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      Napoli (Campania)
      Vendita residenziale Classe Energetica: 2015-F IPE: 175.00Fuorigrotta. Via Luigi Tansillo. La strada è intitolata al poeta italiano, di ispirazione petrarchesca e premarinista. Essa è inserita nel cuore pulsante del quartiere Fuorigrotta: ricca di attività commerciali di ogni genere e servizi di prima necessità come supermarket e posta, la zona è ben collegata con le altre aree della città partenopea tramite mezzi di trasporti pubblici sia su rotaia che su gomma ed è a pochi metri dell'uscita 10 della tangenziale di Napoli. Via Tansillo inoltre si affaccia direttamente su una delle maggiori attrazioni di Fuorigrotta ovvero lo Stadio Diego Armando Maradona. Lo stabile che ospita la nostra soluzione, alto 8 piani e costruito tra gli anni 60 e 70 con struttura portante in calcestruzzo armato, è facilmente distinguibile dagli altri dalla strada: esso è caratterizzato nella sua facciata principale da un rivestimento azzurro il quale corre lungo tutto il primo e ultimo piano del fabbricato e ampi balconi con esposizione sud. L’unità immobiliare è posta al terzo piano e si sviluppa in 110mq commerciali (comprese murature esterne e tramezzature) così divisi: 90 mq calpestabili interni, un balcone panoramico, il quale affaccia direttamente sullo Stadio Maradona, e un balcone verandato di 10 mq complessivi. Essa si articola in ingresso con accesso al soggiorno e al balcone con esposizione sud, disimpegno, cucina con veranda, due ampie camere da letto, ripostiglio e servizio. Punto di forza di questa soluzione è sicuramente la posizione oltre che la luminosità, grazie all'ampio balcone con esposizione sud e alla doppia esposizione. La soluzione è in buono stato manutentivo. Riscaldamento autonomo. Classe Energetica F. Gabetti Napoli Fuorigrotta Viale Augusto, 73/75 Tel. cell. 342.59.87.722 E_mail: ****@****.** (utilizza il modulo di contatto per inviare email) Http: //bit.ly/gabettinapolifuorigrotta Http: //bit.ly/facebookgabettifuorigrotta English: Fuorigrotta. Via Luigi Tansillo. The street is named after the Italian poet, of Petrarchian and pre-marinist inspiration. It is located in the beating heart of the Fuorigrotta district: full of commercial activities of all kinds and basic necessities such as supermarkets and post offices, the area is well connected with other areas of the Neapolitan city by means of public transport both by rail and by road. And is a few meters from exit 10 of the Naples ring road. Via Tansillo also directly overlooks one of the major attractions of Fuorigrotta or the Diego Armando Maradona Stadium. The building that houses our solution, 8 floors high and built between the 60s and 70s with a reinforced concrete load-bearing structure, is easily distinguishable from the others from the street: it is characterized in its main facade by a blue cladding which runs along the entire length. The first and last floor of the building and large balconies with southern exposure. The real estate unit is located on the third floor and is spread over 110 square meters (including external walls and partitions) divided as follows: 90 internal square meters, a panoramic balcony, which directly overlooks the Maradona Stadium, and a veranda balcony of 10 square meters in total.. It is divided into an entrance with access to the living room and the balcony with southern exposure, hallway, kitchen with veranda, two large bedrooms, closet and service. The strength of this solution is certainly the position as well as the brightness, thanks to the large balcony with southern exposure and double exposure. The solution is in a good state of repair. Autonomous heating. Energy Class F. Riferimento: COD. RIF5963486VRG 110 mq. 3 vani 1 servizi Napoli Fuorigrotta Viale Augusto 73/75 (NA). Zona: 18969 Riscaldamento: autonomo IPE: 175.00 kWh/m² Anno: 1960 Dimensione: 110 mq Piano: 3 Stanze: 3 Bagni: 1 Ascensore: Sì Inserzionista: Napoli Fuorigrotta
      269.000 €
      Vista prodotto
      Cerveteri (Lazio)
      L???agenzia immobiliare ObyCasa Cerveteri, propone inb'/xe2/x80/xa6' L???agenzia immobiliare ObyCasa Cerveteri, propone in vendita ampio appartamento di circa 110 mq e circa 200 mq di giardino parte mattonato e parte verde. Ci troviamo in Cerveteri più precisamente in Via Alessandro Manzoni, proponiamo un appartamento finemente ristrutturato. L???appartamento è composto da: grande e luminoso soggiorno, cucina abitabile, due camere matrimoniali molto ampie, un bagno con box doccia e ripostiglio. Completa la soluzione una corte con tripla esposizione di circa 200 mq. Nella zona troviamo: capolinea trasporto pubblico locale e linee per la stazione dei treni, supermercati, bar e ristoranti, scuole e parchi pubblici. The ObyCasa Cerveteri real estate agency offers for sale a large apartment of approximately 110 m2 and approximately 200 m2 of garden, partly brick and partly green. We are located in Cerveteri, more precisely in Via Alessandro Manzoni, we offer a finely renovated apartment. The apartment is composed of: large and bright living room, kitchen, two very large double bedrooms, a bathroom with shower and closet. The solution is completed by a courtyard with triple exposure of approximately 200 m2. In the area we find: local public transport terminus and lines to the train station, supermarkets, bars and restaurants, schools and public parks. L'agence immobilière ObyCasa Cerveteri propose à la vente un grand appartement d'environ 110 m2 et environ 200 m2 de jardin, en partie brique et en partie verdoyant. Nous sommes situés à Cerveteri, plus précisément dans la Via Alessandro Manzoni, nous vous proposons un appartement finement rénové. L'appartement est composé de: grand et lumineux séjour, cuisine, deux très grandes chambres doubles, une salle de bain avec douche et placard. La solution est complétée par une cour avec triple exposition d'environ 200 m2. Dans la zone, nous trouvons: terminus des transports publics locaux et lignes vers la gare, supermarchés, bars et restaurants, écoles et parcs publics. Die Immobilienagentur ObyCasa Cerveteri bietet zum Verkauf eine gro??e Wohnung von ca. 110 m2 und ca. 200 m2 Garten, teils gemauert, teils grün, an. Wir befinden uns in Cerveteri, genauer gesagt in der Via Alessandro Manzoni, und bieten eine sorgfältig renovierte Wohnung an. Die Wohnung besteht aus: gro??em und hellem Wohnzimmer, Küche, zwei sehr gro??e Doppelzimmer, ein Badezimmer mit Dusche und Kleiderschrank. Abgerundet wird die Lösung durch einen Innenhof mit Dreifachbelichtung von ca. 200 m2. In der Umgebung finden wir: Endstationen des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs und Linien zum Bahnhof, Supermärkte, Bars und Restaurants, Schulen und öffentliche Parks. La agencia inmobiliaria ObyCasa Cerveteri pone a la venta un gran apartamento de aproximadamente 110 m2 y aproximadamente 200 m2 de jardín, en parte de ladrillo y en parte verde. Estamos ubicados en Cerveteri, más precisamente en Via Alessandro Manzoni, ofrecemos un apartamento finamente renovado. El apartamento se compone de: amplio y luminoso salón, cocina, dos dormitorios dobles muy amplios, un baño con ducha y closet. La solución se completa con un patio con triple exposición de aproximadamente 200 m2. En la zona encontramos: terminal de transporte público local y líneas a la estación de tren, supermercados, bares y restaurantes, colegios y parques públicos. Classe energetica: N/D. Condizioni immobile: Ristrutturato Dimensione: 110 mq Stanze: 2 Bagni: 1 Inserzionista: Cerveteri
      165.000.288 €
      Vista prodotto
      Roma (Lazio)
      Spinaceto - via nicola stame proponiamo la vendita di unb'/xe2/x80/xa6' SPINACETO - VIA NICOLA STAME Proponiamo la vendita di un appartamento, situato al quinto piano di un edificio di otto, dotato di ascensore. L'immobile si estende su una superficie totale di 112 metri quadrati circa. Gli ambienti interni, ampi e ben illuminati, sono suddivisi in quattro locali, tra cui ingresso, ampio salone, cucina abitabile, tre camere da letto e due bagni. Riscaldamento centralizzato con contabilizzatori. L'immobile si presenta in buono stato di conservazione, grazie anche alla cura e manutenzione costante degli attuali proprietari. Completa l'appartamento un balcone che offre uno spazio all'aperto dove godersi momenti di relax e di convivialità. L'immobile è situato in un contesto tranquillo, silenzioso e immerso nel verde, ma allo stesso tempo in zona ricca di servizi ed attività commerciali. Ideale per chi cerca una soluzione abitativa spaziosa e ben curata, in una zona residenziale ben servita dai mezzi pubblici e vicina a tutti i servizi necessari. SPINACETO - VIA NICOLA STAME We offer the sale of a apartment, located on the fifth floor of a building of eight, equipped with a lift. The property covers a total area of approximately 112 square meters. The internal rooms, large and well lit, are divided into four rooms, including entrance hall, large living room, kitchen, three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Central heating with meters. The property is in a good state of conservation, thanks also to the constant care and maintenance of the current owners. The apartment is completed by a balcony which offers an outdoor space where you can enjoy moments of relaxation and conviviality. The property is located in a quiet, peaceful setting surrounded by greenery, but at the same time in an area full of services and commercial activities. Ideal for those looking for a spacious and well-kept housing solution, in a residential area well served by public transport and close to all the necessary services. SPINACETO - VIA NICOLA STAME Nous vous proposons à la vente un appartement, situé au cinquième étage d'un immeuble de huit, équipé d'un ascenseur. La propriété couvre une superficie totale d'environ 112 mètres carrés. Les pièces intérieures, grandes et bien éclairées, sont divisées en quatre pièces, dont un hall d'entrée, un grand séjour, une cuisine, trois chambres et deux salles de bains. Chauffage central avec compteurs. La propriété est en bon état de conservation, gr'ce également au soin et à l'entretien constants des propriétaires actuels. L'appartement est complété par un balcon qui offre un espace extérieur où vous pourrez profiter de moments de détente et de convivialité. La propriété est située dans un cadre calme et paisible entouré de verdure, mais en même temps dans une zone pleine de services et d'activités commerciales. Idéal pour ceux qui recherchent une solution de logement spacieuse et bien entretenue, dans un quartier résidentiel bien desservi par les transports en commun et à proximité de tous les services nécessaires. SPINACETO - VIA NICOLA STAME Wir bieten den Verkauf einer Wohnung an, die sich im fünften Stock eines Gebäudes mit acht Personen befindet und mit einem Aufzug ausgestattet ist. Das Anwesen umfasst eine Gesamtfläche von ca. 112 Quadratmetern. Die gro??en und gut beleuchteten Innenräume sind in vier Räume unterteilt, darunter Eingangshalle, gro??es Wohnzimmer, Küche, drei Schlafzimmer und zwei Badezimmer. Zentralheizung mit Zählern. Das Anwesen befindet sich in einem guten Erhaltungszustand, auch dank der ständigen Pflege und Wartung durch die jetzigen Eigentümer. Die Wohnung wird durch einen Balkon vervollständigt, der einen Au??enbereich bietet, wo Sie Momente der Entspannung und Geselligkeit genie??en können. Das Anwesen befindet sich in einer ruhigen, friedlichen Umgebung, umgeben von viel Grün, aber gleichzeitig in einer Gegend voller Dienstleistungen und kommerzieller Aktivitäten. Ideal für diejenigen, die eine geräumige und gepflegte Wohnlösung in einem Wohngebiet mit guter Anbindung an den öffentlichen Nahverkehr und in der Nähe aller notwendigen Dienstleistungen suchen. ESPINACETO - VIA NICOLA STAME Ofrecemos la venta de un apartamento, ubicado en el quinto piso de un edificio de ocho, equipado con ascensor. La propiedad tiene una superficie total de aproximadamente 112 metros cuadrados. Las estancias interiores, amplias y bien iluminadas, se dividen en cuatro estancias, que incluyen vestíbulo, amplio salón, cocina, tres dormitorios y dos baños. Calefacción central con contadores. La propiedad se encuentra en buen estado de conservación, gracias también al constante cuidado y mantenimiento de los actuales propietarios. El apartamento se completa con un balcón que ofrece un espacio al aire libre donde disfrutar de momentos de relajación y convivencia. La propiedad está ubicada en un entorno tranquilo, apacible y rodeado de vegetación, pero al mismo tiempo en una zona llena de servicios y actividades comerciales. Ideal para quienes buscan una solución de vivienda espaciosa y cuidada, en una zona residencial bien comunicada por transporte público y cerca de todos los servicios necesarios. Classe energetica: N/D. Condizioni immobile: Buone Dimensione: 112 mq Stanze: 3 Bagni: 2 Inserzionista: Cerveteri
      209.000.288 €
      Vista prodotto
      Milano (Lombardia)
      Posto letto DISPONIBILE DA SUBITO in VIA RHO 8 STANZA DOPPIA S5. Il canone mensile e' di 386 euro ed e' richiesta una cauzione di 2 mesi. SHARED ROOM Surely in a strategic position for the Bicocca University. The solution in question remains in Via Rho, in a residential area 1.5 km from the bicocca university. In the area there are all the necessary commercial activities, and all the public transport that allow you to move throughout Milan. Each bed is designed to offer maximum comfort to every student. There is also a sanitation service for the common areas once every two weeks. (included in the price) [gallery columns="1" size="large" link="file" ids="7880,7881,7882,7883"]
      386 €
      Vista prodotto
      Milano (Lombardia)
      Stanza privata singola DISPONIBILE DA SUBITO in VIA RHO 8 STANZA SINGOLA S3. Il canone mensile e' di 521 euro ed e' richiesta una cauzione di 2 mesi. SINGLE ROOM Surely in a strategic position for the Bicocca University. The solution in question remains in Via Rho, in a residential area 1.5 km from the bicocca university. In the area there are all the necessary commercial activities, and all the public transport that allow you to move throughout Milan. Each bed is designed to offer maximum comfort to every student. There is also a sanitation service for the common areas once every two weeks. (included in the price) [gallery columns="1" link="file" size="large" ids="7902,7903,7904"]
      521 €
      Vista prodotto
      Milano (Lombardia)
      Stanza privata singola DISPONIBILE DA SUBITO in VIA RHO 8 STANZA SINGOLA S2. Il canone mensile e' di 530 euro ed e' richiesta una cauzione di 2 mesi. SINGLE ROOM Surely in a strategic position for the Bicocca University. The solution in question remains in Via Rho, in a residential area 1.5 km from the bicocca university. In the area there are all the necessary commercial activities, and all the public transport that allow you to move throughout Milan. Each bed is designed to offer maximum comfort to every student. There is also a sanitation service for the common areas once every two weeks. (included in the price) [gallery columns="1" link="file" size="large" ids="7897,7898,7900,7901"]
      530 €
      Vista prodotto
      Milano (Lombardia)
      Accogliente e suggestivo appartamento in un contesto condominiale particolare e di pregio, nel quartiere dei Navigli, in una tranquilla via laterale. A 1 minuto a piedi da Naba e Domus Academy. Ideale per 2 studenti. E’ una soluzione smart ed accogliente 2 camere matrimoniali. Cucina, zona TV con divano letto, bagno con doccia Ideale per famiglie, amici o per 2 colleghi in 2 camere. Arredato ed accessoriato. Disponibile garage o posto auto a pagamento. Zona centrale, servitissima da negozi e mezzi pubblici 1 Minuto NABA e DOMUS ACADEMY 2’ Navigli 2’-5’ Supermarket e negozi 3’-7’ Metro tram bus 15’-20’ Duomo Castello Cauzione 6 mesi, Utenze escluse. Spese condominio (escluso riscaldamento) 100 €/mese Richiesto controllo capacità reddituale. Disponibile da subito. 1 anno rinnovabile Classe Energetica D Cozy and charming apartment in a particular and prestigious condominium, in the Navigli district, in a quiet side street. A 1 minute walk from Naba and Domus Academy. Ideal for 2 students, Fresh and smart solution. 2 double bedrooms. Kitchen, TV area with sofa bed, bathroom with shower Ideal for family, friends or 2 colleagues in 2 bedrooms Furnished and equipped. Garage or parking space available, for a fee. Central area, well served by shops and public transport 1 mnt NABA and DOMUS ACADEMY 2 mnts Navigli 2-5 mnts Supermarket, shops 3-7 mnts subway, tram, buses 15-20 mnts Duomo and Castle Deposit 6 months, Utilities excluded. Service charges (excluding heating) 100 € / month Income capacity check required. Available immediately. 1 year renewable Energy Class D
      1.700 €
      Vista prodotto
      Milano (Lombardia)
      Accogliente e suggestivo appartamento in un contesto condominiale particolare e di pregio, nel quartiere dei Navigli, in una tranquilla via laterale. A 1 minuto a piedi da Naba e Domus Academy. Ideale per 3 o 4 studenti. E’ una soluzione smart ed accogliente. Regalati un tocco di classe. 2 camere, 2 bagni completi, cucina, zona pranzo, studio, soggiorno, camino a legna, loggia su un giardino e una confortevole vasca per due persone con idromassaggio e massaggio ad ultrasuoni, radio, luce… Arredato ed accessoriato. Disponibile garage o posto auto a pagamento. Zona centrale, servitissima da negozi e mezzi pubblici 1 Minuto NABA e DOMUS ACADEMY 2’ Navigli 2’-5’ Supermarket e negozi 3’-7’ Metro tram bus 15’-20’ Duomo Castello Cauzione 6 mesi, Utenze escluse. Spese condominio (escluso riscaldamento) 200 €/mese Richiesto controllo capacità reddituale. Disponibile da subito. 1 anno rinnovabile Classe Energetica D Cozy and charming apartment in a particular and prestigious condominium, in the Navigli district, in a quiet side street. A 1 minute walk from Naba and Domus Academy. Ideal for 3 or 4 Students. Fresh and smart solution. Give yourself an extra touch of class 2 bedrooms, 2 complete bathrooms, kitchen, dining area, study, living room, wood-burning fireplace, loggia overlooking a garden and a comfortable two-person tub with hydromassage and ultrasonic massage, radio, light... Furnished and equipped. Garage or parking space available, for a fee. Central area, well served by shops and public transport 1 mnt NABA and DOMUS ACADEMY 2 mnts Navigli 2-5 mnts Supermarket, shops 3-7 mnts subway, tram, buses 15-20 mnts Duomo and Castle Deposit 6 months, Utilities excluded. Service charges (excluding heating) 200 € / month Income capacity check required. Available immediately. 1 year renewable Energy Class D
      2.500 €
      Vista prodotto
      Milano (Lombardia)
      [ITA] Disponibile da: 15/10/2023 Prenota online: https://roomlessrent.com/it/rent-listing/34719 [ENG] Available from: 15/10/2023 Book it online: https://roomlessrent.com/en/rent-listing/34719 Mensilità minime prenotabili: 12 Mensilità massime prenotabili: 12 Età accettata: Nessuna preferenza Costi apertura contratto: 180 Costi chiusura contratto: 100 Minimum months rental: 12 Maximum months rental: 12 Accepted age: No preference Contract opening fees: 180 Contract closure fees: 100 ************* [ITA] COME FUNZIONA ROOMLESS? Roomless è una piattaforma online per affitti a medio-lungo termine che nasce come garanzia per l’inquilino: verifichiamo tutti gli appartamenti e le foto sono recenti ed affidabili quindi puoi evitare la visita e prenotare online nella massima tranquillità per evitare che qualcuno lo faccia prima di te. Per prenotare online, segui il link sopra e clicca su “affitta subito”. Se hai bisogno di aiuto, contattaci e ti aiuteremo. [ENG] HOW DOES ROOMLESS WORK? Roomless is an online platform for medium-long term rentals that was created as a guarantee for the tenant: we check all the apartments and the photos are recent and reliable so you can avoid the viewing and book online with peace of mind to avoid someone else doing it before you. To book online, follow the link above and click on "rent now". If you need help, contact us and we will help you. ************* Splendido Monolocale al 1 piano, interno ad un cortile in stabile di ringhiera della vecchia Milano. La casa è stata completamente ristrutturata ed arredata con finiture di pregio. La sistemazione è pronta per essere affittata. E' una soluzione ottima per chi intende soggiornare nelle vicinanze dell'istituto IEO,UNIVERSITA' BOCCONI, STATALE,IULM. La zona ben collegata dai mezzi pubblici con il centro della città la fermata tram n. 24 è sotto casa. L'appartamento è situato in una zone vivace della città nelle vicinanze si trovano ristoranti,farmacie,supermercati,bar etc... Il prezzo di affitto mensile include le utenze (luce, gas, wi-fi) con limitazione mensile. PAGAMENTO TRIMESTRALE Beautiful Studio on the 1st floor, inside a courtyard in the railing building of old Milan. The house has been completely renovated and furnished with fine finishes. The accommodation is ready to be rented. It is an excellent solution for those who intend to stay near the IEO, UNIVERSITA 'BOCCONI, STATALE, IULM. The area well connected by public transport to the city center the tram stop n. 24 is under the house. The apartment is located in a lively area of the city nearby there are restaurants, pharmacies, supermarkets, bars etc... The monthly rental price includes utilities (electricity, gas, wi-fi) with monthly limitation. Zona: Milano Numero di stanze: 1 Agenzia: Roomless Rent Telefono: 3898219730
      Vista prodotto
      Milano (Lombardia)
      We offer an office solution equivalent to 80 m2, ideal for 3 people, fully furnished and including common areas equal to 62 m2. No initial investment required: our contracts are flexible, in terms of duration and size of the offices! Services included: • highly qualified reception with multilingual staff and personalized customer welcome; • relaxation areas furnished with tables and comfortable armchairs; • access to our multifunction printers; • 24-hour video surveillance. The condominium expenses include: cleaning service, electricity, water, condominium, heating and air conditioning. Additional services that can be used: a business lounge with WiFi access included; meeting room and video conference room, both equipped with flipchart, whiteboard, marker and unlimited internet access; break area with coffee corner and snack vending machines; server hosting services, administrative support for every type of bureaucratic need. The building that houses our offices is located in one of the most important commercial and financial hubs in Europe. The area is dotted with skyscrapers and glass structures, which give it an extremely modern and metropolitan appearance, giving a professional air to your office too. The neighborhood, being the main location of financial and commercial offices, offers a wide choice of restaurants and bars for your lunch breaks; furthermore, in 10 minutes, you can reach Corso Buenos Aires, one of the busiest shopping streets in the city. The building is located a few steps from Milan Central Station, which also operates international routes; the area is also well served by public transport. NO MEDIATION FEES. Rent Euro 1300 + expenses 200. GIORDANO IMMOBILIARE 02.66502374 340.7563346 Central ref. 80 m2 Zona: Stazione Centrale Superficie: 80 mq Agenzia: Giordano Immobiliare Sas Telefono: 0266502374
      Vista prodotto
      Milano (Lombardia)
      We offer an office solution equivalent to 80 m2, ideal for 3 people, fully furnished and including common areas equal to 62 m2. No initial investment required: our contracts are flexible, in terms of duration and size of the offices! Services included: • highly qualified reception with multilingual staff and personalized customer welcome; • relaxation areas furnished with tables and comfortable armchairs; • access to our multifunction printers; • 24-hour video surveillance. The condominium expenses include: cleaning service, electricity, water, condominium, heating and air conditioning. Additional services that can be used: a business lounge with WiFi access included; meeting room and video conference room, both equipped with flipchart, whiteboard, marker and unlimited internet access; break area with coffee corner and snack vending machines; server hosting services, administrative support for every type of bureaucratic need. Our office is located inside a historic building built right in front of the Milanese cathedral, thus offering a suggestive view of one of the most elegant Italian squares. Nearby you can find high fashion shops, restaurants and elegant bars for a pleasant lunch break or a relaxing aperitif after work. Piazza del Duomo is located right in the heart of the city, and for this reason it is easily reachable both by subway (DUOMO stop) and by surface transport. NO MEDIATION FEES. Rent Euro 1569 + expenses 200. GIORDANO IMMOBILIARE 02.66502374 340.7563346 Cathedral ref. 80 m2 Zona: Duomo Superficie: 80 mq Agenzia: Giordano Immobiliare Sas Telefono: 0266502374
      Vista prodotto
      Milano (Lombardia)
      We offer an office solution equivalent to 40 m2, ideal for 1 person, fully furnished and including common areas, equal to 30 m2. No initial investment required: our contracts are flexible, in terms of duration and size of the offices! Services included: • highly qualified reception with multilingual staff and personalized customer welcome; • relaxation areas furnished with tables and comfortable armchairs; • access to our multifunction printers; • 24-hour video surveillance. The condominium expenses include: cleaning service, electricity, water, condominium, heating and air conditioning. Additional services that can be used: a business lounge with WiFi access included; meeting room and video conference room, both equipped with flipchart, whiteboard, marker and unlimited internet access; break area with coffee corner and snack vending machines; server hosting services, administrative support for every type of bureaucratic need. The building that houses our offices is located in one of the most important commercial and financial hubs in Europe. The area is dotted with skyscrapers and glass structures, which give it an extremely modern and metropolitan appearance, giving a professional air to your office too. The neighborhood, being the main location of financial and commercial offices, offers a wide choice of restaurants and bars for your lunch breaks; furthermore, in 10 minutes, you can reach Corso Buenos Aires, one of the busiest shopping streets in the city. The building is located a few steps from Milan Central Station, which also operates international routes; the area is also well served by public transport. NO MEDIATION FEES. Rent Euro 529 + expenses 150. GIORDANO IMMOBILIARE 02.66502374 340.7563346 Central ref. 40 m2 Zona: Stazione Centrale Superficie: 40 mq Agenzia: Giordano Immobiliare Sas Telefono: 0266502374
      Vista prodotto
      Milano (Lombardia)
      We offer an office solution equivalent to 55 m2, ideal for 2 people, fully furnished and including common areas equal to 40 m2. No initial investment required: our contracts are flexible, in terms of duration and size of the offices! Services included: • highly qualified reception with multilingual staff and personalized customer welcome; • relaxation areas furnished with tables and comfortable armchairs; • access to our multifunction printers; • 24-hour video surveillance. The condominium expenses include: cleaning service, electricity, water, condominium, heating and air conditioning. Additional services that can be used: a business lounge with WiFi access included; meeting room and video conference room, both equipped with flipchart, whiteboard, marker and unlimited internet access; break area with coffee corner and snack vending machines; server hosting services, administrative support for every type of bureaucratic need. The building that houses our offices is located in one of the most important commercial and financial hubs in Europe. The area is dotted with skyscrapers and glass structures, which give it an extremely modern and metropolitan appearance, giving a professional air to your office too. The neighborhood, being the main location of financial and commercial offices, offers a wide choice of restaurants and bars for your lunch breaks; furthermore, in 10 minutes, you can reach Corso Buenos Aires, one of the busiest shopping streets in the city. The building is located a few steps from Milan Central Station, which also operates international routes; the area is also well served by public transport. NO MEDIATION FEES. Rent Euro 849 + 150 expenses. GIORDANO IMMOBILIARE 02.66502374 340.7563346 Central ref. 55 m2 Zona: Stazione Centrale Superficie: 55 mq Agenzia: Giordano Immobiliare Sas Telefono: 0266502374
      Vista prodotto
      Milano (Lombardia)
      We offer an office solution equivalent to 55 m2, ideal for 2 people, fully furnished and including common areas equal to 40 m2. No initial investment required: our contracts are flexible, in terms of duration and size of the offices! Services included: • highly qualified reception with multilingual staff and personalized customer welcome; • relaxation areas furnished with tables and comfortable armchairs; • access to our multifunction printers; • 24-hour video surveillance. The condominium expenses include: cleaning service, electricity, water, condominium, heating and air conditioning. Additional services that can be used: a business lounge with WiFi access included; meeting room and video conference room, both equipped with flipchart, whiteboard, marker and unlimited internet access; break area with coffee corner and snack vending machines; server hosting services, administrative support for every type of bureaucratic need. Our office is located inside a historic building built right in front of the Milanese cathedral, thus offering a suggestive view of one of the most elegant Italian squares. Nearby you can find high fashion shops, restaurants and elegant bars for a pleasant lunch break or a relaxing aperitif after work. Piazza del Duomo is located right in the heart of the city, and for this reason it is easily reachable both by subway (DUOMO stop) and by surface transport. NO MEDIATION FEES. Rent Euro 1049 + expenses 150. GIORDANO IMMOBILIARE 02.66502374 340.7563346 Cathedral ref. 55 m2 Zona: Duomo Superficie: 55 mq Agenzia: Giordano Immobiliare Sas Telefono: 0266502374
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