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It program

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  • You are a member of the Vargas family and proud of it? Nobody understands you and you blame it on your clan? Then this fun "It's A Vargas Thing - You Wouldn't Understand" design is perfect for you!
  • Wear this distressed design yourself or give it to someone with the last name Vargas. They will love it and wear it proudly, especially to family reunions or bbq sessions with their siblings and parents.
  • Leggera, taglio classico, maniche con doppia cucitura e orlo inferiore.
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  • You are a member of the Vargas family and proud of it? Nobody understands you and you blame it on your clan? Then this fun "It's A Vargas Thing - You Wouldn't Understand" design is perfect for you!
  • Wear this distressed design yourself or give it to someone with the last name Vargas. They will love it and wear it proudly, especially to family reunions or bbq sessions with their siblings and parents.
  • Leggera, taglio classico, maniche con doppia cucitura e orlo inferiore
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  • You are a member of the Biles family and proud of it? Nobody understands you and you blame it on your clan? Then this fun "It's A Biles Thing - You Wouldn't Understand" design is perfect for you!
  • Use this distressed design yourself or give it as a gift to someone with the last name Biles. They will love it and use it proudly, especially to family reunions or bbq sessions with their siblings and parents.
  • Leggera, taglio classico, maniche con doppia cucitura e orlo inferiore
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Pescara (Abruzzo)
Premessa La sicurezza informatica è un argomento di vasta portata, che tocca molti aspetti dell'attività individuale in ambito ICT. IT Security aiuta a fornire alle persone le competenze necessarie per identificare e trattare le minacce associate all'uso delle tecnologie informatiche, migliorando la loro capacità di gestire in modo sicuro i propri dati ed i dati delle organizzazioni per cui lavorano. La certificazione richiede che il candidato: • comprenda i concetti relativi alla sicurezza informatica • sia consapevole del valore delle informazioni e di come proteggere i propri dati (backup) • sia in grado di identificare le principali minacce informatiche e le varie tipologie di malware • conosca le principali regole per assicurare la sicurezza nelle connessioni di rete e wireless e il controllo degli accessi • conosca le principali regole per utilizzare in modo sicuro il web (navigazione, social network) Modalità d'esame Il test di certificazione ECDL ImageEditing, di tipo manuale, prevede 32 domande alle quali rispondere in 60 minuti di tempo, utilizzando direttamente, sulla propria postazione d'esame, i programmi Adobe Photoshop o, tra i programmi software liberi, GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program). Destinatari L'uso di prodotti di sicurezza IT, integrato con adeguate competenze e conoscenze che consentono di identificare e affrontare le minacce alla sicurezza IT, è il modo più efficace per proteggere se stessi ed i propri dati. IT Security si rivolge s tutti gli utilizzatori di tecnologie informatiche dovrebbero vigilare sulle minacce alla sicurezza IT quali virus, phishing, hacker, frodi on line e furti d'identità in generale. Durata Corso: 12 Ore Sede: Via Alessandro Volta, 5 (Pescara) Venite in due ed otterrete lo sconto del 10% Venite in tre ed otterrete lo sconto del 15% Venite in quattro ed otterrete lo sconto del 20% Venite in cinque ed otterrete lo sconto del 25% Il prezzo è comprensivo di Iva
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offro corso HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM 2018 e VACANZE STUDIO a MANCHESTER LUGLIO 2018. Anno Scolastico in USA, in Europa o DOVE VUOI TU! EURO MASTER HIGH SCHOOL EXCHANGE PROGRAM- 2017/2018- BORSE DI STUDIO eGRATUITA’ MASTER+ INPS. MasterStudioSardegna cell.349 886 1462 www.masterstudio.it
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Milano (Lombardia)
Program: The content of the program will vary depending on the level & the needs of each student and the duration of that class: Proposed Program for 1.5 Hours: 20 min: Warm-up: Switching the brain into English. During this time, we catch-up; we talk about what has happened since the last time we have seen each other and make casual conversation about current news etc. 15 min: Dictation: I will be reading a text that you will not be seeing, and on a piece of paper, you will try to write it down as accurately as possible. 8 min of reading&writing + 7 minutes of checking your writing for mistakes and talking about new vocabulary if there will be any. 10 min: You reading: You will be reading an English text and I will be helping you with the pronunciation, the tone & emphasis. (Students with higher levels might option for simultaneous translation, in which they will read an Italian text and translate it into English at the same time.) 15 minutes: New vocabulary: 5 new words/phrasal verbs/idioms/ways of saying etc. You will take notes (in English, not in Italian) for the definitions. 20 min: Conversation: Where you are to talk about a topic that you wouldnâ€(TM)t under normal circumstances; a topic out of your usual rotation and/or interests. You can tell me about a movie/book etc., a certain period of your life, your apartment, a foreign restaurant you tried, recipes, Italian history etc. (10 minutes for settling down/transitions/exceptions/extra questions etc.) So, in between our appointments, please think of some unusual topics for us to talk about - so that, weâ€(TM)re never silent! And I kindly remind you to bring your notebooks and pens each time. Making notes is very important because it makes a physical and a visual connection at the same time. We will have to fix a day and a time that works for both parties and try to stick to this appointment as well as possible. Language is all about creating a new network in your brain and this requires total exposure and consistent effort over time. The fees are as follows: 25 € for 1 hour 35 € for 1.5 hours Pack: 10 lessons of 1 hour each: 220 Euros Thank you, If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
25 €
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Milano (Lombardia)
Program: The content of the program will vary depending on the level & the needs of each student and the duration of that class: Proposed Program for 1.5 Hours: 20 min: Warm-up: Switching the brain into English. During this time, we catch-up; we talk about what has happened since the last time we have seen each other and make casual conversation about current news etc. 15 min: Dictation: I will be reading a text that you will not be seeing, and on a piece of paper, you will try to write it down as accurately as possible. 8 min of reading&writing + 7 minutes of checking your writing for mistakes and talking about new vocabulary if there will be any. 10 min: You reading: You will be reading an English text and I will be helping you with the pronunciation, the tone & emphasis. (Students with higher levels might option for simultaneous translation, in which they will read an Italian text and translate it into English at the same time.) 15 minutes: New vocabulary: 5 new words/phrasal verbs/idioms/ways of saying etc. You will take notes (in English, not in Italian) for the definitions. 20 min: Conversation: Where you are to talk about a topic that you wouldnâ€(TM)t under normal circumstances; a topic out of your usual rotation and/or interests. You can tell me about a movie/book etc., a certain period of your life, your apartment, a foreign restaurant you tried, recipes, Italian history etc. (10 minutes for settling down/transitions/exceptions/extra questions etc.) So, in between our appointments, please think of some unusual topics for us to talk about - so that, weâ€(TM)re never silent! And I kindly remind you to bring your notebooks and pens each time. Making notes is very important because it makes a physical and a visual connection at the same time. We will have to fix a day and a time that works for both parties and try to stick to this appointment as well as possible. Language is all about creating a new network in your brain and this requires total exposure and consistent effort over time. The fees are as follows: 20 € for 1 hour 30 € for 1.5 hours Pack: 10 lessons of 1 hour each: 180 Euros Thank you, If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
20 €
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Milano (Lombardia)
Art teacher Join our team in China through this paid internship program! We need an Art Teacher with appropriate background knowledge, preference will be given to a candidate with teaching experience. Work 5 hours for four and a half days per week within the first three months and then 7 hours for five days a week afterwards. To be eligible for this role, you need to possess: - Skills in efficient use of office software and internet - Knowledge of educational psychology, with great teaching ability - Ability to convey great expression - Affinity to deliver lively classes - Love for teaching - Positivity and high level of responsibility ????Program highlights: Strengthen your working and professional skills during the internship period. Gain valuable work experience, helping build up your career in a real work environment. Intern for more than 3 months and enjoy great program perks. Immerse in Chinese culture and customs throughout your stay in China. Undergo training to prepare fully for immersion in a foreign environment. It is a 3-6 month internship experience with allowance provided. It's a chance for you to have a good experience in China, to enjoy the Chinese culture, to gain more work skills, to widen your horizons, and to make money at the same time. If you have a good performance and we do appreciate your work here, we would like to have 1-2 years formal work contract with you after the internship! If you are interested,  please send your CV and picture to nessy@eccbu.org
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Milano (Lombardia)
Hello everyone, I wish you all a warm, merry Christmas and a beautiful, happy new year. Program: The content of the program will vary depending on the level & the needs of each student and the duration of that class: Proposed Program for 1.5 Hours: 20 min: Warm-up: Switching the brain into English. During this time, we “catch-up”; we talk about what has happened since the last time we have seen each other and make casual conversation about current news etc. 15 min: Dictation: I will be reading a text that you will not be seeing, and on a piece of paper, you will try to write it down as accurately as possible. 8 min of reading&writing + 7 minutes of checking your writing for mistakes and talking about new vocabulary if there will be any. 10 min: You reading: You will be reading an English text and I will be helping you with the pronunciation, the tone & emphasis. (Students with higher levels might option for “simultaneous translation”, in which they will read an Italian text and translate it into English at the same time.) 15 minutes: New vocabulary: 5 new words/phrasal verbs/idioms/ways of saying etc. You will take notes (in English, not in Italian) for the definitions. 20 min: “New” Conversation: Where you are to talk about a topic that you wouldnâ€(TM)t under normal circumstances; a topic out of your usual rotation and/or interests. You can tell me about a movie/book etc., a certain period of your life, your apartment, a foreign restaurant you tried, recipes, Italian history etc. (10 minutes for settling down/transitions/exceptions/extra questions etc.) So, in between our appointments, please think of some unusual topics for us to talk about - so that, weâ€(TM)re never silent! And I kindly remind you to bring your notebooks and pens each time. Making notes is very important because it makes a physical and a visual connection at the same time. We will have to fix a day and a time that works for both parties and try to stick to this appointment as well as possible. Cancellation: Once someone cancels within the same day, itâ€(TM)s very difficult for me to reschedule with him/her within the same week or with another student instead of his/her place. So, if you know that you cannot make it to our lesson, please let me know as soon as you can. And I would also like to say jokingly that I am not a magician:) I always try my best to make our lessons as fulfilling and as efficient as possible but if youâ€(TM)re only relying on our appointment to become fluent in this language, of course, you will be disappointed. You have to do other things on your own (please pay attention to my advices and ask me for more). Language is all about creating a new network in your brain and this requires total exposure and consistent effort over time. The fees are as follows: 15 for 1 hour 20 for 1.5 hours Iâ€(TM)d also would like to let you know that, if you prefer, you can choose to pay for a “pack”: 10 lessons of 1 hour: 135 Euros 10 lessons of 1.5 hours: 180 Euros In this case, I will make a sheet for you, and we will fill in the dates of our lessons and sign each time, so that thereâ€(TM)s no confusion. Thank you all for your time, If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I prefer to be texted, rather than called! My best wishes to all of you and I hope to meet you soon! Asia
15 €
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Padova (Veneto)
Corso di programmazione dei PLC, 50 ore, a soli 300€ IVA compresa, edizione primavera/estate 2018 si attiva a Giugno e Luglio 2018, Per chi frequenta serale si tiene lunedì e mercoledì, dalle 20:00 alle 23:00 per chi risiede a Padova e nelle città limitrofe, mentre per chi abita a grande distanza è disponibile la formula week end che consiste nel frequentare in maniera intensiva in tre week end. ing. Gottardo 335 6204892 E' possibile prenotare 4 giorni consecutivi per sostenere il corso in un'unica soluzione minimizzando i costi di viaggio. Date week end: Sabati e domeniche sono pubblicati nella home page del sito gtronic it Le lezioni perse sono recuperabili. Libri di testo adottati: Let's program a PLC, edizione 2018 (testo unico nel sul genere, estremamente chiaro e completo), e il testo di esercizi Let's program a PLC esercizi edizione 2018 solo su lulu com, con ISBN: 9780244984526. Le copertine sono visibili nelle immagini dell'annuncio. acquistabili su lulu. com. Contenuti: Programmazione dei PLC S7-300, S71200, S7-1500 con TIA Portal V15 e con Simatic S7 classico. Programmazione dei pannelli operatori con WinCC. 40 ore con cadenza bisettimanale dalle 20 alle 23. I fuori sede dalle 9:00 circa di sabato mattina alle 17 di domenica (pernottamento non compreso nel costo, si consiglia di alloggiare al B&B William di Jenny, a pochi metri dalla stazione di Padova).Si rilascia attestato di frequenza. Fatturazione per chi ha la partita IVA, chi non la possiede avrà una fattura emessa sul codice fiscale. Si è ammessi al corso solo dopo la regolare iscrizione e il relativo pagamento della quota di 300€ alla data della prima lezione. Non è necessario fare preiscrizioni, con pagamenti anticipati. Per info inviare mail tramite questo sito, risponde l'ing. Gottardo. Il corso approfondisce argomenti che riguardano sia lo step 7 300 V5.5 che l'ultima versione del TIA PORTAL V15. Il Wincc, integrato in TIA, sarà impiegato per la programmazione dei pannelli operatore touch screen. Collegamenti a motori tramite inverter.
300 €
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Milano (Lombardia)
Ciao a tutti, sono Gael, insegnante madrelingua d'inglese e da 10 anni aiuto le persone a parlare inglese sia per scopi personali che professionali: - Hai sempre voluto studiare/parlare inglese e purtroppo ti sei sempre scoraggiato ad un certo punto, allora possiamo fare questo percorso insieme, dove ti aiutero' con un metodo semplice, motivante ed efficace a raggiungere finalmente quell'obiettivo. - Devi preparare un'esame o una certificazione in inglese? Con il metodo sviluppato ad hoc per te, sarai in grado di arrivare all'esame pronto e fiducioso, per poi finalmente passarlo brillantemente. - Lei ha un'azienda e vuole migliorare l'inglese dei suoi dipendenti in modo da acquisire più partner stranieri e di conseguenza aumentare le vostre vendite? Allora ho un programma fatto apposta per Lei, che ha come scopo insegnare tutte le tecniche di inglese business e commerciale che ci porteranno finalmente a raggiungere insieme l'obiettivo. Mi chiami o mi mandi un sms al 3488728736. Hi everyone, I'm Gael, your english teacher. I've been helping people improve their english speaking skills for almost 10 years now: - For personal reasons you've always wanted to study and speak english, but unfortunately you've always given up at some point, it's time to start over and finally reach your goal. I've got a simple, motivating and efficient program that will help you write and speak english fluently. - Are you a professional or a compagny needing to improve your english or that of your employees? With the program I've prepared for you, you'll be able to improve your business english skills and finally get more partners and clients abroad. Call me or send me an sms at 3488728736.
20 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Il biliardo pro. Come migliorare le proprie prestazioni con le tecniche e le strategie dei professionisti di Bob Henning; Ed.Gremese, 2001; A cura di P. Colamartino; Traduzionedi Maria Carla Chirulli; Pagine: 208; Copertina flessibile illustrata a colori; Peso di spedizione: 0,500 gr. Collana: Hobby e sport; Lingua: Italiano ISBN-10: 888440388X ISBN-13: 978-8884403889 Al pari di ogni altra disciplina sportiva, il Biliardo richiede conoscenza, tecnica e soprattutto concentrazione: e anche un’attività mentale, come testimoniano autorevoli studi di psicologia dello sport. Corredato da schemi pratici, da tavole giornaliere di Training Program e da efficaci disegni, questo manuale illustra le più recenti innovazioni nei metodi e nelle tecniche di allenamento, aiutando così i giocatori a perfezionare le prestazioni in gara. Esso contiene preziose indicazioni sul gioco pratico, sul gioco mentale e sul gioco emotivo ed è studiato per coloro che vogliono diventare professionisti attraverso l’addestramento. Leggendolo si imparerà molto, mettendolo in pratica si otterranno i risultati migliori. Le tariffe postali sono: - Raccomandata .........€. 5,00 sicura e tracciabile - Piego libri ordinario .........€. 2,00 non tracciabile quindi poco sicura. È possibile pagare tramite bonifico bancario, ricarica postepay o PayPal. Per consultare il mio catalogo completo: https://www.comprovendolibri.it/cataloghi/Titty23pd
10 €
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3 foto

Salerno (Campania)
If you want to learn Italian online in a comfortable and effective way, Giuliaâ€(TM)s class is the perfect choice to do it. All you need is a computer with Skype and an Internet connection to start your course with a native Italian teacher. ADVANTAGES: The lessons are totally customized. You can study from your own home, office without moving. Time and program flexibility as one-to-one courses. The lessons will be 100% interactive and designed to get you talking and thinking in Italian. The lessons will be totally focused on your individual needs. HOW TO START: You just need to have a computer with Skype, a webcame and a microphone. COSTS: One lesson (60 minutes) 15 euro 10 lessons (60 minutes each) package: 150 euro 20 lessons (60 minutes each) package: 250 euro If you are interested, contact me on my email address.
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The business analyst's primary objective is helping businesses implement technology solutions in a cost-effective way by determining the requirements of a project or program, and communicating them clearly to stakeholders, facilitators and partners. In today’s complex business environment, an organization’s adaptability, agility, and ability to manage constant change through innovation can be keys to success. Traditional methods may no longer lead to reaching objectives when economic conditions are unfavorable. That’s where business analysis comes in. Corporations achieve goals through projects that translate customer needs into new products, services, and profits. Business analysts can make it all happen more efficiently and effectively.
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Urbino (Marche)
Programma Specifico per Bambini Le arti marziali aiutano il corpo a svilupparsi in maniera equilibrata, non sollecitano troppo la schiena ma la rendono flessibile, rinforzano la muscolatura e le articolazioni. Il corpo si muove in maniera armonica, non stressando solo una parte specifica come avviene in molti altri sport. Le arti marziali sono molto consigliate a bambini con scarse capacità di concentrazione o autocontrollo. Per eccellere in queste discipline occorre molto rigore, molta autodisciplina. Insegnano a prendere decisioni veloci considerando le conseguenze e soprattutto tenendo in considerazione l'altro, l'avversario, a cui non si vuole far male. L'autocontrollo diventa quindi una peculiarità di molti bambini che praticano arti marziali per anni. Bambini anche di solo quattro anni, traggono grande beneficio dalla pratica del Kung Fu. Il metodo di istruzione, basato su un un insegnamento diretto, è il percorso ideale per accrescere nel bambino la sicurezza in se stesso, migliorare la capacità di apprendimento, e infondere quei valori necessari affinchè possano raggiungere importanti risultati nella vita. La coordinazione, l'equilibrio e la flessibilità migliorano e sono solo alcuni dei molti benefici fisici ottenibili attraverso la pratica. La nostra scuola propone un programma specifico per bambini, il Choy Li Fut Kids Program. Attraverso istruttori qualificati, i piccoli praticanti potranno, attraverso un percorso didattico divertente e sicuro, apprendere strategie che potranno permettergli di identificare ed evitare situazioni rischiose. info. 340/3210833 hungsingfano@gmail.com www.gongfu.it Pagina Fb: HUNG SING FANO Kung Fu & Tai Chi Scool
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Olbia (Sardegna)
corso ANNO SCOLASTICO all? ESTERO PROGRAMMA INPS-ITACA 2020/2021oltre 1.000 Borse di Studio - Masterstudio HS Program è conforme al bando - Anno Scolastico all?estero in USA O EUROPA VOLO COMPRESO: ?da ? 8.950 entro 30 Ottobre 2019?INFO: Master MI 02 29533748Sardegna: 349 886 1462 www.masterstudio.it/highschool/ Tempio Pausania (OT)
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Olbia (Sardegna)
corso ANNO SCOLASTICO all’ ESTERO PROGRAMMA INPS-ITACA 2021/2022 — Borse di Studio - HS Program è conforme al bando INPS-ITACA - USA O EUROPA VOLO COMPRESO: da €8.400 INFO: Master MI 02 29533748 Sardegna: 349 886 1462 www.masterstudio.it/highschool/ Tempio Pausania (OT)
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Italia (Tutte le città)
corso Vacanze Studio&HighSchool 2019 VACANZE STUDIO INPSieme 2019 IN SCOZIA, GLASGOW:da Alghero /Milano con accompagnatore dalla Sardegna. HIGH SCHOOL EXCHANGE PROGRAM: ANNO scolastico, TERM o SEMESTER da GEN. 2020;CONFORME al BANDO ITACA-INPS; COLLOQUIO Linguistico-attitudinale a SASSARI, NUORO, OLBIA, TEMPIO, ORISTANO, PORTO TORRES, MACOMER: https://www.masterstudio.it/highschool/prenotauncolloquio/ https://www.masterstudio.it/highschool/ Sassari (SS)
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Firenze (Toscana)
Lessons will be conducted in Italian but I also speak English, Portuguese and I have experience with Spanish, in case you need some explanation in your native language at the beginning. I really enjoy teaching and have already an ample experience. I graduated in Languages, Literature and Intercultural Studies at the University of Florence and I obtained the DITALS certificate at the University of Siena, a specific qualification for teaching the italian language to foreigner students. I have been giving single and group Italian lessons both privately and at language schools for many years. I offer Italian lessons for foreigners of all ages and all levels. Having spent periods abroad myself, I am well aware of the dynamics and difficulties that can be encountered in a new country; I will therefore be more than happy to help the student as may be needed (I've already assisted in the comprehension of employment contracts, bills, ect., and writing theses and resumes). The program will be agreed according to the student's learning needs (personal interest, work related, exams, etc.) as well as the number of weekly meetings. In addition to the language itself (grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary and spelling), we will also focus on cultural differences and conversation in different situations. Usually I also include in the lessons notions of typical uses and customs of Italian culture to get to know better this wonderful country, rich in history and art. All study material is provided by me, but if you already have an Italian manual that you like, we can integrate it into the lessons. If you are a beginner, we will start practically from the essential, most frequently occurring words, phrases and situations. If your level of Italian is already advanced, we will consolidate it by developing the specialist vocabulary related to your profession, or by analyzing more complex texts to grasp all the nuances of meaning and style. Knowing the student, his interests and his mindset is fundamental in my opinion to be able to get the best results. Not all of us learn in the same way, we have very different systems of memorization or mental association. The goal is to make best use of the student's strengths so that the acquisition process becomes stimulating and rewarding. I am a friendly, precise, persevering and very patient person. If I realize that the teaching strategy that I am using does not produce the desired results, I quickly adapt to the person in front of me, approaching the concept from another perspective. Online lessons only at the moment. My rate is 15 euros per hour. Contact me via email to get more information or schedule our first lesson! Marianne
15 €
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Milano (Lombardia)
I have more than 8 years of experience tutoring students from International Schools taking the IGCSE and IB program, in the subjects of Math and Physics. I gained a B.Sc in Electromechanical Engineering and currently, I'm following a M. Sc in Energy Engineering in Politecnico di Milano. All my students were astonished by how simple and different is my approach, compared with the "standard" one taught by their teachers. All of them had significant improvements in their scores and their confidence in these subjects boosted right after the first lesson. This happens because usually, there are some concepts that are not clear for them, and they are afraid to ask them in public, so they just continue with their studies with many misconceptions on the way, which clearly makes the learning process way difficult. From my experience, I firmly believe that most students have the potential to understand and excel in these courses (even if they feel scared by them at the beginning), and it is my mission to prove it...even if they don't believe so
40 €
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Milano (Lombardia)
Call or Whatsapp at +39 3533532451 You have a problem in your quizzes, assignment or any other school, college and university project you are struggling with? We are here to take care of that. We have taken on a wide variety of subjects over the past 5 years, earning top grades for every order we have handled such as. »Management Subjects»Accounting» Finance »Statistics» Marketing »HR Assignment Help» Operations »Strategy & Planning Assignment Help» Project Management Assignment Help »Economics» IT Management »Public Relations »Engineering Subjects»Biotechnology Assignment Help» Computer Science Assignment Help »Electronics Assignment Help» Mechanical Assignment Help »IT Assignment Help» Data Structures Assignment Help » Operating Systems Assignment Help »Computer Network Assignment Help» UML Diagrams Assignment Help»Science» Mathematics »Chemistry» Physics »Biology» English »Psychology» History »Geography» Arts »Nursing»Essay» Case Studies »Business Development essays» Arts & Architectures »Humanities» Social Science »Essay Help & Custom Essays» Dissertation Writing Help »Law Assignment» Programming Assignment We have even handled full Masters or higher education programs for many of my clients. So, whether you need an individual or a group help in your quiz, assignment or a complete course or program, just contact us and we will be at your service 24/7 to provide best quality work with zero plagiarism. We are ready to handle your work within the specified time and my charges are friendly considering the complexity of work Call or Whatsapp at +39 3533532451
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Roma (Lazio)
Contact: +39 3533532451 You have a problem in your quizzes, assignment or any other school, college and university project you are struggling with? We are here to take care of that. We have taken on a wide variety of subjects over the past 5 years, earning top grades for every order we have handled such as. »Management Subjects»Accounting» Finance »Statistics» Marketing »HR Assignment Help» Operations »Strategy & Planning Assignment Help» Project Management Assignment Help »Economics» IT Management »Public Relations »Engineering Subjects»Biotechnology Assignment Help» Computer Science Assignment Help »Electronics Assignment Help» Mechanical Assignment Help »IT Assignment Help» Data Structures Assignment Help » Operating Systems Assignment Help »Computer Network Assignment Help» UML Diagrams Assignment Help»Science» Mathematics »Chemistry» Physics »Biology» English »Psychology» History »Geography» Arts »Nursing»Essay» Case Studies »Business Development essays» Arts & Architectures »Humanities» Social Science »Essay Help & Custom Essays» Dissertation Writing Help »Law Assignment» Programming Assignment We have even handled full Masters or higher education programs for many of my clients. So, whether you need an individual or a group help in your quiz, assignment or a complete course or program, just contact us and we will be at your service 24/7 to provide best quality work with zero plagiarism. We are ready to handle your work within the specified time and my charges are friendly considering the complexity of work Contact: +39 3533532451.
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Workshop Danza Celtiche a Napoli!! presso Vic Street Via Giuseppe Martucci 44-Napoli cell.:3387981020 www.vicstreet.it info costi e scadenze offerte OFFERTA ENTRO IL 31 GENNAIO 2018 COSTI PROMO *SINGOLO STAGE € 30,00 * DUE STAGE € 50,00 * TRE STAGE € 80,00 * QUATTRO STAGE € 110,00 DAL 01 FEBBRAIO 2018 *SINGOLO STAGE € 40,00 * DUE STAGE € 70,00 * TRE STAGE € 100,00 * QUATTRO STAGE € 145,00 DATE 11 FEBBRAIO 2018 08 APRILE 2018 03 GIUGNO 2018 01 LUGLIO 2018 ****SCONTI ********** CON UN PICCOLO ACCONTO SU POSTA PAY PRENOTA VIA WHATSAPP AL 3387981020 PER LA PARTECIAPZIONE BISOGNA VERSARE UN PICCOLO ACCONTO O DI PERONA PRESSO IL VIC STREET (PREVIO APPUNTAMTENTO) O TARAMITE RICARICA POSTA -PAY INFO artorient@hotmail.it cell.:3387981020 CON......ACCADEMIA DELLE DANZE CELTICHE Prime ino del programma 1 incontro 3 ore: - danze folk nord europee di gruppo - Passi base danze irlandesi 2 incontro - Danze irlandesi di gruppo (Ceili) 3 incontro - danze soliste irlandesi (Solo) NB.:PER CHI VIENE DA FUORI NAPOLI O PER CHI E INTERESSATO ANCHE ALLA CULTURA DELLA NOSTRA FANTASTICA CITTÀ E POSSIBILE PRENOTARE PRESSO NOI CON UN PICCOLO SUPPLEMENTO: 1 Workshops €30,00 1 Visita turistica €10,00 1 panino e acqua €8,00 Tutti e 3: Anziché € 48,00 al costo offerta €40,00 ***UNA GITA TURISTICA*** €10.00 ***E UNO SNACK VEGETARIANO*** € 8.00 NAPOLI DEI CASTELLI Alla scoperta delle origini di Napoli, partendo dal Castel dell'Ovo intorno al quale aleggia la storia della sirena Partenope e la leggenda dell'uovo di Virgilio, alla scoperta del primo insediamento dei greci a Napoli, proseguendo per il Lungomare giungendo a Piazza Plebiscito, il Palazzo Reale, il Teatro San Carlo, fino al cortile del Maschio Angioino IN PIU SE SEI IN CERCA DI UN B&B NELLE VICINANZE DELL' EVENTO PUOI RICHIEDERE LA DISPONIBILITÀ DEI B&B CONVENZIONATI INFO 3387981020!! ********************************************************************* Celtic Dance Workshop in Naples !! At Vic Street Via Giuseppe Martucci 44-Naples cell.:3387981020 www.vicstreet.it Cost info and deadlines offered OFFER BETWEEN 31 JANUARY 2018 PROMOTED COSTS * SINGLE STAGE € 30,00 * TWO STAGE € 50,00 * THREE STAGE € 80,00 * FOUR STAGE € 110,00 FROM 01 FEBRUARY 2018 * SINGLE STAGE € 40,00 * TWO STAGE € 70.00 * THREE STAGE € 100,00 * FOUR STAGE € 145,00 AT YOUR PLACE FEBRUARY 11, 2018 08 APRIL 2018 03 JUNE 2018 01 JULY 2018 **** DISCOUNTS ********** WITH A SMALL ACCESS TO PAY POSTS BOOK BY WHATSAPP AT 3387981020 FOR PARTICIPATION NEED TO GET A SMALL ACCESS OR PERONY AT VIC STREET OR RETRIEW POSITION -PAY ABOUT artorient@hotmail.it cell.:3387981020 WITH...... ACCELERATION OF CELTIC DANCES Top of the program 1 meeting 3 hours: - Northern European folk dance groups - Basic dance dances in Ireland 2 meeting - Irish group dancing (Ceili) 3 meeting Irish soloist dances (Solo) NB: EXCEPT FROM DOWNLOADS OR FOR THOSE WHO ARE INTERESTED TO THE CULTURE OF OUR FANTASTIC CITY AND POSSIBLE TO BOOK WITH A SMALL ADDITION: 1 Workshops € 30,00 1 Tourist Visit € 10,00 1 sandwich and water € 8.00 All 3: Instead of € 48.00 at a cost of € 40.00 *** A TOUR TOUR *** € 10.00 *** AND A VEGETABLE SNACK *** € 8.00 MORE THAN IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A B & B NEARBY YOU CAN REQUEST THE AVAILABILITY OF BED AND BREAKFAST INFO 3387981020 !!
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Roma (Lazio)
Intensive Italian Course in Rome This Course is aimed towards the immersion in Italian Language from the beginning. Classes are based on a communicative approach so that our students can practice the 4 fundamental functions of the language: reading, speaking, listening and writing. The course allows our students to do a full immersion in Italian language and culture. It is held in the morning from Monday to Friday and you can sign up every Monday. The learning program allows students, who opt for this course, to go deep into the Italian language and culture through interactive and authentic activities that allow them to acquire the basic vocabulary, for the basic levels, and enrich it, for the  advanced levels. Role-play, educational games and total immersion in real communicative situations, immediately make our students able to interact with the new context in which they work, live and have fun! Moreover, we organise many social and cultural activities where foreigners can meet local people and learn italian living it. Schedule (60hrs for 4 weeks): Group classes 3hrs per day (from 9,30 to 12,30; from 12,30 to 15, 30), from Monday to Friday. Start: every Monday Level: A1, A2, B1, B2 Price: 450 euro + 45 euro TEMPORARY PROMOTIONS: Au-pairs, Religious, Diplomats and students (in italian Universities) pay only 299 euro + 45 euro; The registration fee (45 euro) is valid for one year and it includes learning materials, the opportunity to participate in our social and cultural events, rental of books and films in the original language, Koiné card (for discounted prices for shops/gym/pharm/clubs, etc. in partnership with Koiné), Wi-fi, internet point, up to 2 certificates of attendance and the final exam.
450 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Intensive Italian Course in Rome This Course is aimed towards the immersion in Italian Language from the beginning. Classes are based on a communicative approach so that our students can practice the 4 fundamental functions of the language: reading, speaking, listening and writing. The course allows our students to do a full immersion in Italian language and culture. It is held in the morning from Monday to Friday and you can sign up every Monday. The learning program allows students, who opt for this course, to go deep into the Italian language and culture through interactive and authentic activities that allow them to acquire the basic vocabulary, for the basic levels, and enrich it, for the advanced levels. Role-play, educational games and total immersion in real communicative situations, immediately make our students able to interact with the new context in which they work, live and have fun! Moreover, we organise many social and cultural activities where foreigners can meet local people and learn italian living it. Schedule (60hrs for 4 weeks): group classes 3hrs per day (from 9,30 to 12,30; from 12,30 to 15, 30), from Monday to Friday. Start: every Monday Level: A1, A2, B1, B2 Price: 450 euro + 45 euro TEMPORARY PROMOTIONS: Au-pairs, Religious, Diplomats and students (in italian Universities) pay only 299 euro + 45 euro The registration fee (45 euro) is valid for one year and it includes learning materials, the opportunity to participate in our social and cultural events, rental of books and films in the original language, Koiné card (for discounted prices for shops/gym/pharm/clubs, etc. in partnership with Koiné), Wi-fi, internet point, up to 2 certificates of attendance and the final exam. _____________________________________ Corsi di Italiano per Stranieri a Roma Il corso permette ai nostri studenti di immergersi, fin dall’inizio, nella lingua e cultura italiana. Le lezioni del corso di gruppo di Italiano si basano su un approccio comunicativo grazie al quale i nostri studenti possono praticare le 4 funzioni fondamentali della lingua: leggere, parlare, ascoltare e scrivere. Il programma di apprendimento consente agli studenti che optano per questo corso bisettimanale di immergersi completamente nella lingua e cultura italiana attraverso attività interattive ed autentiche che gli permettono di acquisire il vocabolario di base, per i livelli base, e arricchirlo, per i livelli più avanzati. Role play, giochi didattici e immersioni in situazioni comunicative reali, renderanno subito i nostri studenti capaci di interagire con il nuovo contesto in cui si trovano a lavorare, vivere e divertirsi! Il programma del corso include anche attività sociali extra come film italiani dopo la lezione, aperitivi con amici italiani, tour multi linguistici di Roma, eventi (Opera, Festival, Mostre, ecc…) e degustazione di piatti tipici della cucina italiana con il nostro staff! I opzione Orario (60h – 4 settimane): Corso di gruppo di 3 ore al giorno (9,30 – 12,30, 12,30 – 15, 30), dal lunedì al venerdì Inizio: ogni primo lunedì del mese Livello: A1 – A2, B1 – B2 Prezzo: 450€ + 45€* Programma: Italiano generale, Grammatica italiana, conversazione, scrittura e lettura. **Promo per AU-PAIRS, STUDENTI (in Università italiane), DIPLOMATICI e RELIGIOSI: 299€ + 45€* * La quota associativa (45€) è valida per un anno e comprende materiale didattico, l’opportunità di partecipare ai nostri eventi sociali e culturali, noleggio di libri e film in lingua originale, Koiné card (per i prezzi scontati per negozi/palestre/clubs, ecc… in collaborazione con Koiné), Wi-Fi, internet point, fino a 2 attestati di frequenza e l’esame finale.
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Roma (Lazio)
Intensive Italian Course in Rome This Course is aimed towards the immersion in Italian Language from the beginning. Classes are based on a communicative approach so that our students can practice the 4 fundamental functions of the language: reading, speaking, listening and writing. The course allows our students to do a full immersion in Italian language and culture. It is held in the morning from Monday to Friday and you can sign up every Monday. The learning program allows students, who opt for this course, to go deep into the Italian language and culture through interactive and authentic activities that allow them to acquire the basic vocabulary, for the basic levels, and enrich it, for the advanced levels. Role-play, educational games and total immersion in real communicative situations, immediately make our students able to interact with the new context in which they work, live and have fun! Moreover, we organise many social and cultural activities where foreigners can meet local people and learn italian living it. Schedule (60hrs for 4 weeks): group classes 3hrs per day (from 9,30 to 12,30; from 12,30 to 15, 30), from Monday to Friday. Start: every Monday Level: A1, A2, B1, B2 Price: 495 euro + 45 euro TEMPORARY PROMOTIONS: Au-pairs, Religious, Diplomats, Students (in italian Universities), FAO/WFP/IFAD/UN Staff & Spouses pay only 349 euro + 45 euro The registration fee (45 euro) is valid for one year and it includes learning materials, the opportunity to participate in our social and cultural events, rental of books and films in the original language, Koiné card (for discounted prices for shops/gym/pharm/clubs, etc. in partnership with Koiné), Wi-fi, internet point, up to 2 certificates of attendance and the final exam. _____________________________________ Corsi di Italiano per Stranieri a Roma Il corso permette ai nostri studenti di immergersi, fin dall’inizio, nella lingua e cultura italiana. Le lezioni del corso di gruppo di Italiano si basano su un approccio comunicativo grazie al quale i nostri studenti possono praticare le 4 funzioni fondamentali della lingua: leggere, parlare, ascoltare e scrivere. Il programma di apprendimento consente agli studenti che optano per questo corso bisettimanale di immergersi completamente nella lingua e cultura italiana attraverso attività interattive ed autentiche che gli permettono di acquisire il vocabolario di base, per i livelli base, e arricchirlo, per i livelli più avanzati. Role play, giochi didattici e immersioni in situazioni comunicative reali, renderanno subito i nostri studenti capaci di interagire con il nuovo contesto in cui si trovano a lavorare, vivere e divertirsi! Il programma del corso include anche attività sociali extra come film italiani dopo la lezione, aperitivi con amici italiani, tour multi linguistici di Roma, eventi (Opera, Festival, Mostre, ecc…) e degustazione di piatti tipici della cucina italiana con il nostro staff! I opzione Orario (60h – 4 settimane): Corso di gruppo di 3 ore al giorno (9,30 – 12,30, 12,30 – 15, 30), dal lunedì al venerdì Inizio: ogni primo lunedì del mese Livello: A1 – A2, B1 – B2 Prezzo: 495€ + 45€* Programma: Italiano generale, Grammatica italiana, conversazione, scrittura e lettura. **Promo per AU-PAIRS, STUDENTI (in Università italiane), DIPLOMATICI, RELIGIOSI e staff FAO/IFAD/WFP/UN: 349€ + 45€* * La quota associativa (45€) è valida per un anno e comprende materiale didattico, l’opportunità di partecipare ai nostri eventi sociali e culturali, noleggio di libri e film in lingua originale, Koiné card (per i prezzi scontati per negozi/palestre/clubs, ecc… in collaborazione con Koiné), Wi-Fi, internet point, fino a 2 attestati di frequenza e l’esame finale.
495 €
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