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Pompeo leoni

Elenco delle migliori vendite pompeo leoni

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    • Dimensioni: fare riferimento all'immagine per le dimensioni, materiale: polvere di pietra
    • Foo Dogs è anche chiamato fu dog, i leoni di Pechino, sono tradizionali guardiani cinesi. Foo Dog simboleggiato come potente guardiano mistico per proteggere una ricchezza familiare e uno status sociale. Nei tempi antichi, i Fu Dogs erano sempre messi di fronte a luoghi importanti come i templi e governo. Ora sono ancora usati per fare la guardia, come davanti a grandi proprietà, ristoranti, banche, hotel e negozi per allontanare l'energia maligna.
    • Posizionarlo a casa o in ufficio può portarti fortuna e prosperità, proteggere la tua casa e scongiurare la sfortuna.
    • Decorazione di statue Realizzato con materiali ecologici e sani, non preoccuparti di danneggiare la tua salute. Può posizionarlo in hotel, ufficio, casa, ecc.
    • puoi aggiungere un elemento di ispirazione a ogni spazio. La decorazione della scultura può aggiungere un senso di raffinatezza al tuo soggiorno, camera da letto, decorazione dell'ufficio, decorazione del giardino 。
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    • Leoni Randolfo Gourmet-Guanciale al Pepe c.a. 1.3 kg
    • Prodotto tipico laziale Specialita' gastronomica artigianale. Sapientemente speziata. Attenta stagionatura
    • trancio Pecorino Romano DOP FIORUCCI 0,500Kg
    • porzionato e confezionato sotto vuoto
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    Vendesi box Piazza Bibbena, 21 mq. € 27.000 trattabili. Molto spazioso, dimensioni pari a quelle di un box e 1/2. Chiamare solo se interessati, no perditempo. Codice di Riferimento Agenzia: 136554
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    Fondazione Prada. MM Lodi.Ufficio di rappresentanza mq 1.000 Porta Romana – Ortles - Fondazione Prada, fra Piazzale Lodi e il Polo Universitario. edificio direzionale ex opificio con presidio e guardiania. Ufficio (A/10) di mq 1.000 – lo spazio si sviluppa su un unico piano (il primo) ed ha un ingresso con reception e 1 di servizio (scala e montacarichi). È servito da ascensore e scala circolare. Stato interno: più che buono (ex ufficio di rappresentanza e laboratorio artigianale). Finiture: pavimenti tecnico galleggiante in linoleum e tatami grigio, riscaldamento centralizzato e condizionamento con distribuzione canalizzata a soffitto, con ricambio aria. 4 corpi servizi – ingresso ampio con porta comandata elettricamente. Non vi sono barriere architettoniche. Ampi volumi interni e luminosità grazie ai finestroni. Possibilità posti auto. APE: C – IPE 26,50 kwh/m3a
    15.000 €
    Vista prodotto
    Italia (Tutte le città)
    Buongiorno. Cerco un bilocale oppure ampio monolocale per mia figlia ed un'amica che verranno a studiare allo IED (v. Pompeo Leoni - zona V.le Isonzo) da ottobre prossimo. Contratto annuale da rinnovare per 3 anni. A.M.Mazza
    Vista prodotto
    Italia (Tutte le città)
    Mi chiamo Vanessa, a ottobre frequenterò la IED di moda, via Pompeo Leoni, cerco quindi dal mese di ottobre stanza singola (no doppia), fino al mese di giugno, possibilmente nei pressi della scuola, in appartamento condiviso con altre studentesse. Prezzo massimo 400/450 con incluse le spese.
    Vista prodotto
    Italia (Tutte le città)
    Cerco una camera singola in zona Ripamonti o comunque nelle vicinanze dello IED (via Pompeo Leoni 3), visto che verso fine settembre/primi di ottobre inizierò un nuovo percorso di studio presso il sopracitato istituto. Cerco una stanza luminosa, dai 15 ai 20 mq con un budget massimo di 600 euro, con spese e utenze incluse. Sono un ragazzo molto socievole e a cui piace interagire con i propri coetanei quindi mi piacerebbe condividere l'appartamento con coinquilini (preferibilmente studenti) di entrambi i sessi e di diverse nazionalità.
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    Milano (Lombardia)
    Cerco mono/bilocale arredato in zona vicino universitá bocconi, via pompeo leoni, o comunque nelle vicinanze, metratura indifferente, max 600/650 euro spese incluse, per qualsiasi informazione aggiuntiva non esitate a contattarmi
    650 €
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    Loft - showroom di 452 mq - vendita a reddito 6,5% Complesso immobiliare adibito a loft, uffici e residenze localizzato nell’area urbana circoscritta dal Quartiere Pompeo Leoni – Ripamonti - Spadolini. Non distante dall’Università Bocconi, Parco Ravizza, e la Fondazione Prada. Pietrasanta 12/14 è dotato di un ingresso presidiato da guardiania con aree a verde, parcheggio oltre un bar ristorante interno. In zona vi sono molte attività e servizi adiacenti fra cui l’ Esselunga. Il LOFT, avente categoria catastale «C/3», è in perfetto stato e occupa la porzione al piano terreno di 330 mqcirca e soppalco di 125 mq, di testa verso via Ripamonti, garantendo visibilità dalla strada. La location ha un quadruplo affaccio. È dotata di un giardino recintato antistante (85 mq) oltre un patio interno alla corte posteriore (45 mq). I volumi interni presentano un’altezza di 5,30 metri, soppalcati in parte. Due blocchi servizi. Finiture e dotazioni: riscaldamento centralizzato con pannelli radianti a pavimento, aria condizionata autonoma, pavimentazione in resina chiara, tapparelle oscuranti elettriche, serrande di sicurezza in ghisa, impianto antintrusione, cablaggio a parete. In aderenza al giardino sono ubicati i 10 posti auto di proprietà.
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    In VIA SAVONA n° 108 vicinissima all'Accademia di comunicazione, affittasi bellissimo bilocale / loft completamente arredato a nuovo e così composto: cucina abitabile, ampio soggiorno, zona notte soppalcata (con un letto matrimoniale e un letto singolo), balcone con affaccio su via Savona, e bagno finestrato con doccia e lavatrice. L'appartamento è dotato di IMPIANTO DI CONDIZIONAMENTO (freddo/caldo) e di RISCALDAMENTO AUTONOMO. Si presenta in OTTIMO STATO ed è stato recentemente oggetto di ristrutturazione. L'appartamento è completamente arredato a nuovo (cucina bianca moderna, piano cottura Smeg, cappa in acciaio e vetro, TV schermo piatto, condizionatore, internet). Prezzo affitto mensile 850 €. Spese condominiali solo 50 euro. Disponibile dal 10 Novembre. Contratto regolare, 2 mesi di cauzione. Appartamento sito al primo piano di un tipico contesto di ringhiera milanese e nel caratteristico quartiere del design, fulcro del Fuori Salone e sede del Super Studio, hub di eventi cool tutto l'anno, dalle sfilate della Fashion Week ai Food Festival. La zona è molto ben collegata e ricca di caffè, ristoranti, bar, supermercati, cinema e librerie, la fermata della MM verde di Porta Genova e il Naviglio Grande con i suoi ristoranti e locali alla moda distano meno di 20 minuti a piedi. DISTANZE > IULM Bus 91 - 15 minute commute, > UCSC (Università Cattolica) Tram 14 - 30 minuti > UNIVERSITÀ’ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Tram 14 - 35 minuti > NABA – DOMUS Bus 91 - 20 minuti > IED (Pompeo Leoni) Bus 91 - 25 minuti > MARANGONI Tram 14 - 40 minuti > Tram 14 direzione Duomo -Fermata di fronte alla strada principale > Bus 90 and 91 to Romolo M2, Lotto Fieramilanocity M1 -> Fermata di fronte alla strada principale
    850 €
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    In VIA SAVONA n° 108 vicinissima all'Accademia di comunicazione, affittasi bellissimo bilocale / loft completamente arredato e così composto: cucina abitabile, ampio soggiorno, zona notte soppalcata (con un letto matrimoniale e un letto singolo), balcone con affaccio su via Savona, e bagno finestrato con doccia e lavatrice. L'appartamento è dotato di IMPIANTO DI CONDIZIONAMENTO (freddo/caldo) e di RISCALDAMENTO AUTONOMO. Si presenta in OTTIMO STATO ed è stato recentemente oggetto di ristrutturazione. L'appartamento è completamente arredato a nuovo (cucina bianca moderna, piano cottura Smeg, cappa in acciaio e vetro, TV schermo piatto, internet). Prezzo affitto mensile 850 €. Spese condominiali solo 50 €. Riscaldamento autonomo. Disponibile dal 10 Novembre. Contratto regolare, 2 mesi di cauzione. Appartamento sito al primo piano di un tipico contesto di ringhiera milanese e nel caratteristico quartiere del design, fulcro del Fuori Salone e sede del Super Studio, hub di eventi cool tutto l'anno, dalle sfilate della Fashion Week ai Food Festival. La zona è molto ben collegata e ricca di caffè, ristoranti, bar, supermercati, cinema e librerie, la fermata della MM verde di Porta Genova e il Naviglio Grande con i suoi ristoranti e locali alla moda distano meno di 20 minuti a piedi. DISTANZE ???? BOCCONI Bus 91- 25 minuti ???? IULM Bus 91 - 15 minute commute, ???? UCSC (Università Cattolica) Tram 14 - 30 minuti ???? UNIVERSITÀ’ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Tram 14 - 35 minuti ???? NABA – DOMUS Bus 91 - 20 minuti ???? IED (Pompeo Leoni) Bus 91 - 25 minuti ???? MARANGONI Tram 14 - 40 minuti ???? Tram 14 direzione Duomo -Fermata di fronte alla strada principale ???? Bus 90 and 91 to Romolo M2, Lotto Fieramilanocity M1 -> Fermata di fronte alla strada principale
    850 €
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    A 500 mt. da MM3 Brenta (Viale Puglie) affittasi con contratto annuale a referenziati temporaneamente a Milano ottimo luminoso monolocale mq 35 arredato e corredato composto da soggiorno notte - balcone- cucinotto - ingresso e bagno– riscaldamento centralizzato – piano alto con ascensore – portiere- - riscaldamento centralizzato – no animali domestici € 620 mese comprese spese condominiali,riscaldamento e acqua (no utenze: luce, gas e Tari). Prego rispondere solo se in possesso dei requisiti richiesti onde evitare perdite di tempo. Mezzi di trasporto MM3 Brenta (comodo Statale)– Bus 84 (comodo IED Scesa)-93 (comodo Politecnico)- 90-91(comodo Bocconi- IULM/IED Pompeo Leoni) – Stazione FF.SS. Scalo Romana S9(comodo per Bicocca) Tel. 338 26 49 833 Roberto
    620 €
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    A 500 mt. da MM3 Brenta (Viale Puglie) affittasi con contratto annuale a referenziati temporaneamente a Milano ottimo luminoso monolocale mq 35 arredato e corredato composto da soggiorno notte - balcone- cucinotto - ingresso e bagno– riscaldamento centralizzato – piano alto con ascensore – portiere- - riscaldamento centralizzato – no animali domestici € 590 mese comprese spese condominiali,riscaldamento e acqua (no utenze:luce,gas e Tari). Prego rispondere solo se in possesso dei riquisiti richiesti onde evitare perdite di tempo. Mezzi di trasporto MM3 Brenta (comodo Statale)– Bus 84 (comodo IED Scesa)-93 (comodo Politecnico)- 90-91(comodo Bocconi- IULM/IED Pompeo Leoni) – Stazione FF.SS. Scalo Romana S9(comodo per Bicocca) Tel. 338 26 49 833 Roberto
    590 €
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    [ITA] Prenota online cliccando sotto la mappa su "link aggiuntivo". [ENG] Book online by clicking on "additional link" under the map. ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link che trovi alla fine della pagina (sotto la mappa) e clicca su “affitta subito”. Per prenotare una visita, segui il link che trovi alla fine della pagina (sotto la mappa) e clicca su “prenota una visita”. Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link at the end of the page (under the map) and click on "rent now". To book a visit, follow the link at the end of the page (under the map) and click on "book a visit". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* REboutique Milano for Buenos Aires 47 THE APARTMENT Conveniently located on the first floor in Corso Buenos Aires 47, the street with the highest concentration of clothing stores in Europe. Plenty of cafes, restaurants, bars, shops and bookstores keep the area always lively. INTERNAL CONDITIONS We invested in a full renovation and restyling of the flat. There are four rooms, a bathroom, eat-in kitchen with dishwasher, washing machine-dryer and wifi. Shared kitchen equipment provided. The building has an elevator and concierge available all day. DISTANCE POLIMI LEONARDO: 10 minutes (M2) or walk 18 minutes MARANGONI: 9 minutes (M1) or Walk 25 minutes UNIVERSITÀ’ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO 17 minutes (M1) or Walk 35 minutes UCSC (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) 19 minutes (M1) IED (Piranesi) 20 minutes (S1) IED (Via Sciesa) Metro M1 and Tram 9 - 21 minutes IED (Pompeo Leoni) Metro M3 and bus 91 - 34 minutes Metro M1 (Lima) to Duomo, Cadorna, Porta Venezia - 1 minute walk Metro M3 (Loreto) to Cadorna, S. Ambrogio, Central Station - 5 minute walk TAXI STAND AT YOUR DOORSTEP ROOM 1 - Brand new cozy room with all you need This cozy room offers a full size bed (120x200) a spacious desk and wardrobe. The room faces on the internal courtyard and is therefore not affected by the noise from the Corso. PRICE Monthly rent: €690 Monthly Utilities flat fee: €80 - including weekly cleaning of shared areas, internet, heating, water, and electricity. One shot Admin fee: €770+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning Fully refundable deposit: 3 months Minimum Stay: 3 months. Costi apertura contratto/Contract opening fees: One shot Admin fee: €770+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning Preavviso di disdetta/Notice of cancellation: 3 mesi/months.
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    [ITA] Prenota online cliccando sotto la mappa su "link aggiuntivo". [ENG] Book online by clicking on "additional link" under the map. ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link che trovi alla fine della pagina (sotto la mappa) e clicca su “affitta subito”. Per prenotare una visita, segui il link che trovi alla fine della pagina (sotto la mappa) e clicca su “prenota una visita”. Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link at the end of the page (under the map) and click on "rent now". To book a visit, follow the link at the end of the page (under the map) and click on "book a visit". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* REboutique Milano for VIA ANDREA COSTA 1 Students only - no couples allowed THE APARTMENT Conveniently located on the second floor in Via Andrea Costa 1, in the major street Corso Buenos Aires, which features the highest concentration of clothing stores in Europe. Plenty of cafes, restaurants, bars, shops and bookstores keep the area always lively. INTERNAL CONDITIONS We invested in a full renovation and restyling of the flat. There are four rooms, a bathroom, eat-in kitchen with dishwasher, washing machine, shared dining area, wifi and AIR CONDITIONING. Shared kitchen equipment provided. The building has an elevator and concierge available all day. DISTANCE POLIMI LEONARDO M2 - 6 minutes MARANGONI Metro M1 - 10 minutes UNIVERSIT DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Metro M1 - 12 minutes UCSC (Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) Metro M2 - 18 minutes BOCCONI Metro M1 and Tram 15 - 28 minutes IED (Via Sciesa) Metro M1 and Tram 9 - 19 minutes IED (Pompeo Leoni) Metro M3 and bus 91 - 34 minutes NABA - DOMUS Metro M2 - 27 minutes Milano Centrale - 6 minutes Metro M1 (Loreto) to Duomo, Cadorna, Porta Venezia - 1 minute walking THE ROOM: ROOM 4 This huge room features a big window with a view on the yard. Furniture includes a full size bed (120x200cm), a chest of drawers, bedside table and a desk with drawer, chair and bin. A set of towels, linen and duvet is provided upon check in. PRICE Monthly rent: € 790 Monthly Utilities flat fee: € 80 - including weekly cleaning of shared areas, internet, heating, water, and electricity. One shot Admin fee: € 870+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning Fully refundable deposit: 3 months Minimum Stay: 3 months. THE HOST REboutique is a company that keeps constant contact with the tenants and fosters networking among tenants of all the properties and offers constant support during their stay in Milano. For more info, check out our (hidden) page [prop_ref=1] Costi apertura contratto/Contract opening fees: One shot Admin fee: € 870+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning + a set of linen and towels Preavviso di disdetta/Notice of cancellation: 3 mesi/months.
    790 €
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    [ITA] Prenota online cliccando sotto la mappa su "link aggiuntivo". [ENG] Book online by clicking on "additional link" under the map. ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link che trovi alla fine della pagina (sotto la mappa) e clicca su “affitta subito”. Per prenotare una visita, segui il link che trovi alla fine della pagina (sotto la mappa) e clicca su “prenota una visita”. Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link at the end of the page (under the map) and click on "rent now". To book a visit, follow the link at the end of the page (under the map) and click on "book a visit". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* REboutique Milano for VIA ANDREA COSTA 1 Students only - no couples allowed THE APARTMENT Conveniently located on the second floor in Via Andrea Costa 1, in the major street Corso Buenos Aires, which features the highest concentration of clothing stores in Europe. Plenty of cafes, restaurants, bars, shops and bookstores keep the area always lively. INTERNAL CONDITIONS We invested in a full renovation and restyling of the flat. There are four rooms, a bathroom, eat-in kitchen with dishwasher, washing machine, shared dining area, wifi and AIR CONDITIONING. Shared kitchen equipment provided. The building has an elevator and concierge available all day. DISTANCE POLIMI LEONARDO M2 - 6 minutes MARANGONI Metro M1 - 10 minutes UNIVERSIT DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Metro M1 - 12 minutes UCSC (Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) Metro M2 - 18 minutes BOCCONI Metro M1 and Tram 15 - 28 minutes IED (Via Sciesa) Metro M1 and Tram 9 - 19 minutes IED (Pompeo Leoni) Metro M3 and bus 91 - 34 minutes NABA - DOMUS Metro M2 - 27 minutes Milano Centrale - 6 minutes Metro M1 (Loreto) to Duomo, Cadorna, Porta Venezia - 1 minute walking THE ROOM: This lovely room features a huge window with balcony and view of Loreto. Furniture includes a single bed, a chest of drawers, bedside table and a desk with drawer, chair and bin. A set of towels, linen and duvet is provided upon check in. PRICE Monthly rent: € 690 Monthly Utilities flat fee: € 80 - including weekly cleaning of shared areas, internet, heating, water, and electricity. One shot Admin fee: € 770+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning + a set of linen and towels Fully refundable deposit: 3 months Minimum Stay: 3 months. THE HOST REboutique is a company that keeps constant contact with the tenants and fosters networking among tenants of all the properties and offers constant support during their stay in Milano. For more info, check out our (hidden) page [prop_ref=1] Costi apertura contratto/Contract opening fees: One shot Admin fee: € 770+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning + a set of linen and towels Preavviso di disdetta/Notice of cancellation: 3 mesi/months.
    690 €
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    [ITA] Prenota online cliccando sotto la mappa su "link aggiuntivo". [ENG] Book online by clicking on "additional link" under the map. ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link che trovi alla fine della pagina (sotto la mappa) e clicca su “affitta subito”. Per prenotare una visita, segui il link che trovi alla fine della pagina (sotto la mappa) e clicca su “prenota una visita”. Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link at the end of the page (under the map) and click on "rent now". To book a visit, follow the link at the end of the page (under the map) and click on "book a visit". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* REboutique Milano for VIA ANDREA COSTA 1 Students only - no couples allowed THE APARTMENT Conveniently located on the second floor in Via Andrea Costa 1, in the major street Corso Buenos Aires, which features the highest concentration of clothing stores in Europe. Plenty of cafes, restaurants, bars, shops and bookstores keep the area always lively. INTERNAL CONDITIONS We invested in a full renovation and restyling of the flat. There are four rooms, a bathroom, eat-in kitchen with dishwasher, washing machine, shared dining area, wifi and AIR CONDITIONING. Shared kitchen equipment provided. The building has an elevator and concierge available all day. DISTANCE POLIMI LEONARDO M2 - 6 minutes MARANGONI Metro M1 - 10 minutes UNIVERSIT DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Metro M1 - 12 minutes UCSC (Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) Metro M2 - 18 minutes BOCCONI Metro M1 and Tram 15 - 28 minutes IED (Via Sciesa) Metro M1 and Tram 9 - 19 minutes IED (Pompeo Leoni) Metro M3 and bus 91 - 34 minutes NABA - DOMUS Metro M2 - 27 minutes Milano Centrale - 6 minutes Metro M1 (Loreto) to Duomo, Cadorna, Porta Venezia - 1 minute walking THE ROOM: This lovely room features a huge window with balcony and view of Loreto. Furniture includes a single bed, a chest of drawers, bedside table and a desk with drawer, chair and bin. A set of towels, linen and duvet is provided upon check in. PRICE Monthly rent: € 690 Monthly Utilities flat fee: € 80 - including weekly cleaning of shared areas, internet, heating, water, and electricity. One shot Admin fee: € 770+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning Fully refundable deposit: 3 months Minimum Stay: 3 months. THE HOST REboutique is a company that keeps constant contact with the tenants and fosters networking among tenants of all the properties and offers constant support during their stay in Milano. For more info, check out our (hidden) page [prop_ref=1] Costi apertura contratto/Contract opening fees: One shot Admin fee: € 770+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning + a set of linen and towels.
    690 €
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    Buongiorno, drvo frequentare il primo anno allo Ied in Via Pompeo Leoni Milano, cerco urgente stanza singola o in comune o monolocale in affitto. GRAZIE
    400 €
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    [ITA] Appartamento in Corso Venezia, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 17/08/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/89017 [ENG] Apartment in Corso Venezia, Milano, Italy Available from: 17/08/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/89017 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 3 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: 18 - 30 Costi apertura contratto: One shot Admin fee: € 2250+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning Costi chiusura contratto: Minimum months rental: 3 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: 18 - 30 Contract opening fees: One shot Admin fee: € 2250+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning Contract closure fees: ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l’inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi evitare la visita e prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su affitta subito. Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can avoid the viewing and book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on rent now. If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* THE APARTMENT Conveniently located on the fourth floor in Corso Venezia 6, one of the most elegant and central streets in Milan. It is one of the famous four streets framing the Quadrilatero Della Moda, and it connects Piazza San Babila to Corso Buenos Aires. Perfectly connected thanks to Metro Line 1 and bus 94. INTERNAL CONDITIONS We invested in a complete renovation and restyling of the apartment. This is a studio apartment with: - a sofa bed - a kitchenette with dishwasher and kitchen equipment - a separate bathroom with washing machine/dryer - wi-fi - a spacious walk-in closet - air conditioning The building has an elevator and concierge available all day. DISTANCE - MARANGONI: 5 minutes walk - UNIVERSITÃ?’ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO: 10 minutes walk - IED (Via Sciesa) Bus 84: 14 minutes - UCSC (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore): 16 minutes (M1) - IED (Piranesi): 20 minutes - POLIMI LEONARDO: 22 minutes (M2&M1) - IED (Pompeo Leoni) bus 91and Metro M3/ M1: 22 minutes - Metro M1 (San Babila) to Duomo, Cadorna, Porta Venezia: 1 minute walk - Metro M3 (Loreto) to Cadorna, S. Ambrogio, Central Station: 9 minutes by M1 One shot admin fee includes: VAT, contract registration, third party insurance, linen and towel package, room initial and final cleaning, garbage tax. Monthly utilities (paid in advance every month) include heating, electricity, water, internet and weekly cleaning of shared spaces. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Within 48 hours from the acceptance of your booking on the platform, the admin fee will be due directly to the landlord to confirm the booking. If the landlord doesn't receive the Admin fee within 48 hours, the booking will not be confirmed and the landlord is free to cancel it. The security deposit must be paid prior to check-in according to the Landlord's instructions and is 100% refundable in the event of cancellation of the booking and/or at the end of the stay upon release of the rented accommodation without damage. Zona: Milano Superficie: 29 mq Agenzia: Roomless Rent Telefono: 0559970061
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    [ITA] Appartamento in Via Andrea Costa, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 15/07/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/17567 [ENG] Apartment in Via Andrea Costa, Milano, Italy Available from: 15/07/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/17567 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 3 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: 18 - 30 Costi apertura contratto: One shot Admin fee: â?¬ 1208+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning Costi chiusura contratto: Minimum months rental: 3 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: 18 - 30 Contract opening fees: One shot Admin fee: â?¬ 1208+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning Contract closure fees: ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per lâ??inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi evitare la visita e prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su affitta subito. Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can avoid the viewing and book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on rent now. If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* THE APARTMENT Conveniently located on the second floor in Via Andrea Costa 1, in the major street â??Corso Buenos Airesâ?, which features the highest concentration of clothing stores in Europe. Plenty of cafes, restaurants, bars, shops and bookstores keep the area always lively. INTERNAL CONDITIONS The apartment consists of: - 4 rooms - a bathroom - an eat-in kitchen with dishwasher and kitchen equipment - a washing machine - a shared dining area - wifi - air conditioning The building has an elevator and concierge available all day. DISTANCE - POLIMI LEONARDO M2: 6 minutes - MARANGONI Metro M1: 10 minutes - UNIVERSITÃ?â?? DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Metro M1: 12 minutes - UCSC (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) Metro M2: 18 minutes - BOCCONI Metro M1 and Tram 15: 28 minutes - IED (Via Sciesa) Metro M1 and Tram 9: 19 minutes - IED (Pompeo Leoni) Metro M3 and bus 91: 34 minutes - NABA - DOMUS Metro M2: 27 minutes - Milano Centrale: 6 minutes - Metro M1 (Loreto) to Duomo, Cadorna, Porta Venezia: 1 minute walking ROOM 1 - Bright room with balcony This lovely room features a huge window with a balcony and a view of Loreto. Furniture includes a single bed, a chest of drawers, a bedside table and a desk with a drawer, chair and bin. A set of towels, linen and duvet is provided upon check in. One shot admin fee including VAT, contract registration, third party insurance, linen and towel package, room initial and final cleaning, garbage tax) Monthly utilities (paid in advance every month) include heating, electricity, water, internet and weekly cleaning of shared spaces. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Within 48 hours from the acceptance of your booking on the platform, the admin fee will be due directly to the landlord to confirm the booking. If the landlord doesn't receive the Admin fee within 48 hours, the booking will not be confirmed and the landlord is free to cancel it. The security deposit must be paid prior to check-in according to the Landlord's instructions and is 100% refundable in the event of cancellation of the booking and/or at the end of the stay upon release of the rented accommodation without damage. Zona: Milano Superficie: 11 mq Numero di stanze: 4 Agenzia: Roomless Rent Telefono: 0559970063
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    [ITA] Appartamento in Via Don Bosco, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 02/08/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/96043 [ENG] Apartment in Via Don Bosco, Milano, Italy Available from: 02/08/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/96043 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 3 Età accettata: 18 - 30 Costi chiusura contratto: One shot Admin fee: � 1317,6 - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning, VAT Minimum months rental: 3 Accepted age: 18 - 30 Contract closure fees: One shot Admin fee: � 1317,6 - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning, VAT ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su "affitta subito". Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* Conveniently located on the third floor (no elevator) of 27 Via Don Bosco, in the up and coming area surrounding Fondazione Prada, very much alive thanks to the presence of cafes, restaurants, bars, supermarkets and bookstores. Perfectly connected thanks to the Metro Line 3 and bus 90-91. INTERNAL CONDITIONS The apartment consists of: - 2 bedrooms - 1 bathroom - a separate laundry area with washer/dryer - an eat-in kitchen with dishwasher and kitchen equipment - wi-fi - air conditioning DISTANCE - MARANGONI Metro line 3 to Duomo: 12 minutes - NABA/DOMUS Bus 90: 20 minutes - BOCCONI Bus 90: 15 minutes - IULM Bus 90: 35 minutes - IED (Pompeo Leoni) Bus 90: 10 minutes - IED (Sciesa) Bus 92: 25 minutes - POLIMI PIAZZA LEONARDO Bus 91: 35 minutes - Metro line 3 to, Duomo, Montenapoleone, Central Station: 5 minute walk - Bus -90-91 to Bocconi, Polimi Leonardo: 2 minutes walk ROOM 1 Twin room for double use The room features a triple closet with two sets of drawers, two single beds with a night table and two desks with drawers and chairs. A set of towels, linen and duvet is provided upon check in. One shot admin fee includes: VAT, contract registration, third party insurance, linen and towel package, room initial and final cleaning, garbage tax. Monthly utilities (paid in advance every month) include heating, electricity, water, internet and weekly cleaning of shared spaces. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Within 48 hours from the acceptance of your booking on the platform, the admin fee will be due directly to the landlord to confirm the booking. If the landlord doesn't receive the Admin fee within 48 hours, the booking will not be confirmed and the landlord is free to cancel it. The security deposit must be paid prior to check-in according to the Landlord's instructions and is 100% refundable in the event of cancellation of the booking and/or at the end of the stay upon release of the rented accommodation without damage. Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you! Zona: Milano Superficie: 17 mq Numero di stanze: 2 Agenzia: Roomless Rent Telefono: 0559970063
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    [ITA] Appartamento in Viale Tibaldi, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 02/08/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/79476 [ENG] Apartment in Viale Tibaldi, Milano, Italy Available from: 02/08/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/79476 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 3 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: 18 - 30 Costi apertura contratto: One-shot Admin fee: â?¬ 1330 + VAT- Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning, and bedding and towel kit. Minimum months rental: 3 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: 18 - 30 Contract opening fees: One-shot Admin fee: â?¬ 1330 + VAT- Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning, and bedding and towel kit. ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su "affitta subito". Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* THE APARTMENT Conveniently located on the forth floor in Viale Tibaldi 56, walking distance to Bocconi University, IED University and Navigli. The area offers plenty of options for cafes, restaurants, bars, supermarkets and bookstores. Perfectly connected thanks to the metro line MM3 and tram. INTERNAL CONDITIONS We invested in a full renovation and restyling of the apartment. The apartment consists of: - 6 rooms - 2 bathrooms - an eat-in kitchen with dishwasher and kitchen equipment - a dryer and washing machine - a shared dining area - wifi - air conditioning The building has an elevator and concierge available all day. DISTANCE - BOCCONI: 9 minutes walking distance - IED (Pompeo Leoni): 11 minutes walking distance - NABA - DOMUS Bus 59: 9 minutes - IULM Bus 91: 10 minutes - SUMAS Bus 91: 19 minutes - UNIVERSITÃ?â?? DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Tram 15: 24 minutes - MM3 Lodi Tibb Bus 91: 18 minutes - Tram lines 9, 24, 16: 5 minutes walking distance - Navigli Bus 91: 18 minutes - Duomo Tram 15: 18 minutes ROOM 1 - Spacious room walking distance to Bocconi This lovely room features a big window. Furniture includes a single bed, a chest of drawers, a bedside table and a desk with a drawer. A set of towels, linen and duvet is provided upon check in One shot admin fee includes: VAT, contract registration, third party insurance, linen and towel package, room initial and final cleaning, garbage tax. Monthly utilities (paid in advance every month) include heating, electricity, water, internet and weekly cleaning of shared spaces. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Within 48 hours from the acceptance of your booking on the platform, the admin fee will be due directly to the landlord to confirm the booking. If the landlord doesn't receive the Admin fee within 48 hours, the booking will not be confirmed and the landlord is free to cancel it. The security deposit must be paid prior to check-in according to the Landlord's instructions and is 100% refundable in the event of cancellation of the booking and/or at the end of the stay upon release of the rented accommodation without damage. Zona: Milano Superficie: 11 mq Numero di stanze: 6 Agenzia: Roomless Rent Telefono: 0559970063
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    [ITA] Appartamento in Via Leopoldo Cicognara, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 02/08/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/24799 [ENG] Apartment in Via Leopoldo Cicognara, Milano, Italy Available from: 02/08/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/24799 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 3 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: 18 - 30 Costi apertura contratto: One shot Admin fee: â?¬ 1268+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning Minimum months rental: 3 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: 18 - 30 Contract opening fees: One shot Admin fee: â?¬ 1268+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su "affitta subito". Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* THE APARTMENT Conveniently located on the fifth floor in Via Cicognara 2, within walking distance to IED University, Politecnico and a short commute to Marangoni and UniMI. The area offers plenty of options for cafes, restaurants, bars, supermarkets and bookstores. INTERNAL CONDITIONS The apartment consists of: - 6 bedrooms - 2 bathrooms - an eat-in kitchen with a dishwasher and kitchen equipment - a washing machine - wifi The building has an elevator and concierge available all day. DISTANCE - POLIMI LEONARDO Bus (hidden): 15 minutes walking distance - IED (Pompeo Leoni) Bus 92: 20 minutes - IED (Via Sciesa) Bus 60: 15 minutes - MARANGONI: 20 minutes walking distance - BOCCONI Bus 92/90: 30 minutes - NABA - DOMUS Bus 92/90: 40 minutes - UNIVERSITÃ?â?? DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO: 30 minutes walking distance - Bus 91/92/54: 2 minutes walking distance - Metro Piola M2: 20 minutes walking distance or 12 minutes with the Bus 91 - Metro Lima M1: 20 minutes - Train station Dateo: 2 minutes walking distance ROOM 4 - Furnished bright room This lovely room features a big, bright window. Furniture includes a full-size bed (120x200), a wardrobe with drawers, a bedside table and a desk with a chair and bin. A set of towels, linen and duvet is provided upon check in. One shot admin fee includes: VAT, contract registration, third party insurance, linen and towel package, room initial and final cleaning, garbage tax. Monthly utilities (paid in advance every month) include heating, electricity, water, internet and weekly cleaning of shared spaces. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Within 48 hours from the acceptance of your booking on the platform, the admin fee will be due directly to the landlord to confirm the booking. If the landlord doesn't receive the Admin fee within 48 hours, the booking will not be confirmed and the landlord is free to cancel it. The security deposit must be paid prior to check-in according to the Landlord's instructions and is 100% refundable in the event of cancellation of the booking and/or at the end of the stay upon release of the rented accommodation without damage. Zona: Milano Superficie: 14 mq Numero di stanze: 6 Agenzia: Roomless Rent Telefono: 0559970063
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    [ITA] Appartamento in Via Don Bosco, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 02/08/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/96045 [ENG] Apartment in Via Don Bosco, Milano, Italy Available from: 02/08/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/96045 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 3 Età accettata: 18 - 30 Costi apertura contratto: One shot Admin fee: � 1024,80 - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning, VAT Minimum months rental: 3 Accepted age: 18 - 30 Contract opening fees: One shot Admin fee: � 1024,80 - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning, VAT ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su "affitta subito". Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* Conveniently located on the third floor (no elevator) of 27 Via Don Bosco, in the up and coming area surrounding Fondazione Prada, very much alive thanks to the presence of cafes, restaurants, bars, supermarkets and bookstores. Perfectly connected thanks to the Metro Line 3 and bus 90-91. INTERNAL CONDITIONS The apartment consists of: - 2 bedrooms - 1 bathroom - a separate laundry area with washer/dryer - an eat-in kitchen with dishwasher and kitchen equipment - wi-fi - air conditioning DISTANCE - MARANGONI Metro line 3 to Duomo: 12 minutes - NABA/DOMUS Bus 90: 20 minutes - BOCCONI Bus 90: 15 minutes - IULM Bus 90: 35 minutes - IED (Pompeo Leoni) Bus 90: 10 minutes - IED (Sciesa) Bus 92: 25 minutes - POLIMI PIAZZA LEONARDO Bus 91: 35 minutes - Metro line 3 to, Duomo, Montenapoleone, Central Station: 5 minute walk - Bus -90-91 to Bocconi, Polimi Leonardo: 2 minutes walk ROOM 2 The room features a triple closet with two sets of drawers, one single bed (120 m) with a night table, a desk with drawers and chair. A set of towels, linen and duvet is provided upon check in. One shot admin fee includes: VAT, contract registration, third party insurance, linen and towel package, room initial and final cleaning, garbage tax. Monthly utilities (paid in advance every month) include heating, electricity, water, internet and weekly cleaning of shared spaces. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Within 48 hours from the acceptance of your booking on the platform, the admin fee will be due directly to the landlord to confirm the booking. If the landlord doesn't receive the Admin fee within 48 hours, the booking will not be confirmed and the landlord is free to cancel it. The security deposit must be paid prior to check-in according to the Landlord's instructions and is 100% refundable in the event of cancellation of the booking and/or at the end of the stay upon release of the rented accommodation without damage. Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you! Zona: Milano Superficie: 17 mq Numero di stanze: 2 Agenzia: Roomless Rent Telefono: 0559970063
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    [ITA] Appartamento in Corso Buenos Aires, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 02/08/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/24794 [ENG] Apartment in Corso Buenos Aires, Milano, Italy Available from: 02/08/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/24794 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 3 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: 18 - 30 Costi apertura contratto: One shot Admin fee: â?¬ 1330+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning Minimum months rental: 3 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: 18 - 30 Contract opening fees: One shot Admin fee: â?¬ 1330+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su "affitta subito". Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* THE APARTMENT Conveniently located on the first floor in Corso Buenos Aires 47, the street with the highest concentration of clothing stores in Europe. Plenty of cafes, restaurants, bars, shops and bookstores keep the area always lively. INTERNAL CONDITIONS The apartment consists of: - 4 rooms - a bathroom - an eat-in kitchen with dishwasher - a washing machine-dryer - wifi Shared kitchen equipment provided. The building has an elevator and concierge available all day. DISTANCE - POLIMI LEONARDO: 10 minutes (M2) or walk 18 minutes - MARANGONI: 9 minutes (M1) or Walk 25 minutes - UNIVERSITÃ?â?? DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO: 17 minutes (M1) or walk 35 minutes - UCSC (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore): 19 minutes (M1) - IED (Piranesi): 20 minutes (S1) - IED (Via Sciesa) Metro M1 and Tram 9: 21 minutes - IED (Pompeo Leoni) Metro M3 and bus 91: 34 minutes - Metro M1 (Lima/Loreto) to Duomo, Cadorna, Porta Venezia: 1 minute walking - TAXI STAND AT YOUR DOORSTEP ROOM 4 This huge bright room features a window shining on the decorated ceiling, a full-size bed (120x200cm), a triple wardrobe, a bedside table and a desk, chair and bin. One shot admin fee includes: contract registration, third party insurance, linen and towel package, room initial and final cleaning, garbage tax Monthly utilities (paid in advance every month) include heating, electricity, water, internet and weekly cleaning of shared spaces. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Within 48 hours from the acceptance of your booking on the platform, the admin fee will be due directly to the landlord to confirm the booking. If the landlord doesn't receive the Admin fee within 48 hours, the booking will not be confirmed and the landlord is free to cancel it. The security deposit must be paid prior to check-in according to the Landlord's instructions and is 100% refundable in the event of cancellation of the booking and/or at the end of the stay upon release of the rented accommodation without damage. Zona: Milano Superficie: 16 mq Numero di stanze: 4 Agenzia: Roomless Rent Telefono: 0559970063
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    [ITA] Appartamento in Via Andrea Costa, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 02/08/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/17566 [ENG] Apartment in Via Andrea Costa, Milano, Italy Available from: 02/08/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/17566 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 3 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: 18 - 30 Costi apertura contratto: One shot Admin fee: â?¬ 1208VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning Minimum months rental: 3 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: 18 - 30 Contract opening fees: One shot Admin fee: â?¬ 1208VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su "affitta subito". Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* THE APARTMENT Conveniently located on the second floor in Via Andrea Costa 1, in the major street â??Corso Buenos Airesâ?, which features the highest concentration of clothing stores in Europe. Plenty of cafes, restaurants, bars, shops and bookstores keep the area always lively. INTERNAL CONDITIONS The apartment consists of: - 4 rooms - a bathroom - an eat-in kitchen with dishwasher and kitchen equipment - a washing machine - a shared dining area - wifi - air conditioning The building has an elevator and concierge available all day. DISTANCE - POLIMI LEONARDO M2: 6 minutes - MARANGONI Metro M1: 10 minutes - UNIVERSITÃ?â?? DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Metro M1: 12 minutes - UCSC (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) Metro M2: 18 minutes - BOCCONI Metro M1 and Tram 15: 28 minutes - IED (Via Sciesa) Metro M1 and Tram 9: 19 minutes - IED (Pompeo Leoni) Metro M3 and bus 91: 34 minutes - NABA - DOMUS Metro M2: 27 minutes - Milano Centrale: 6 minutes - Metro M1 (Loreto) to Duomo, Cadorna, Porta Venezia: 1 minute walking ROOM 2 - Room with balcony This lovely room features a huge window with a balcony and a view of Loreto. Furniture includes a single bed, a chest of drawers, a bedside table and a desk with a drawer, chair and bin. A set of towels, linen and duvet is provided upon check in. One shot admin fee including VAT, contract registration, third party insurance, linen and towel package, room initial and final cleaning, garbage tax) Monthly utilities (paid in advance every month) include heating, electricity, water, internet and weekly cleaning of shared spaces. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Within 48 hours from the acceptance of your booking on the platform, the admin fee will be due directly to the landlord to confirm the booking. If the landlord doesn't receive the Admin fee within 48 hours, the booking will not be confirmed and the landlord is free to cancel it. The security deposit must be paid prior to check-in according to the Landlord's instructions and is 100% refundable in the event of cancellation of the booking and/or at the end of the stay upon release of the rented accommodation without damage. Zona: Milano Superficie: 11 mq Numero di stanze: 4 Agenzia: Roomless Rent Telefono: 0559970063
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    [ITA] Appartamento in Via Giuseppe Meda, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 02/08/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/88352 [ENG] Apartment in Via Giuseppe Meda, Milano, Italy Available from: 02/08/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/88352 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 3 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: 18 - 30 Costi apertura contratto: One shot Admin fee: â?¬ 1268+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning Minimum months rental: 3 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: 18 - 30 Contract opening fees: One shot Admin fee: â?¬ 1268+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su "affitta subito". Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* THE APARTMENT Conveniently located on the second floor (no elevator) at 37 Via Meda, walking distance to Bocconi University, IED University and Navigli. The area offers plenty of options for cafes, restaurants, bars, supermarkets and bookstores. Perfectly connected thanks to the metro line MM3 and tram. INTERNAL CONDITIONS The apartment consists of: - 3 rooms - 1 bathroom - a laundry room - an eat-in kitchen with dishwasher and kitchen equipment - a dryer and a washing machine - wifi - air conditioning The building has a concierge available all day. DISTANCE - BOCCONI: 11 minutes walking distance - IED (Pompeo Leoni): 13 minutes walking distance - NABA - DOMUS Bus 59: 7 minutes - IULM Bus 91: 8 minutes - SUMAS Bus 91: 16 minutes - UNIVERSITÃ?â?? DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Tram 15: 28 minutes - MM3 Lodi Tibb Bus 91: 18 minutes - Tram line 3: 1 minute walking distance - Navigli Bus 91: 18 minutes - Duomo Tram 3: 20 minutes ROOM 1 This lovely room features a big window. Furniture includes a full size bed (120x200), a wardrobe with drawers, a bedside table and a desk, chair and bin. A set of towels, linen and duvet is provided upon check in. One shot admin fee includes: VAT, contract registration, third party insurance, linen and towel package, room initial and final cleaning, garbage tax. Monthly utilities (paid in advance every month) include heating, electricity, water, internet and weekly cleaning of shared spaces. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Within 48 hours from the acceptance of your booking on the platform, the admin fee will be due directly to the landlord to confirm the booking. If the landlord doesn't receive the Admin fee within 48 hours, the booking will not be confirmed and the landlord is free to cancel it. The security deposit must be paid prior to check-in according to the Landlord's instructions and is 100% refundable in the event of cancellation of the booking and/or at the end of the stay upon release of the rented accommodation without damage. Zona: Milano Superficie: 17 mq Numero di stanze: 3 Agenzia: Roomless Rent Telefono: 0559970063
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    [ITA] Appartamento in Via Don Bosco, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 02/08/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/96042 [ENG] Apartment in Via Don Bosco, Milano, Italy Available from: 02/08/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/96042 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 3 Età accettata: 18 - 30 Costi apertura contratto: One shot Admin fee: �1085,80 - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning, VAT Minimum months rental: 3 Accepted age: 18 - 30 Contract opening fees: One shot Admin fee: �1085,80 - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning, VAT ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su "affitta subito". Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* Conveniently located on the third floor (no elevator) of 27 Via Don Bosco, in the up and coming area surrounding Fondazione Prada, very much alive thanks to the presence of cafes, restaurants, bars, supermarkets and bookstores. Perfectly connected thanks to the Metro Line 3 and bus 90-91. INTERNAL CONDITIONS The apartment consists of: - 2 bedrooms - 1 bathroom - a separate laundry area with washer/dryer - an eat-in kitchen with dishwasher and kitchen equipment - wi-fi - air conditioning DISTANCE - MARANGONI Metro line 3 to Duomo: 12 minutes - NABA/DOMUS Bus 90: 20 minutes - BOCCONI Bus 90: 15 minutes - IULM Bus 90: 35 minutes - IED (Pompeo Leoni) Bus 90: 10 minutes - IED (Sciesa) Bus 92: 25 minutes - POLIMI PIAZZA LEONARDO Bus 91: 35 minutes - Metro line 3 to, Duomo, Montenapoleone, Central Station: 5 minute walk - Bus -90-91 to Bocconi, Polimi Leonardo: 2 minutes walk ROOM 1 Single Room The room features a triple closet with two sets of drawers, one single bed (120 m) with a night table, a desk with drawers and chair. A set of towels, linen and duvet is provided upon check in. One shot admin fee includes: VAT, contract registration, third party insurance, linen and towel package, room initial and final cleaning, garbage tax. Monthly utilities (paid in advance every month) include heating, electricity, water, internet and weekly cleaning of shared spaces. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Within 48 hours from the acceptance of your booking on the platform, the admin fee will be due directly to the landlord to confirm the booking. If the landlord doesn't receive the Admin fee within 48 hours, the booking will not be confirmed and the landlord is free to cancel it. The security deposit must be paid prior to check-in according to the Landlord's instructions and is 100% refundable in the event of cancellation of the booking and/or at the end of the stay upon release of the rented accommodation without damage. Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you! Zona: Milano Numero di stanze: 2 Agenzia: Roomless Rent Telefono: 0559970063
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    [ITA] Appartamento in Corso Buenos Aires, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 02/08/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/51304 [ENG] Apartment in Corso Buenos Aires, Milano, Italy Available from: 02/08/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/51304 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 1 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: Da 18 Costi apertura contratto: One shot Admin fee: â?¬ 2210+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning Minimum months rental: 1 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: From 18 Contract opening fees: One shot Admin fee: â?¬ 2210+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su "affitta subito". Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* REboutique Milano for Buenos Aires 45 THE APARTMENT Conveniently located on the third floor in Corso Buenos Aires 45, the street with the highest concentration of clothing stores in Europe. Plenty of cafes, restaurants, bars, shops and bookstores keep the area always lively. INTERNAL CONDITIONS We are investing in a full renovation and restyling of the flat. There is a room, a bathroom, an eat-in kitchen with dishwasher, a beautiful terrace, washing machine-dryer and wifi. Kitchen equipment provided. The building has an elevator and concierge available all day. DISTANCE POLIMI LEONARDO: 10 minutes (M2) or walk 18 minutes MARANGONI: 9 minutes (M1) or Walk 25 minutes UNIVERSITÃ?â?? DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO 17 minutes (M1) or Walk 35 minutes UCSC (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) 19 minutes (M1) IED (Piranesi) 20 minutes (S1) IED (Via Sciesa) Metro M1 and Tram 9 - 21 minutes IED (Pompeo Leoni) Metro M3 and bus 91 - 34 minutes Metro M1 (Lima) to Duomo, Cadorna, Porta Venezia - 1 minute walk Metro M3 (Loreto) to Cadorna, S. Ambrogio, Central Station - 5 minute walk TAXI STAND AT YOUR DOORSTEP ROOM - Brand new cozy room with all you need This cozy room offers a full size bed (120x200) a spacious desk and wardrobe. The room faces on the internal courtyard and is therefore not affected by the noise from the Corso. Monthly utilities (paid in advance every month) include heating, electricity, water, internet and weekly cleaning of shared spaces. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Within 48 hours from the acceptance of your booking on the platform, the admin fee will be due directly to the landlord to confirm the booking. If the landlord doesn't receive the Admin fee within 48 hours, the booking will not be confirmed and the landlord is free to cancel it. The security deposit must be paid prior to check-in according to the Landlord's instructions and is 100% refundable in the event of cancellation of the booking and/or at the end of the stay upon release of the rented accommodation without damage. Zona: Milano Superficie: 50 mq Numero di stanze: 1 Agenzia: Roomless Rent Telefono: 0559970063
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    [ITA] Appartamento in Via Plinio, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 02/08/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/28241 [ENG] Apartment in Via Plinio, Milano, Italy Available from: 02/08/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/28241 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 3 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: 18 - 30 Costi apertura contratto: One shot Admin fee: â?¬ 1330+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning Minimum months rental: 3 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: 18 - 30 Contract opening fees: One shot Admin fee: â?¬ 1330+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su "affitta subito". Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* THE APARTMENT The mezzanine floor in Via Plinio 43, one of the most historic residential areas of Milan walk to Porta Venezia metro station. INTERNAL CONDITIONS The apartment has been fully renovated and consists of: - 3 bedrooms - 1 bathroom - an eat-in kitchen with dishwasher and kitchen equipment - a washing machine and dryer - wifi DISTANCE - POLIMI LEONARDO: Walk 13 minutes - MARANGONI: 20 minutes (M1) or Walk 30 minutes - UNIVERSITÃ?â?? DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO: 30 minutes (M1 or bus 60) or Walk 35 minutes - UCSC (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore): 33 minutes (M1) - IED (Piranesi): 23 minutes (bus 60) or Walk 30 minutes - IED (Via Sciesa): 23 minutes (bus 60) or Walk 30 minutes - IED (Pompeo Leoni) Bus 92: 34 minutes - Metro M1 (Porta Venezia or Lima) to Duomo, Cadorna, Porta Venezia: 9 minutes walking ROOM 2 - Brand new cozy room with all you need This cozy room offers a full-size bed (120x200), a spacious desk, a wardrobe and air conditioning. The room faces the internal courtyard and is therefore not affected by the noise from the street. A set of towels, linen and duvet is provided upon check in. One shot Admin fee includes contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning. Monthly utilities (paid in advance every month) include heating, electricity, water, internet and weekly cleaning of shared spaces. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Within 48 hours from the acceptance of your booking on the platform, the admin fee will be due directly to the landlord to confirm the booking. If the landlord doesn't receive the Admin fee within 48 hours, the booking will not be confirmed and the landlord is free to cancel it. The security deposit must be paid prior to check-in according to the Landlord's instructions and is 100% refundable in the event of cancellation of the booking and/or at the end of the stay upon release of the rented accommodation without damage. Zona: Milano Superficie: 12 mq Numero di stanze: 3 Agenzia: Roomless Rent Telefono: 0559970063
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    [ITA] Appartamento in Corso Buenos Aires, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 02/08/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/24793 [ENG] Apartment in Corso Buenos Aires, Milano, Italy Available from: 02/08/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/24793 Mensilitàminime prenotabili: 3 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: 18 - 30 Costi apertura contratto: One shot Admin fee: â?¬ 1330+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning Minimum months rental: 3 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: 18 - 30 Contract opening fees: One shot Admin fee: â?¬ 1330+VAT/IVA - Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su "affitta subito". Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* THE APARTMENT Conveniently located on the first floor in Corso Buenos Aires 47, the street with the highest concentration of clothing stores in Europe. Plenty of cafes, restaurants, bars, shops and bookstores keep the area always lively. INTERNAL CONDITIONS The apartment consists of: - 4 rooms - a bathroom - an eat-in kitchen with dishwasher - a washing machine-dryer - wifi Shared kitchen equipment provided. The building has an elevator and concierge available all day. DISTANCE - POLIMI LEONARDO: 10 minutes (M2) or walk 18 minutes - MARANGONI: 9 minutes (M1) or Walk 25 minutes - UNIVERSITÃ?â?? DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO: 17 minutes (M1) or walk 35 minutes - UCSC (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore): 19 minutes (M1) - IED (Piranesi): 20 minutes (S1) - IED (Via Sciesa) Metro M1 and Tram 9: 21 minutes - IED (Pompeo Leoni) Metro M3 and bus 91: 34 minutes - Metro M1 (Lima/Loreto) to Duomo, Cadorna, Porta Venezia: 1 minute walking - TAXI STAND AT YOUR DOORSTEP ROOM 3 This spacious, bright room features a big window, a full-size bed (120x200cm), a chest of drawers, a bedside table and a desk with a chair and bin. One shot admin fee includes: contract registration, third party insurance, linen and towel package, room initial and final cleaning, garbage tax Monthly utilities (paid in advance every month) include heating, electricity, water, internet and weekly cleaning of shared spaces. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Within 48 hours from the acceptance of your booking on the platform, the admin fee will be due directly to the landlord to confirm the booking. If the landlord doesn't receive the Admin fee within 48 hours, the booking will not be confirmed and the landlord is free to cancel it. The security deposit must be paid prior to check-in according to the Landlord's instructions and is 100% refundable in the event of cancellation of the booking and/or at the end of the stay upon release of the rented accommodation without damage. Zona: Milano Superficie: 16 mq Numero di stanze: 4 Agenzia: Roomless Rent Telefono: 0559970063
    Vista prodotto
    Milano (Lombardia)
    [ITA] Appartamento in Viale Tibaldi, Milano, Italy Disponibile da: 02/08/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/79478 [ENG] Apartment in Viale Tibaldi, Milano, Italy Available from: 02/08/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/79478 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 3 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: 18 - 30 Costi apertura contratto: One-shot Admin fee: â?¬ 1330 + VAT- Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning, and bedding and towel kit. Minimum months rental: 3 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: 18 - 30 Contract opening fees: One-shot Admin fee: â?¬ 1330 + VAT- Including contract registration, third party insurance, garbage tax, room initial and final cleaning, and bedding and towel kit. ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l'inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su "affitta subito". Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* THE APARTMENT Conveniently located on the forth floor in Viale Tibaldi 56, walking distance to Bocconi University, IED University and Navigli. The area offers plenty of options for cafes, restaurants, bars, supermarkets and bookstores. Perfectly connected thanks to the metro line MM3 and tram. INTERNAL CONDITIONS We invested in a full renovation and restyling of the apartment. The apartment consists of: - 6 rooms - 2 bathrooms - an eat-in kitchen with dishwasher and kitchen equipment - a dryer and washing machine - a shared dining area - wifi - air conditioning The building has an elevator and concierge available all day. DISTANCE - BOCCONI: 9 minutes walking distance - IED (Pompeo Leoni): 11 minutes walking distance - NABA - DOMUS Bus 59: 9 minutes - IULM Bus 91: 10 minutes - SUMAS Bus 91: 19 minutes - UNIVERSITÃ?â?? DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO Tram 15: 24 minutes - MM3 Lodi Tibb Bus 91: 18 minutes - Tram lines 9, 24, 16: 5 minutes walking distance - Navigli Bus 91: 18 minutes - Duomo Tram 15: 18 minutes ROOM 3 - Spacious room walking distance to Bocconi This lovely room features a big window. Furniture includes a single bed, a chest of drawers, a bedside table and a desk with a drawer, chair and bin. A set of towels, linen and duvet is provided upon check in One shot admin fee includes: VAT, contract registration, third party insurance, linen and towel package, room initial and final cleaning, garbage tax. Monthly utilities (paid in advance every month) include heating, electricity, water, internet and weekly cleaning of shared spaces. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Within 48 hours from the acceptance of your booking on the platform, the admin fee will be due directly to the landlord to confirm the booking. If the landlord doesn't receive the Admin fee within 48 hours, the booking will not be confirmed and the landlord is free to cancel it. The security deposit must be paid prior to check-in according to the Landlord's instructions and is 100% refundable in the event of cancellation of the booking and/or at the end of the stay upon release of the rented accommodation without damage. Zona: Milano Superficie: 9 mq Numero di stanze: 6 Agenzia: Roomless Rent Telefono: 0559970063
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