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Medical division service srl

Elenco delle migliori vendite medical division service srl

  • T-One Coach è l’elettrostimolatore a 4 canali progettato per la prevenzione di traumi e il rafforzamento muscolare di sportivi amatoriali.
  • Il dispositivo è dotato di 16 Programmi TENS, 14 Programmi NEMS, 18 Programmi BEAUTY, 10 Programmi 2+2 USERS
  • Con il dispositivo sono compresi, 4 cavi di connessione elettrodi (8 elettrodi collegabili), elettrodi adesivi quadrati, rettangolari e circolari, manuale d’uso
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  • Mio-Sonic è il dispositivo ad ultrasuoni compatto e potente, adatto per trattare il dolore, le contratture muscolari e le rigidità articolari; Mio-Sonic è un dispositivo medico classe IIa certificato CE0068
  • Dispositivo professionale per uso Domiciliare e ambulatoriale per ultrasuonoterapia; ultrasuono da 1MHz con potenza massima di 6.4W, intensità massima sulla superficie 1,6 W/cm2
  • Fascio ultrasonico collimato per una ottimale penetrazione attraverso i tessuti; 3 livelli di intensità del fascio ultrasonico: 0,08 W/cm² (basso) - 0,8 W/cm² (medio) - 1,6W/cm² (alto)
  • Funzionamento con alimentatore medicale dedicato; adatto all’utilizzo di superficie (no immersione); dimensioni 200 x 47 x 69 mm
  • Apparecchio innovativo dalle grandi prestazioni per trattamenti domiciliari ed ambulatoriali; unisce compattezza e semplicità d’uso alle prestazioni ottime che ne fanno il dispositivo professionale più piccolo e leggero al mondo; la maneggevolezza e leggerezza ne consentono un uso prolungato senza indolenzire la mano; l’utilizzo è previsto per applicazioni in: Terapia del dolore, trattamenti sportivi, medicina estetica
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  • MAG 2000 MAGNETOTERAPIA a 2 canali, 300 Gauss, è un Dispositivo per magnetoterapia domiciliare e professionale dotato di 2 canali da 150 Gauss ciascuno per trattare diverse zone del corpo attraverso la fascia elastica terapeutica a 3 solenoidi
  • 35 programmi: 20 programmi preimpostati per il trattamento delle patologie comuni, 14 programmi identificati dalla frequenza di lavoro (da 1 a 100 Hertz) e un programma Autoscan a variazione continua di frequenza per il trattamento dei tessuti molli e duri nella stessa seduta di terapia
  • MAG 2000 permette di impostare liberamente l'intensità del campo magnetico per tutti i programmi, con valori massimi fino a 300 Gauss sulle due uscite (150 Gauss per uscita); potenza operativa 110-240 V
  • Fornito con fascia elastica terapeutica con 3 solenoidi e borsa per il trasporto, alimentazione e manuale (GB, FR, IT, ES)
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Catanzaro (Calabria)
Gamastech srl, PMI che si occupa della produzione e commercializzazione di prodotti e sistemi di alta qualità, Medical e Beauty Devices, nel territorio Nazionale ed Estero cerca n.1 ADDETTO AL CUSTOMER SERVICE ITALIA ED ESTERO. La figura ricercata, riportando alla Proprietà, si occuperà dello svolgimento delle seguenti attività: • Assistenza clienti, distributori e consumatori finali pre e post vendita. • Gestione e follow up degli ordini: assicura l’introduzione e la pianificazione degli ordini, interfacciandosi con la produzione ed i clienti per concordare tempi di consegna e dettagli. • Gestione e contatto agenti/distributori dell'area estera. • Monitoraggio stato avanzamento ordini, spedizioni. • Gestione resi e contestazioni. • Gestione documentazione per import ed export (fatturazione e certificati). • Organizzazione spedizioni e contatto con le dogane: preparazione e predisposizione della documentazione doganale e dei documenti di trasporto. • Partecipazione a fiere di settore ed eventi aziendali in Italia e all'estero. • Supporto all’area commerciale. Si richiede esperienza pregressa nella medesima mansione di almeno 3 anni; ottima conoscenza della LINGUA INGLESE e della LINGUA FRANCESE. Soft Skills • ottime capacità relazionali e comunicative; • problem solving; • gestione dello stress; • precisione e capacità analitiche; • capacità organizzative. ULTERIORI INFORMAZIONI Luogo di lavoro: Catania. Orario di lavoro: full time, dal lunedì al venerdì.
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Roma (Lazio)
Medical Division Service, leader nel settore dei servizi di assistenza domiciliare integrata cerca Logopedisti con P.Iva, per prestazioni da svolgere sul territorio di competenza della Asl Roma2, in particolare distretto 6 fermate metro C, ponte di nona castelverde. Le risorse si occuperanno dell`assistenza a domicilio del paziente e dovranno essere in grado di gestire in piena autonomia il lavoro e la relazione con il paziente e caregiver. Requisiti: -Laurea Triennale in in Logopedia -Iscrizione all'albo(TSRM) o domanda di iscrizione
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Roma (Lazio)
Medical Division Service, leader nel settore dei servizi di assistenza domiciliare integrata cerca Terapista Occupazionale con P.Iva, per prestazioni da svolgere sul territorio di competenza della Asl Roma2, in particolare distretto 7 (Tuscolana) e zone limitrofe. Le risorse si occuperanno dell`assistenza a domicilio del paziente e dovranno essere in grado di gestire in piena autonomia il lavoro e la relazione con il paziente e caregiver. Requisiti: -Laurea Triennale in in Terapia Occupazionale -Iscrizione all'albo(TSRM) o domanda di iscrizione Inquadramento proposto sarà con Contratto libero professionista con P.Iva.
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Frosinone (Lazio)
Medical Division Service, leader nel settore dei servizi di assistenza domiciliare integrata cerca logopedista con P.Iva, per prestazioni da svolgere sul territorio di Frosinone e zone limitrofe. Le risorse si occuperanno dell`assistenza a domicilio del paziente e dovranno essere in grado di gestire in piena autonomia il lavoro e la relazione con il paziente e caregiver.
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Frosinone (Lazio)
Medical Division Service, leader nel settore dei servizi di assistenza domiciliare integrata cerca fisioterapisti con P.Iva, per prestazioni da svolgere sul territorio di Frosinone e zone limitrofe. Le risorse si occuperanno dell`assistenza a domicilio del paziente e dovranno essere in grado di gestire in piena autonomia il lavoro e la relazione con il paziente e caregiver.
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Latina (Lazio)
Medical Division Service s.r.l., Ente accreditato ricerca urgentemente infermiere per servizio di assistenza domiciliare integrata. Il candidato deve essere in possesso della P.Iva e della laurea. le zone sono Latina: DISTRETTO 1: Aprilia, Cisterna, Cori, Roccamassima DISTRETTO 2: Latina, Pontinia, Norma, Sermoneta, Sabaudia DISTRETTO 3: Roccagorga, Sezze, Bassiano, Priverno, Maenza, Roccasecca, Prossedi, Sonnino DISTRETTO 4: Terracina, Fondi, Monte San Biagio, San Felice Circeo, Lenola, Campodimele, Sperlonga DISTRETTO 5: Formia, Gaeta, Itri, Minturno, Castelforte, Santi Cosma e Damiano, Spigno, Saturnia, Ponza, Ventotene. INVIARE CURRICULUM VITAE PER LA CANDIDATURA
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Roma (Lazio)
Medical Division Service, società che si occupa del servizio di assistenza domiciliare integrata accreditata dalla Regione Lazio, è alla ricerca di un/a Impiegato/a Amministrativo Contabile da inserire, presso la sede di Roma. La risorsa sarà inserita all'interno dell'ufficio amministrazione e contabilità. Requisiti richiesti: Laurea o diploma attinenti al ruolo da ricoprire gradita esperienza nella mansione disponibilità immediata lI curriculum inviato dovrà contenere l'autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi del Dlgs. 196/03. L'offerta di lavoro si intende riferita ad entrambi i sessi secondo il disposto delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91.
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Roma (Lazio)
Medical Division Service, società accreditata dalla Regione Lazio per servizio di assistenza domiciliare integrata ricerca medico con almeno 5 anni di esperienza in ADI. Il ruolo di medico coordinatore di struttura del servizio ADI prevederà un contratto di prestazione d'opera professionale nel territorio di Roma Nord
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Roma (Lazio)
Medical Division Service S.r.l., è alla ricerca di un infermiere/a professionale per assistenza domiciliare. Si offre contratto subordinato o contratto libero professionale p.Iva. ZONE LAVORATIVE: ROMA1-ROMA2-ZONA FROSINONE-ZONA LATINA Requisiti: - Laurea in Infermieristica e iscrizione all'Albo Professionale - Capacità di somministrare terapie e medicazioni - Capacità di prendere in carico globalmente il paziente: dalla pianificazione e gestione degli interventi di assistenza infermieristica fino al monitoraggio dello stato di salute del paziente e delle cure - Capacità di effettuare prelievi del sangue a domicilio Completano il profilo - Forte empatia e predisposizione al contatto umano - Riservatezza - Flessibilità oraria e disponibilità a lavorare su turni
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Medical Division Service S.r.l., è alla ricerca di un infermiere/a professionale per assistenza domiciliare. Si offre contratto subordinato o contratto libero professionale p.Iva. ZONE LAVORATIVE: ROMA1-ROMA2-ZONA FROSINONE-ZONA LATINA Requisiti: - Laurea in Infermieristica e iscrizione all'Albo Professionale - Capacità di somministrare terapie e medicazioni - Capacità di prendere in carico globalmente il paziente: dalla pianificazione e gestione degli interventi di assistenza infermieristica fino al monitoraggio dello stato di salute del paziente e delle cure - Capacità di effettuare prelievi del sangue a domicilio Completano il profilo - Forte empatia e predisposizione al contatto umano - Riservatezza - - Flessibilità oraria e disponibilità a lavorare su turni Inviare curriculum
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Roma (Lazio)
MDS - Medical Division Service è alla ricerca di una neuropsicomotricista da inserire urgentemente presso un paziente in zona Borghesiana, Valle Fiorita, per 2 volte a settimana, dalle ore 16 in poi. Inviare candidatura o chiamare al numero 327/3953994
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ABOUT WFP The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is the world's largest humanitarian agency, fighting hunger worldwide. WFP Technology Division (TEC, formerly known as IT) is the digital business engine of the World Food Programme, providing the business with multi-pronged and resilient technical capabilities able to respond with the agility required in humanitarian operations, be they manmade or in a natural disaster setting. TEC Division continues to increase its activities to meet the constantly growing demand from the organization and implement the initiatives related to digital transformation. ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT The Architecture branch (TECA) is seeking a Business Transformation Officer with a passion and vision for building quality technology solutions to support WFP operations. Reporting to the Chief of IT Architecture Branch of the Technology Division, the Business Transformation Officer will play an important role in transforming business objectives into a cohesive and effective WFP Digital Landscape. They will use their substantial technical knowledge, with a focus on technical solution architecture, to analyse business needs and build the blueprint of a modern digital foundation for WFP. Working with the Architecture Team, Solution Architects and other TEC units, the Business Transformation Officer will also be part of thought leadership activities and provide strategic and tactical advice to WFP business units. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES (not all-inclusive) - Develop and evolve WFP's digital platform strategy, aligned to and prioritized by business priorities; - Support the development of functional work plans, ensuring compliance with the digital platform strategy; - Continuously improve guidelines, processes and procedures to assist Business Relationship Management, Business Analysis and IT Project Management functions; - Participate in identifying business needs and propose well-researched ideas (by maintaining up-to-date knowledge of technology products) for new or improved systems and solutions that assist in meeting WFP objectives; - As a principal role in the TEC Product Journey, use evidence-based criteria to provide in-depth analysis of IT solutions: make key decisions (example: 'Buy before Build'), identify risks and prepare related documentation to support the design and delivery of digital solutions; - Seek out and establish collaboration mechanisms with all teams and branches of the Technology Division, and subject-matter experts from Business Units, to ensure WFP's digital landscape is effective, efficient, secure and robust; - Build and nurture relationships with the business counterparts to understand and anticipate the direction of the business and ensure alignment of solutions with changing business requirements and priorities; - Manage business expectations in servicing business needs and oversee success of solutions, seeking ongoing opportunities to support or increase the business value from those solutions; - Propose change and continuous improvements that supports business capabilities and keep WFP's digital landscape in good health by determining when existing solutions should be retired, rebuilt or transitioned to off-the-shelf solutions to ensure delivering value for business priorities; - Manage a team of staff and/or contractors (as applicable), providing coaching, training and guidance to ensure appropriate development and enable high performance. OTHER SPECIFIC JOB REQUIREMENTS - Broad, conceptual understanding of solution architecture trends with demonstrated proficiency of technologies, frameworks, and languages. - Excellent understanding of software and very strong technology knowledge covering Cloud, ERP (e.g. SAP/HANA) and web (e.g. Python/HTML/CSS/JavaScript). - Ability to work on different levels of abstractions; application frameworks, service-oriented architecture (SOA), microservices, cloud solutions, containers, networking & infrastructure, IAM/CIAM etc. - Deep understanding of modern API platform design, security practices, data architectures. - Technically curious with appetite to learn and master emerging technologies. - Communicate the alignment between business objectives, requirements and solution architecture to make it accessible, understandable and usable in support of decision-making by those involved, at various levels, in technological and architectural decision. DESIRED EXPERIENCE - At least five years' experience in designing and implementing platform architecture and cloud-native application development projects; - Experience working in organizations that apply: Agile, DevOps, Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), and Human-Centred Design (HCD); - Demonstrated experience in managing technology projects and supervision of team members; - Experience in transforming business trends into target architectures and new solution designs. INTERPERSONAL COMPETENCIES AND ATTRIBUTES - Building consensus, particularly in the face of competing design requirements; - Ability to influence / coach solution architects on modern evolutionary platform architecture principles and practices; - Well organized and detail oriented with strong judgement/decision-making skills; - Ability to effectively coordinate multiple responsibilities simultaneously; - Ability to plan and organize work and communicate effectively; - Ability to handle a large volume of work and to meet strict deadlines; - Ability to deal tactfully with people of different national and cultural backgrounds. STANDARD MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Education Advanced University degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics or Engineering or other related fields or First University Degree with additional years of related work experience and/or training/courses. Language - Fluency in oral and written English is essential. - Intermediate knowledge of another official UN language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish) or Portuguese (one of WFP's working languages). TERMS AND CONDITIONS Mobility is the essence of WFP and continues to be a core contractual requirement. These positions are rotational which means that you shall be subject to the regular reassignment process to any other location on a period of 2 to 4 years unless the position is reclassified as non-rotational. The selected candidate will be employed on a fixed-term as well as a rotational contract with a probationary period of one year. Depending on the duty station, the position may be eligible for Rest and Recuperation (R&R) scheme. WFP offers an attractive compensation and benefits package, including basic salary, post adjustment, relocation entitlement, travel and shipment allowances, 30 days' annual leave, home leave, an education grant for dependent children, pension plan and medical insurance. More details on https://icsc.un.org/ ________________________________________________________________________ This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. - When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support. This service is offered free of charge to Swiss nationals. Interested in a career with multilateral institutions? Read more: Working with the United Nations Working with International Financial Institutions For Swiss nationals ____________________________________________________________________________________
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Bologna (Emilia Romagna)
Knet HR is a leading Recruitment Consulting Company that operates at a National and International level with specific divisions: - Head Hunting division - Temporary Management Division - Top Manager division - Middle Management Division - Professional Studies Division Our company, authorized to operate by the Italian Ministry of Labor, does not administer personnel, therefore the employment relationship is directly regulated between the client company / firm and our candidate. FIELD TECHNICIAN Report to: GM Europe Purpose of the role: the purpose of the Field Technician is to support the commercial operations department to implement the activities associated with project execution, delivery and customer support post project completion. This should be completed to a high standard in line with contractual obligations and with a focus on customer satisfaction. The role is based in Northern Italy and the focus will be on assisting local Italian clients. In addition to this, some travel may be required to other European countries to provide installation and service support. Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities • Ensure projects are installed and delivered on time in accordance with Company Standards and with a focus on customer satisfaction • Inquisitive mind, able to troubleshoot and diagnose problems. Able to think proactively about how to resolve/mitigate any potential issues during product installation, commissioning and support. • Documentation of all key data required for gate/meter selection, product installation and commissioning as agreed/signed by customer and/or engineering firm Technical Skills · Willingness to perform aspects of masonry work subsequent to proper training · Able to understand engineering data and plans/drawings · Mechanical and electrical skills as pertaining to but not limited to: o Assembly and disassembly of product o Replacement, programming and support of RTU, instrumentation, solar power systems and motor drives o Replacement of gearboxes o Steel cable tensioning and replacement IT Knowledge · Ability and experience with PLC, SCADA and RTU systems as it pertains to but not limited to: · Data table adjustment/entry · Knowledge of I/O as it pertains to floating point registers and digital points · Communication protocol knowledge Other Skills/Knowledge · Basic understanding of electronics · Knowledge of the agricultural irrigation industry · Occupational health and safety · Knowledge of control theory is beneficial · Strong customer service skills Language Skills: fluent in Italian and strong in English; other languages are beneficial (Spanish, French, Romanian, Arabic) Skills and Qualifications: technical trade qualification; valid driving licence; 2 + years of experience Attribute: Demonstrated effective matrix skills (crosses geography’s and departments) Demonstrated ability to work with all stakeholders (internal/external) Results oriented, motivated, reliable and trustworthy working style Excellent interpersonal skills. Able to communicate with ease at different levels and with people in different locations Excellent written and verbal communication skills Business minded, logical, analytical, good strategist and implementer Well organized, quick thinker Able to work independently and as part of a team Employment type · Full-time · Permanent contract · Salary will be discussed with the selected candidate · Benefits: Company car, PC, mobile phone, company credit card, tools, etc Starting date expected: mid January 2021 Location: Mantova – Bologna – Reggio Emilia The selection is open at both sexes of Art. 1 L. 903/77 Maximum confidentiality is guaranteed KNET HUMAN RESOURCES SRL: AUTORIZZAZIONE MINISTERIALE A TEMPO INDETERMINATO Prot. 39/0003074 / MA004.A003
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Ferrara (Emilia Romagna)
Knet HR is a leading Recruitment Consulting Company that operates at a National and International level with specific divisions: - Head Hunting division - Temporary Management Division - Top Manager division - Middle Management Division - Professional Studies Division Our company, authorized to operate by the Italian Ministry of Labor, does not administer personnel, therefore the employment relationship is directly regulated between the client company / firm and our candidate. FIELD TECHNICIAN – ITALIAN PLANTS WATER TREATMENT - FERRARA Report to: GM Europe Purpose of the role: the purpose of the Field Technician is to support the commercial operations department to implement the activities associated with project execution, delivery and customer support post project completion. This should be completed to a high standard in line with contractual obligations and with a focus on customer satisfaction. The role is based in Northern Italy and the focus will be on assisting local Italian clients. In addition to this, some travel may be required to other European countries to provide installation and service support. Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities • Ensure projects are installed and delivered on time in accordance with Company Standards and with a focus on customer satisfaction • Inquisitive mind, able to troubleshoot and diagnose problems. Able to think proactively about how to resolve/mitigate any potential issues during product installation, commissioning and support. • Documentation of all key data required for gate/meter selection, product installation and commissioning as agreed/signed by customer and/or engineering firm Technical Skills · Willingness to perform aspects of masonry work subsequent to proper training · Able to understand engineering data and plans/drawings · Mechanical and electrical skills as pertaining to but not limited to: o Assembly and disassembly of product o Replacement, programming and support of RTU, instrumentation, solar power systems and motor drives o Replacement of gearboxes o Steel cable tensioning and replacement IT Knowledge · Ability and experience with PLC, SCADA and RTU systems as it pertains to but not limited to: · Data table adjustment/entry · Knowledge of I/O as it pertains to floating point registers and digital points · Communication protocol knowledge Other Skills/Knowledge · Basic understanding of electronics · Knowledge of the agricultural irrigation industry · Occupational health and safety · Knowledge of control theory is beneficial · Strong customer service skills Language Skills: fluent in Italian and strong in English; other languages are beneficial (Spanish, French, Romanian, Arabic) Skills and Qualifications: technical trade qualification; valid driving licence; 2 + years of experience Attribute: Demonstrated effective matrix skills (crosses geography’s and departments) Demonstrated ability to work with all stakeholders (internal/external) Results oriented, motivated, reliable and trustworthy working style Excellent interpersonal skills. Able to communicate with ease at different levels and with people in different locations Excellent written and verbal communication skills Business minded, logical, analytical, good strategist and implementer Well organized, quick thinker Able to work independently and as part of a team Employment type · Full-time · Permanent contract · Salary will be discussed with the selected candidate · Benefits: Company car, PC, mobile phone, company credit card, tools, etc Starting date expected: mid January 2021 Location: Zona CENTO - FERRARA The selection is open at both sexes of Art. 1 L. 903/77 Maximum confidentiality is guaranteed KNET HUMAN RESOURCES SRL: AUTORIZZAZIONE MINI
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Lucca (Toscana)
Knet HR is a leading Recruitment Consulting Company that operates at a National and International level with specific divisions: - Head Hunting division - Temporary Management Division - Top Manager division - Middle Management Division - Professional Studies Division Our company, authorized to operate by the Italian Ministry of Labor, does not administer personnel, therefore the employment relationship is directly regulated between the client company / firm and our candidate. FIELD TECHNICIAN – ITALIAN PLANTS WATER TREATMENT - LUCCA - TOSCANA Report to: GM Europe Purpose of the role: the purpose of the Field Technician is to support the commercial operations department to implement the activities associated with project execution, delivery and customer support post project completion. This should be completed to a high standard in line with contractual obligations and with a focus on customer satisfaction. The role is based in Northern Italy and the focus will be on assisting local Italian clients. In addition to this, some travel may be required to other European countries to provide installation and service support. Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities • Ensure projects are installed and delivered on time in accordance with Company Standards and with a focus on customer satisfaction • Inquisitive mind, able to troubleshoot and diagnose problems. Able to think proactively about how to resolve/mitigate any potential issues during product installation, commissioning and support. • Documentation of all key data required for gate/meter selection, product installation and commissioning as agreed/signed by customer and/or engineering firm Technical Skills · Willingness to perform aspects of masonry work subsequent to proper training · Able to understand engineering data and plans/drawings · Mechanical and electrical skills as pertaining to but not limited to: o Assembly and disassembly of product o Replacement, programming and support of RTU, instrumentation, solar power systems and motor drives o Replacement of gearboxes o Steel cable tensioning and replacement IT Knowledge · Ability and experience with PLC, SCADA and RTU systems as it pertains to but not limited to: · Data table adjustment/entry · Knowledge of I/O as it pertains to floating point registers and digital points · Communication protocol knowledge Other Skills/Knowledge · Basic understanding of electronics · Knowledge of the agricultural irrigation industry · Occupational health and safety · Knowledge of control theory is beneficial · Strong customer service skills Language Skills: fluent in Italian and strong in English; other languages are beneficial (Spanish, French, Romanian, Arabic) Skills and Qualifications: technical trade qualification; valid driving licence; 2 + years of experience Attribute: Demonstrated effective matrix skills (crosses geography’s and departments) Demonstrated ability to work with all stakeholders (internal/external) Results oriented, motivated, reliable and trustworthy working style Excellent interpersonal skills. Able to communicate with ease at different levels and with people in different locations Excellent written and verbal communication skills Business minded, logical, analytical, good strategist and implementer Well organized, quick thinker Able to work independently and as part of a team Employment type · Full-time · Permanent contract · Salary will be discussed with the selected candidate · Benefits: Company car, PC, mobile phone, company credit card, tools, etc Starting date expected: mid January 2021 Location: Zona LUCCA - TOSCANA The selection is open at both sexes of Art. 1 L. 903/77 Maximum confidentiality is guaranteed KNET HUMAN RESOURCES SRL: AUTORIZZAZIONE MINISTERIALE A TEMPO INDETERMINATO Prot. 39/0003074 / MA004.A003
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