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      • Facile da applicare, con istruzioni per la stiratura e per la manutenzione (lingua italiana non garantita). Grazie al lato adesivo, la stiratura risulta semplice.
      • Versatile: toppa termoadesiva, ideale per qualsiasi tipo di abbigliamento. Per zaini, borse, giacche, jeans, pantaloni, camicie, magliette, cuscini, ecc.
      • Versatile: questa toppa può essere utilizzata sia per il fai da te che come toppa per coprire eventuali buchi sui vestiti.
      • Ottima idea regalo: le applicazioni sono ideali anche come regalo per dare un tocco personale ai regali di amici, bambini e adulti.
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      Native American speaker from nyc offers his professional experience for conversation and or lessons. I have developed a technique that will increase your vocabulary and self confidence.
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      Milano (Lombardia)
      Ciao a tutti, sono Gael, insegnante madrelingua d'inglese e da 10 anni aiuto le persone a parlare inglese sia per scopi personali che professionali: - Hai sempre voluto studiare/parlare inglese e purtroppo ti sei sempre scoraggiato ad un certo punto, allora possiamo fare questo percorso insieme, dove ti aiutero' con un metodo semplice, motivante ed efficace a raggiungere finalmente quell'obiettivo. - Devi preparare un'esame o una certificazione in inglese? Con il metodo sviluppato ad hoc per te, sarai in grado di arrivare all'esame pronto e fiducioso, per poi finalmente passarlo brillantemente. - Lei ha un'azienda e vuole migliorare l'inglese dei suoi dipendenti in modo da acquisire più partner stranieri e di conseguenza aumentare le vostre vendite? Allora ho un programma fatto apposta per Lei, che ha come scopo insegnare tutte le tecniche di inglese business e commerciale che ci porteranno finalmente a raggiungere insieme l'obiettivo. Mi chiami o mi mandi un sms al 3488728736. Hi everyone, I'm Gael, your english teacher. I've been helping people improve their english speaking skills for almost 10 years now: - For personal reasons you've always wanted to study and speak english, but unfortunately you've always given up at some point, it's time to start over and finally reach your goal. I've got a simple, motivating and efficient program that will help you write and speak english fluently. - Are you a professional or a compagny needing to improve your english or that of your employees? With the program I've prepared for you, you'll be able to improve your business english skills and finally get more partners and clients abroad. Call me or send me an sms at 3488728736.
      20 €
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      What If I Had Never Tried It: Valentino Rossi, the Autobiography; Ed.Century, 2005; Copertina rigida editoriale con sovracoperta illustrata a colori; Pagine: 280; A cura di Enrico Borghi; Traduzione di Gabriele Marcotti; Peso di spedizione: 0,450 gr. Arguably the world’s all-time greatest motorcycle road racing champion, Valentino Rossi is without a doubt the best--and the best-loved--in modern times. In What If I Had Never Tried It he tells his remarkable story for the first time. And as might be expected, the story he tells is fast-paced, full of surprises, action-packed, and always entertaining. The son of 1970s racer Graziano Rossi (whose number, 46, he wears when racing), Valentino was born in Urbino, Italy in 1979. Here he relates how he started racing as a teenager, first with karts and minimotos (minibikes). He then traces his rapid and seemingly inexorable progress--from the 125 class to the 250 class to the 500s and finally on to 990 cc four-stroke, now known as MotoGP--to become a seven-time World Champion in Grand Prix racing by the time he was twenty-six. As he describes starting his career as a clownish upstart, only to emerge as “The Doctor” so famed for his precision, Rossi’s crowd-pleasing character comes through in abundance. One moment a charismatic jokester, the next an insightful analyst, he is finally the single-minded, focused, strategic racer with split-second skills the rest of us can only dream of, giving us a glimpse of how one man has forever changed the face of motorcycle road racing. Le tariffe postali sono: - Raccomandata .........€. 5,00 sicura e tracciabile - Piego libri ordinario .........€. 2,00 non tracciabile quindi poco sicura. È possibile pagare tramite bonifico bancario, ricarica postepay o PayPal. Per consultare il mio catalogo completo: https://www.comprovendolibri.it/cataloghi/Titty23pd
      25 €
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      2 foto

      Italia (Tutte le città)
      BIOGRAFIE, MOTOCICLISMO. What If I Had Never Tried It: Valentino Rossi, the Autobiography; Ed.Century, 2005; Copertina rigida editoriale con sovracoperta illustrata a colori; Pagine: 280; A cura di Enrico Borghi; Traduzione di Gabriele Marcotti; Peso di spedizione: 0,450 gr. Arguably the world’s all-time greatest motorcycle road racing champion, Valentino Rossi is without a doubt the best--and the best-loved--in modern times. In What If I Had Never Tried It he tells his remarkable story for the first time. And as might be expected, the story he tells is fast-paced, full of surprises, action-packed, and always entertaining. The son of 1970s racer Graziano Rossi (whose number, 46, he wears when racing), Valentino was born in Urbino, Italy in 1979. Here he relates how he started racing as a teenager, first with karts and minimotos (minibikes). He then traces his rapid and seemingly inexorable progress--from the 125 class to the 250 class to the 500s and finally on to 990 cc four-stroke, now known as MotoGP--to become a seven-time World Champion in Grand Prix racing by the time he was twenty-six. As he describes starting his career as a clownish upstart, only to emerge as “The Doctor” so famed for his precision, Rossi’s crowd-pleasing character comes through in abundance. One moment a charismatic jokester, the next an insightful analyst, he is finally the single-minded, focused, strategic racer with split-second skills the rest of us can only dream of, giving us a glimpse of how one man has forever changed the face of motorcycle road racing.
      22 €
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      Innovaformazione, scuola informatica specialistica, eroga formazione per lo sviluppo software in particolare in ambito Microsoft.Net. Eroghiamo formazione su tecnologie e linguaggi C#, C++ e C su richiesta, personalizzati ed eventualmente individuali. Corsi svolti sia in aula frontale che online in virtual classroom. E' possibile interagire e seguire in tempo reale connessi online, minuti di microfono e potendo all'occasione condividere il proprio schermo. Programma Corso C#: Programma: (32 ore di lezione teoriche e pratiche) Modulo 1 – Introduzione C# – Il framework.NET – Il primo programma: “HELLO WORLD” – I fondamenti della programmazione – I tipi – Variabili, costanti, operatori ed espressioni Modulo 2 – Istruzioni di controllo e di flusso – Oggetti e classi – Modificatori di visibilità – Membri statici – Distruzione degli oggetti – Proprietà – Overloading dei metodi Modulo 3 – Il paradigma OBJECT ORIENTED – Incapsulamento – Ereditarietà – Polimorfismo Astrazione Modulo 4 – I namespace – Strutture – Interfacce – Classi astratte – Metaclassi Modulo 5 Ereditarietà e riuso delle classi – Relazione Is-a – Costruttori e parola chiave super – Aggregazione oggetti e composizione Modulo 6 – Polimorfismo – Overloading – Legame statico / dinamico – Override – Polimorfismo per dati Modulo 7 – Container class – Array e indici – System.collection – Set, List, Map, Iterator Modulo 8 – Gestione delle eccezioni – Il blocco try…catch – Finally, throw, throws Modulo 9 – Delegates – Gestione degli eventi Modulo 10 – I Generics – Tipi composti – Collection generiche – Anonymous method – Iterators (Ambiente di Sviluppo: Visual Studio) Per informazioni contattateci al 3471012275 oppure visionate il nostro sito (www.innovaformazione.net). Rilasciateci un vostro recapito per essere richiamati.
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      Torino (Piemonte)
      Obiettivo del corso è quello di rendere i partecipanti in grado di creare applicazioni basate sulla piattaforma.net utilizzando il linguaggio C#, il linguaggio di programmazione nativo della piattaforma Microsoft.net, completamente orientato agli oggetti. Vengono affrontati argomenti quali l'uso appropriato dei thread e l'utilizzo del C# per applicazioni basate su interfaccia grafica con un esame completo dei Windows Form e della GUI. Inoltre viene mostrato l'uso di C# e di.net nello sviluppo per il Web, i Web service e l'accesso ai dati con ADO.net Il percorso del programma è: - Il Framework.net - Introduzione al linguaggio C# ed all'ambiente di sviluppo - Variabili, operatori, costanti - Istruzioni di controllo e iterative - Funzioni e Subroutine - Le classi, oggetti, proprietà e metodi. Ereditarietà, Polimorfismo, Incapsulamento - Programmazione pratica con C# con l'uso delle classi - La gestione delle eccezioni: Try e Catch, la sezione Finally - Input e output - Interfacce in C# - Utilizzare ADO.net per accedere ai dati - Creare applicazioni Web con Web Forms - Interfacciamento con Asp.net - Direttive e Debugging, Walkthrough - Overloading, Reflection e attributi I moduli possono essere frequentati sia in modalità pubblica,in aula con altri partecipanti, che in modalità privata, personalizzata in base alle esigenze del singolo. In questo caso il costo di riferimento è quello orario.
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      PLANET OF THE APES COLLECTIBLES Unauthorized Guide with Trivi & Values Christopher Sausville Bibliographic Details: Title: Planet of the Apes Collectibles Publisher: Schiffer Publishing Publication Date: 2007-07-01 Binding: Paperback Book Condition: As New Collectors, science fiction fans, and movie will all go ape over this thorough and entertaining guide to the Planet of the Apes. A detailed listing of collectibles from the original film, the sequels, the television series, and the animated cartoon are all presented. Over 330 color photographs accompany the text. Values are provided for every item listed in the collector's guide. The author also provides a test of every fan's memory with his trivia challenge. Black and white stills from the original movie are found throughout the quiz, adding to the enjoyment and, with a little luck, jogging the memories of all who see them. Finally, a bibliography of Apes references rounds out the presentation. Per Padova e provincia ritiro a mano (da concordare) gratis. Le tariffe postali sono: - Raccomandata.........€. 5,10 sicura e tracciabile - Piego libri ordinario.........€. 2,10 non tracciabile quindi poco sicura.
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      Padova (Veneto)
      Back-to-Basics Audio by Julian Nathan; 1st Edition Newnes 20th October 1998; Pages: 344; Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.8 x 9 inches; Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds(0,590gr.). Paperback ISBN: 9780750699679 A Fine book approaches the condition of As New, but without being crisp. The book may have been opened and read, but there are no defects to the book, jacket or pages. Description: Back to Basics Audio is a thorough, yet approachable handbook on audio electronics theory and equipment. The first part of the book discusses electrical and audio principles. Those principles form a basis for understanding the operation of equipment and systems, covered in the second section. Finally, the author addresses planning and installation of a home audio system. Key Features Notes on home theater systems, speaker placement and calibration System planning, diagram analysis, and signal processing Easy introduction to practical audio, acoustics, and electrical theory Table of Contents Electrical Principles Meters and Electrical Measurements The Environment of Power Amplifiers Sound Waves and Decibels Transfer Characteristic and Networks Speakers System Analysis by Block Diagram Mixers Acoustics Audio Wiring Transformers Control Systems; solder and Assembly Methods Installation Planning Home Theater Appendices: Working with Formulae, Symbols Used in Diagrams, Making a High-Gain Video Screen, Estimating Power to Speakers. Padova e provincia ritiro a mano (da concordare) gratis. Le tariffe postali sono: - Raccomandata.........€. 5,10 sicura e tracciabile - Piego libri ordinario.........€. 2,10 non tracciabile quindi poco sicura.
      30 €
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      Back-to-Basics Audio by Julian Nathan; 1st Edition Newnes 20th October 1998; Pages: 344; Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.8 x 9 inches; Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds(0,590gr.). Paperback ISBN: 9780750699679 A Fine book approaches the condition of As New, but without being crisp. The book may have been opened and read, but there are no defects to the book, jacket or pages. Description: Back to Basics Audio is a thorough, yet approachable handbook on audio electronics theory and equipment. The first part of the book discusses electrical and audio principles. Those principles form a basis for understanding the operation of equipment and systems, covered in the second section. Finally, the author addresses planning and installation of a home audio system. Key Features Notes on home theater systems, speaker placement and calibration System planning, diagram analysis, and signal processing Easy introduction to practical audio, acoustics, and electrical theory Table of Contents Electrical Principles Meters and Electrical Measurements The Environment of Power Amplifiers Sound Waves and Decibels Transfer Characteristic and Networks Speakers System Analysis by Block Diagram Mixers Acoustics Audio Wiring Transformers Control Systems; solder and Assembly Methods Installation Planning Home Theater Appendices: Working with Formulae, Symbols Used in Diagrams, Making a High-Gain Video Screen, Estimating Power to Speakers. Padova e provincia ritiro a mano (da concordare ) gratis. Le tariffe postali sono: - Raccomandata .........€. 5,00 sicura e tracciabile - Piego libri ordinario .........€. 2,00 non tracciabile quindi poco sicura. È possibile pagare tramite bonifico bancario, ricarica postepay o PayPal.
      20 €
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      PRIME EDIZIONI, INGEGNERIA ELETTRONICA. Back-to-Basics Audio by Julian Nathan; 1st Edition Newnes 20th October 1998; Pages: 344; Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.8 x 9 inches; Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds(0,590gr.). Paperback ISBN: 9780750699679 A Fine book approaches the condition of As New, but without being crisp. The book may have been opened and read, but there are no defects to the book, jacket or pages. Description: Back to Basics Audio is a thorough, yet approachable handbook on audio electronics theory and equipment. The first part of the book discusses electrical and audio principles. Those principles form a basis for understanding the operation of equipment and systems, covered in the second section. Finally, the author addresses planning and installation of a home audio system. Key Features Notes on home theater systems, speaker placement and calibration System planning, diagram analysis, and signal processing Easy introduction to practical audio, acoustics, and electrical theory Table of Contents Electrical Principles Meters and Electrical Measurements The Environment of Power Amplifiers Sound Waves and Decibels Transfer Characteristic and Networks Speakers System Analysis by Block Diagram Mixers Acoustics Audio Wiring Transformers Control Systems; solder and Assembly Methods Installation Planning Home Theater Appendices: Working with Formulae, Symbols Used in Diagrams, Making a High-Gain Video Screen, Estimating Power to Speakers.
      20 €
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