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Marketing manager food service

Elenco delle migliori vendite marketing manager food service

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  • Leggera, taglio classico, maniche con doppia cucitura e orlo inferiore
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  • Peso leggero
  • Suola flessibile
  • Pericolo elettrico
  • Piedino in memory foam
  • Antiscivolo
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  • 6 vassoi
  • 230 v
  • 500 w
  • 450x345x(h)315 mm
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Treviso (Veneto)
La filiale di Treviso ricerca una figura, spigliata e brillante in grado di proporre, pianificare e realizzare le attività di marketing di volta in volta approvate dalla Direzione aziendale; la Società opera nel mercato del food service beverage nei canali B2B e B2C nazionali ed internazionali ed è alla ricerca di un candidato che abbia già maturato una esperienza nel ruolo richiesto oppure abbia ricoperto ruoli marketing alle dirette dipendenze del Marketing manager. La persona ricercata è dotata di entusiasmo, è propositiva, appassionata del proprio lavoro, ha capacità di presentazione e di relazione. E' richiesta la conoscenza della lingua inglese con ottimo livello sia scritto che parlato, la seconda lingua è gradita ma facoltativa, una buona capacità d'uso del pacchetto Office (world/excel/power point/outlook/ecc. ecc.) Clicca sul link sottostante "sito web" per inviarci la tua candidatura.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Per GRUPPO DI DISTRIBUZIONE RETAIL operativo nel nord italia nel settore dell’ARREDAMENTO a MARCHIO, allo scopo di rafforzare la propria presenza nel mercato e di implementare nuove strategie di marketing e comunicazione, ricerca: GROUP RETAIL MARKETING MANAGER – ARREDAMENTO – VENETO Il candidato/a assumerà la responsabilità della funzione alle dirette dipendenze dell’AMMINISTRATORE DELEGATO e avrà in gestione il team del MARKETING e del CUSTOMER SERVICE e del relativo BUDGET DI FUNZIONE. Il candidato ideale dovrà quindi definire il PIANO DI MARKETING STRATEGICO e di COMUNICAZIONE sia a medio che a lungo termine e dovrà poi successivamente coordinarne la realizzazione sia a livello globale che a supporto dei SINGOLI PUNTI VENDITA. COMPITI E RESPONSABILITA’: Sviluppare il piando strategico di marketing Coordinare le attività di comunicazione off e on line Coordinare la agenzie di comunicazione ingaggiate nel progetto Sviluppare attività di business analyst Gestire il budget di comunicazione annuale Supportare i singoli punti vendita per azioni locali Coordinare il team di CUSTOMER SERVICE COSA OFFRIAMO: contratto a tempo indeterminato, RAL: 60/70k€ Per candidarsi: https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_GROUP_RETAIL_MARKETING_MANAGER_ARREDAMENTO_VENETO_178034246.htm I dati saranno trattati e conservati esclusivamente per finalità di selezioni presenti e future, garantendo i diritti di cui al D. Lgs. 196/03. Gli interessati/e sono invitati a leggere sul sito l’informativa sulla Privacy D. Lgs. 196/03. La ricerca è rivolta a persone di entrambi i sessi L.903/77. MODULO Group Autorizzazione Ministero del Lavoro e della Previdenza Sociale ai sensi del D.lgs. 276/2003: PROT. 39/001298/MA004.A003
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Storica azienda agricola con sede nella provincia di Cuneo che attraverso un ciclo produttivo completamente autonomo produce e commercializza prodotti biologici di fascia alta, per attuazione di una fase di crescita con conseguente potenziamento del proprio organico ci ha incarico di ricercare un/una SALES AND MARKETING MANAGER   La risorsa a riporto diretto della proprietà guiderà lo sviluppo dell’azienda, prendendo parte attiva alla definizione delle strategie ed occupandosi della guida operativa aziendale dal punto di vista commerciale. In particolare si occuperà: - della realizzazione dei piani di crescita che diano esecuzione alla strategia aziendale e di assicurare la realizzazione degli obiettivi di vendita e di marketing; - del coordinamento operativo e per obiettivi del team dedicato al customer care ed al personale addetto alle vendite; - dell’organizzazione e il coordinamento di campagne specifiche, dell’attivazione di strategiche partneship con operatori del settore; - di definire ed attuare le politiche di marketing, le strategie di prodotto e di prezzo e la politica commerciale in accordo con la direzione aziendale; - di seguire l’andamento del mercato e il comportamento dei concorrenti in ciascuna per mantenere il desiderato posizionamento attraverso le necessarie azioni commerciali e di prodotto; - di gestire le fiere nazionali e internazionali e tutti gli eventi che possono valorizzare la brand identity e creare i presupposti per lo sviluppo di partnership commerciali; - di curare l’immagine aziendale, pianificare le attività di comunicazione (tradizionali e digital); - di sviluppare attività di co-marketing e co-branding con primarie aziende del territorio, operanti nel settore alimentare e non. Per ricoprire con successo la posizione si richiedono una comprovata esperienza in un ruolo analogo meglio se all’interno di aziende del mondo food e/o dell’ambito biologico, ottime capacità organizzative, di gestione del personale, attitudini relazionali, forte orientamento al risultato, sensibilità economica, passione per il settore bio, attenzione verso i temi di ecosostenibilità. Completano il profilo un’ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese, la flessibilità, la propensione per un ruolo caratterizzato da operatività ma con capacità di visione, pensiero critico, sensibilità economica per diventare un alter ego strategico della direzione aziendale che resterà focalizzata sul prodotto e sulla gestione operativa dell’azienda e delle sue maestranze per tutto ciò che riguarda la crescita e la trasformazione del prodotto agricolo. Si propone un Inquadramento commisurato all’esperienza pregressa.  About Job è un'Agenzia di Ricerca e Selezione del Personale autorizzata dal Ministero del Lavoro al prot. 13/I/0012148 che offre consulenze integrate nell'ambito della gestione delle Risorse Umane. I candidati sono invitati a leggere sul nostro sito l'informativa sulla privacy (GDPR Regolamento UE 679/2016). Il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91, e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03.
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Cerchiamo una/uno Store Manager Senior da inserire in realtà leader nel settore Food & Beverage. Il candidato si occuperà di: - gestione e organizzazione del locale; - gestione e organizzazione delle risorse umane; - controllo del corretto svolgimento delle attività; - garanzia del rispetto degli standard qualitativi. Vengono richieste grandi capacità di marketing, elevata sopportazione dello stress, capacità di gestione risorse umane consolidata e comprovata da precedente esperienza. La persona interessata sarà punto di riferimento per tutti i lavoratori attivi nel punto vendita e riporterà al Direttore. L'inquadramento contrattuale dipenderà dall'esperienza precedente del profilo. Candidarsi allegando curriculum vitae in formato Word o PDF. OpportunityJob srl agenzia per il lavoro - Aut. Definitiva Prot39/0011220/MA004.A003. del 2 settembre 2013. Il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91, e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03.
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Napoli (Campania)
l profilo Le figura, che riporta alla Direzione Generale/AD, seguirà tutte le attività riguardanti lo sviluppo nelle aree : Sud America Africa Far East Russia Il profilo ha maturato una rilevante esperienza come export Manager con focus sul mercato Alimentare/Agroalimentare e specificamente del settore conserviero, coadiuvando ed integrando il Direttore Generale nell`organizzazione e pianificazione delle strategie relative alle suddette aree, individuando le soluzioni più efficaci rispettando le politiche commerciali aziendali e fornendo un supporto nella gestione del team di lavoro. Operation: Gestione e sviluppo della distribuzione estera per tutti i mercati di competenza; Gestione dei rapporti con agenti e distributori esistenti e ricerca di nuovi; Verifica della qualità della distribuzione e del raggiungimento degli obiettivi in accordo con la mission aziendale; Coordinamento piani di sviluppo per le aree attribuite; Coinvolgimento nella supervisione dell'area Customer Service Italia . Competenze ed esperienze richieste Coordina la politica commerciale dell'impresa, intesa come modalità di configurazione delle offerte (prodotti e servizi di supporto) in ragione delle tipologie dei clienti serviti e delle caratteristiche dei competitor; Supervisiona la rete di vendita (concessionari, agenti) Gestisce e sviluppa il portafoglio clienti dell'impresa, attraverso azioni di sales intelligence, comunicazione e promozione; Coordina e gestisce direttamente la trattativa commerciale, nei suoi aspetti economico-finanziari e di contenuto dell'offerta Interagisce con l'area produzione, a fronte di eventuali esigenze espresse dal cliente in corso di contratto o di rischi di inadempimento; Si occupa del monitoraggio dell'andamento delle vendite, della quota di mercato e del grado di soddisfazione dei clienti; Il candidato ideale Conoscenza fluente dell'inglese e dello spagnolo Laureato Disponibile a trasferte di medio / breve/ lungo periodo Conoscenza del settore Alimentare in cui ha ricoperto ruoli da EXPORT MANAGER o di sviluppo della rete commerciale , in aziende strutturate, è in possesso di significative capacità organizzative e di leadership, nonché di intelligenza intuitiva e strategica con la quale approcciare con successo le dinamiche commerciali. Rapporto contrattuale Si offre un periodo di prova, propedeutico ad assunzione a tempo indeterminato. Retribuzione annua Lorda Prevista (RAL) ¤ 75.000 + 25% MBO Dipendenza Gerarchica Riporta direttamente alla Direzione Generale ed opera in completa autonomia ed in accordo con le politiche aziendali. Esperienza richiesta nel settore: più di 5 anni
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Bari (Puglia)
Consulente Alberghiero Pugliese, esperto in Marketing turistico per start up o riposizionamenti aziendali, si propone per strutture alberghiere, sale ricevimenti o Ristoranti che hanno necessità di riposizionarsi sul mercato. Sono esperto di web marketing, revenue management, OTA, food cost, banchetti Nuziali, mailing, software alberghieri. Portfolio tour Operator Italiani ed esteri. Contattami per un semplice confronto. P.IVA.
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Our Client is a young Software Product Company providing an advanced Process and Operational Intelligence Solution to Customers operating in various sectors. Technology, Innovation and Excellence are represented in all parts of the organisation, the Company has been named Cool Vendor 2016 in Analytics by Gartner. To join the team and organisation located in the Reggio Emilia Area we are selecting the MARKETING ASSISTANT Fluency in English WEB Marketing and Lead Generation Reporting and in strong collaboration with the Marketing Manager he/she will manage, assist, contribute and collaborate in the promotion of the the Product and the Company Brand through digital, social media communication and other online applications. The responsibilities of the Marketing Assistant will include the following activities: • Definition of an integrated marketing strategy along with the CMO and the CEO, • Management of the global content/marketing strategies, • Management of the digital marketing team, • Plan and coordinate online paid campaigns on Social network, • Coordinate and execute/support social media activities, • Manage and coordinate a content editorial team for inbound lead generation, • Plan, coordinate and execute SEO-optimization activities, • Plan, coordinate and execute Direct E-mail marketing activities, • Plan, optimize and increase the inbound lead generation, • Evaluate, plan, execute and attend international Events, • Ideate, organize, execute and attend local Events, • Manage, maintain and optimize the Corporate website and landing pages, • Support on marketing analysis, • Management of product Listing and Directories for lead generation. The Candidate we would like to meet has a University Degree or equivalent education, fluency in English, an excellent knowledge of social and digital communication tools including website, intranet, blogs, e-newsletters, mobile marketing and other online applications. The position requires skills, experience and attitude such as: • Excellent verbal and written communication skills • Project management and flexibility • Good team working and relationship skills at all levels • Excellent diplomacy in dealing with the media • Good customer service orientation The Ideal Candidate has a keen awareness of Industry Best Practice and technology developments, thorough knowledge of hand coding HTML and CSS, Email Service Provider or Marketing Automation software experience, as well as Content Management System experience. The Company offers an excellent opportunity in a challenging and stimulating environment, taking part in a StartUp business. Work location: Reggio Emilia Area
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Our Client is a Multinational Company, a Worldwide leader in the production of strategic components for a wide range of Customers, Dealers and B2B in the Automotive, Construction and Agricultural Industry. Well recognised for ongoing and intensive R&D activities, the Company offers a wide range of products and Services in line with the high level requirements of the Automotive Industry, and not only. For the International Marketing Team, a unit playing a strategic role within the organisation we are selecting a young and dynamic MARKETING PRODUCT MANAGER English Fluent Outbound & Inbound Marketing The Product Manager has a proactive role within the Team reporting directly to the Marketing Director, he/she will play an active roll in developing strategies regarding Product The Product Manager must be an authority on respective products. Long and short term strategies covering market trends, business cycles, segmentation, competitors, pricing, packaging, advertising and promotion, and distribution must be developed. Intangibles such as customer service and company image are also critical. There must be a commitment to the total product mix, and strategies will cover individual product addition, maintenance, or deletion as appropriate. Market There must be intimate knowledge of the market. Current information must be developed to judge market reaction to product, price, promotion, and distribution. Specific target markets will be singled out. Detailed sales plans must be developed to penetrate the target markets. It should be clearly indicated to the sales area what is wanted, why, and when. Coordinate Consumer Research activities where necessary. Price Based upon financial and market data, establish and publish pricing. Identify areas for margin improvement through specification consolidation, costs savings initiatives, and price adjustments. The Product Manager has profit responsibilities for respective product lines and will work with Finance to monitor profits and results. Promotion The Product Manager must initiate all efforts and coordinate development of presentation materials, literature, website initiatives, trade show activities, PR efforts, and other advertising initiatives to promote products. Coordination with Corporate Communications is critical. The position has the responsability coordinating all information and activities to be presented to the different functional area in the company maximising team effectiveness. Other responsabilities include: Monitoring Financial Results Forecasting Planning Activities with detailed product specifications The Product Manager is the link between the International Product Management Teams providing updates and product specification, changes and strategies. The Product Manager will play an important role supporting the Sales Team as well as all functional areas, he/she will have frequent contacts with the Distributors and OEM Clients. Although we are talking about a technical product, we are first of all talking about marketing and all the marketing activities that can at best support Sales Activities allowing Distributors and OEM Customers to fully understand the value and benefits of the product. The ideal candidate has a strong marketing culture and excellent communication attitudes with confidence in presentation tools (Powerpoint) and know how in effective use of the Social Media. The right candidate fully knows how to collect and analyse the up front Market inputs but surely also understands the hidden decision making factors that motivate the market to choose this Company and their products. This means knowing the tools allowing for effective Inbound Marketing. The candidate we are looking for will ideally have: Requires a Bachelor's Degree, preferably in Business Administration or Marketing. 3-5 years of experience in the same role. A varied background in marketing, economics, product marketing management as well as data processing. The candidate we like to meet has a keen analytical mind, has a structured approach with attention for details and accuracy, all combined with a creative mind. Substantial communication skills, in Italian and English are a must. The Company offers an excellent opportunity for professional growth in a challenging and stimulating environment represented by major industries and dealers on the territory,. Job Location: Reggio Emilia INFORMAZIONI - Offerta di lavoro area Reggio Emilia Per eventuali ulteriori informazioni, siamo disponibili al Tel. 0522 512067. Inviare curriculum Aggiornato a risorse@kpconsulting.it, indicando nell'oggetto Riferimento 100/18 MPM. E' necessario indicare attuale RAL e inquadramento. Si chiede di esplicitare l'autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali (D.Lgs196/03). K&P Consulting Srl, iscritta all'Albo delle Agenzie per il Lavoro, Prot. n° 39/0002041, invita i candidati ambosessi (L. 903/77) a leggere l'Infomativa sulla Privacy (art. 13 D.Lgs. 196/2003) sul sito www.kpconsulting.it
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Our Client is a Multinational Company, a Worldwide leader in the production of strategic components for a wide range of Customers, Dealers and B2B in the Automotive, Construction and Agricultural Industry. Well recognised for ongoing and intensive R&D activities, the Company offers a wide range of products and Services in line with the high level requirements of the Automotive Industry, and not only. For the International Marketing Team, a unit playing a strategic role within the organisation we are selecting a young and dynamic MARKETING PRODUCT MANAGER English Fluent Outbound & Inbound Marketing The Marketing Product Manager has a proactive role within the Team reporting directly to the Marketing Director, he/she will play an active roll in developing strategies regarding • Product The Product Manager must be an authority on respective products. Long and short term strategies covering market trends, business cycles, segmentation, competitors, pricing, packaging, advertising and promotion, and distribution must be developed. Intangibles such as customer service and company image are also critical. There must be a commitment to the total product mix, and strategies will cover individual product addition, maintenance, or deletion as appropriate. • Market There must be intimate knowledge of the market. Current information must be developed to judge market reaction to product, price, promotion, and distribution. Specific target markets will be singled out. Detailed sales plans must be developed to penetrate the target markets. It should be clearly indicated to the sales area what is wanted, why, and when. Coordinate Consumer Research activities where necessary. • Price Based upon financial and market data, establish and publish pricing. Identify areas for margin improvement through specification consolidation, costs savings initiatives, and price adjustments. The Product Manager has profit responsibilities for respective product lines and will work with Finance to monitor profits and results. • Promotion The Product Manager must initiate all efforts and coordinate development of presentation materials, literature, website initiatives, trade show activities, PR efforts, and other advertising initiatives to promote products. Coordination with Corporate Communications is critical. The position has the responsability coordinating all information and activities to be presented to the different functional area in the company maximising team effectiveness. Other responsabilities include: • Monitoring Financial Results • Forecasting • Planning Activities with detailed product specifications The Product Manager is the link between the International Product Management Teams providing updates and product specification, changes and strategies. The Product Manager will play an important role supporting the Sales Team as well as all functional areas, he/she will have frequent contacts with the Distributors and OEM Clients. Although we are talking about a technical product, we are first of all talking about marketing and all the marketing activities that can at best support Sales Activities allowing Distributors and OEM Customers to fully understand the value and benefits of the product. The ideal candidate has a strong marketing culture and excellent communication attitudes with confidence in presentation tools (Powerpoint) and know how in effective use of the Social Media. The right candidate fully knows how to collect and analyse the up front Market inputs but surely also understands the hidden decision making factors that motivate the market to choose this Company and their products. This means knowing the tools allowing for effective Inbound Marketing. The candidate we are looking for will ideally have: • Requires a Bachelor's Degree, preferably in Business Administration or Marketing. • 3-5 years of experience in the same role. • A varied background in marketing, economics, product marketing management as well as data processing. The candidate we like to meet has a keen analytical mind, has a structured approach with attention for details and accuracy, all combined with a creative mind. Substantial communication skills, in Italian and English are a must. The Company offers an excellent opportunity for professional growth in a challenging and stimulating environment represented by major industries and dealers on the territory,. Job Location: Reggio Emilia INFORMAZIONI - Offerta di lavoro area Reggio Emilia Per eventuali ulteriori informazioni, siamo disponibili al Tel. 0522 512067. Inviare curriculum Aggiornato a risorse@kpconsulting.it, indicando nell'oggetto Riferimento 100/18 MPM. E' necessario indicare attuale RAL e inquadramento. Si chiede di esplicitare l'autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali (D.Lgs196/03). K&P Consulting Srl, iscritta all'Albo delle Agenzie per il Lavoro, Prot. n° 39/0002041, invita i candidati ambosessi (L. 903/77) a leggere l'Infomativa sulla Privacy (art. 13 D.Lgs. 196/2003) sul sito www.kpconsulting.it
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione del ruolo: Ristorante e sala banchetti sito sull'isola d'ischia, ricerca la figura di f&b manager con inserimento immediatoprincipali mansioni e responsabilità:riporto gerarchico alla proprietàsupervisiona e gestisce tutto il dipartimento food & beveragegestisce le relazioni con i clienti in modo professionale e corteseassicura il mantenimento degli standard di qualità, igiene e sicurezzasi occupa di costi, entrate, budget e forecastsi occupa dello sviluppo strategico del ristoranteanalisi food cost, prezzi e creazione piani di lavoro a stretto contatto con lo chef e le squadre di sala e cucinasi assicura il rispetto dei turnicoordinamento eventi creazione di menù comunicazione ai reparticoordinamento con il reparto marketing per iniziative e promozioni problem solving nell’affrontare eventuali conflitti tra i dipendenti, problemi con i fornitori e reclami dei clientidisponibilità a trasferirsi sull'isola d'ischia Caratteristiche del candidato: Requisiti richiesti:esperienza precedente come assistant f&b manager o f&b managergrande conoscenza della cucina italianaleadership ed esperienza consolidata nella gestione del teamottime doti di comunicazioneconoscenza di una seconda  lingua (inglese o tedesco)buona capacità di utilizzo del pacchetto microsoft office
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Italia (Tutte le città)
ZURU TECH, the engineering division of the multinational ZURU Company, specialized in the development of innovative software in the architectural and manufacturing field, researches for its own marketing department the figure of a Marketing & Community Manager. The profile will be responsible for digital marketing, online communication, and promotion of the company’s product: Dreamcatcher, the first app that crafts real buildings! The role includes the marketing management about the project mainly through social channels, discussion groups / online forums, blogs and video channels. In particular, the expert will compete for the creation of a new community and the management of the same around the Zuru Tech brand, the development of the digital advertising strategy with a view to millennial-marketing, as well as the management of all customer relations. The searched figure has the following requirements: - Degree in Marketing with specialization in Web Marketing or Master or, alternatively, Specialization in Digital marketing / Social media marketing / Digital communication and interactive technologies. - Experience of 2 years at least inside marketing departments of B2C companies specialized in services or design (better if in international technology companies) - solid knowledge in the professional use of the most widespread social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Youtube, Linkedin - editing and copywriting skills suitable for each platform, (from writing blog articles - corporate or not - by a SEO perspective to a successful tweet, up to the use of effective storytelling techniques) and targeting through Google Analytics, with processing of reports. - ability to manage the online Community and customer service, both oriented to stimulate direct discussion with potential or real clients, and influencers / experts in the world of architecture and design - ability to conduct debates and interviews in video broadcasts - ability to organize promotional events and meetups - appreciated ability to use multimedia tools for creating graphic content (images, gifs, videos) such as Photoshop Illustrator, Adobe Premier for editing, After Effects for video. - passion for research and continuous study of sources, news and ideas in the field of communication and marketing related to the world of construction and design with a strong focus on innovation and new technologies. - good level of general culture about gaming or technology - strong creative vein and dialectical skills too - Fluent English knowledge, both written and spoken Optional requirements: - Degree in Architecture or Interior Design He/she will have the following responsibilities: - develop a social media-marketing strategy inspired by the so-called millennial-marketing in order to increase the popularity and diffusion of the company's product and brand - activate and manage social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest, Google+, Youtube and Linkedin - research and manage key relationships and plan collaborations with experts and influencers in the world of architecture and design, both nationals and internationals - plan and create innovative and engaging editorial, web and multimedia content and to spread it effectively - collaborate with the graphic team for the creation of marketing, advertising and promotional materials - participate in person as a host / moderator in debates and interviews for video broadcasts - manage the social communities in person, taking care to respond adequately to the online customer and to develop discussions - organize meetups and promotional events - monitor and report on the performance of social media platforms through the use of Google Analytics or similar. We offer: level and contract period commensurate with the experience, employment purpose WORKING CENTER: MODENA For more information, visit https://zuru.tech/ The research is addressed to both sexes (Legislative Decree No. 198/2006) and to people of all ages and all nationalities, pursuant to legislative decrees 215/03 and 216/03. Candidates interested and in possession of the required requirements are invited to send their curriculum vitae, including the authorization to process personal data, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and art. 13 GDPR 679/16
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Italia (Tutte le città)
In this role, you will report to the Business Development Manager and work closely with all internal and external business stakeholders to define all those factors that should develop the business of the company both with the Industry but also on Retail side. The knowledge of pharmaceutical industry, capturing key needs of actual and future clients and transformation of needs in value added solutions and products will be your main goal. In our multifunctional team you will serve also as an expert for delivering business insight to our clients. You will be involved in the following activities:capture unmet market needs that can be translated in business opportunities for the company understand clients' business priorities and information needs partecipate in developing and managing new projects, new projects from the idea to the realization, inclusive of product strategy, go to market strategy, risks, business opportunities estimation presentations of new projects and analysis to business stakeholders be a story teller using data to explain what is happening with clients' market and brands and make recommendations work closely with other company divisions by identifying unmet client business needs and opportunities for new business follow pharmaceutical and market research conferencesService Innovation Specialist (Business Development)Market Research industry Min. 4 years of experience in Consultancy, Research, Marketing University degree Fluency in EnglishHas mindset on innovationOpen to new ideasProject management skillsStrong numerical skills and ability to translate numbers into clear insights and recommendationsExcellent written and verbal communication skillsExcellent presentation skillsAn aptitude & desire to build relationships with internal and external stakeholdersAbility to multi-taskAccurateCollaborative approach to problem solvingResult driven with the ability to respect tight deadlinesMicrosoft Office computer skills (Word, PowerPoint, Excel)Knowledge of Pharmaceutical industry is a plus Fast growing Market Research companyOttima opportunità di carriera.Salario da 36.000 €/anno a 45.000 €/anno
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Torino (Piemonte)
RESTAURANT GENERAL MANAGERGeneral PurposePlan and direct all restaurant operations. Maintain high standards of food, service, health and safety, ensure the efficient and profitable business performance of the restaurant and the optimal utilization of staff and resources.Main Job Tasks and Responsibilitiesset operating goals and objectivestrain and coach staffprepare and implement standard operating proceduresmanage staff performance in accordance with established standards and proceduresorganize and monitor staff schedulesco-ordinate restaurant operations during each shiftmonitor adherence to health, safety and hygiene standards in kitchen and restaurantkeep records of health and safety practicesinteract with customersadvise customers on food and beverage choicesoversee preparation of food and beverage itemsensure quality of food and beverage presentationobserve size of food portions and preparation quantities to minimize wasteinteract with customers to ensure all inquiries and complaints are handled promptlyplan and co-ordinate menusanalyze food and beverage costs and assign menu pricesensure cash management procedures are completed accuratelyset and monitor budgetsanalyze budget variances and take corrective actionsestablish and implement financial controlsimplement and oversee cost cutting measuresplan and monitor restaurant sales and revenuemaintain business recordsprepare and analyse management reportsdetermine and execute operating improvementscheck and order supplies of non-food itemsnegotiate purchase prices and develop preferred suppliersschedule food and beverage deliveriescheck quality of deliveries and documentationensure correct storage of suppliesarrange for maintenance and repairs of equipment and serviceskeep current with trends in the restaurant industryKnowledge and Experiencetertiary qualificationExtensive food and beverage (F&B) knowledge Strong leadership, motivational and people skillsAcute financial management skillsBSc degree in Business Administration; hospitality management or culinary schooling is a plusprevious experience in food and beverage managementin-depth working knowledge of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beveragesin-depth working knowledge of food preparation and presentationexperience in staff management and developmentknowledge of basic accounting principles and practicesexperience in analysing financial dataknowledge of planning and forecastingtrack record of managing inventory and cost controlknowledge of administrative proceduresable to use relevant computer applicationsKey Competenciesdecision-makingjudgmentproblem analysis and problem-solvingplanning and organisingresource managementcommunicationcustomer service focusquality orientationteamwork Clicca sul link sottostante "sito web" per inviarci la tua candidatura.
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Monza (Lombardia)
Working Tree Agenzia per il lavoro, ricerca per cliente operante nel settore food retail un Social Media Manager. Il candidato in piena autonomia dovrà essere in grado massimizzare il contributo che la gestione di un profilo aziendale sui social media apporta al business aziendale. La sua attività dovrà essere finalizzata a far crescere la presenza online, migliorare la brand awareness e la reputation, creare engagement, generare leads e fidelizzare il pubblico: gli obiettivi specifici variano in base alle diverse strategie di marketing. Il Social Media Manager dovrà analizzare e interpretare i dati provenienti dal web e dai social media attraverso tools di analisi e ascolto della rete, per individuare trend, hashtag e identificare il target delle attività di marketing e comunicazione. La giornata lavorativa tipica del Social Media Manager prevede: la pubblicazione di post e contenuti virali sui profili social (oltre che sul blog aziendale, se presente), il monitoraggio del numero di followers, like, retweet e condivisioni, la ricerca di contenuti interessanti e hot topics da condividere in linea con la brand identity aziendale, la gestione dei rapporti con bloggers e influencers. Redige poi report sull'attività svolta, da presentare al Marketing Manager. Completano il profilo richiesto il buon utilizzo del pacchetto adobe, l'utilizzo della macchina fotografica e una buona conoscenza della lingua inglese.
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Parma (Emilia Romagna)
*** URGENTE - Opportunità a carattere d'urgenza *** ************************************ Our Client is a young Software Product Company providing an advanced Process and Operational Intelligence Solution to Customers operating in various sectors. Technology, Innovation and Excellence are represented in all parts of the organisation, the Company has been named Cool Vendor 2016 in Analytics by Gartner. To join the team and organisation located in the Reggio Emilia Area we are selecting the MARKETING ASSISTANT Fluency in English WEB Marketing and Lead Generation Reporting and in strong collaboration with the Marketing Manager he/she will manage, assist, contribute and collaborate in the promotion of the the Product and the Company Brand through digital, social media communication and other online applications. The responsibilities of the Marketing Assistant will include the following activities: • Definition of an integrated marketing strategy along with the CMO and the CEO, • Management of the global content/marketing strategies, • Management of the digital marketing team, • Plan and coordinate online paid campaigns on Social network, • Coordinate and execute/support social media activities, • Manage and coordinate a content editorial team for inbound lead generation, • Plan, coordinate and execute SEO-optimization activities, • Plan, coordinate and execute Direct E-mail marketing activities, • Plan, optimize and increase the inbound lead generation, • Evaluate, plan, execute and attend international Events, • Ideate, organize, execute and attend local Events, • Manage, maintain and optimize the Corporate website and landing pages, • Support on marketing analysis, • Management of product Listing and Directories for lead generation. The Candidate we would like to meet has a University Degree or equivalent education, fluency in English, an excellent knowledge of social and digital communication tools including website, intranet, blogs, e-newsletters, mobile marketing and other online applications. The position requires skills, experience and attitude such as: • Excellent verbal and written communication skills • Project management and flexibility • Good team working and relationship skills at all levels • Excellent diplomacy in dealing with the media • Good customer service orientation The Ideal Candidate has a keen awareness of Industry Best Practice and technology developments, thorough knowledge of hand coding HTML and CSS, Email Service Provider or Marketing Automation software experience, as well as Content Management System experience. The Company offers an excellent opportunity in a challenging and stimulating environment, taking part in a StartUp business. Work location: Reggio Emilia Area
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