Skills: fluent in Italian and strong in English; other languages are beneficial (Spanish, French, Romanian, Arabic) Skills and Qualifications: technical trade qualification; valid driving licence; 2 + years of experience Attribute: Demonstrated effective matrix skills (crosses geography’s and departments) Demonstrated ability to work with all stakeholders (internal/external) Results oriented, motivated, reliable and trustworthy working style Excellent interpersonal skills. Able to communicate with ease at different levels and with people in different locations Excellent written and verbal communication skills Business minded, logical, analytical, good strategist and implementer Well organized, quick thinker Able to work independently and as part of a team Employment type · Full-time · Permanent contract · Salary will be discussed with the selected candidate · Benefits: Company car, PC, mobile phone, company credit card, tools, etc Starting date expected: mid January 2021 Location: Mantova – Bologna – Reggio Emilia The selection is open at both sexes of Art. 1 L. 903/77 Maximum confidentiality is guaranteed KNET HUMAN RESOURCES SRL: AUTORIZZAZIONE MINISTERIALE A TEMPO INDETERMINATO Prot. 39/0003074 / MA004.A003
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    Ferrara (Emilia Romagna)
    Knet HR is a leading Recruitment Consulting Company that operates at a National and International level with specific divisions: - Head Hunting division - Temporary Management Division - Top Manager division - Middle Management Division - Professional Studies Division Our company, authorized to operate by the Italian Ministry of Labor, does not administer personnel, therefore the employment relationship is directly regulated between the client company / firm and our candidate. FIELD TECHNICIAN – ITALIAN PLANTS WATER TREATMENT - FERRARA Report to: GM Europe Purpose of the role: the purpose of the Field Technician is to support the commercial operations department to implement the activities associated with project execution, delivery and customer support post project completion. This should be completed to a high standard in line with contractual obligations and with a focus on customer satisfaction. The role is based in Northern Italy and the focus will be on assisting local Italian clients. In addition to this, some travel may be required to other European countries to provide installation and service support. Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities • Ensure projects are installed and delivered on time in accordance with Company Standards and with a focus on customer satisfaction • Inquisitive mind, able to troubleshoot and diagnose problems. Able to think proactively about how to resolve/mitigate any potential issues during product installation, commissioning and support. • Documentation of all key data required for gate/meter selection, product installation and commissioning as agreed/signed by customer and/or engineering firm Technical Skills · Willingness to perform aspects of masonry work subsequent to proper training · Able to understand engineering data and plans/drawings · Mechanical and electrical skills as pertaining to but not limited to: o Assembly and disassembly of product o Replacement, programming and support of RTU, instrumentation, solar power systems and motor drives o Replacement of gearboxes o Steel cable tensioning and replacement IT Knowledge · Ability and experience with PLC, SCADA and RTU systems as it pertains to but not limited to: · Data table adjustment/entry · Knowledge of I/O as it pertains to floating point registers and digital points · Communication protocol knowledge Other Skills/Knowledge · Basic understanding of electronics · Knowledge of the agricultural irrigation industry · Occupational health and safety · Knowledge of control theory is beneficial · Strong customer service skills Language Skills: fluent in Italian and strong in English; other languages are beneficial (Spanish, French, Romanian, Arabic) Skills and Qualifications: technical trade qualification; valid driving licence; 2 + years of experience Attribute: Demonstrated effective matrix skills (crosses geography’s and departments) Demonstrated ability to work with all stakeholders (internal/external) Results oriented, motivated, reliable and trustworthy working style Excellent interpersonal skills. Able to communicate with ease at different levels and with people in different locations Excellent written and verbal communication skills Business minded, logical, analytical, good strategist and implementer Well organized, quick thinker Able to work independently and as part of a team Employment type · Full-time · Permanent contract · Salary will be discussed with the selected candidate · Benefits: Company car, PC, mobile phone, company credit card, tools, etc Starting date expected: mid January 2021 Location: Zona CENTO - FERRARA The selection is open at both sexes of Art. 1 L. 903/77 Maximum confidentiality is guaranteed KNET HUMAN RESOURCES SRL: AUTORIZZAZIONE MINI
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    Lucca (Toscana)
    Knet HR is a leading Recruitment Consulting Company that operates at a National and International level with specific divisions: - Head Hunting division - Temporary Management Division - Top Manager division - Middle Management Division - Professional Studies Division Our company, authorized to operate by the Italian Ministry of Labor, does not administer personnel, therefore the employment relationship is directly regulated between the client company / firm and our candidate. FIELD TECHNICIAN – ITALIAN PLANTS WATER TREATMENT - LUCCA - TOSCANA Report to: GM Europe Purpose of the role: the purpose of the Field Technician is to support the commercial operations department to implement the activities associated with project execution, delivery and customer support post project completion. This should be completed to a high standard in line with contractual obligations and with a focus on customer satisfaction. The role is based in Northern Italy and the focus will be on assisting local Italian clients. In addition to this, some travel may be required to other European countries to provide installation and service support. Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities • Ensure projects are installed and delivered on time in accordance with Company Standards and with a focus on customer satisfaction • Inquisitive mind, able to troubleshoot and diagnose problems. Able to think proactively about how to resolve/mitigate any potential issues during product installation, commissioning and support. • Documentation of all key data required for gate/meter selection, product installation and commissioning as agreed/signed by customer and/or engineering firm Technical Skills · Willingness to perform aspects of masonry work subsequent to proper training · Able to understand engineering data and plans/drawings · Mechanical and electrical skills as pertaining to but not limited to: o Assembly and disassembly of product o Replacement, programming and support of RTU, instrumentation, solar power systems and motor drives o Replacement of gearboxes o Steel cable tensioning and replacement IT Knowledge · Ability and experience with PLC, SCADA and RTU systems as it pertains to but not limited to: · Data table adjustment/entry · Knowledge of I/O as it pertains to floating point registers and digital points · Communication protocol knowledge Other Skills/Knowledge · Basic understanding of electronics · Knowledge of the agricultural irrigation industry · Occupational health and safety · Knowledge of control theory is beneficial · Strong customer service skills Language Skills: fluent in Italian and strong in English; other languages are beneficial (Spanish, French, Romanian, Arabic) Skills and Qualifications: technical trade qualification; valid driving licence; 2 + years of experience Attribute: Demonstrated effective matrix skills (crosses geography’s and departments) Demonstrated ability to work with all stakeholders (internal/external) Results oriented, motivated, reliable and trustworthy working style Excellent interpersonal skills. Able to communicate with ease at different levels and with people in different locations Excellent written and verbal communication skills Business minded, logical, analytical, good strategist and implementer Well organized, quick thinker Able to work independently and as part of a team Employment type · Full-time · Permanent contract · Salary will be discussed with the selected candidate · Benefits: Company car, PC, mobile phone, company credit card, tools, etc Starting date expected: mid January 2021 Location: Zona LUCCA - TOSCANA The selection is open at both sexes of Art. 1 L. 903/77 Maximum confidentiality is guaranteed KNET HUMAN RESOURCES SRL: AUTORIZZAZIONE MINISTERIALE A TEMPO INDETERMINATO Prot. 39/0003074 / MA004.A003
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    Italia (Tutte le città)
    Il candidato gestirà le attività della filiale italiana in continuo rapporto con le attività HR di gruppo:Personnel administration (hiring, dismissals, transfers, working hours management, payroll, legal and social obligations: - Creation and follow up of employee's data on HRMS - Employee's contract creation and follow up - Coordination of the payrolls with the external provider - Follow up of the Employee's declarations to the local legal authorities made by external provider - Allocation of working hour costs on finance ERP Monthly Reporting: creation and follow up for group and local needs (workforce, recruitment, training, compensation, etc) Recruitment and Selection: working on all R&S process internally or eventually with an external provider: - identification needs, announcements preparation and releasing, interviews, management support. - coordinating the onboarding process of the new employees - trial period follow up People support: - Advise and support managers in all HR aspects related to their teams - Support employees in all aspects related to the employee life cycle Compensation and Benefits - coordinate the C&B annual review process in Italy along with Group HR, Country manager and Head of BL - prepare hiring proposal to new employees - participate in the implementation and follow of benefits Contesto internazionaleOttima opportunitàDegree in Human Resources/ Humanistic studies/similarBroad-spectrum management of all HR domains: recruitment, training, social rights, career management, payrolls..Company Business knowledge (renewable energies) is a plusOffice pack knowledge (Word, Excel et PowerPoint)Advanced english (written/spoken)8 year of experience Power Producer CompanyGood Opportunity.Salario da 37.000 €/anno a 40.000 €/anno
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    Italia (Tutte le città)
    Important and innovative company, leading manufacturer of high precision plastic parts and gears, is looking for ERP SPECIALIST rif. 51439-BG The ERP Specialist’s role is to provide IQMS application support in logistics, operations and finance accounting. This includes analysing the business processes, providing recommendations for functionality enhancements and implementing the needed solutions for the end users. Reporting to the group IT management based in Switzerland, you will have to support the companies worldwide, in the following areas: • Leading application functionality in logistics, operations and finance modules of the global IQMS ERP system • Testing, patch testing, and provide recommendations for functionality enhancement. Working with software vendor to implement enhancements. • Working with all departments to develop a thorough understanding of the business processes and business requirements in order to facilitate the implementation of the IQMS ERP system and other related applications. • Developing and updating important documentation including business process flows, requirements documents, functional and technical design documents, test cases, and user training materials. • Modifying existing forms and reports and building new forms and reports as required by users, based on SAP® Crystal Reports reporting tool. • Developing and supporting the EDI solutions. Are required: 5+ years related experience in an ERP application support function or as an ERP power user in a manufacturing company; Bachelor Science degree in Computers Science, Engineering or an equivalent education; Fluency in English and Italian, speaking and writing; open to travel to Europe, US and Asia.
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    Italia (Tutte le città)
    Leader in hydraulic screw and high pressure pumps with innovative proprietary technology. Established in 1978, Settima has a long-standing tradition as manufacturer of hydraulic screw pumps for industrial applications. With 15 international patents, Settima is also the inventor of the no noise high pressure Continuum® helical rotor pump, a proprietary technology which is a game changer both in industrial and mobile applications. The market segments where Settima operates are: industrial equipment, power generation, marine, oil & gas and mobile. The company is situated in the northern part of Italy, with HQ and 3 Production Sites in the Piacenza Area, operations in Asia & USA as well. For the European Sales team we are selecting a young SALES ENGINEER EUROPE – DACH Area German and English Speaking The Candidate will be reporting hierarchically to the Sales Manager Europe. He/She will also have frequent functional interactions with the following functions: • Customer Service team for quotations and orders processing • Sales Support Engineers for the development of specific projects • R&D for new products and applications. The candidate will be part of Settima’s international Sales Team. Her/his primary role and responsibility will be to develop the Company’s sales to the German and other DACH industrial companies in the hydraulic market. She/he will be responsible for the following: • develop the sales of the Company • deal with and manage customers like system producers / integrators and OEM’s • sales budget by market segments, product lines and area of responsibility; • develop and expand relationships with existing Customers; • scout new application opportunities and Customers; • build and manage Client relationships, including contract negotiations; • work as part of the global key accounts sales team to support local key accounts; • report, track and follow-up on contacts and projects using the company support tools; • attend business-specific fairs and exhibitions; • propose and implement market development activities in collaboration with the marketing department; • deal with the technical department for the development of new products and customized solutions. SKILLS Technical competence combined with commercial experience within the field of industrial equipment and installations, preferably hydraulic market; a technical education as engineer. Very fluent German language and English spoken/written at professional proficiency level. Track record in dealing with German and/or other DACH markets is preferential. The candidate we like to meet is experienced and conclusive in negotiations, motivated by success and good results, which she/he achieves through strong team spirit, targeted and committed work and attention to details. Willingness to travel in order to visit existing and potential Customers. Very good knowledge of Office Package and flexible minded, a good communicator and time manager. Company Head Quarter: Piacenza Area Italy INFORMAZIONI PER SEGNALARE LA SUA CANDIDATURA Si prega di creare o aggiornare il Suo Profilo K&P allegando CV aggiornato (possibilmente con foto) e breve Lettera di Presentazione indicando il riferimento “Rif. 181/18 SEE”. Il Profilo K&P è il documento che ci autorizza alla gestione dei dati oltre a permettere una conoscenza piu completa della candidatura. In una prima fase è possibile inviare mail a risorse@kpconsulting.it, successivamente è obbligatorio, completare i dati on line sul sito www.kpconsulting.it. La selezione ha carattere di urgenza, le candidature maggiormente in linea con il profilo ideale saranno contattate entro 2 settimane. Per eventuali ulteriori informazioni, siamo disponibili al Tel. 0522 512067. Si chiede di esplicitare l'autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali (D.Lgs196/03). K&P Consulting Srl, iscritta all'Albo delle Agenzie per il Lavoro, Prot. n° 39/0002041, invita i candidati ambosessi (L. 903/77) a leggere l'Infomativa sulla Privacy (art. 13 D.Lgs. 196/2003) sul sito www.kpconsulting.it
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    Italia (Tutte le città)
    Leader in hydraulic screw and high pressure pumps with innovative proprietary technology. Established in 1978, Settima has a long-standing tradition as manufacturer of hydraulic screw pumps for industrial applications. With 15 international patents, Settima is also the inventor of the no noise high pressure Continuum® helical rotor pump, a proprietary technology which is a game changer both in industrial and mobile applications. The market segments where Settima operates are: industrial equipment, power generation, marine, oil & gas and mobile. The company is situated in the northern part of Italy, with HQ and 3 Production Sites in the Piacenza Area, operations in Asia & USA as well. For the European Sales team we are selecting a SALES ENGINEER EUROPE – DACH Area The Candidate will be reporting hierarchically to the Sales Manager Europe. He/She will also have frequent functional interactions with the following functions: • Customer Service team for quotations and orders processing • Sales Support Engineers for the development of specific projects • R&D for new products and applications. The candidate will be part of Settima’s international Sales Team. Her/his primary role and responsibility will be to develop the Company’s sales to the German and other DACH industrial companies in the hydraulic market. She/he will be responsible for the following: • develop the sales of the Company • deal with and manage customers like system producers / integrators and OEM’s • sales budget by market segments, product lines and area of responsibility; • develop and expand relationships with existing Customers; • scout new application opportunities and Customers; • build and manage Client relationships, including contract negotiations; • work as part of the global key accounts sales team to support local key accounts; • report, track and follow-up on contacts and projects using the company support tools; • attend business-specific fairs and exhibitions; • propose and implement market development activities in collaboration with the marketing department; • deal with the technical department for the development of new products and customized solutions. SKILLS Technical competence combined with commercial experience within the field of industrial equipment and installations, preferably hydraulic market; a technical education as engineer. Fluent in English and possibly German, spoken/written at professional level. Track record in dealing with German and/or other DACH markets is preferential. The candidate we like to meet is experienced and conclusive in negotiations, motivated by success and good results, which she/he achieves through strong team spirit, targeted and committed work and attention to details. Willingness to travel in order to visit existing and potential Customers. Very good knowledge of Office Package and flexible minded, a good communicator and time manager. Company Head Quarter: Piacenza Area Italy INFORMAZIONI PER SEGNALARE LA SUA CANDIDATURA Importante** In una prima fase si prega di inviare mail direttamente a risorse@kpconsulting.it, successivamente è obbligatorio, completare i dati on line sul sito www.kpconsulting.it, creando il Suo Profilo K&P allegando CV aggiornato (possibilmente con foto) e breve Lettera di Presentazione indicando il riferimento “Rif. 181/18 SEE”. Il Profilo K&P è il documento che ci autorizza alla gestione dei dati oltre a permettere una conoscenza più completa della candidatura. La selezione ha carattere di urgenza, le candidature maggiormente in linea con il profilo ideale saranno contattate entro 2 settimane. Si chiede di esplicitare l'autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali (D.Lgs196/03). K&P Consulting Srl, iscritta all'Albo delle Agenzie per il Lavoro, Prot. n° 39/0002041, invita i candidati ambosessi (L. 903/77) a leggere l'Infomativa sulla Privacy (art. 13 D.Lgs. 196/2003) sul sito www.kpconsulting.it
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    Italia (Tutte le città)
    Studio CPA, business consulting firm of Bergamo (Accreditation by the Ministry of Labor n.2933), looking for an administrative financial director for a client company based in Brescia: Tasks: Management of tasks and projects for dedicated teams Closely collaboration with Strategy and Development Responsible Italy and Sales Responsible Italy Analyze business potentials and support Italian sales organization Apply regulations and follow-up compliance matters in Italian organization Support collaboration between dedicated teams (internally) and interdisciplinary teams Lead, motivate and enable the dedicated teams Strengthen the Italian administration organization within company Support Sales Team on customer site for Admin related issues. Requirements: University degree and minimum 5 years of job experience in business administration Minimum 3 years of Leadership experience Strong project management experience Broad knowledge of processes of Supply Chain, Finance and Human Resources Good IT knowledge, MS Office (Excel and Power Point) and ERP-system (NAVISION) Fluent in English language Structured working method Ability to think analytically and strategically Assertiveness and ability to cooperate in an international and interdisciplinary network All candidates of both sexes (Legislative Decree 198/2006), in possession of the required requisites, can send their updated CV to [email protected] including authorization for data processing (Legislative Decree 196/2003).
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    Genova (Liguria)
    We are looking for an Application Specialistto join the team of an innovative medical company The candidate will: Provideclinical training to customers, partners, and personnel. Such trainings include application support to customers and follow-up visits. Maintain the relationship with current partners and customers and ensure their on-going clinical contribution to the brand. Supportcostumers in the field of clinical application globally Support the Product Team in the activities related to the products development We match with personswho: have an Universitydegree in bio-medical engineering, physiotherapy, occupational therapy or sportsciences; have a goodknowledge of English areexcellentusers of Power point, word, excel areflexible to travel in Italy and Europe 70% of the time. are open for new technologies in the field of rehabilitation, areable to communicateadequately with physiotherapists and doctors, areveryflexible and excellent organizer of time and tasks, used to work independently, great communication; self-motivated; quicklearner and hard worker. Previous job experiences in the medical and rehabilitative domain would be considered an asset Clicca sul link sottostante "sito web" per inviarci la tua candidatura.
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    Parma (Emilia Romagna)
    Leader in innovative hydraulic pumps technology. The Company operates in major market segments such as: Industrial as well as Mobile Equipment, Oil & Gas, Power Generation and through Dealers or with OEM’s. The company is situated in the northern part of Italy. For the European Sales Team we are selecting a dynamic and goal oriented SALES AREA MANAGER German Speaking Countries –Area DACH The Candidate will operate in close collaboration with the European Sales Director. He/She will also have frequent interactions with different internal functions for: • quotations and orders processing • the development of specific projects and • new products and applications. The candidate will be part of the European Sales Team. Her/his primary role and responsibility will be to develop the Company’s sales to the German and other German Speaking industrial companies in the hydraulic market. She/he will be responsible for the following: • develop the Sales of the Company • scout new application opportunities and Customers • deal with and manage customers like system integrators and OEM’s • sales budget by market segments, product lines and area of responsibility; • develop and expand relationships with existing Customers; • build and manage Client relationships, including contract negotiations; • work as part of the global key accounts sales team to support local key accounts; • report, track and follow-up on contacts and projects using the company support tools; • attend business-specific fairs and exhibitions; • propose and implement market development activities in collaboration with the marketing department; • deal with the technical department for the development of new products and customized solutions. SKILLS Technical competence combined with sales experience, preferably within the hydraulic market. Knowledge of English and German language, as well as a track record in dealing with German and/or other DACH markets is preferential. The candidate we like to meet has 3-5 years Sales Experience, is curious, eager to learn and motivated by success and good results, which he/she achieves through strong team spirit, committed work and attention to details. Willingness to travel in order to visit existing and potential Customers. Very good knowledge of Office Package and flexible minded, a good communicator and “time manager”. The Company offers an excellent opportunity for professional growth in a challenging and stimulating environment represented by major industries and dealers on the territory, the European Head office is situated in Italy. Company Head Quarter: Piacenza, Area Emilia-Romagna
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    Milano (Lombardia)
    Leader in innovative hydraulic pumps technology. The Company operates in major market segments such as: Industrial as well as Mobile Equipment, Oil & Gas, Power Generation and through Dealers or with OEM’s. The company is situated in the northern part of Italy. For the European Sales Team we are selecting a dynamic and goal oriented SALES AREA MANAGER German Speaking Countries –Area DACH The Candidate will operate in close collaboration with the European Sales Director. He/She will also have frequent interactions with different internal functions for: • quotations and orders processing • the development of specific projects and • new products and applications. The candidate will be part of the European Sales Team. Her/his primary role and responsibility will be to develop the Company’s sales to the German and other German Speaking industrial companies in the hydraulic market. She/he will be responsible for the following: • develop the Sales of the Company • scout new application opportunities and Customers • deal with and manage customers like system integrators and OEM’s • sales budget by market segments, product lines and area of responsibility; • develop and expand relationships with existing Customers; • build and manage Client relationships, including contract negotiations; • work as part of the global key accounts sales team to support local key accounts; • report, track and follow-up on contacts and projects using the company support tools; • attend business-specific fairs and exhibitions; • propose and implement market development activities in collaboration with the marketing department; • deal with the technical department for the development of new products and customized solutions. SKILLS Technical competence combined with sales experience, preferably within the hydraulic market. Knowledge of English and German language, as well as a track record in dealing with German and/or other DACH markets is preferential. The candidate we like to meet has 3-5 years Sales Experience, is curious, eager to learn and motivated by success and good results, which he/she achieves through strong team spirit, committed work and attention to details. Willingness to travel in order to visit existing and potential Customers. Very good knowledge of Office Package and flexible minded, a good communicator and “time manager”. The Company offers an excellent opportunity for professional growth in a challenging and stimulating environment represented by major industries and dealers on the territory, the European Head office is situated in Italy. Company Head Quarter: Area Emilia-Romagna How to apply for this position Please send your application, including your CV updated, a covering letter is appreciated also indicating your current salary, to our Senior Executive Consulting: Susanne Kristiansen - mail: s.kristiansen@kpconsulting.it All applicants in line with the “ideal candidate profile" will be contacted within (1) one week time by phone or for a first Skype Interview. K&P Consulting is a registered Company, Ref. No 39/0002041, K&P Consulting invites all candidates (Law 903/77) to read the privacy statement (Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003) on the website www.kpconsulting.it ?
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    Milano (Lombardia)
    JOB SUMMARY Our client is a leading, luxury fashion brand based in Milan: they are looking for a Product Marketing Specialist to join the Digital Marketing team. The candidate will report directly into the Head of Digital Marketing and will provide support with the day-by-day development of all the activities related with the Product Marketing Calendar. The Product Marketing Specialist should be collaborative and sociable as will interface and relate with different teams. ESSENTIAL DUTIES • Creation of product marketing documentation and constant update • Development of product-launch related documents and constant update • Support the team in updating the Product Marketing calendar • Collaborate on new and on going product marketing activities • Monitor market trends and competitors activities • Work with the Digital Marketing Team for activities related to the product launches • Maintain an efficient alignment with all the teams KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES REQUIRED • Strong knowledge of the Microsoft Office Package (specifically Excel and Power Point) • Highly organized with the ability to prioritize and work proactively • Excellent communication and active listening • Strong flexibility and adaptability vs different referents and contexts • Ability to work well under pressure in a fast-paced team environment whilst meeting critical deadlines • Excellent problem-solving and interpersonal skills with the ability to work efficiently and effectively within a collaborative, cross-functional environment • Fluent in English both written and spoken LANGUAGES Native-speaker or fluent in Italian with work-proficiency in English. RAL 30 K Full time mon/fri One-year contract, with the possibility of extension or permanent contract
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    Milano (Lombardia)
    Where numbers, innovation and smart people meet.  join our finance forward internship program. Who we are Randstad is the global leader in the HR services industry. We support people and organizations in realizing their true potential by combining the power of today's technology with our passion for people. We call it Human Forward. In 2021, we helped nearly two million candidates find a meaningful job with more than 236,000 clients. Since 1999, we are present in Italy with more than 2800 colleagues and 300 branches. finance forward internship program - stage: Finance Forward è il programma di internship creato da Randstad Italia per inserire brillanti talenti in azienda. Ti offriamo un percorso di formazione on the job per farti esplorare le tante sfaccettature del mondo finance e mettere in pratica ciò che hai appreso durante la tua carriera universitaria. In un viaggio di 9 mesi sarai coinvolto in una job rotation che ti permetterà di sperimentarti in 3 dipartimenti finance del nostro Headquarter. Il nostro obiettivo è portarti a bordo, cogli l'opportunità!  What we offer Finance Forward is a Randstad internship program. Reach your full potential with a 9 months journey. You will experience a professional path  through 3 different key departments with the support of a company buddy who will help you developing both your hard and soft skills. We are looking for out of the box talents to welcome on board and lead our future.  You will have the opportunity to put into practice your academic knowledge and live a challenging and business driven environment. Join us on our journey to future proof our finance function in Milan. We're looking for people who Are strongly motivated  Are analytical thinkers and with an agile mindset Have a love of learning and innate curiosity Are internationally minded and mobile Possess both excellent Italian and English skills Have engineering or economical background (MSc graduated or graduating) Are ready for a paid internship aimed at possible hiring Apply now!
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    Italia (Tutte le città)
    Location: Padua (Padova) Job ID: 28891 Start date: 09.07.2018 Type of employment: Full time Length of contract: Permanent Job description As an Analog Design Engineer you will be responsible for module/block design of Power Management Systems (DCDC-converter, Low Drop Out regulator) including concept development and post layout verification with the focus on automotive Body Power Led Driver Applications. In your new role you will: Develop an understanding of product requirements. Define suitable concepts including Design for Testability. Create circuit schematics. Verify your design by state-of-the-art simulation tools. Act as Layout-support and support of lab-evaluat...
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    Italia (Tutte le città)
    For important multinational company specialized in EPCI business in Power and Infrastructure sector, we are selecting a PROJECT QUALITY COORDINATOR The main tasks of the position will be to plan and implement quality activities within projects, coordinate and supervise Quality Assurance and Control activities during the hole process (including design, manufacturing, land and marine installation), company methods, contractual requirements and relevant standards and regulations. In detail: - To support the Project Manager in dealing with Clients with relation to Quality matters and contractual requirements. - To coordinate the preparation of the Project Quality Plans, Quality Control Plans a...
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    Orienta Agenzia per il Lavoro, seleziona per azienda cliente: 1 Addetto/a al CRM La risorsa si occuperà delle seguenti attività: - Effettuare attività di customer support di secondo livello attraverso i principali canali verso i clienti, al fine di individuare tematiche rilevanti e miglioramenti procedurali - Supervisionare le attività del contact center esterno, valutando i volumi di richieste e implementando procedure operative per la gestione del parco clienti - Monitorare i KPIs in ambito di customer performance, mediante produzione di reportistica periodica - Insieme al responsabile preposto, analizzare la customer satisfaction e creare reportistica periodica - Fornire supporto alla gestione delle attività di Change Management sui sistemiaziendali di CRM e progetti ad hoc, in coordinamento con i fornitori esterni dei gestionali e dei sistemi utilizzati - Fornire supporto al team nello sviluppo di analisi, utilizzando dati interni e dati da fonti esterne per la realizzazione di report periodici e ad hoc, al fine di migliorare le performance. Requisiti richiesti: - Pregressa esperienza in ambito CRM - Laurea Magistrale - Ottima conoscenza degli applicativi Office Word, Excel, Power Point - Esperienza di utilizzo di piattaforme CRM, preferibilmente Oracle - Attitudine al problem solving, capacità analitiche e pro attività, predisposizione al lavoro in team - Abilità nella gestione clienti, capire il contesto di business e i relativi bisogni - Comprensione e uso del linguaggio tecnico e professionale, scritto e parlato - Si considera requisito preferenziale la conoscenza di strumenti di business intelligence - Ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese scritta e parlata E' previsto un contratto di somministrazione iniziale con possibilità di proroga e stabilizzazione. CCNL Telecomunicazioni (13 mensilità) livello commisurato alla seniority. Esigenza full time. Luogo di Lavoro: Roma (zona Policlinico)
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