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      Firenze (Toscana)
      Lessons will be conducted in Italian but I also speak English, Portuguese and I have experience with Spanish, in case you need some explanation in your native language at the beginning. I really enjoy teaching and have already an ample experience. I graduated in Languages, Literature and Intercultural Studies at the University of Florence and I obtained the DITALS certificate at the University of Siena, a specific qualification for teaching the italian language to foreigner students. I have been giving single and group Italian lessons both privately and at language schools for many years. I offer Italian lessons for foreigners of all ages and all levels. Having spent periods abroad myself, I am well aware of the dynamics and difficulties that can be encountered in a new country; I will therefore be more than happy to help the student as may be needed (I've already assisted in the comprehension of employment contracts, bills, ect., and writing theses and resumes). The program will be agreed according to the student's learning needs (personal interest, work related, exams, etc.) as well as the number of weekly meetings. In addition to the language itself (grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary and spelling), we will also focus on cultural differences and conversation in different situations. Usually I also include in the lessons notions of typical uses and customs of Italian culture to get to know better this wonderful country, rich in history and art. All study material is provided by me, but if you already have an Italian manual that you like, we can integrate it into the lessons. If you are a beginner, we will start practically from the essential, most frequently occurring words, phrases and situations. If your level of Italian is already advanced, we will consolidate it by developing the specialist vocabulary related to your profession, or by analyzing more complex texts to grasp all the nuances of meaning and style. Knowing the student, his interests and his mindset is fundamental in my opinion to be able to get the best results. Not all of us learn in the same way, we have very different systems of memorization or mental association. The goal is to make best use of the student's strengths so that the acquisition process becomes stimulating and rewarding. I am a friendly, precise, persevering and very patient person. If I realize that the teaching strategy that I am using does not produce the desired results, I quickly adapt to the person in front of me, approaching the concept from another perspective. Online lessons only at the moment. My rate is 15 euros per hour. Contact me via email to get more information or schedule our first lesson! Marianne
      15 €
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      Milano (Lombardia)
      I have more than 8 years as a tutor, and during all this time I've shared with my students a unique and simple approach, obtaining amazing results with all of them. All my students were astonished by how simple and different was my approach, compared with the "standard" one taught by their teachers. All of them had significant improvements in their predicted scores and their confidence in these subjects boosted right after the first lesson, because I go back to the foundations as much as it's needed in order to clear any doubt that could be holding them from giving their best. I firmly believe that most students have the potential to understand and excel in these courses (even if they feel scared by them at the beginning), and it is my mission to prove it...even if they don't believe so!
      40 €
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      Milano (Lombardia)
      I have more than 8 years of experience tutoring students from International Schools taking the IGCSE and IB program, in the subjects of Math and Physics. I gained a B.Sc in Electromechanical Engineering and currently, I'm following a M. Sc in Energy Engineering in Politecnico di Milano. All my students were astonished by how simple and different is my approach, compared with the "standard" one taught by their teachers. All of them had significant improvements in their scores and their confidence in these subjects boosted right after the first lesson. This happens because usually, there are some concepts that are not clear for them, and they are afraid to ask them in public, so they just continue with their studies with many misconceptions on the way, which clearly makes the learning process way difficult. From my experience, I firmly believe that most students have the potential to understand and excel in these courses (even if they feel scared by them at the beginning), and it is my mission to prove it...even if they don't believe so
      40 €
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      Torino (Piemonte)
      Ciao! Il mio nome è Yolande e sono un tutor di inglese certificato TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) dal Regno Unito. Offro lezioni tramite Skype, attagliate alle tue abilità e necessità. Le mie lezioni mirano a sviluppare e/o incrementare il tuo vocabolario, la pronuncia, l'ascolto, la scrittura ed il linguaggio parlato. Ho a disposizione tutto il materiale di cui hai bisogno al fine di migliorare il tuo inglese o per cominciare ad impararlo a partire da zero. Imparare non è una gara ed io vado pienamente in contro alle esigenze di ogni studente che lavora con me.â€? Ho molta esperienza nel lavoro individuale con studenti. Insieme fisseremo obiettivi raggiungibili e ci assicureremo strada facendo che tu li stia raggiungendo. I miei impegni sono molto flessibili quindi non esitare a contattarmi per concordare il miglior orario. Offro una lezione di prova gratuita della durata di 30 minuti e le lezioni successive avranno un costo di 18 euro l'ora. Per ulteriori informazioni contattami tramite email ed io risponderò il prima possibile. Ti aspetto! - Hello! My name is Yolande and I am a TEFL certified English tutor from the UK. I offer Skype lessons tailored to your ability and needs. My classes cover vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, writing and speaking skills. I have got all the material you need in order to improve your English or start from the beginning. Learning is not a race and I am fully accommodating to each and every student that works with me. I have a lot of experience working one-to-one with students. Together we will set achievable goals and ensure that we test that you are reaching them. My schedule is very flexible so please do contact me to discuss the best time. I offer a free 30 minute long trial lesson and charge 18 Euros per 1 hour long lesson after that. For more information, please reply with your email and I will get back to you as quickly as possible. I look forward to hearing from you!
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      Pescara (Abruzzo)
      For those in need of Italian lessons, I'm here for you. I graduated in Classical Philology, studied piano and released many papers in Italian, about psychiatry and poetry. I've also been a theatrical director, so I know how to speak correctly (I mean, I have a good diction). At the moment I'm translating The Bounty by Derek Walcott from English to Italian. I wrote a book and won the "Elena Violani Landi poetry prize 2018" for the best book. I'm available for any level. We can start from the very beginning or refine the language. I also taught kids and I like that a lot. I had students of different ages. If you're interested, contact me privately The price is honest and we can come to an agreement.
      15 €
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      Intensive Italian Course in Rome This Course is aimed towards the immersion in Italian Language from the beginning. Classes are based on a communicative approach so that our students can practice the 4 fundamental functions of the language: reading, speaking, listening and writing. The course allows our students to do a full immersion in Italian language and culture. It is held in the morning from Monday to Friday and you can sign up every Monday. The learning program allows students, who opt for this course, to go deep into the Italian language and culture through interactive and authentic activities that allow them to acquire the basic vocabulary, for the basic levels, and enrich it, for the advanced levels. Role-play, educational games and total immersion in real communicative situations, immediately make our students able to interact with the new context in which they work, live and have fun! Moreover, we organise many social and cultural activities where foreigners can meet local people and learn italian living it. Schedule (60hrs for 4 weeks): group classes 3hrs per day (from 9,30 to 12,30; from 12,30 to 15, 30), from Monday to Friday. Start: every Monday Level: A1, A2, B1, B2 Price: 450 euro + 45 euro TEMPORARY PROMOTIONS: Au-pairs, Religious, Diplomats and students (in italian Universities) pay only 299 euro + 45 euro The registration fee (45 euro) is valid for one year and it includes learning materials, the opportunity to participate in our social and cultural events, rental of books and films in the original language, Koiné card (for discounted prices for shops/gym/pharm/clubs, etc. in partnership with Koiné), Wi-fi, internet point, up to 2 certificates of attendance and the final exam. _____________________________________ Corsi di Italiano per Stranieri a Roma Il corso permette ai nostri studenti di immergersi, fin dall’inizio, nella lingua e cultura italiana. Le lezioni del corso di gruppo di Italiano si basano su un approccio comunicativo grazie al quale i nostri studenti possono praticare le 4 funzioni fondamentali della lingua: leggere, parlare, ascoltare e scrivere. Il programma di apprendimento consente agli studenti che optano per questo corso bisettimanale di immergersi completamente nella lingua e cultura italiana attraverso attività interattive ed autentiche che gli permettono di acquisire il vocabolario di base, per i livelli base, e arricchirlo, per i livelli più avanzati. Role play, giochi didattici e immersioni in situazioni comunicative reali, renderanno subito i nostri studenti capaci di interagire con il nuovo contesto in cui si trovano a lavorare, vivere e divertirsi! Il programma del corso include anche attività sociali extra come film italiani dopo la lezione, aperitivi con amici italiani, tour multi linguistici di Roma, eventi (Opera, Festival, Mostre, ecc…) e degustazione di piatti tipici della cucina italiana con il nostro staff! I opzione Orario (60h – 4 settimane): Corso di gruppo di 3 ore al giorno (9,30 – 12,30, 12,30 – 15, 30), dal lunedì al venerdì Inizio: ogni primo lunedì del mese Livello: A1 – A2, B1 – B2 Prezzo: 450€ + 45€* Programma: Italiano generale, Grammatica italiana, conversazione, scrittura e lettura. **Promo per AU-PAIRS, STUDENTI (in Università italiane), DIPLOMATICI e RELIGIOSI: 299€ + 45€* * La quota associativa (45€) è valida per un anno e comprende materiale didattico, l’opportunità di partecipare ai nostri eventi sociali e culturali, noleggio di libri e film in lingua originale, Koiné card (per i prezzi scontati per negozi/palestre/clubs, ecc… in collaborazione con Koiné), Wi-Fi, internet point, fino a 2 attestati di frequenza e l’esame finale.
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      Roma (Lazio)
      Intensive Italian Course in Rome This Course is aimed towards the immersion in Italian Language from the beginning. Classes are based on a communicative approach so that our students can practice the 4 fundamental functions of the language: reading, speaking, listening and writing. The course allows our students to do a full immersion in Italian language and culture. It is held in the morning from Monday to Friday and you can sign up every Monday. The learning program allows students, who opt for this course, to go deep into the Italian language and culture through interactive and authentic activities that allow them to acquire the basic vocabulary, for the basic levels, and enrich it, for the advanced levels. Role-play, educational games and total immersion in real communicative situations, immediately make our students able to interact with the new context in which they work, live and have fun! Moreover, we organise many social and cultural activities where foreigners can meet local people and learn italian living it. Schedule (60hrs for 4 weeks): group classes 3hrs per day (from 9,30 to 12,30; from 12,30 to 15, 30), from Monday to Friday. Start: every Monday Level: A1, A2, B1, B2 Price: 495 euro + 45 euro TEMPORARY PROMOTIONS: Au-pairs, Religious, Diplomats, Students (in italian Universities), FAO/WFP/IFAD/UN Staff & Spouses pay only 349 euro + 45 euro The registration fee (45 euro) is valid for one year and it includes learning materials, the opportunity to participate in our social and cultural events, rental of books and films in the original language, Koiné card (for discounted prices for shops/gym/pharm/clubs, etc. in partnership with Koiné), Wi-fi, internet point, up to 2 certificates of attendance and the final exam. _____________________________________ Corsi di Italiano per Stranieri a Roma Il corso permette ai nostri studenti di immergersi, fin dall’inizio, nella lingua e cultura italiana. Le lezioni del corso di gruppo di Italiano si basano su un approccio comunicativo grazie al quale i nostri studenti possono praticare le 4 funzioni fondamentali della lingua: leggere, parlare, ascoltare e scrivere. Il programma di apprendimento consente agli studenti che optano per questo corso bisettimanale di immergersi completamente nella lingua e cultura italiana attraverso attività interattive ed autentiche che gli permettono di acquisire il vocabolario di base, per i livelli base, e arricchirlo, per i livelli più avanzati. Role play, giochi didattici e immersioni in situazioni comunicative reali, renderanno subito i nostri studenti capaci di interagire con il nuovo contesto in cui si trovano a lavorare, vivere e divertirsi! Il programma del corso include anche attività sociali extra come film italiani dopo la lezione, aperitivi con amici italiani, tour multi linguistici di Roma, eventi (Opera, Festival, Mostre, ecc…) e degustazione di piatti tipici della cucina italiana con il nostro staff! I opzione Orario (60h – 4 settimane): Corso di gruppo di 3 ore al giorno (9,30 – 12,30, 12,30 – 15, 30), dal lunedì al venerdì Inizio: ogni primo lunedì del mese Livello: A1 – A2, B1 – B2 Prezzo: 495€ + 45€* Programma: Italiano generale, Grammatica italiana, conversazione, scrittura e lettura. **Promo per AU-PAIRS, STUDENTI (in Università italiane), DIPLOMATICI, RELIGIOSI e staff FAO/IFAD/WFP/UN: 349€ + 45€* * La quota associativa (45€) è valida per un anno e comprende materiale didattico, l’opportunità di partecipare ai nostri eventi sociali e culturali, noleggio di libri e film in lingua originale, Koiné card (per i prezzi scontati per negozi/palestre/clubs, ecc… in collaborazione con Koiné), Wi-Fi, internet point, fino a 2 attestati di frequenza e l’esame finale.
      495 €
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      Ciao a tutti! My name is Sonia and I am an Italian native speaker teacher. I have been teaching Italian for 8 years to many foreign students from all levels (beginner, intermediate and advanced) and different background (students, businessmen, consultants, engineers, lawyers). My teaching method is based on grammar and conversation that has an important role in the learning process, so that students can learn to make simple phrases since the beginning of the course. My lessons are always customized according to students needs, interests and goals and they are suitable for all kind of learners. My aim is to help students to improve the four language skills: speaking, reading, writing, and listening and become every day more fluent and confident. If you want to learn the language for work, for travel, to speak with your boyfriend or girlfiend and his/her family or simply for pleasure, contact me. A presto!
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      Genova (Liguria)
      Conversation can be one of the most difficult parts of language learning; so it’s important to practice what you’ve learnt! Now we’re all stuck at home, I’m beginning Skype lessons. I am a TEFL qualified, native English speaker with four years experience of running workshops, tutoring, and conversation with all age groups (from 1 years old to 70 years old!) practicing and developing listening, comprehension, and speaking skills. We can work on any area or topic you need, whether it’s for work, help with school work or for social reasons. €25 per hours.
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      Corso di inglese 1979 encounter english beginning 1768 con circa 848 microdischi e lettore microfonografo tutto perfettamente funzionante mai usato come nuovo l'enciclopedia britannica è composta dai seguenti elementi: contenitore originale in cartone telato lettore amplificato di microdischi microsonics mod.eb-1 con istruzioni ed adattatore the britannica method con microdischi - lessons 1-8 - the britannica method con microdischi - lessons 9-15 - the britannica method con microdischi - lessons 16-22 - the britannica method con microdischi - lessons 23-29 - volume metodo britannica livello iniziale - manuale dello studente - volume the britannica method - table of components - schede con 848 microdischi microsolco - 24 microdischi lexi-cards - pronunciation i - 24 microdischi lexi-cards - pronunciation ii - scatola con 24 regoli, elementi in plastica colorata - istruzioni - errata corrige esercizi.per info giorgio
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      Venezia (Veneto)
      Il corso d'inglese marca "Encounter English Beginning" con microdischi e lettore, della "Enciclopaedia Britannica" è composto dai seguenti elementi: - Contenitore originale in cartone telato, - Lettore amplificato di microdischi Microsonics con istruzioni, - The Britannica method con microdischi - lessons 1-8, - The Britannica method con microdischi - lessons 9-15, - The Britannica method con microdischi - lessons 16-22, - The Britannica method con microdischi - lessons 23-29, - Volume metodo britannica livello iniziale - manuale dello studente, - Volume The Britannica Method - Table of components, - 24 microdischi - Pronunciation I, - 24 microdischi - Pronunciation II, - Contenitore con 24 elementi in plastica colorata, Il costo d'acquisto del prodotto era di circa € 350, mai utilizzato
      50 €
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      Venezia (Veneto)
      Il corso d’inglese marca "Encounter English Beginning" con microdischi e lettore, della "Enciclopaedia Britannica" è composto dai seguenti elementi: - Contenitore originale in cartone telato, - Lettore amplificato di microdischi Microsonics con istruzioni, - The Britannica method con microdischi - lessons 1-8, - The Britannica method con microdischi - lessons 9-15, - The Britannica method con microdischi - lessons 16-22, - The Britannica method con microdischi - lessons 23-29, - Volume metodo britannica livello iniziale - manuale dello studente, - Volume The Britannica Method - Table of components, - 24 microdischi - Pronunciation I, - 24 microdischi - Pronunciation II, - Contenitore con 24 elementi in plastica colorata, Il costo d'acquisto del prodotto era di circa € 350, mai utilizzato
      50 €
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