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Mobile developer windows phone

Elenco delle migliori vendite mobile developer windows phone

  • telefono Custodia in pelle per smartphone
  • Compatibile con i seguenti modelli di cellulare / smartphone:
  • Di Apple iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5S
  • BlackBerry Z10
  • HTC Evo 3D, un mini / M4, Windows Phone 8X / Accord
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  • Nokia Lumia 710 - Smartphone touchscreen da 9,4 cm (3,7 pollici), fotocamera da 5 megapixel, Windows Phone Mango OS, colore: nero
  • Touch screen da 9,4 cm
  • Fotocamera da 5 Megapixel con zoom digitale 4x
  • Sistema operativo Windows Phone 7.5 Mango (nessun aggiornamento possibile su Windows Phone 8)
  • Memoria interna da 8 GB
  • Contenuto della confezione: cellulare, batteria, caricabatterie, auricolari, cavo dati, istruzioni brevi (lingua italiana
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  • Nokia Lumia 710 - Smartphone touchscreen da 9,4 cm (3,7 pollici), fotocamera da 5 megapixel, Windows Phone Mango OS, colore: Bianco
  • Touchscreen da 9,4 cm (3,7 pollici)
  • Fotocamera da 5 megapixel con zoom digitale 4x
  • Sistema operativo Windows Phone 7.5 Mango (nessun aggiornamento possibile su Windows Phone 8)
  • Memoria interna da 8 GB
  • Contenuto della confezione: cellulare, batteria, caricatore, auricolari, cavo dati, istruzioni brevi
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Roma (Lazio)
EgoValeo è una società che offre servizi di selezione (Autorizzata a TI prot. 39/0014503), formazione, coaching, consulenza in ambito risorse umane e ricollocazione professionale (Autorizzata a TI prot. 39/0014481). Per interessante realtà italiana, tra i maggiori player nel campo del mobile gaming, che produce videogiochi disponibili su piattaforme iOS, Android, Amazon e Windows Phone, stiamo selezionando un Backend Game Developer. La persona individuata verrà inserita nel team di sviluppo software e si occuperà dello sviluppo delle funzionalità di gioco. In particolare svolgerà attività di gestione, manutenzione e ampliamento dei servizi di back-end a supporto dei videogiochi, anche in ambito cloud. Il candidato ideale ha una buona conoscenza delle logiche di programmazione back-end, ed ha maturato esperienza nella programmazione ad oggetti, preferibilmente con linguaggio PHP o Java. Skills richieste: - Capacità di programmazione back-end - Programmazione ad oggetti - PHP - Java - Web services - MySQL - Apache - Linux - Javascript - Html - Conoscenze di base in ambito sistemistico e networking Saranno considerati requisiti preferenziali la capacità di progettazione architetturale e l’aver maturato esperienza in ambito Cloud e/o nella programmazione Mobile. Completano il profilo proattività, curiosità e passione per l’ambito videogames. Sede di lavoro: Roma Gli interessati (UOMINI e DONNE L.903/77) possono inviare un dettagliato curriculum vitae esprimendo il consenso al trattamento dei dati. EgoValeo, Titolare del trattamento, tratterà i dati elettronicamente al solo fine della ricerca e selezione del personale. Si invita ad omettere i dati particolari. I dati potranno essere comunicati alle aziende ns. clienti. Per prendere visione dell’informativa completa e dei propri diritti ai sensi del Regolamento UE 2016/679, visitare il sito web EgoValeo.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
La risorsa dovrà occuparsi di analisi, progettazione e sviluppo di applicazioni per iPhone e iPad in ambiente Xcode e LAMP, nonché di attività di help-desk tecnico a supporto dei clienti. Requisiti Il candidato ideale ha già sviluppato applicazioni su piattaforma iOS, possiede significativa esperienza in progettazione e sviluppo di applicazioni per iPhone e iPad, conosce in modo approfondito i sistemi Apple, l'ambiente di sviluppo Xcode e le API Cocoa Touch. In particolare, il processo di selezione valuterà i seguenti requisiti: - laurea in Ingegneria Informatica, Informatica o equivalente - 5+ anni di esperienza in sviluppo di applicazioni native per Apple iPad e iPhone - ottima conoscenza del linguaggio Objective-C 2.0, Swift, dell'ambiente IDE Xcode, delle API Cocoa Touch, CoreData e dei principali framework Cocoa - ottima padronanza di GIT per il controllo di versione e la condivisione del codice sorgente - ottime competenze in manipolazione grafica e realizzazione delle GUI Touch - esperienza con la piattaforma iTunes Connect ed i canali di distribuzione ufficiali (AppStore, TestFlight) - buona conoscenza della lingua inglese - ottime capacità di ascolto e relazione con i clienti - forte orientamento al risultato Informazioni aggiuntive La ricerca è orientata all'integrazione di una risorsa solida e stabile nell'organico aziendale, in grado di poter garantire disponibilità full-time in sede (no telelavoro, no part-time). La risorsa sarà collocata mediante regolare contratto CCNL Meltameccanica Industria con retribuzione commisurata all’esperienza, ticket restaurant e fondo salute integrativo. Si considerano preferenziali i seguenti requisiti: - competenze in ambiente LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) e servizi RESTful - esperienza con framework MVC per lo sviluppo Web - esperienza in sviluppo di applicazioni native su piattaforma Android e Windows Phone - partecipazione attiva in community di social coding e code sharing (ad es. github, stackoverflow) Le ricerche si intendono riferite a persone di entrambi i sessi (L. 903/77). Non saranno prese in considerazione candidature prive di autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali (D.Lgs 196/2003). E' fortemente consigliato corredare il Curriculum Vitae di una lettera di presentazione.
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Società leader nel settore Digital ricerca Front End Developer (Magento) con almeno 3 anni di esperienza nel ruolo di Sviluppatore Front End / Web Developer che opera in stretto contatto con UX Designer e Visual Designer per inserimento all’interno di importanti progetti di e-Commerce per aziende clienti nazionali e internazionali. Il candidato ideale è in possesso di capacità organizzative, buona attitudine al lavoro in team e alle relazioni esterne, ha predisposizione all’autoapprendimento ed ha capacità di proporre soluzioni e di lavorare in collaborazione con il proprio team. Attività da svolgere: Sviluppo di applicazioni web e mobile all'interno di un team di progetto; Realizzazione in autonomia delle attività assegnate; Manutenzione delle applicazioni sviluppate. Requisiti fondamentali: esperienza con piattaforme di e-Commerce quali Magento e simili; ottima padronanza delle tecnologie di programmazione web (HTML, CSS, Javascript); buona conoscenza di PHP. Requisiti preferenziali: conoscenza Magento 2; buona conoscenza di HTML5, CSS3 e principali framework (JQuery, Angular, React,...); conoscenza dei principi di usabilità ed interaction design; conoscenza della programmazione Object Oriented e dei suoi design patterns; conoscenza di basi di dati relazionali (SQL, HQL, XML) e non relazionali; conoscenza delle tecnologie di sviluppo mobile (Android, iOS, Windows) La sede di lavoro è a Milano in zona Stazione Centrale. Il presente annuncio si rivolge a candidati di ambo i sessi (L. 903/77). I candidati potranno inviare la propria candidatura rilasciando autorizzazione alla legge sulla Privacy (L. 196/2003) al trattamento dei dati personali. Si prega inviare dettagliato curriculum vitae, ai seguenti recapiti: AQUERO’ S.r.l s.u. Aut.Min.Def. 5742/2007 ricerca, selezione, formazione e consulenza del personale e-mail: selezione@aquero-research.it rif. Front End Magento www.aquero-research.it
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Italia (Tutte le città)
We are ZURU TECH ITALY, the Italian division of the multinational ZURU Company, and we're realizing something that has never been thought in the world of architecture, thanks to the potential of computer graphics. We want to make the design of houses and their direct manufacturing accessible to everyone through an architectural design software, with an astonishing graphical visualization and very simple to use. What we’re developing is the first BIM software able to realize real buildings! Brilliant inventions take shape from brilliant minds. We all believe our product is extraordinary so we’re looking for extraordinary people too. If you feel different from many other software developers, let’s consider what we’re looking for. Of course, you must be a C++ lover, because we need a proven experience in C ++ programming and analysis (4+ years). You like to solve complex problems through software engineering, preferably related to the implementation of three-dimensional geometries in a procedural way. You have a deep passion for geometry, maths and 3D graphics algorithms. You’re experienced in implementing Desktop softwares in C++ and you have strong analytical skills. If you consider yourself a fan of computer graphics, of course you know Unreal Engine4 and its extraordinary functions and possibilities. So we expect you have a strong knowledge about its using or the use of an equivalent graphics engine. We'd be glad to see any of yours experiments or personal projects, especially if developed for Windows and mobile devices. So send us a portfolio, we'd be keen to examine it. In our workplace the level of interaction and teamworking is very high, so we seek a lively and positive person, with excellent interpersonal skills, able to work with many people and different good professionals. In particular, in your future vision, you‘d like to lead a team, so you must be able to train a junior developer from the 6th working month, in order to start creating your team. At last we value a degree in Computer Engineering or Computer science and you speak and write english very well. What are you going to do? First of all you’ll be part of a team of brilliant engineers, with many different specialties: coding, graphics, artist, ui/ux design and machine learning. You’ll work in a funny and modern environment with outdoor team building activities like trekking and paintball, air-hockey and table tennis tournament. Starting from day one, you’ll be assigned to a team of our R&D department and you’ll be responsible of implementing graphic algorithms in C ++ and building software solutions for the automatic design of buildings and interior design. Thanks to your experience, you will be assigned challenging and interesting tasks. From the 6th working month you’ll start training a Junior Dev, creating your team. You’ll develop and deliver tasks according to Agile methods (Scrum) and you will suggest solutions and improvements about the system architecture with the Lead Software Architect. You’ll research current trends in emerging technologies and implement them. Interacting with the UI / UX team and collaborating with other offices (primarily India and China) to create our multiplatform software (Windows, iOS, MacOs, Android, VR). WE OFFER: level and contract period commensurate with the matured experience, combined with an individual career plan. We expect you’ll be a Team Leader in 6-12 months of work with us. Our compensation plan includes: - extra salary bonus; - time flexibility; - paid relocation for non-resident; - meal vouchers; - free espresso coffee and water; - participation in international congresses and conferences or festivals, related to your role and your training needs. WORKING CENTER: MODENA For further information, visit www.zuru.tech The research is addressed to both sexes (Legislative Decree No. 198/2006) and to people of all ages and all nationalities, pursuant to legislative decrees 215/03 and 216/03. Candidates interested and in possession of the requirements are invited to send their curriculum vitae, including the authorization to process personal data, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and to the art. 13 GDPR 679/16.
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Full Stack Developer – Multinazionale del Settore Manufatturiero Fino a €42,000 (A seconda dell'esperienza) – Provincia di Treviso (Smart Working Parziale) Leader del suo settore di riferimento, questa azienda multinazionale con sedi in svariati paesi è alla ricerca di un/a brillante Full Stack Developer in un'ottica di rafforzamento dell'organico per la sua sede in provincia di Treviso. Come Full Stack Developer, entrerai a far parte di una piccola ma dinamica squadra di esperti, responsabile per tutti i servizi digital dell'azienda (B2B e B2C), e grazie alle tue ottime capacità di sviluppo, ti focalizzerai sullo sviluppo Software per Web App, ma lavorerai anche all'interno dell'ambiente Cloud aziendale (Microsoft Azure). I tuoi compiti includeranno anche la gestione di migrazioni di dati e database su diverse piattaforme, oltre allo sviluppo di servizi per la gestione dei dati stessi e a convertire in efficienti ed innovativi progetti di sviluppo le richieste del parco clienti aziendale. Essendo poi l'azienda un ambiente internazionale, ti interfaccerai spesso con colleghi di diverse nazionalità con meeting di allineamento settimanali, quindi un buon livello d'Inglese sarà necessario (B2). Competenze ed Esperienze Necessarie: - Regressa esperienza di almeno 4 anni nello sviluppo Software, di Web App e/o di Mobile App. - Ottime competenze di sviluppo in Java, C# e Framework.NET. - Forti capacità nell'utilizzo di stack front-end quali HTML5, CSS3, JS, TS e AngularJs (idealmente). - Capacità di sviluppo sul lato server con SQL su SQL Server. - Esperienza di lavoro in ambiente Windows, Android e/o iOS. - Competenze ed esperienze regresse in ambienti Cloud Microsoft Azure saranno considerate un fortissimo plus. - Esperienza lavorativa con metodologia Agile. - Ottime capacità di problem solving e predisposizione al lavoro in team. - Forti capacità comunicative ed un buon livello di lingua inglese (B2). - Disponibilità a brevi e saltuarie trasferte all'estero. In cambio, entrerai all'interno di una realtà meritocratica, stabile e riconosciuta a livello internazionale, che ti offrirà l'occasione di crescere professionalmente e tecnologicamente grazie a fantastiche opportunità formative in e-learning. Entrerai a far parte di un team informale di esperti con un forte elemento di internazionalità e fantastiche prospettive per la tua carriera. Che aspetti?! Invia subito il tuo CV per ulteriori informazioni!
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TELEMATICA INFORMATICA è un'affermata realtà ICT che si propone come efficace ed innovativa azienda orientata alla realizzazione ed alla gestione di progetti software complessi. Negli anni l'azienda ha interpretato le esigenze di un mercato in continua evoluzione proponendosi come realtà strategica nell'analisi, progettazione e realizzazione di progetti in ambito gestionale, mobile, elettronico e telecomunicazioni. Ricerchiamo un ASPNET MICROSOFT DEVELOPER C# - SQL La persona dovrà avere maturato esperienza progettuale utilizzando le seguenti tecnologie: Linguaggi: Obbligatori: C#, SQL, Windows batch Opzionali: Javascript, typescript, Java, Unix bash, Swift Framework: Obbligatori: Dotnet framework, Linq, entity framework, aspnet Opzionali: react, redux, nodejs, structure map, log4net, lodash, express, dotnetcore, aspnetcore, cocoa Gradita la conoscenza di: Design patterns, programmazione ad oggetti, programmazione funzionale, metodologie agile, IOC, dependency injection Sede di lavoro MILANO Inizio attività compatibilmente con tempi di preavviso del candidato selezionato Ambiente lavorativo con buone possibilità di crescita La ricerca è rivolta a candidati di ambo i sessi (L.903/77) Inviare CV con autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali indicando l’informativa relativa D. Lgs. 196/03
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Italia (Tutte le città)
ZURU TECH ITALY, the Italian division of the multinational ZURU Company, specializing in the implementation of innovative software in the architectural field, researching full-time C ++ developers for the company's new Zuru Home Project“. Zuru Home Project’s software is a BIM app that uses the video game engine Unreal Engine 4. With this project the company intends to make the design of houses and their direct manufacturing accessible to everyone through an architectural design software very simple to use. The searched figure has the following requirements: - Proven experience in C ++ programming and analysis (2+ years); - Portfolio with applications developed in Windows / Mobile - Proven talent in solving complex problems through software engineering - In-depth knowledge of geometry and mathematics and 3D graphics algorithms - Good knowledge and use of the Unreal Engine 4 graphics engine - Excellent interpersonal skills and teamwork - Degree in Computer Engineering or Computer Science - Great English - spoken and written He/she will have the following responsibilities: - Implementation of graphic algorithms in C ++ - Building software solutions for automatic design of buildings, furniture, virtual reality, artificial intelligence - Collaboration with an international team to create multiplatform software (Windows, iOS, Android, VR, Hololens) - Interact with the UI / UX teams and the CAM team - Research current trends in emerging technologies and implement them. We offer: level and contract period commensurate with the matured experience. Recruitment purpose. WORKING CENTER: MODENA For further information, visit www.zuru.tech The research is addressed to both sexes (Legislative Decree No. 198/2006) and to people of all ages and all nationalities, pursuant to legislative decrees 215/03 and 216/03. Candidates intere-sted and in possession of the requirements are invited to send their curriculum vitae, including the authorization to process personal data, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and to the art. 13 GDPR 679/16.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
ZURU TECH ITALY, the Italian division of the multinational ZURU Company, specializing in the implementation of innovative software in the architectural field, researching a full-time LEAD C ++ DEVELOPER for the company's new Zuru Home Project“. Zuru Home Project’s software is a BIM multiplatform app that uses the video game engine Unreal Engine 4. With this project the company intends to make the design of houses and their direct manufacturing accessible to everyone through an architectural design software very simple to use. The searched figure has the following requirements: - Proven experience in C ++ programming and analysis (3+ years); - Experience in leading a team of at least 4+ resources - Experience in implementation of Agile working methods - Portfolio with applications developed in Windows / Mobile - Proven talent in solving complex problems through software engineering - In-depth knowledge of geometry and mathematics and 3D graphics algorithms - Good knowledge and use of the Unreal Engine 4 graphics engine - Excellent interpersonal skills and teamwork - Degree in Computer Engineering or Computer Science - Great English - spoken and written He/she will have the following responsibilities: - Leading a team of 5 junior/mid C++ Unreal Engine4 Developers - Reporting to the Head Architect of BIM & Scrum Master who manage the entire R&D team of Developers (15 resources at the moment) and to the CTO and CDO - Analysis and Implementation of graphic algorithms in C ++ - Suggesting and implementing building software solutions for automatic design of buildings, furniture, virtual reality, artificial intelligence - Supporting the Head Architect in cooperating with the Automation department located in Shenzhen and with the Web and On-line Services department located in Ahmedabad - Interact with the UI / UX team and 3D Artist team - Research current trends in emerging technologies and implement them. WE OFFER: level and contract period commensurate with the matured experience. Extra salary bonus. Free international congresses and conferences. Paid relocation for non-resident. A funny and positive working environment with young people, outdoor team building activities like trekking and paintball, game sessions with PS4 and NES Classic or analogue ones such as air-hockey, table tennis tournament and battles with Zuru X-shot. WORKING CENTER: MODENA For further information, visit www.zuru.tech The research is addressed to both sexes (Legislative Decree No. 198/2006) and to people of all ages and all nationalities, pursuant to legislative decrees 215/03 and 216/03. Candidates intere-sted and in possession of the requirements are invited to send their curriculum vitae, including the authorization to process personal data, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and to the art. 13 GDPR 679/16.
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
ZURU TECH ITALY, the Italian division of the multinational ZURU Company, specializing in the implementation of innovative software in the architectural field, researching a SENIOR C++ DEVELOPER for the company's new Zuru Home Project“. Zuru Home Project’s software is a BIM app that uses the video game engine Unreal Engine 4. With this project the company intends to make the design of houses and their direct manufacturing accessible to everyone through an architectural design software very simple to use. The searched figure has the following requirements: - Proven experience in C++ programming and analysis (3+ years); - Experience in implementing Desktop softwares in C++ and proven talent in solving complex problems through software engineering, preferably related to the implementation of three-dimensional geometries in a procedural way - In-depth knowledge of geometry, mathematics and 3D graphics algorithms - Strong analytical skills - Good knowledge and use of the Unreal Engine 4 graphics engine or similars (a portfolio with applications developed in Windows/ Mobile may be considered a plus) - Positive attitude and teamworking, passion for computer graphics - Degree in Computer Engineering or Computer Science - Great English - spoken and written - Aspiration to manage a team of developers, over the time He/she will have the following responsibilities: - Implementation of graphic algorithms in C ++ for the core software - Building software solutions for automatic design of structural elements and buildings - Developing and delivering tasks according to Agile methods (Scrum) - Suggest solutions and improvements about the architecture with the Lead Software Architect - remote co-working with the international teams (India and China) - Interact with the UI / UX Design Team - Research current trends in emerging technologies and implement them. WE OFFER: level and contract period commensurate with the matured experience. Our compensation plan includes: extra salary bonus; free international congresses and conferences; time flexibility; paid relocation for non-resident. Waiting for you is a funny and modern working environment with outdoor team building activities like trekking and paintball, game sessions with PS4 and NES Classic or analogue ones such as air-hockey, table tennis tournament and battles with Zuru X-shot. WORKING CENTER: MODENA For further information, visit www.zuru.tech The research is addressed to both sexes (Legislative Decree No. 198/2006) and to people of all ages and all nationalities, pursuant to legislative decrees 215/03 and 216/03. Candidates interested and in possession of the requirements are invited to send their curriculum vitae, including the authorization to process personal data, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and to the art. 13 GDPR 679/16.
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
We are ZURU TECH ITALY, the Italian division of the multinational ZURU Company, and we're realizing something that has never been thought in the world of architecture, thanks to the potential of computer graphics. We want to make the design of houses and their direct manufacturing accessible to everyone through an architectural design software, with an astonishing graphical visualization and very simple to use. What we’re developing is the first BIM software able to realize real buildings! Brilliant inventions take shape from brilliant minds. We all believe our product is extraordinary so we’re looking for extraordinary people too. If you feel different from many other software developers, let’s consider what we’re looking for. Of course, you must be a C++ lover and you have made a minimum experience in C ++ programming and analysis of 1+ year at least. You like to solve complex problems through software engineering in general, but what really makes the difference from many others is a passion for geometry, maths and 3D graphics algorithms. If you consider yourself a fan of computer graphics, of course you know Unreal Engine4 and its extraordinary functions and possibilities. So we expect you have a minum knowledge about it or equivalent graphics engine. Many of our best programmers started learning graphics engine by their own passion and amusement, so we'd be glad to see any of yours experiments or personal projects, especially if developed for Windows and mobile devices. So send us a portfolio, we'd be keen to examine it. In our workplace the level of interaction and teamworking is very high, so we seek for a lively and positive person, with excellent interpersonal skills, able to work with many people. At last we value a degree in Computer Engineering or Computer science and we’d like you speak and write english quite well. What are you going to do? First of all you’ll be part of a team of brilliant people, with many different specialties: coding, graphics, artist, ui/ux design and machine learning. You’ll work in a funny and modern environment with outdoor team building activities like trekking and paintball, game sessions with PS4 and NES Classic, air-hockey and table tennis tournament. Starting from day one, you’ll join our three-month long on-board training about the use of C++ for Unreal Engine, followed by an internal tutor, who will take care of you developing adequate skills to work on. At the end of the training, you’ll be able to develop your first mini-BIM ! Then you’ll join your coding team and, with a Lead supervisor, you’ll be responsible of implementing graphic algorithms in C ++ and building software solutions for the automatic design of buildings and interior design. You’ll research current trends in emerging technologies and implementing them. Interacting with the UI/UX team and collaborating with other offices (primarily India and China) to create our multiplatform software (Windows, iOS, MacOs, Android, VR). WE OFFER: level and contract period commensurate with the matured experience, combined with an individual career plan. Our compensation plan includes: extra salary bonus; time flexibility; paid relocation for non-resident; meal vouchers; free espresso coffee and water; participation in international congresses and conferences in the CG field. WORKING CENTER: MODENA The research is addressed to both sexes (Legislative Decree No. 198/2006) and to people of all ages and all nationalities, pursuant to legislative decrees 215/03 and 216/03. Candidates interested and in possession of the requirements are invited to send their curriculum vitae, including the authorization to process personal data, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and to the art. 13 GDPR 679/16. For further information, visit www.zuru.tech
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
We are ZURU TECH ITALY, the Italian division of the multinational ZURU Company, and we're realizing something that has never been thought in the world of architecture, thanks to the potential of computer graphics. We want to make the design of houses and their direct manufacturing accessible to everyone through an architectural design software, with an astonishing graphical visualization and very simple to use. What we’re developing is the first BIM software able to realize real buildings! Brilliant inventions take shape from brilliant minds. We all believe our product is extraordinary so we’re looking for extraordinary people too. If you feel different from many other software developers, let’s consider what we’re looking for. Of course, you must be a C++ lover, because we need a proven experience in C ++ programming and analysis (2+ years). You like to solve complex problems through software engineering in general, but what really makes the difference from many others is a passion for geometry and mathematics and 3D graphics algorithms. If you consider yourself a fan of computer graphics, of course you know Unreal Engine4 is and its extraordinary functions and possibilities. So we expect you have a good knowledge about its using or the use of an equivalent graphics engine. Many of our best programmers started learning graphics engine by their own passion and amusement, so we'd be glad to see any of yours experiments or personal projects, especially if developed for Windows and mobile devices. So send us a portfolio, we'd be keen to examine it. In our workplace the level of interaction and teamworking is very high, so we seek a lively and positive person, with excellent interpersonal skills, able to work with many young people. At last we value a degree in Computer Engineering or Computer science and you speak and write english quite well. What are you going to do? First of all you’ll be part of a team of brilliant engineers, with many different specialties: coding, graphics, artist, ui/ux design and machine learning. You’ll work in a funny and modern environment with outdoor team building activities like trekking and paintball, game sessions with PS4 and NES Classic, air-hockey and table tennis tournament. Starting from day one, you’ll be assigned to a team of our R&D department and you’ll be responsible of implementing graphic algorithms in C ++ and building software solutions for the automatic design of buildings and interior design. You’ll research current trends in emerging technologies and implement them. Interacting with the UI / UX team and collaborating with other offices (primarily India and China) to create our multiplatform software (Windows, iOS, MacOs, Android, VR). WE OFFER: level and contract period commensurate with the matured experience, combined with an individual career plan. We expect you’ll be a Senior dev in 2 years of work with us. Our compensation plan includes: - extra salary bonus; - time flexibility; - paid relocation for non-resident; - meal vouchers; - free espresso coffee and water; - participation in international congresses and conferences in the CG field. WORKING CENTER: MODENA The research is addressed to both sexes (Legislative Decree No. 198/2006) and to people of all ages and all nationalities, pursuant to legislative decrees 215/03 and 216/03. Candidates interested and in possession of the requirements are invited to send their curriculum vitae, including the authorization to process personal data, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and to the art. 13 GDPR 679/16. For further information, visit zuru.tech
Vista prodotto
Modena (Emilia Romagna)
We are ZURU TECH ITALY, the Italian division of the multinational ZURU Company, and we're realizing something that has never been thought in the world of architecture, thanks to the potential of computer graphics. We want to make the design of houses and their direct manufacturing accessible to everyone through an architectural design software, with an astonishing graphical visualization and very simple to use. What we’re developing is the first BIM software able to realize real buildings! Brilliant inventions take shape from brilliant minds. We all believe our product is extraordinary so we’re looking for extraordinary people too. If you feel different from many other software developers, let’s consider what we’re looking for. Of course, you must be a C++ lover, because we need a proven experience in C ++ programming and analysis (2+ years). You like to solve complex problems through software engineering in general, but what really makes the difference from many others is a passion for geometry and mathematics and 3D graphics algorithms. If you consider yourself a fan of computer graphics, of course you know Unreal Engine4 is and its extraordinary functions and possibilities. So we expect you have a good knowledge about its using or the use of an equivalent graphics engine. Many of our best programmers started learning graphics engine by their own passion and amusement, so we'd be glad to see any of yours experiments or personal projects, especially if developed for Windows and mobile devices. So send us a portfolio, we'd be keen to examine it. In our workplace the level of interaction and teamworking is very high, so we seek a lively and positive person, with excellent interpersonal skills, able to work with many young people. At last we value a degree in Computer Engineering or Computer science and you speak and write english quite well. What are you going to do? First of all you’ll be part of a team of brilliant engineers, with many different specialties: coding, graphics, artist, ui/ux design and machine learning. You’ll work in a funny and modern environment with outdoor team building activities like trekking and paintball, game sessions with PS4 and NES Classic, air-hockey and table tennis tournament. Starting from day one, you’ll be assigned to a team of our R&D department and you’ll be responsible of implementing graphic algorithms in C ++ and building software solutions for the automatic design of buildings and interior design. You’ll research current trends in emerging technologies and implement them. Interacting with the UI / UX team and collaborating with other offices (primarily India and China) to create our multiplatform software (Windows, iOS, MacOs, Android, VR). WE OFFER: level and contract period commensurate with the matured experience, combined with an individual career plan. We expect you’ll be a Senior dev in 2 years of work with us. Our compensation plan includes: - extra salary bonus; - time flexibility; - paid relocation for non-resident; - meal vouchers; - free espresso coffee and water; - participation in international congresses and conferences in the CG field. WORKING CENTER: MODENA For further information, visit www.zuru.tech The research is addressed to both sexes (Legislative Decree No. 198/2006) and to people of all ages and all nationalities, pursuant to legislative decrees 215/03 and 216/03. Candidates interested and in possession of the requirements are invited to send their curriculum vitae, including the authorization to process personal data, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and to the art. 13 GDPR 679/16.
Vista prodotto
Modena (Emilia Romagna)
We are ZURU TECH ITALY, the Italian division of the multinational ZURU Company, and we're realizing something that has never been thought in the world of architecture, thanks to the potential of computer graphics. We want to make the design of houses and their direct manufacturing accessible to everyone through an architectural design software, with an astonishing graphical visualization and very simple to use. What we’re developing is the first BIM software able to realize real buildings! Brilliant inventions take shape from brilliant minds. We all believe our product is extraordinary so we’re looking for extraordinary people too. If you feel different from many other software developers, let’s consider what we’re looking for. Of course, you must be a C++ lover and you have made a minimum experience in C ++ programming and analysis of 1+ year at least. You like to solve complex problems through software engineering in general, but what really makes the difference from many others is a passion for geometry, maths and 3D graphics algorithms. If you consider yourself a fan of computer graphics, of course you know Unreal Engine4 and its extraordinary functions and possibilities. So we expect you have a minum knowledge about it or equivalent graphics engine. Many of our best programmers started learning graphics engine by their own passion and amusement, so we'd be glad to see any of yours experiments or personal projects, especially if developed for Windows and mobile devices. So send us a portfolio, we'd be keen to examine it. In our workplace the level of interaction and teamworking is very high, so we seek for a lively and positive person, with excellent interpersonal skills, able to work with many people. At last we value a degree in Computer Engineering or Computer science and we’d like you speak and write english quite well. What are you going to do? First of all you’ll be part of a team of brilliant people, with many different specialties: coding, graphics, artist, ui/ux design and machine learning. You’ll work in a funny and modern environment with outdoor team building activities like trekking and paintball, game sessions with PS4 and NES Classic, air-hockey and table tennis tournament. Starting from day one, you’ll join our three-month long on-board training about the use of C++ for Unreal Engine, followed by an internal tutor, who will take care of you developing adequate skills to work on. At the end of the training, you’ll be able to develop your first mini-BIM ! Then you’ll join your coding team and, with a Lead supervisor, you’ll be responsible of implementing graphic algorithms in C ++ and building software solutions for the automatic design of buildings and interior design. You’ll research current trends in emerging technologies and implementing them. Interacting with the UI/UX team and collaborating with other offices (primarily India and China) to create our multiplatform software (Windows, iOS, MacOs, Android, VR). WE OFFER: level and contract period commensurate with the matured experience, combined with an individual career plan. Our compensation plan includes: - extra salary bonus; - time flexibility; - paid relocation for non-resident; - meal vouchers; free espresso coffee and water; - participation in international congresses and conferences in the CG field. WORKING CENTER: MODENA For further information, visit www.zuru.tech The research is addressed to both sexes (Legislative Decree No. 198/2006) and to people of all ages and all nationalities, pursuant to legislative decrees 215/03 and 216/03. Candidates interested and in possession of the requirements are invited to send their curriculum vitae, including the authorization to process personal data, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and to the art. 13 GDPR 679/16.
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
We are ZURU TECH ITALY, the Italian division of the multinational ZURU Company, and we're realizing something that has never been thought in the world of architecture, thanks to the potential of computer graphics. We want to make the design of houses and their direct manufacturing accessible to everyone through an architectural design software, with an astonishing graphical visualization and very simple to use. What we’re developing is the first BIM software able to realize real buildings! Brilliant inventions take shape from brilliant minds. We all believe our product is extraordinary so we’re looking for extraordinary people too. If you feel different from many other software developers, let’s consider what we’re looking for. Of course, you must be a C++ lover, because we need a proven experience in C ++ programming and analysis (2+ years). You like to solve complex problems through software engineering in general, but what really makes the difference from many others is a passion for geometry and mathematics and 3D graphics algorithms. If you consider yourself a fan of computer graphics, of course you know Unreal Engine4 is and its extraordinary functions and possibilities. So we expect you have a good knowledge about its using or the use of an equivalent graphics engine. Many of our best programmers started learning graphics engine by their own passion and amusement, so we'd be glad to see any of yours experiments or personal projects, especially if developed for Windows and mobile devices. So send us a portfolio, we'd be keen to examine it. In our workplace the level of interaction and teamworking is very high, so we seek a lively and positive person, with excellent interpersonal skills, able to work with many young people. At last we value a degree in Computer Engineering or Computer science and you speak and write english quite well. What are you going to do? First of all you’ll be part of a team of brilliant engineers, with many different specialties: coding, graphics, artist, ui/ux design and machine learning. You’ll work in a funny and modern environment with outdoor team building activities like trekking and paintball, game sessions with PS4 and NES Classic, air-hockey and table tennis tournament. Starting from day one, you’ll be assigned to a team of our R&D department and you’ll be responsible of implementing graphic algorithms in C ++ and building software solutions for the automatic design of buildings and interior design. You’ll research current trends in emerging technologies and implement them. Interacting with the UI / UX team and collaborating with other offices (primarily India and China) to create our multiplatform software (Windows, iOS, MacOs, Android, VR). WE OFFER: level and contract period commensurate with the matured experience, combined with an individual career plan. We expect you’ll be a Senior dev in 2 years of work with us. Our compensation plan includes: - extra salary bonus; - time flexibility; - paid relocation for non-resident; - meal vouchers; - free espresso coffee and water; - participation in international congresses and conferences in the CG field. WORKING CENTER: MODENA The research is addressed to both sexes (Legislative Decree No. 198/2006) and to people of all ages and all nationalities, pursuant to legislative decrees 215/03 and 216/03. Candidates interested and in possession of the requirements are invited to send their curriculum vitae, including the authorization to process personal data, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and to the art. 13 GDPR 679/16. For further information, visit www.zuru.tech
Vista prodotto
Milano (Lombardia)
Il nostro cliente Herzum, società di consulenza IT internazionale, tra i primi 10 Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner del mondo, specializzata in processi di Digital Transformation, ci ha incaricato di ricercare Full Stack Developer nell’ambito di progetti ad alto contenuto innovativo e tecnologico. La risorse, inserite all’interno del team, si occuperanno principalmente di progettazione, implementazione e manutenzione di soluzioni software in un ambiente internazionale stimolante e orientato al cliente. L’attività principale di lavoro sarà in Smart Working, la sede di riferimento sarà quella di Milano. Lavoreranno a stretto contatto con i clienti e colleghi tecnici (sistemisti, altri sviluppatori, Expert Atlassian,..) in un ambiente dinamico e interculturale. Si richiede: Conoscenza e utilizzo Java (5+ anni di esperienza) Conoscenza e utilizzo, HTML 5, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery, Ajax (3+ anni di esperienza) Conoscenza, design e utilizzo di RESTful API Conoscenza e utilizzo di Database (MySql, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle) Sistemi di Source Management (GIT preferito) e utilizzo di Continuous Integration (Jenkins preferito, Bamboo, Circle CI) Comprensione approfondita di uno o più strumenti ALM e Knowledge Management (JIRA/Confluence, TFS, IBM Rational, HP ALM, Rally) Background solido su sistema operativo Linux o Windows e delle relative tecnologie Ottime doti di analisi e comunicazione in lingua italiana e inglese Disponibilità a trasferte Consigliato/Plus: Esperienza con le metodologie Agile e Lean (Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, XP, ecc.) DevOps (Kubernetes, Docker, ecc.) Cloud computing (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure) Architetture basate su micro services Fullstack frameworks (Spring, Hibernate, JPA, AngularJS, Bootstrap) Sviluppo Mobile (Android, iOS) Si offre: Azienda solida, seria, in forte crescita Formazione, certificazioni Atlassian Inserimento Contratto indeterminato Commercio - RAL da definire Ottima opportunità di crescita Flessibilità e Sm
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