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Manufacturing process

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      Il nostro cliente è una società manufacturing leader nel suo settore. Siamo stati incaricati di ricercare un: Il ruolo Il candidato prescelto, a riporto del Direttore di Stabilimento, garantirà l’implementazione operativa di progetti di ottimizzazione e miglioramento continuo secondo i principi della Lean Production, con l’obiettivo di favorire il miglioramento dei parametri di produttività e della riduzione dei costi. Collaborando principalmente con i dpt di Qualità, Ingegneria dei Processi e Operations, avrà compito implementare negli stabilimenti ‘best practices’ definite a livello di Azienda  I requisiti · Laurea in ingegneria gestionale e/o Meccanica ma con specializzazion...
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      Modena (Emilia Romagna)
      Per stabilimento produttivo in Provincia di Modena, di Azienda Cliente fidelizzata, specializzata nella produzione e commercializzazione in tutto il mondo, di prodotti certificati ed appartenenti al settore oleodinamico, ricerchiamo IMPIEGATO TEMPI E METODI PROCESSI PRODUTIVI. Al candidato, che si interfaccerà direttamente con il Plant Manager, sono richieste skill necessarie: Conoscenza tecnico meccanica per Diploma di Perito Meccanico oppure Laurea in Ingegneria Meccanica Padronanza della lingua inglese (utilizzo lavorativo quotidiano) Esperienza professionale decennale specifica nel ruolo di Process Engineering maturata all'interno di Azienda di medie dimensioni, specializzatosi nell'analisi e nella condivisione delle tematiche e delle strategie basate sui principi Kaizen, Lean Manufacturing, Continuous Improvement. Completano le skill della risorsa ideale, la capacità di eleborazione e di utilizzo degli strumenti di controllo delle attività legate al MFE Manufacturing Engineering, insieme alle prevedibili analisi MTM PLM ERP PFMEA SPC; il conoscere ed il saper applicare le regole HSE inerenti alla propria attività; in possesso di spiccate attitudini nel rivestire un ruolo Manageriale sia per la sua propria autonoma capacità organizzativa professionale, sia per l'interfacciamento ad alto livello e trasversalmente previsto, con i colleghi dell'Area Produttiva, dell’Area Acquisti, dell'Area Tecnica (e con colleghi dislocati presso altri Plant strategici Europei). Rif. Process Engineering Tempi e Metodi G0521 info mobile 3389622158 info at hr-personalequalificato.com Policy Privacy D.L. 196/2003 e codice etico professionale In adempimento L. 903/77 L. 125/91 e D.L. 215/03 e 216/03
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      Verona (Veneto)
      Opportunità Questa è un’interessante opportunità per entrare in una multinazionale specializzata nella progettazione e realizzazione di prodotti e tecnologie per lo scambio termico e la separazione e movimentazione dei fluidi. Responsabilità La risorsa, nell’ottica di potenziamento dell’Area Operation development, contribuirà al miglioramento continuo delle performance dei processi legati a diversi dipartimenti aziendali in ottica Industria 4.0. Nello specifico si occuperà di: • Supportare quotidianamente l’attività del plant di riferimento nella risoluzione di eventuali problematiche o deviazioni che possono insorgere; • Seguire progetti in ottica Lean nei diversi dipartimenti aziendali: logistica, produzione, R&D,etc. • Supportare, in maniera proattiva, l’attività di miglioramento continuo dei processi; • Seguire la fase di industrializzazione di nuovi prodotti; • Seguire la fase di digitalizzazione dei processi; • Contribuire alla gestione di piccoli progetti come Project Manager • Creazione di progetti di smart manufacturing e industria 4.0 Competenze • Laurea  indirizzo tecnico (Ingegneria Gestionale, Meccanica, Informatica); • Esperienza anche minima in ruoli similari; • Conoscenza delle logiche e dei principali strumenti Lean Manufacturing; • Ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese per i frequenti contatti con la casa madre estera e per i plant esteri; • Ottima dimestichezza con il pacchetto Office; • Approccio proattivo ai problemi e ai processi; • Capacità di problem solving; • Capacità organizzative e di gestione di priorità e tempi; • Disponibilità a trasferte sui vari plant produttivi ​​​​​​​ Sede di lavoro: Vicenza e Verona  Settore: Metalmeccanico
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      Perugia (Umbria)
      Consultant Adecco Engineering & Technical Umbria ricerca per azienda multinazionale settore automotive unPROCESS ENGINEER area ApplicationQuesta figura farà parte del team Manufacturing nello specifico l'area di gestione clienti e delle singole commesse.La figura ricercataGli aspetti di cui si dovranno occupare sono:o Industrializzazione del prodotto compresa la quotazione dell'intero processo e il disegno interno, in collaborazione con gli altri team nello specifico manufacturing, qualità, acquisti.o Contatti di tipo tecnico con clientio Gestione il processo di approvazione del prodotto/processo da parte del cliente (APQP)Requisiti:o Laurea tecnica ingegneristica di tipo meccanico o gestionaleo Lettura critica del disegno meccanico;o Conoscenza di sistemi di disegnazione CAD nello specifico software CATIA;o Conoscenza dei vari processi produttivi;o Buon livello di inglese;o Propensione alle trasferte estere;o Propensione al mantenimento di buone relazioni interpersonali (sia con i colleghi che con i clienti);o Proattività e desiderio di imparare e crescere professionalmente.o Completano il profilo capacità organizzative, ottima comunicazione, team working, e capacità di analisi capacità di gestione di buone relazioni interpersonali (sia con i colleghi che con i clienti), forte proattività e desiderio di imparare e crescere professionalmente.Si offre assunzione a tempo indeterminato diretto da parte dell'azienda.Luogo di lavoro: UMBERTIDE (PG)Data inizio prevista: 10/11/2021Categoria Professionale: Ingegneria ImpiantisticaSettore: AUTOMOTIVECittà: Umbertide (Perugia)Disponibilità oraria: Totale disponibilità Clicca sul link sottostante "sito web" per inviarci la tua candidatura.
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      Space Work seleziona PROCESS ENGINEER per multinazionale operante nel settore automotive DESCRIZIONE DELL’ATTIVITA’: La risorsa si occuperà di monitorare ed ottimizzare il processo produttivo, integrando i principali strumenti di Lean manufacturing. In particolare avrà il compito di gestire il processo di rilevazione e controllo tempi/metodi di produzione, analizzando l’efficienza delle varie fasi produttive mediante OEE e altri indicatori chiave. Avrà quindi la responsabilità di pianificare e attuare attività di miglioramento continuo mirate, supportato da un team inter funzionale, e di preparare la reportistica legata all’andamento produttivo, da presentare e discutere con la direzione e le funzioni centrali. REQUISITI RICHIESTI: Formazione tecnica, preferibilmente laurea in ingegneria gestionale o meccanica. Pregressa esperienza in ruoli analoghi, meglio se presso realtà strutturate e di respiro internazionale. Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese e familiarità con i principi Lean manufacturing. Spiccato orientamento all’obiettivo, attitudine al problem solving e capacità di lavorare in team ne completano il profilo. L’AZIENDA OFFRE: Contratto di assunzione e retribuzione commisurata all’esperienza SEDE DI LAVORO: Provincia di Brescia Referente della selezione: Dr.ssa Silvia Bianchi L' offerta di lavoro qui pubblicata si rivolge a candidati di entrambi i sessi ai sensi della legge (D.Lgs. 198/2006).
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      Inserito nell'Unità Miglioramento Industriale area Service, il candidato si occuperà principalmente delle seguenti attività: Implementazione di nuovi progetti riguardanti flussi e procedure operative, in stretto contatto con la divisione sistemi informativi Definizione e monitoraggio dei sistemi di KPI su progetti per il miglioramento delle performance della divisione Service Attività di auditing in stretto contatto con i tecnici dell'area Service in ottica di customer satisfaction Project management di progetti di BPR (Business Process Re-engineering) su processi di pianificazione CONOSCENZE/COMPETENZE: Conoscenza delle metodologie di Lean Manufacturing e di Business Process Re-engineering comprovata da importanti esperienza di implementazione delle stesse (riorganizzazione di flussi, procedure, ERP, contesti operativi) Skills in ambito Project Management Buone conoscenze su database relazionali (SQL) e del pacchetto Office (Excel) Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese REQUISITI RICHIESTI Laurea in Ingegneria gestionale Gradita un'esperienza pregressa di 1/2 anni nello stesso ruolo in realtà strutturate e appartenenti ai seguenti settori: machinery (packaging, Lavorazione del metallo,etc), componentistica macchine, componentistica Auto SEDE DI LAVORO Provincia di Rimini #LI-PD1
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      La risorsa avrà la responsabilità di progettare il layout produttivo e le relative postazioni di lavoro. Redigerà e manterrà le istruzioni di lavoro e ne stabilirà i tempi. Si occuperà inoltre di proporre modifiche di prodotto volte al contenimento dei costi mantenendo un'ottica di miglioramento qualitativo dello stesso. Miglioramento continuo prodotto/processoAzienda di automazioneIl candidato ideale ha le seguenti caratteristiche:Laurea in Ingegneria, preferibilmente ad indirizzo Industriale, Meccanico o Elettrica/ElettronicaEsperienza pregressa di almeno 7 anni in ambienti di produzione industriale nel ruolo di Process Engineer o di Manufacturing EngineerConoscenza dei principi della lean manufacturing ed esperienza pluriennale nella sua implementazione Conoscenza dei processi di assemblaggio meccanico e cablaggio elettro-meccanicoEsperienza nell'applicazione delle metodologie tempi e metodiConoscenza di sistemi ERP (preferenziale Microsoft Dynamics NAV) per la gestione dei cicli di lavoro e MBOM Solida realtà operante nel settore dell'automazione.Ottima opportunità di carriera.Salario da 40.000 €/anno a 45.000 €/anno
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      Verbania (Piemonte)
      La risorsa, a riporto diretto del direttore di stabilimento, andrà ad occuparsi della progettazione, gestione, controllo e ottimizzazione dei processi produttivi industriali, con un particolare focus sui principi della Lean manufacturing.Requisiti richiesti:- Laurea in Ingegneria preferibilmente ad indirizzo Meccanico o Gestionale- Indispensabile la provenienza da contesti aziendali strutturati;- Conoscenza approfondita delle dinamiche di ottimizzazione dei processi e dei principi della Lean manufacturing;- Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese - Spiccate doti comunicative, di analisi e di problem solving;- Autonomia e capacità organizzativa.Il candidato si occuperà in particolare di:- Analizzare i processi produttivi in ottica Lean per identificare e implementare le azioni di ottimizzazione in termini di tempistica, qualità e costi;- Industrializzazione dei nuovi prodotti al fine di incrementare l'efficienza dei processi, interagendo con l'Ufficio Tecnico e la Produzione;- Supportare l'Ufficio Tecnico per la redazione della documentazione relativa ai nuovi progetti;- Redigere le analisi dei rischi in collaborazione con Ufficio Qualità, Production Management e Plant Management;- Realizzare qualifiche di processo;- Progettare e implementare sistemi statistici di controllo di processo;- Identificare, definire e monitorare gli indicatori utili per l'ottimizzazione dei processi (KPI);- Definire, formalizzare e sviluppare gli standard di riferimento delle attività di processo;- Supportare il personale diretto e indiretto nello sviluppo di progetti di miglioramento;- Supportare il Production Manager nella risoluzione di problematiche tecniche inerenti la gestione di macchine, impianti ed attrezzature.Sede di Lavoro: OmegnaRal di riferimento: 25/27KData inizio prevista: 01/10/2021Categoria Professionale: Ingegneria ImpiantisticaCittà: Omegna (Verbania)Disponibilità oraria: Full Time Clicca sul link sottostante "sito web" per inviarci la tua candidatura.
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      GEBERIT è il gruppo multinazionale leader nella produzione e fornitura di componenti idrosanitari e relativi sistemi, in Europa e nel mondo. L’azienda opera con una forte leadership su tutti i territori europei, portando valore aggiunto in tema di innovazione della tecnologia sanitaria e della ceramica per il bagno. Fondato nel 1874, ad oggi conta numerose filiali presenti in più di 40 nazioni, con una rete che comprende 29 impianti produttivi. Il programma prevede l’assunzione di giovani laureati che in un arco temporale di 30 mesi svolgeranno un percorso formativo strutturato che prevede acquisizione di competenze tramite formazione d’aula, training on the job e esperienze sui siti esteri dell’azienda. Nell’ambito del progetto l’azienda ricerca due Jr Process Engineer che si occuperanno di: - analizzare le differenti fasi del processo produttivo ed individuare le priorità di intervento per ridurre gli scarti e migliorare la produttività e i KPI; - sviluppare progetti ed investimenti per l’ottimizzazione dei flussi e dei processi; - aggiornare/creare layout ed attrezzature da introdurre nell’ambito dei processi analizzati; - eseguire analisi di fattibilità e simulazioni di processo, verificando la presenza di vincoli tecnologici ed economici; - studiare ed implementare il GPS (Geberit Production System); - redigere reportistica per il Management locale e di Gruppo. La figura ricercata è un giovane laureato che dovrà avere conoscenze di organizzazione industriale di processo, di efficienza dei reparti produttivi e di strategie per l’ottimizzazione dei processi produttivi. Inoltre, sarà supportato nello sviluppo di competenze manageriali per la gestione del personale di reparto (sia manutenzione elettrica che meccanica). La risorsa performante mostra attitudine per il Team Working, spiccate capacità relazionali e di confronto, doti di analisi e sintesi, forte orientamento al risultato e spirito di sacrificio e passione. Sede di lavoro: Geberit, Stabilimento di Gaeta (LT) Contratto, inquadramento, retribuzione: Apprendistato di 14 mesi Profilo ricercato - Laurea preferibilmente Magistrale in Ingegneria Meccanica, Ingegneria Gestionale della Logistica e Produzione, Ingegneria Elettrica o Ingegneria Elettronica - Inglese fluente - 1/ 2 anni di esperienza saranno considerati un plus, preferibilmente presso aziende di produzione a ciclo continuo - Conoscenze di Lean Manufacturing - Conoscenze di processi produttivi, delle tecnologie di produzione e nozioni di Tempi e Metodi - Gradita conoscenza di CAD - Capacità di Project Management La ricerca è rivolta a persone di entrambi i sessi. Inviare dettagliato curriculum vitae con autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali (D.Lgs. 196/03) al seguente link: https://www.futuremanager.it/ o all’indirizzo mail GEBERIT@futuremanager.it
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      Settore Chimico - Analisi - Biotecnologie Sotto settore Ricerca e Sviluppo Retribuzione non specificato Regione Molise Province Campobasso Annuncio inserito il 24 maggio 2018 Scadenza annuncio non specificato A riporto dell’R&D Manager del Toll Manufacturing la risorsa avrà la responsabilità della gestione e risoluzione dei casi Trouble Shooting ed attività di Miglioramento Processi industriali del Sito Produttivo di Termoli. Le attività ed i progetti da gestire saranno identificate e definite in collaborazione con il Direttore di Produzione di Termoli, Responsabile Quality Assurance e con il Project/Product Manager. In particolate avrà...
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      Buy Pellets on the web Buy Premium Wood Pellets Online https://florisius.com/product/buy-pellets-online/ We sell pine wood pellets that are certified as environmentally sustainable by ENplus A2 at competitive prices online. Our fuel pellets are a cost-effective and efficient method of heating for industrial and residential pellet furnaces. In contrast to other manufacturers, we adhere to stringent production standards to guarantee premium quality: Drying of basic materials No use of unrefined bark or sand Controlled compression method https://florisius.com/product/buy-pellets-online/ low percentage of the only Extreme heat production The end result is wood pellets with superior qualities such as high energy density, low emissions, and no clustering. We cool and package the completed granules for transportability. Available Containers: Bags of 15kg Polypropylene 1 Ton Heavy Bags Our ENplus A2 pine wood pellets are licensed under number UA016, attesting to their superior quality. Order online immediately to receive eco-friendly, high-performance wood pellets delivered directly to you at extremely competitive prices. We take great pride in our manufacturing excellence. What purpose do wood granules serve? Numerous Applications of Pine Wood Pellets While pine wood pellets are most commonly used for heating, they have a wide range of applications: Space Heating – Pellet furnaces and boilers are popular for heating residences, cottages, and utility rooms. In addition to producing heat, modern steam facilities with pellet boilers can also generate electricity. Pine granules are ideal cat litter due to their absorbent and odor-controlling properties. Expand when moist and hold odors. Wood pellets are highly useful for residential heating, small-scale power generation, and even cat litter due to their adaptability, cost-effectiveness, and environmental friendliness. Pine wood pellets are an inexpensive, multipurpose product that is particularly popular among householders. The increasing prevalence of wood pellets can be explained by their "green" credentials. Wood pellet benefits By purchasing pine wood pellets from our online supermarket, you can reduce costs and purchase frugally. After firing our projectiles for the first time in real life, you will become one of our most loyal customers. The following is a list of the principal advantages of wood pellets: 1. A reasonable expense. We are a pellets-specializing manufacturer. There are no intermediaries involved in the delivery process; instead, the manufacturer ships the products directly to the customer. As a consequence of this factor, prices become more expensive. 2. Environmentally responsible methods. Utilizing discarded timber products has a positive effect on the environment. Pine-derived fuel pellets are produced in ecologically pristine regions of Ukraine, which also serve as a source of raw materials. 3. A relatively modest amount of ash, up to 1.2%. Throughout the manufacturing process, our granules do not slag nor do they form cakes. We do not purchase sawdust because it typically contains a significant amount of grit, which increases the likelihood of cakes occurring. To begin with, there is the matter of your boilers' safety and durability. 4. The granules' relative humidity should not exceed 10%. This has the greatest effect on the heat transmission. Pine Wood Pellets Class A1 6mm DIN+ & ENplus A1/A2 (BSL Approved Wood Pellets in 15kg Bags) We offer high-quality 6mm and 8mm wood pellets that conform to DIN EN PLUS in 15kg plastic bags, large bags, and bulk quantities. Our monthly production capacity is up to 3000 tons, and we offer delivery options to your location or ports throughout Europe and the Middle East. Our wood pellets come from Pine, Beech, Fir, Spruce Oak, and Hard Coniferous trees. Excellent Wood Pellet Specification: Amount of Ash: 0.7% 10% humidity Size: 6 mm to 8 mm Length: 10 to 50 millimeters Uniform Surface Color, Absence of Splits Density Minimum: 650 kg/m3 Approximately 4100 to 4500 kcal per kilogram Uniform Size and Production Quality Test Clear in Water Cup Nontoxic Emissions Zero Chemicals Packaging Alternatives: 15KG/PP woven bag or 20KG/PP woven bag, with the logo of your choice. 80 percent pine and 20 percent beech (white) pellets:
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      Vercelli (Piemonte)
      Supplier Quality Engineer Important international company of healthcare. The Supplier Quality Engineer (SQE) ensures that the supply chain companies (suppliers) continually develop their process in line with the design intent of the customer and verify their systems to ensure they are compliant with the end customer's needs. This includes on-going supplier verification. The SQE is responsible for delivering all aspects of the Supplier Quality Assurance function.He/ She collects root cause analysis and provide corrective feedback to prevent line stops due to supply issues. Establish incoming inspection plans for components with the supplier & R&D department, assemblies and/or finished devices and quality department Ensure the proper risk controls are implemented at both supplier and the company, the measurement system at supplier & the company are identical, and/or capable, Monitore and analyze supplier data internally and externally gathered to identify trends and prevent potential problems Initiate and manage Supplier Corrective Actions (SCAR, SAR) in partnership with Manufacturing/Process Engineering and Quality Engineering to ensure complete and effective root cause analysis and corrective action implementation is performed promptly Use appropriate methods such as Statistical Process Control (SPC), Advanced Quality Process (AQP) tools and the metrics, proactively to identify and help implement improvement to supplier quality and supplier quality tools and processes Collaborate with other members of the supply team to establish and maintain a meaningful supplier quality scorecard. Permanent position. Inserzionista: Page Personnel
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      LA RISORSA UMANA.IT SRL Divisione Recruitment ricerca Per azienda specializzata nella costruzione di macchine utensili, RESPONSABILE PRODUZIONE La figura ricercata dovrà svolgere le seguenti attività: -Gestione lato Qualità processo di stabilimenti di produzione motori e cambi -Gestione degli standard qualitativi di processo e monitoraggio delle attività -Supporto ad attività inerenti le certificazioni ISO -Esecuzione audit di processo all’interno di un team congiunto Il candidato ideale dovrà avere le seguenti caratteristiche: -Laurea Triennale in Ingegneria e Gestione della Produzione -Esperienza pregressa nel ruolo di Manufacturing Process Quality Manager Powertrain -Buona conoscenza di windows, office, manutenzione hardware e software pc, progettazione CAD/CAM (autocad / solid edge), AS400 Luogo di lavoro: Castel Bolognese (RA) Autorizzazione Min. e Iscrizione Albo Agenzie per il Lavoro Prot. 0004 del 22/01/2018-Sez.1 Somministrazione di tipo generalista Il presente annuncio é rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91, e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03. I candidati sono invitati ad Inviare il proprio CV e a leggere sul sito www.larisorsaumana.it l’informativa sulla Privacy (GDPR 679/2016).
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      Research and Development Engineering is responsible for developing and implementing new products through adherence to established design control processes and good engineering and documentation practices. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: ? Provide know-how in polymeric materials screening and formulations, perform plastic product evaluations and testing using internal Polymer Lab equipment. ? Perform qualifications of new resins as per internal training, material screening /analysis, materials/product testing, shelf life claims and technical reporting. ? Participate in tasks related to plastic/rubber process machinery selections/requirements and vendor sourcing per instructions and guidance by department head. ? Participate in tasks related to Cost Savings projects, ability to derive true cost calculations, priority assessment and critical path analysis. ? Maintain,manage and organize all project files, binders, data archiving and maintenance of long term 5 year stability reports/files and products on stability. ? Provide technical support/direction to MITG sites as needed with resin events, resin incoming inspection, failure analysis and solutions. ? Provide daily updates to Department Manager on progress, setbacks and solutions to small and large projects. ? Provide support to various plants for molding process optimization, travel to these sites will be required. DEPARTMENT SPECIFIC/NON-ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: Other duties as assigned with or without accommodation. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Education: Bachelor of Science in Plastics Engineering (minimum requirement) Masters in Plastics Engineering degree preferred. Experience: ? Individual must have strong polymer material fundamentals and hands-on Injection Molding processing knowhow or /and familiarity, both with full hot runner, valve gated and cold runner high cavitation tools. ? Individual must have hands on experience with simple and complex injection molds, mold setup, familiarity with tool design, venting and cooling capabilities. ? At least 1 year of experience on production floor of an injection molding facility optimizing processes data analysis and product testing /metrology. ? Must have fundamental and sound knowledge in materials such as polypropylene, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene and thermoset and thermoplastic rubbers. Experience with Characterization /testing methodologies for polymers. ? Familiar with bonding, printing and other assembly techniques in a high volume manufacturing environment. ? At least 1-2 years of Project management and participation with cross-functional teams. Preferred Skills/Qualifications: Strong analytical/statistical problem solving tools Skills/Competencies: Ability to support multiple projects and balance priorities Strong facilitation skills and experience working with cross functional teams Strong knowledge of plastic and rubber processes, with component and assembly manufacturing Possess strong verbal, written, and presentation skills Operates independently in carrying out functions with minimal supervision Applies six sigma concepts, Cpk, sample size selection
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      This role is responsible for the management of Production and Materials Planning, Inventory Control and Planning, Sales and Operations Planning, Warehouse Operations and Logistics. This position will work with Manufacturing, Quality, Finance, Sales & Project management and other relevant functional teams at the site. The Supply Chain Head must be able to negotiate and implement lean processes by developing creative solutions and forward-looking strategies and must have demonstrated ability to lead through influence. In collaboration with site teams, develop processes and Key Performance Indicating metrics, utilizing the ERP system to provide timely visibility and tracking of materials and finished goods status across the supply chain. The main responsabilities are:Direct the work of the Master Schedulers, providing expertise and assisting functional leads in identifying risks and evaluating capacities required to support production, storage and other capacities.Maintain best practice KPI metrics and dashboard(s) to measure site execution, customer service and performance of Supply Chain processes.Ensures the management of the introduction and obsolescence of materials throughout product life cycle. Positively affects cash flow and cost of goods by consistently maintaining costing accuracy, supporting the order execution process and managing inventories.Continual and transparent communication with peers to determine the status of assigned projects. Expedites operations, including all functional groups, to prevent delay of schedules. Alters schedules through the Sales and Operations Planning to meet unforeseen conditions.Utilizes a collaborative and consensus approach to ensure customer needs are well represented and met.Manage the team providing professional guidance in terms of performance appraisals and team empowermentPerforms other job duties as required. Supply Chain Head - Multinational API companysupply chain - multinationalTo perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Education and/or Experience Minimum 5 years' experience in turning around supply chain organizationsDegree required: Bachelors, preferred: Masters or MBA focused in Supply Chain, Business Management, Finance, EngineeringFamiliarity with Supply Chain concepts, Import/Export rules, transportation and warehousing requirementsMust be organized, possess time management skills, have the ability to deal with ambiguity and be able to manage changing priorities. Leads, motivates, and develops direct reports and peers.Possesses excellent communication, analytical, problem solving and decision making skills.Ability to perform work under general direction and normal business pressuresVery good English Knowledge Preferred ExperienceKnowledge/experience with SAP ERP system or comparable ERP systems.Previous process manufacturing and planning experience.Pharmaceutical environment or similarAPICS certification & Lean Six Sigma Certification as a plusClear understanding of Supply Chain Best PracticesAbility to work and succeed in a global environment and people management Our client is an important American multinational company that deals with active pharmaceutical ingredients. We are looking for 2 Supply Chain Head figures for 2 Italian sites in the north-west Milan area and south-west Milan.Ottima opportunità di carriera.
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      MUST - ONE YEAR AS PROJECT MANAGER EXCELLENT opportunity to be mentored by Expert for a year - someone with a strong desire to go into a Project Manager role - plastics as it relates to medical products, global firm. Knowledge of Injection Molded micro components is helpful. is responsible for planning and driving each project to its successful conclusion by ensuring that its scope is well defined, and resource estimates and project schedules are specified and appropriate to the project. The Program Manager organizes and leads activities to ensure completion of the projects on schedule, within budget constraints, and quality that exceeds customers expectations. Requirements: Education, Experience 4 year Engineering Degree or equivalent experience. Experience in the areas of project management, preferably in the medical device field working with minimally invasive, single use medical devices in the endoscopy, cardiovascular, neurovascular, and urology markets. Ideally project management experience in the product or process development of plastic components. Ability to apply engineering principles to an idea or set of user requirements -- and then convert this into design requirements, considering manufacturability, cost of goods, and the regulatory requirements for a device or combination product. Good understanding of Design for Manufacturability principals. Knowledge of product development process according to FDA regulations Proficient with Microsoft Project and very proficient in Microsoft Office products. Experience in building complex schedules utilizing sub-schedule integration structure and logic Experienced with and efficient at capturing and recording technical details and commitments Experienced with and effective in communicating program challenges to appropriate team members Experienced with communicating resource conflicts and effective conflict resolutions Experienced utilizing resource management tools Experienced with complex multi-tasking in leading projects and programs Ability to communicate vertically and horizontally through multiple channels, leverage customer contact network to motivate diverse teams, and enable cross-functional collaboration. Preferably have completed a professional program management training program. Experienced with process verification and validation Authoritative command of complexity and ambiguity, ability to see the big picture, ability to collect, digest and assemble information to enable relevant business analyses and influence decision-making. Continuous improvement methodologies (e.g. Six Sigma, lean manufacturing, etc.) and change management methodologies. Experienced with managing programs with annual budgets of $10K - $5M. Responsibilities: Roles, Tasks Perform Project and program management at a high level of professionalism. This role will be responsible to lead high-profile projects and programs that utilize internal and external personnel, contract firms, and partners. Negotiate and resolve project conflicts and drive consensus among team/functional members to accomplish project and business goals. Manage program resources to meet business objectives. Manages external contractors and suppliers to ensure completion of projects on time and on budget. Manages resource allocations from all areas for project support. Documents labor resources and billing hours. Identifies and manages the resolution of any deviations to contract, Project Master, or project documents. Communicates to clients as required on project updates. Communicates regularly to company management on project schedule, budget and any issues that may affect the completion on projects on schedule and on budget. Negotiates any necessary changes with Customers/Clients. Ensure that Customer/Client issues are resolved and documented to their satisfaction. Support new business activities by evaluating new opportunities, assisting on developing quotes and providing product prototypes if requested.
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      Mantova (Lombardia)
      For our Client, an important Company, operating in the Welding Industry, working with international customers from Agricultural, Construction, Paving and Lifting sector, we are selecting the Welding Coordinator ISO 3834 Welding Quality Assurance The position reports to the Quality and Development Manager and will be part of a strategic project referring to the achievement of ISO 3834. The Welding Coordinator will be responsible for the internal welding processes qualification and welding operators training, he will: • Approve the feasibility studies of new products and the preliminary welding process design • Co-develop quality strategic plan and execution on products and manufacturing processes • Collaborate with the Quality Manager in the definition of the quality KPI • Supervise the activities of the quality team ensuring their correct execution • Share the related results and information with the Quality Manager producing analytical reports • Cooperate with Suppliers in order to coach and improve their quality culture The ideal candidate has: • An IWE (International Welding Engineer) or IWT (International Welding Technologist) or IWS (International Welding Specialist) documented certification as per the IIW (International Institute of Welding) or EWF (European Welding Federation) • Technical background developed in manufacturing industries • Good knowledge of ISO 9001:2015 quality system, writing and control of quality system documentation • Good knowledge of ISO 3834, Welding Quality Assurance • Significant experience within Quality Management system preferably as Supplier Quality Specialist • Ability to use technical tools and equipment for quality assurance • Knowledge of Quality Methodologies (DFMEA, PFMEA, APQP) • Knowledge of Problem Solving tools (8D, Ishikawa, 5why’s, Defect Pareto, X-Y matrix) • Strong analytical and communication skills, trainer skills • Good communication skills in English, both written and spoken – knowledge of German will be considered a plus. • Strong analytical and communication skill The position requires availability to travel across Europe. The Company offers: • A challenging and strategic job in a dynamic and growing organization. The candidate will be a member of the team dedicated to develop the Quality Culture • Permanent contract • Salary commensurate with previous experience Work Location: Provincia di Reggio Emillia INFORMAZIONI PER SEGNALARE LA SUA CANDIDATURA Si prega di creare, o aggiornare, il Suo Profilo K&P allegando CV aggiornato e breve Lettera di Presentazione, indicando il riferimento “Rif. 270/19 IWC" Il Profilo K&P è il documento che ci autorizza alla gestione dei dati oltre a permettere una conoscenza piu completa della candidatura. In una prima fase è possibile inviare mail a risorse@kpconsulting.it, indicando il riferimento successivamente è obbligatorio, completare i dati on line sul sito www.kpconsulting.it. Per eventuali ulteriori informazioni, siamo disponibili al Tel. 0522 512067. Si chiede di esplicitare l'autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali (D.Lgs196/03). K&P Consulting Srl, iscritta all'Albo delle Agenzie per il Lavoro, Prot. n° 39/0002041, invita i candidati ambosessi (L. 903/77) a leggere l'Infomativa sulla Privacy (art. 13 D.Lgs. 196/2003) sul sito www.kpconsulting.it
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      Responsible for the installation, service and maintenance of GPI machinery in constumer facilities. The incumbent is a key member of the Technical Service team and oartners with our converting and sales teams to meet the needs of the customers. Key Responsibilities: Conducts top-level troubleshooting, diagnosis and repair of electrical, mechanical and controls related problems on machines installed at customer locations, including overhauls and field upgrades as necessaryParticipates in the development, processing and follow up of specifications during machinery tests, debugging and start up, as well as, during the development and field testing of new carton designsDevelops and maintains productive working relationships with customers and acts professionally and proactively to resolve equipment, cartons or service-related issuesAs the technical expert, partners with sales and converting manufacturing individuals and teams to resolve customer issues, as well as, support new business opportunities and product development projectsApplies continuous improvement concepts and techniques to increase equipment productivity. Participates in process improvement and cost reduction initiatives.Effectively utilizes IT systems (in-house and standard applications)Maintains skill base necessary and consistent with machinery and carton technologyProvides instruction and training to customers' staff on safety, operations, machinery maintenance and proper carton handling proceduresPrepares service reports, modified schematics, standard operating procedures and carton specification updates to support field initiatives and changesReports on progress of projects / assignments to all internal and external stakeholdersConducts audits, evaluations and assessment of machine systems / performance resultsLiaises with other companies / OEM's working on common projects This is a summary of the key responsibilities of this position. The Company reserves the right to require the role-holder to undertake such additional tasks or duties as may be within their capabilities and abide by all reasonable rules and instruction given by the Company. Qualifications and Experience Important Graphic Packaging Holding Company Good career opportunityMain Skills:Higher level of English reading, writing and speaking skills4 or more years of related experience and/or formal training in equipment maintenance, repair and troubleshooting. Knowledge of packaging or similar equipment is advantageousTechnical training with graduation or education of industrial or mechanical engineeringDemonstrated ability to ready electrical, mechanical engineering PLC and operator interface knowledgeWorking knowledge of continuous improvement methods, i.e. Six Sigma methodologyMust be prepared to travel if required on short notice. Working hours are flexible to meet Customer demands. Some shift / out of hours working will be required as necessary.Full clean driving license Key CompetenciesEffective communicator, both orally and written, with internal and external customersSuccessfully identifies root causes and resolves problems and issuesDevelops positive customer relationships through customer-focused mindset, build trustIs a team player, works well with others inside and outside the organizationIs a self-starter, has initiative, can effectively work independently with minimal direct supervisionEffectively manages time, plans, projects and related tasksFlexible approach to ensure timely and professional service to support customer and the internal manufacturing processContinuously meet targets and objectives, accountable for results Important Graphic Packaging Holding Company.Ottima opportunità di carriera.
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      ZURU TECH ITALY, the Italian division of the multinational ZURU Company, headquarter of software specialized in the realization of innovative software in the architectural field, is hiring for the Dreamcatcher project’s company a SENIOR GRAPHIC DESIGNER, really creative and bright. Dreamcatcher is a BIM software that uses the video game engine Unreal Engine 4. With this project the company intends to make the design of houses and their direct manufacturing accessible to all through our architectural design software. You’ll be part of a team of graphic and web designers and you’ll interact with marketing dep. and UI/UX designer’s team, in a young and funny work-place. You have the following requirements: - Bachelor's Degree in Visual Communication Design or Equivalent Degrees (Bachelor's / Master's Degree in Industrial Product Design, Academic Diploma (Academy of Fine Arts) in Graphic Design or Digital Graphic Arts and Multimedia - Minimum of 3 years of experience, gained in business contexts (better if start-up) in the design of works for the press and the digital world (no graphic and communication agencies) - Experience in visual communication, skills in both print and above all digital processes (digital assets: websites and web pages / social marketing campaigns) - Ability to manage several projects at the same time, perform a coherent estimate of the amount of work and know how to work in a group. - Advanced skills in the Adobe suite - especially in Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop and After Effect. - Good communication skills: being able in the process of creating and communicating the idea - Knowing how to give and receive constructive inputs, provide ideas and points of view, ability to adapt to changes in circumstances and expectations, commitment to understand and remedy interpersonal conflicts - Portfolio highlighting the variety of projects faced, quality and creativity. Appreciated and advantageous skills: - Good knowledge on the use of colors - Knowledge of Front End development principles (basic knowledge of HTML and CSS) - Knowledge of interaction design and UX - Knowledge on printing processes and techniques - Knowledge and experience with the illustrations industry - Skills in typography - knowledge and skills in creating typefaces You will have the following responsibilities: - conceptualize, design and implement creative graphics projects on time and within budget. - Coordinate with marketing manager to confirm marketing objectives. - Ensure to discuss effectual creative direction, brand constancy and top standards of ingenious execution for marketing materials improvement. - Head responsibility for revisions to approvals, artwork and information accuracy. - Assist team members for creative thinking as well as brain storming sessions. - Support marketing department with print and design to coordinate entire corporate uniqueness plus collateral materials. - Assist with web site design, brand identity and logo creation - Work with the Director of Marketing to get assignments, understanding expectations - keeping on task, participate in staff meetings, coordinate activity with team, keep team focused on revenue and be a team player. - Assist the UI programmer in the implementation of UI components. - Effectively collaborate with designers and programmers - Communicate progress and raise any issues or proposed solutions with the CDO and CTO - Work closely with design and developers to implement changes on a tight, deadline driven schedule - Ensure these assets are always within technical, creative and engine specifications and are created to the given timescale and task brief We offer: level and duration of the contract commensurate with the experience, purpose of employment. Paid relocation if non-resident. Working time: full time WORKING CENTER: MODENA Only complete portfolio and detailed CV applications will be considered valid For further information, visit www.zuru.tech The research is addressed to both sexes (Legislative Decree No. 198/2006) and to people of all ages and all nationalities, pursuant to legislative decrees 215/03 and 216/03. Candidates interested and in possession of the requirements are invited to send their curriculum vitae, including the authorization to process personal data, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and to the art. 13 GDPR 679/16.
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      Milano (Lombardia)
      Morson Projects Italia, company of engineering services Morson Group off-load, works in avionics, aeronautics and aerospace sectors, nationally and internationally. Despite a growth in technical activities, we want to get in touch with profiles that have gained solid experience in the aeronautical, avionics and/or aerospace. We are currently looking for: PROJECT MANAGER Activities: The purpose of the role is to deliver a project of governance and control functions concerning the safety of a nuclear sites or plants. This will require the management of multi-disciplinary team to identify and mitigate risks, maximizing schedule and cost performance. He/She will operate within a client delivery organisation and will be responsible for: · Nuclear technology and engineering project management oversight · Nuclear fabrication, construction and commissioning project management oversight · Supporting the Nuclear Programme Director in Senior stakeholder engagement · Provide visible and effective leadership to project delivery teams Requirements: The ideal candidate will preferably hold a technical or engineering degree, or equivalent qualification. He/she must have a strong professional background in Projects delivery and in leading multidisciplinary teams with complex project tasks and must be highly skilled in nuclear quality management systems and defect control process. He/She must speak english fluently and should be familiar with: · nuclear quality management systems and defect control. · Proactive risk mitigation management. · Project control disciplines in the monitoring of Earned Value, Critical Path and Milestone delivery. · Project cost administration. · Welding and machining experience associated with nuclear components A FOAK manufacturing experience would be considered as a plus. Location: Milan/Venice To apply please email full CV details to: [*vedi modalità di candidatura*] The research is intended for applicants of both sexes (DL 903/77). Send a detailed CV with authorization to process personal data (Italian Legislative Decree 196/03 and Regulation EU 2016/679 - GDPR), indicating the position Clicca sul link sottostante "sito web" per inviarci la tua candidatura.
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      Summary The Trading Business Accounting Responsible will be reporting directly to the Country Chief Accountant and will secure establishing Accounting controls to ensure the financial integrity of the Italian Trading Business Unit. The successful candidate will combine excellent analytical skills with a thorough knowledge of financial accounting principles. He/she will be mainly in charge of the Accounting of the Commodities Trading Business and Group Reporting Process: Under the general direction of the Country chief Accountant he/she will be mainly responsible for reporting process with the following activities, in collaboration with a Global Services Centre:Build and maintain financial infrastructure, primary responsibility for the group monthly accounting close and reporting preparation Must ensure the month close is completed timely and accurately, including review of all account reconciliations and key accruals Performs tasks within the various disciplines of the accounting functions (General Ledger/Account Receivable/Account Payable) to ensure these functions are operating and performing within Company guidelines Review the existing financial reporting processes, looking for improvements and system change recommendations Timely review the monthly reporting package from foreign subsidiaries, checking the accuracy of the data and the respect of procedures, according to Group policies and IFRS accounting rules Manage the consolidated monthly closing and the intercompany monthly reconciliation Perform regular inventory and derivatives controls/valuation duties on a timely basis. Monthly positions and reconciliations Review of transactional accounting, financial analysis Ensure that all internal and external reporting are prepared accurately and in a timely manner Be involved in projects and initiatives related to different types of Business Unit (Trading/Manufacturing) in Italy or abroad Importante multinazionale FMCG cerca responsabile accounting con esperienza in gestione operazioni TRADINGRequirements: Economic or Management Degree 4+ years of experience with an emphasis on commodities trading accounting, preferably gained in international companies or Big Four firms Deep knowledge of finance and accounting: General Accounting, US GAAP and IFRS Able to work as part of a multi-disciplinary international team based in different locations focusing on deliver both performance improvement and reporting processes Variance Analysis actual Vs Budget Being familiar with using ERP software (such as SAP) Previous work experience in international and/or modernly organized companies Proactive, flexible and result-oriented, with a high propensity to human relationship and team working Good at work under pressure and meet deadlines Autonomy and proactivity Excellent knowledge of the English language (mandatory) Available to travel up to 10% Solida e consolidata multinazionale FMCG, presente in oltre 65 Paesi nel mondoOttima opportunità di carriera.Salario da 45.000 €/anno a 55.000 €/anno
      Vista prodotto
      Demanding, quality and efficiency. These are the 3 adjectives that define Total Planning, S.L, a family company with more than 60 years of experience in precision machining. The company has a large machinery park composed of the highest technology and the latest in the market to meet the demands of customers. For this reason, we have 9 CNC machining centers with 3, 4 and 5 axes assisted by numerical control, which favors a high manufacturing capacity. The latest of them incorporated, the Bridgeport-Hardinge, model Conquest V1000 has favored the renovation of the park. It is a high-performance 3-axis vertical machining center, manufactured to the highest industry standards. The objective of the company is to offer the maximum quality to satisfy the different demands. We are working with orders, according to a plan or a sample given by the client. Our commitment is to meet the needs of our customers by offering comprehensive management of the entire production process; from the purchase of materials, machining, managing heat treatment and surface finishes to performing assemblies of small sets. A large machinery park assisted by numeric control gives us the capacity to be able to produce little and medium series, as well as prototypes and unique pieces and tools.
      Vista prodotto
      Italia (Tutte le città)
      For important multinational company specialized in EPCI business in Power and Infrastructure sector, we are selecting a PROJECT QUALITY COORDINATOR The main tasks of the position will be to plan and implement quality activities within projects, coordinate and supervise Quality Assurance and Control activities during the hole process (including design, manufacturing, land and marine installation), company methods, contractual requirements and relevant standards and regulations. In detail: - To support the Project Manager in dealing with Clients with relation to Quality matters and contractual requirements. - To coordinate the preparation of the Project Quality Plans, Quality Control Plans a...
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      Important and innovative company, leading manufacturer of high precision plastic parts and gears, is looking for ERP SPECIALIST rif. 51439-BG The ERP Specialist’s role is to provide IQMS application support in logistics, operations and finance accounting. This includes analysing the business processes, providing recommendations for functionality enhancements and implementing the needed solutions for the end users. Reporting to the group IT management based in Switzerland, you will have to support the companies worldwide, in the following areas: • Leading application functionality in logistics, operations and finance modules of the global IQMS ERP system • Testing, patch testing, and provide recommendations for functionality enhancement. Working with software vendor to implement enhancements. • Working with all departments to develop a thorough understanding of the business processes and business requirements in order to facilitate the implementation of the IQMS ERP system and other related applications. • Developing and updating important documentation including business process flows, requirements documents, functional and technical design documents, test cases, and user training materials. • Modifying existing forms and reports and building new forms and reports as required by users, based on SAP® Crystal Reports reporting tool. • Developing and supporting the EDI solutions. Are required: 5+ years related experience in an ERP application support function or as an ERP power user in a manufacturing company; Bachelor Science degree in Computers Science, Engineering or an equivalent education; Fluency in English and Italian, speaking and writing; open to travel to Europe, US and Asia.
      Vista prodotto
      Italia (Tutte le città)
      ZURU TECH, the engineering division of the multinational ZURU Company, specialized in the development of innovative software in the architectural and manufacturing field, researches for its own marketing department the figure of a Marketing & Community Manager. The profile will be responsible for digital marketing, online communication, and promotion of the company’s product: Dreamcatcher, the first app that crafts real buildings! The role includes the marketing management about the project mainly through social channels, discussion groups / online forums, blogs and video channels. In particular, the expert will compete for the creation of a new community and the management of the same around the Zuru Tech brand, the development of the digital advertising strategy with a view to millennial-marketing, as well as the management of all customer relations. The searched figure has the following requirements: - Degree in Marketing with specialization in Web Marketing or Master or, alternatively, Specialization in Digital marketing / Social media marketing / Digital communication and interactive technologies. - Experience of 2 years at least inside marketing departments of B2C companies specialized in services or design (better if in international technology companies) - solid knowledge in the professional use of the most widespread social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Youtube, Linkedin - editing and copywriting skills suitable for each platform, (from writing blog articles - corporate or not - by a SEO perspective to a successful tweet, up to the use of effective storytelling techniques) and targeting through Google Analytics, with processing of reports. - ability to manage the online Community and customer service, both oriented to stimulate direct discussion with potential or real clients, and influencers / experts in the world of architecture and design - ability to conduct debates and interviews in video broadcasts - ability to organize promotional events and meetups - appreciated ability to use multimedia tools for creating graphic content (images, gifs, videos) such as Photoshop Illustrator, Adobe Premier for editing, After Effects for video. - passion for research and continuous study of sources, news and ideas in the field of communication and marketing related to the world of construction and design with a strong focus on innovation and new technologies. - good level of general culture about gaming or technology - strong creative vein and dialectical skills too - Fluent English knowledge, both written and spoken Optional requirements: - Degree in Architecture or Interior Design He/she will have the following responsibilities: - develop a social media-marketing strategy inspired by the so-called millennial-marketing in order to increase the popularity and diffusion of the company's product and brand - activate and manage social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest, Google+, Youtube and Linkedin - research and manage key relationships and plan collaborations with experts and influencers in the world of architecture and design, both nationals and internationals - plan and create innovative and engaging editorial, web and multimedia content and to spread it effectively - collaborate with the graphic team for the creation of marketing, advertising and promotional materials - participate in person as a host / moderator in debates and interviews for video broadcasts - manage the social communities in person, taking care to respond adequately to the online customer and to develop discussions - organize meetups and promotional events - monitor and report on the performance of social media platforms through the use of Google Analytics or similar. We offer: level and contract period commensurate with the experience, employment purpose WORKING CENTER: MODENA For more information, visit https://zuru.tech/ The research is addressed to both sexes (Legislative Decree No. 198/2006) and to people of all ages and all nationalities, pursuant to legislative decrees 215/03 and 216/03. Candidates interested and in possession of the required requirements are invited to send their curriculum vitae, including the authorization to process personal data, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and art. 13 GDPR 679/16
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      ZURU TECH ITALY, the Italian division of the multinational ZURU Company, specializing in the implementation of innovative software in the architectural field, is seeking 2 full-time 3D RENDERING/ GRAPHICS DEVELOPER with strong skills in 3D graphics, for the company's new „ZURU Home Project“. Our innovative BIM is a design software that uses the Unreal Engine 4 video game engine. The project aims to make the design of houses and their direct manufacturing (according to the build to order scheme) accessible to everyone, in a funny, simple and finally cheap way. If you’re passionate about CG, you’ll find our work extremely innovative and really astonishing! For us, we hope you have the power we’re lookign for! We’ll be glad if you had the following requirements: - Degree or studies in Computer Engineering / Computer Science focused on Computer Graphics or 3D Graphics or Multimedia Graphics or Technologies for media (3D app) - Proven experience in C ++ programming and analysis (2+ years), ideally in the video game sector or any other relevant experience - Knowledge and use of the Unreal Engine 4 graphics engine or equivalent (as Unity) and strong passion for 3D Graphics - Advanced Knowledge of one or several API 3D in C++ (OpenGL, proprietary API) and shader languages (HLSL, GLSL, etc.) - In-depth knowledge of geometry, factorial algebra, mathematics and 3D graphics algorithms - Knowledge of the production tools used by the artists (3DSMax/Maya, Photoshop, Blender etc.) - Ability and madness in implementation of RTX and Ray Tracing - Proficiency in version control with GIT. We hope you have also good analytical and synthesis skills, autonomy and resourcefulness, good interpersonal and comunication skills, you go crazy for CG and you’re passionate about video games, you’re a good team-worker and you have a good English level. What are you gonna do in our team? As a Rendering/Graphics Engineer you will develop new techniques for real-time rendering from R&D inception to production usage. In particular you will: - Investigate, prototype, and implement solutions for high-fidelity rendering in a real-time context - Integrate solutions into a customized version of the Unreal Engine - Analyze existing 3D functions in the engine and see if they are in line with intentions - Collaborate with the 3D Graphics/Tech team to establish constraints and communicate the tech-nical possibilities of the various 3D features to the 3D artist team - Collaborate with an international team to create our BIM multiplatform software (Windows, iOS, Android, VR, Hololens) - Keep current with the latest trends and best practices of 3D Computer graphics, conducting re-searches about papers all over the world and trying to implementing them. We offer: level and contract period commensurate with the matured experience. Recruitment purpose. Paid relocation for non- resident. WORKING CENTER: MODENA For further information, visit www.zuru.tech The research is addressed to both sexes (Legislative Decree No. 198/2006) and to people of all ages and all nationalities, pursuant to legislative decrees 215/03 and 216/03. Candidates intere-sted and in possession of the requirements are invited to send their curriculum vitae, including the authorization to process personal data, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and to the art. 13 GDPR 679/16.
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      ZURU TECH ITALY, the Italian division of the multinational ZURU Company, specializing in the implementation of innovative software in the architectural field, researching full-time C ++ developers for the company's new Zuru Home Project“. Zuru Home Project’s software is a BIM app that uses the video game engine Unreal Engine 4. With this project the company intends to make the design of houses and their direct manufacturing accessible to everyone through an architectural design software very simple to use. The searched figure has the following requirements: - Proven experience in C ++ programming and analysis (2+ years); - Portfolio with applications developed in Windows / Mobile - Proven talent in solving complex problems through software engineering - In-depth knowledge of geometry and mathematics and 3D graphics algorithms - Good knowledge and use of the Unreal Engine 4 graphics engine - Excellent interpersonal skills and teamwork - Degree in Computer Engineering or Computer Science - Great English - spoken and written He/she will have the following responsibilities: - Implementation of graphic algorithms in C ++ - Building software solutions for automatic design of buildings, furniture, virtual reality, artificial intelligence - Collaboration with an international team to create multiplatform software (Windows, iOS, Android, VR, Hololens) - Interact with the UI / UX teams and the CAM team - Research current trends in emerging technologies and implement them. We offer: level and contract period commensurate with the matured experience. Recruitment purpose. WORKING CENTER: MODENA For further information, visit www.zuru.tech The research is addressed to both sexes (Legislative Decree No. 198/2006) and to people of all ages and all nationalities, pursuant to legislative decrees 215/03 and 216/03. Candidates intere-sted and in possession of the requirements are invited to send their curriculum vitae, including the authorization to process personal data, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and to the art. 13 GDPR 679/16.
      Vista prodotto
      Italia (Tutte le città)
      ZURU TECH ITALY, the Italian division of the multinational ZURU Company, specializing in the implementation of innovative software in the architectural field, is seeking 2 full-time 3D RENDERING/ GRAPHICS DEVELOPER with strong skills in 3D graphics, for the company's new „ZURU Home Project“. Our innovative BIM is a design software that uses the Unreal Engine 4 video game engine. The project aims to make the design of houses and their direct manufacturing (according to the build to order scheme) accessible to everyone, in a funny, simple and finally cheap way. If you’re passionate about CG, you’ll find our work extremely innovative and really astonishing! For us, we hope you have the power we’re lookign for! We’ll be glad if you had the following requirements: - Degree or studies in Computer Engineering / Computer Science focused on Computer Graphics or 3D Graphics or Multimedia Graphics or Technologies for media (3D app) - Proven experience in C ++ programming and analysis (2+ years), ideally in the video game sector or any other relevant experience - Knowledge and use of the Unreal Engine 4 graphics engine or equivalent (as Unity) and strong passion for 3D Graphics - Advanced Knowledge of one or several API 3D in C++ (OpenGL, proprietary API) and shader languages (HLSL, GLSL, etc.) - In-depth knowledge of geometry, factorial algebra, mathematics and 3D graphics algorithms - Knowledge of the production tools used by the artists (3DSMax/Maya, Photoshop, Blender etc.) - Ability and madness in implementation of RTX and Ray Tracing - Proficiency in version control with GIT. We hope you have also good analytical and synthesis skills, autonomy and resourcefulness, good interpersonal and comunication skills, you go crazy for CG and you’re passionate about video games, you’re a good team-worker and you have a good English level. What are you gonna do in our team? As a Rendering/Graphics Engineer you will develop new techniques for real-time rendering from R&D inception to production usage. In particular you will: - Investigate, prototype, and implement solutions for high-fidelity rendering in a real-time context - Integrate solutions into a customized version of the Unreal Engine - Analyze existing 3D functions in the engine and see if they are in line with intentions - Collaborate with the 3D Graphics/Tech team to establish constraints and communicate the tech-nical possibilities of the various 3D features to the 3D artist team - Collaborate with an international team to create our BIM multiplatform software (Windows, iOS, Android, VR, Hololens) - Keep current with the latest trends and best practices of 3D Computer graphics, conducting re-searches about papers all over the world and trying to implementing them. We offer: level and contract period commensurate with the matured experience. Recruitment purpose. Paid relocation for non- resident. WORKING CENTER: MODENA For further information, visit zuru.tech The research is addressed to both sexes (Legislative Decree No. 198/2006) and to people of all ages and all nationalities, pursuant to legislative decrees 215/03 and 216/03. Candidates intere-sted and in possession of the requirements are invited to send their curriculum vitae, including the authorization to process personal data, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and to the art. 13 GDPR 679/16.
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      ZURU TECH ITALY, the Italian division of the multinational ZURU Company, specializing in the implementation of innovative software in the architectural field, researching a full-time LEAD C ++ DEVELOPER for the company's new Zuru Home Project“. Zuru Home Project’s software is a BIM multiplatform app that uses the video game engine Unreal Engine 4. With this project the company intends to make the design of houses and their direct manufacturing accessible to everyone through an architectural design software very simple to use. The searched figure has the following requirements: - Proven experience in C ++ programming and analysis (3+ years); - Experience in leading a team of at least 4+ resources - Experience in implementation of Agile working methods - Portfolio with applications developed in Windows / Mobile - Proven talent in solving complex problems through software engineering - In-depth knowledge of geometry and mathematics and 3D graphics algorithms - Good knowledge and use of the Unreal Engine 4 graphics engine - Excellent interpersonal skills and teamwork - Degree in Computer Engineering or Computer Science - Great English - spoken and written He/she will have the following responsibilities: - Leading a team of 5 junior/mid C++ Unreal Engine4 Developers - Reporting to the Head Architect of BIM & Scrum Master who manage the entire R&D team of Developers (15 resources at the moment) and to the CTO and CDO - Analysis and Implementation of graphic algorithms in C ++ - Suggesting and implementing building software solutions for automatic design of buildings, furniture, virtual reality, artificial intelligence - Supporting the Head Architect in cooperating with the Automation department located in Shenzhen and with the Web and On-line Services department located in Ahmedabad - Interact with the UI / UX team and 3D Artist team - Research current trends in emerging technologies and implement them. WE OFFER: level and contract period commensurate with the matured experience. Extra salary bonus. Free international congresses and conferences. Paid relocation for non-resident. A funny and positive working environment with young people, outdoor team building activities like trekking and paintball, game sessions with PS4 and NES Classic or analogue ones such as air-hockey, table tennis tournament and battles with Zuru X-shot. WORKING CENTER: MODENA For further information, visit www.zuru.tech The research is addressed to both sexes (Legislative Decree No. 198/2006) and to people of all ages and all nationalities, pursuant to legislative decrees 215/03 and 216/03. Candidates intere-sted and in possession of the requirements are invited to send their curriculum vitae, including the authorization to process personal data, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and to the art. 13 GDPR 679/16.
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      Italia (Tutte le città)
      ZURU TECH ITALY, the Italian division of the multinational ZURU Company, specializing in the implementation of innovative software in the architectural field, researching a SENIOR C++ DEVELOPER for the company's new Zuru Home Project“. Zuru Home Project’s software is a BIM app that uses the video game engine Unreal Engine 4. With this project the company intends to make the design of houses and their direct manufacturing accessible to everyone through an architectural design software very simple to use. The searched figure has the following requirements: - Proven experience in C++ programming and analysis (3+ years); - Experience in implementing Desktop softwares in C++ and proven talent in solving complex problems through software engineering, preferably related to the implementation of three-dimensional geometries in a procedural way - In-depth knowledge of geometry, mathematics and 3D graphics algorithms - Strong analytical skills - Good knowledge and use of the Unreal Engine 4 graphics engine or similars (a portfolio with applications developed in Windows/ Mobile may be considered a plus) - Positive attitude and teamworking, passion for computer graphics - Degree in Computer Engineering or Computer Science - Great English - spoken and written - Aspiration to manage a team of developers, over the time He/she will have the following responsibilities: - Implementation of graphic algorithms in C ++ for the core software - Building software solutions for automatic design of structural elements and buildings - Developing and delivering tasks according to Agile methods (Scrum) - Suggest solutions and improvements about the architecture with the Lead Software Architect - remote co-working with the international teams (India and China) - Interact with the UI / UX Design Team - Research current trends in emerging technologies and implement them. WE OFFER: level and contract period commensurate with the matured experience. Our compensation plan includes: extra salary bonus; free international congresses and conferences; time flexibility; paid relocation for non-resident. Waiting for you is a funny and modern working environment with outdoor team building activities like trekking and paintball, game sessions with PS4 and NES Classic or analogue ones such as air-hockey, table tennis tournament and battles with Zuru X-shot. WORKING CENTER: MODENA For further information, visit www.zuru.tech The research is addressed to both sexes (Legislative Decree No. 198/2006) and to people of all ages and all nationalities, pursuant to legislative decrees 215/03 and 216/03. Candidates interested and in possession of the requirements are invited to send their curriculum vitae, including the authorization to process personal data, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and to the art. 13 GDPR 679/16.
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