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Personal english

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  • Regalo personale per allenatore: un buon allenatore personale è come una perla rara, preziosa e difficile da trovare. È il regalo perfetto per tutti i fantastici personal trainer là fuori, che motivano, ispirano e lavorano davvero duramente per aiutare le persone a raggiungere i loro obiettivi di fitness
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  • Leggera, taglio classico, maniche con doppia cucitura e orlo inferiore
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Pordenone (Friuli Venezia Giulia)
Personal English Teacher - Laureata con diplomi dell/'Università di Cambridge impartisce lezioni di lingua inglese a tutti i livelli. Lezioni individuali personalizzate elaborate sulla base delle esigenze e dello stile di apprendimento di ciascuno studente. Possibilità di ripetizioni per recupero scolastico.
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Ferrara (Emilia Romagna)
Madrelingua Inglese (bilingue) ed English Language Teacher offre servizio di Personal Language Teacher/Trainer e Language Assistant a Ferrara. Il percorso creato su misura, pertinente al corsista e seguito dalla cura necessario per finalmente dominare la lingua inglese con padronanza e parlare con scioltezza. Offro un servizio di: - Personal English Language Trainer e/o istruttrice - un programma personalizzato a te di apprendimento basato su cio che e pertinente al corsista, seguito dall'inizio alla fine del raggiungimento obbiettivo - Personal English Language Assistant - un assistenza alla vostra disposizione di tutto cio che riguarda le vostre esigenze in lingua ossia corsi di lingua, immagine, lavorativo, cultura personale, consulenza, trasferimenti a l'estero immigrazione ecc - Personal English Language Consultant: consulenza per imigrazione e trovare lavoro a l'estero, colloquio in lingua ecc - Personal English Business Assistance - tutto cio che possa servire ad un azienda o servizi CEO in lingua. Un portfolio di servizi in lingua Inglese a Vs disposizione con corsi in lingua inglese fatto per finalmente acquisire padronanza della lingua inglese
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Ferrara (Emilia Romagna)
Madrelingua Inglese (bilingue) ed English Language Teacher certificata offre servizio di Personal Language Teacher/Trainer e Language Assistant a Ferrara. Un programma linguistico viene creato su misura, pertinente al corsista e seguito da un docente madrelingua inglese bilingue. Un metodo comunicativo che prevede lo sostegno necessario per finalmente dominare la lingua inglese con padronanza e parlare con scioltezza. Offro un servizio di: - Personal English Language Trainer e/o istruttrice - un programma personalizzato di apprendimento basato su ciò che e pertinente al corsista. Lo studente e fornito dei strumenti fondamentali per acquisire padronanza, e si applica tutto direttamente con una madrelingua. seguito dall'inizio alla fine del raggiungimento obbiettivo, con i vantaggi di avere sostegno da una docente qualificata. - Personal English Language Assistant - un assistenza alla vostra disposizione di tutto ciò che riguarda le vostre esigenze in lingua ossia corsi di lingua, immagine, lavorativo, cultura personale, consulenza, trasferimenti a l'estero immigrazione ecc. - Personal English Language Consultant: consulenza per immigrare e trovare lavoro a l'estero, fare stage, colloquio in lingua ecc. - Personal English Business Assistance - tutto ciò che possa servire ad un azienda o servizi CEO in lingua. Un portfolio di servizi in lingua Inglese a Vs disposizione con corsi in lingua inglese fatto per finalmente acquisire la sicurezza e autonomia necessario per ottenere padronanza della lingua inglese.
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Treviso (Veneto)
10 lezioni in videoconferenza, tre alla settimana, un programma conciso e completo mirato per raggiungere un unico obbiettivo: parlare inglese con sicurezza e fluidità in poco tempo. Prenotati subito per il mio corso ‘IMPARA L’INGLESE IN UN MESE’. Le lezioni saranno registrate e a tua disposizione per sempre. Costo €97 incluso 2 ore di coaching e tanti esercizi per consolidare quanto appreso. Tanya Personal English Trainer
97 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Personal English (Via Mantova 79, Brescia) organizza tutti i giorni un gruppo di gioco in lingua inglese con nannies selezionate e qualificate per bambini e ragazzi dagli 1 ai 13 anni nei seguenti orari: - Lun. - ven. 16:00-18:00 a 8€/h - Sab.- Dom. 15:00-19:00 - 8€/h il sabato e 12€/h la domenica La prenotazione è obbligatoria ed effettuabile al numero 3802439185 entro le 14:00 dal lunedì al venerdì, le 12:00 il sabato e le 18:00 del sabato per la domenica. Gli interessati possono richiedere un incontro di prova (gratuito, senza impegno e della durata di 1h) per testare il metodo Personal English, conoscere le nannies e visitare la nostra nursery.
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Bergamo (Lombardia)
Insegnante Madrelingua Bilingue Italiano Americano si offre per lezioni in: scuole di lingua, Ditte, Gruppi o Privati. Grammatica, Comprensione, Conversazione, Traduzione. Insegno da 10 anni.
25 €
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Excel in English with quality personal tutorials (grammar, business or conversation) - all levels. Native English speaker, B.A. English Literature (London), C.E.L.T.A. (Cambridge) qualified. I have taught adults and children in Austria, Eastern Europe, France and Spain. I tailor lessons to your specific needs, whether you have a business focus, need to pass a proficiency test / entrance exam or wish to improve your spoken English for practical or cultural reasons. Price per hour: 20-30 Euro, depending on your requirements. Reductions for two consecutive hours. Online references available. englishexcellence@teachers.org
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Excel in English with quality personal tutorials (grammar, business or conversation) - all levels. Native English speaker, B.A. English Literature (London), C.E.L.T.A. (Cambridge) qualified. I have taught adults and children in Austria, Eastern Europe, France and Spain since 2003. Professional experience gained with Angloville, Diverbo, Vaughan Town and Estación Inglesa. I tailor lessons to your specific needs, whether you have a business focus, need to pass a proficiency test / entrance exam or wish to improve your spoken English for practical or cultural reasons. Price per hour: 20-30 Euro, depending on your requirements. Reductions for two consecutive hours. Online references available. You may reach me at:
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Milano (Lombardia)
Hello ! Do you speak English slowly and do you need a speaking practice ? I am offering a program to improve your English skills (Listening, speaking, writing) with a schedule I prepared. I am student in Polimi (taught on English, IELTS) and had enough experience in that program before. I do a personal practice program according to your background and goals. First meeting/practice is free, so let's meet and have further information ! Reach me from; Whatsapp or call: +39 334 1877099 See you folks !
20 €
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Genova (Liguria)
Are you aged 15+ with a good level of English and an interest in Shakespeare? Are you applying to drama schools in the UK and need assistance with the English language? Would you like to practice your diction and accent? Do you need help with deciding which drama schools to apply for and which ones to avoid? I can help you with all of this. As a drama school graduate and actor I can assist you with: • Which schools to apply for • Your personal statement and UCAS application (for UK drama schools) • Diction and accent • Some vocal and physical warm-ups • Casting type • Audition speeches o Modern Piece o Classical Piece ? Shakespeare and his contemporaries – we will look at language, hidden meanings, and characters Even if you are not applying to drama school but would like to learn then get in touch! As we are all stuck inside, I am currently offering these lessons on Skype for €25 per hour.
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Milano (Lombardia)
Ciao, Sono Chris, madrelingua Inglese Americana. Sono disponibile per tradurre il tuo CV in Inglese, per preparare con te i colloquio di lavoro in Inglese, e Personal Statements per entrare in un' Universita' Inglese o Americana. Insegno anche per gli esami del TOEFL test per l'ammissione alle Universita'. Aspetto la tua chiamata.
25 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Lezioni di Chitarra Blues, Rock, Hard Rock, Metal, livelli base, intermedio, avanzato. Teoria Musicale, Armonia Funzionale, Ear Training. Orari e frequenza personalizzabili. ampio parcheggio gratuito. We speak english c/o GuitarLab™ sound & design studio di Julius Loglio (www.juliusloglio.com) via C. Serassi, 13 Bergamo (zona Rondò delle Valli) Tel. 035 270158 >>>Solo su appuntamento/By appointment only www.personalguitartraining.it
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Torino (Piemonte)
LEZIONI di Inglese STRAORDINARIAMENTE CHIARE, EFFICACI E PIACEVOLI. 17 anni di esperienza come insegnante e traduttrice/interprete madrelingua, impartisce lezioni individuali/di gruppo a tutti i livelli ed effettua traduzioni e revisioni. SCEGLI un percorso PERSONALIZZATO sulla base delle TUE ESIGENZE: Consulenza e Preparazione per ¤ C.V.¤ Colloqui/Incontri di Lavoro ¤ Esami Universitari e Tesi ¤ Certificazioni (Pet,First,Cae,Bec, Bulats,Ielts,Jflt/Stanag) ¤ Viaggiare all'estero ¤ Socializzare in inglese ¤ Comunicare via Telefono/Email ¤ Conversazione ¤ Grammatica ¤ Scegli la Formazione Professionale, Prenota subito la tua PERSONAL ENGLISH COACH! [General, Business and Military English Professional Training]
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Torino (Piemonte)
LEZIONI ONLINE di Inglese STRAORDINARIAMENTE CHIARE, EFFICACI E PIACEVOLI. 18 anni di esperienza come insegnante e traduttrice/interprete madrelingua, impartisce lezioni individuali/di gruppo a tutti i livelli ed effettua traduzioni e revisioni. SCEGLI un percorso PERSONALIZZATO sulla base delle TUE ESIGENZE: Consulenza e Preparazione per ¤ C.V.¤ Colloqui/Incontri di Lavoro ¤ Esami Universitari e Tesi ¤ Certificazioni (JFLT, Pet,First,Cae,Bec, Bulats,Ielts,..) ¤ Viaggiare all'estero ¤ Socializzare in inglese ¤ Comunicare via Telefono/Email ¤ Conversazione ¤ Grammatica ¤ Scegli la Formazione Professionale, Prenota subito la tua PERSONAL ENGLISH COACH! [General, Business and Military English Professional Training]
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Reggio Emilia (Emilia Romagna)
*English lessons by Skype* Vuoi finalmente imparare l'inglese in un contesto amichevole e facile da capire? If so, this is the place for you! Do not miss out on the chance to become a fluent English speaker in a colloquial and friendly environment. *** GET A 20-MINUTE FREE TRIAL LESSON before starting *** Da casa (tramite Skype), senza indugio e con la migliore consulenza one-to-one. Non lasciare passare un altro anno senza raggiungere la conoscenza della lingua inglese di cui hai bisogno! Qui, alcune informazioni di base: * Orario flessibile (secondo il tuo programma personale) * Lezioni interamente in lingua inglese * Lezioni personalizzate (uno a uno) * Tramite Skype * 50-55 minuti ogni lezione * Lezioni centrate sul parlato * Per il prezzo di 12 € / ora si dovrebbe prendere un minimo di 2 lezioni a settimana (tramite Skype). In caso contrario, ogni lezione avrà un costo di 15 € / ora (tramite Skype). SharpMinds _ *English lessons by Skype* Conversational English lessons for those who want to learn from scratch or to give a boost to their English conversational skills in a colloquial and friendly environment. *** GET A 20-MINUTE FREE TRIAL LESSON before starting *** There, we will be able to discuss the method of teaching, needs and expectations of the lessons, and any doubt or concern you may have. * Flexible schedule (according to your personal schedule: English Tutoring lessons) * Personalized lessons (one to one) * 50-55 minutes each lesson * Focus on speaking * For the price of 12€ /hr you should take a minimum of 2 classes a week (By Skype). Otherwise each lesson will cost 15€ /hr (By Skype). SharpMinds Città: 
12 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Hello, my name is Eddie. I'm from the United Kingdom and I live in Southeast Asia. I've been teaching English for 8 years in South Korea, Spain, Vietnam, Philippines among other countries I've taught from kindergarten to adults my major is business management and I'm TEFL certified. Teaching is my passion and hobby, so I am very lucky to have a job in education. I am understanding, patient and know how to talk to students from beginners to C1, during a lesson I focus on you and your abilities. Your learning needs will be met through goal setting, proper preparation and teaching. During a lesson I will incorporate conversation, reading, writing and assessment. We will use fun and interesting digital materials according to your personal needs/interests. I'm fully qualified to teach English and my qualifications include a specialization in teaching students online as well as in the classroom, I've been teaching English for 8 years now. I really focus on building as much confidence as possible in my students. I have seen many of my students get frustrated in class and as a teacher I want to make sure that you feel relaxed and comfortable speaking a language. We can do it together! I have a wealth of experience teaching both adults and children and specialize in English exams and interviews, business English presentations and more. Book a trail lesson with me, we can discuss your goals and aspirations and how I as an English teacher can help you achieve both, lets learn together!! ????! My schedule is Monday to Friday and weekends available, please message me I am always here to help you:) Send me a message and i will answer you ASAP... what's app: +63 9194567191 Skype: edward.vincent93 About me. First name- Edward Last name- Vincent Country of origin- United Kingdom Time zone- Asia/Manila Languages spoken- English. Level- Native Subject taught- English. I have formal teaching experience. Phone number +63 9194567191
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Vendo nuovo mai utilizzato libro inglese settore parrucchiera e hair stylist della MARCOMBO Titolo: TECHNICAL ENGLISH PERSONAL IMAGE HAIR AND BEAUTY Spese di spedizione a parte
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Milano (Lombardia)
Ciao a tutti, sono Gael, insegnante madrelingua d'inglese e da 10 anni aiuto le persone a parlare inglese sia per scopi personali che professionali: - Hai sempre voluto studiare/parlare inglese e purtroppo ti sei sempre scoraggiato ad un certo punto, allora possiamo fare questo percorso insieme, dove ti aiutero' con un metodo semplice, motivante ed efficace a raggiungere finalmente quell'obiettivo. - Devi preparare un'esame o una certificazione in inglese? Con il metodo sviluppato ad hoc per te, sarai in grado di arrivare all'esame pronto e fiducioso, per poi finalmente passarlo brillantemente. - Lei ha un'azienda e vuole migliorare l'inglese dei suoi dipendenti in modo da acquisire più partner stranieri e di conseguenza aumentare le vostre vendite? Allora ho un programma fatto apposta per Lei, che ha come scopo insegnare tutte le tecniche di inglese business e commerciale che ci porteranno finalmente a raggiungere insieme l'obiettivo. Mi chiami o mi mandi un sms al 3488728736. Hi everyone, I'm Gael, your english teacher. I've been helping people improve their english speaking skills for almost 10 years now: - For personal reasons you've always wanted to study and speak english, but unfortunately you've always given up at some point, it's time to start over and finally reach your goal. I've got a simple, motivating and efficient program that will help you write and speak english fluently. - Are you a professional or a compagny needing to improve your english or that of your employees? With the program I've prepared for you, you'll be able to improve your business english skills and finally get more partners and clients abroad. Call me or send me an sms at 3488728736.
20 €
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Lezioni di conversazione tramite Skype per chi vuole praticare o migliorare l'Inglese in un contesto conviviale e colloquiale. Mi pacerebbe aiutarti a particare e migliorare il tuo Inglese parlando di temi interessanti. Da casa, senza indugio e con la migliore consulenza one-to-one! _____________ Conversational English lessons by Skype for those who want to learn from scratch or to give a boost to their English conversational skills in a colloquial and friendly environment. *English lessons by Skype* Vuoi finalmente imparare l'inglese in un contesto amichevole e facile da capire? If so, this is the place for you! Do not miss out on the chance to become a fluent English speaker in a colloquial and friendly environment. Non lasciare passare un altro anno senza raggiungere la conoscenza della lingua inglese di cui hai bisogno! Qui, alcune informazioni di base: * Orario flessibile (secondo il tuo programma personale) * Lezioni interamente in lingua inglese * Lezioni personalizzate (uno a uno) * Tramite Skype * 50-55 minuti ogni lezione * Lezioni centrate sul parlato * Per il prezzo di 12 € / ora si dovrebbe prendere un minimo di 2 lezioni a settimana (tramite Skype). In caso contrario, ogni lezione avrà un costo di 15 € / ora (tramite Skype). _ * GET A 20-MINUTE FREE TRIAL LESSON before starting -There we will be able to discuss the method of teaching, needs and expectations of the lessons, and any doubt or concern you may have. * Flexible schedule (according to your personal schedule: English Tutoring lessons) * Personalized lessons (one to one) * 50-55 minutes each lesson * Focus on speaking * For the price of 12€ /hr you should take a minimum of 2 classes a week (By Skype). Otherwise each lesson would cost 15€ /hr (By Skype).
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Padova (Veneto)
Posso fare le lezioni on line. I Can deliver online lessons: # Matematica (e Fisica) per le superiori e l'Univerista'. # Preparazione ai test d'ingresso per l'Universita'. # Preparing for the SAT, Scholastic Assessment Test, the standardized test widely used for college and university admissions. # Preparazioni agli esami inclusi Diploma e Terza Media. # Traduzioni di testi tecnici: Italiano - English and English - Italian. # Aiuti per ricerche, tesi, tesine and coursework. # I can deliver my tuition sessions in English too (UK qualified with masters). # I can teach maths in English to any level up to university courses. # Utilizzo del Personal Computer, sul sistema operativo Windows, su Internet e la posta elettronica. # Utilizzo del pacchetto Microsoft Office: Word document, PowerPoint, Excel worksheet, Publisher.
35 €
Vista prodotto
Vicenza (Veneto)
Posso fare le lezioni on line. I Can deliver online lessons: # Matematica (e Fisica) per le superiori e l'Univerista'. # Preparazione ai test d'ingresso per l'Universita'. # Preparing for the SAT, Scholastic Assessment Test, the standardized test widely used for college and university admissions. # Preparazioni agli esami inclusi Diploma e Terza Media. # Traduzioni di testi tecnici: Italiano - English and English - Italian. # Aiuti per ricerche tecniche, tesine, tesi and coursework. # I can deliver my tuition sessions in English too (UK qualified with masters). # I can teach maths in English to any level up to university courses. # Utilizzo del Personal Computer, sul sistema operativo Windows, su Internet e la posta elettronica. # Utilizzo del pacchetto Microsoft Office: Word document, PowerPoint, Excel worksheet, Publisher.
35 €
Vista prodotto
# Matematica (e Fisica) per le superiori e l'Univerista'. # Preparazione ai test d'ingresso per l'Universita'. # Traduzioni di testi tecnici: Italiano - English and English - Italian. # Aiuti per ricerche, tesine and coursework. # I can deliver my tuition sessions in English too (UK qualified with masters). # Utilizzo del Personal Computer, sul sistema operativo Windows, su Internet e la posta elettronica. # Utilizzo del pacchetto Microsoft Office: Word document, PowerPoint, Excel worksheet, Publisher.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Lezioni di Chitarra Pop, Blues, Rock, Metal con Julius Loglio (Extrema/Loudmountain), Tecnica strumentale, Teoria Musicale, Ear Training. Orari e frequenza personalizzabili, ampio parcheggio gratuito. We speak english. GuitarLab - via C. Serassi, 13 - Bergamo tel 035 270158 www.guitarlab.it - info@guitarlab.it >>>Solo su appuntamento/By appointment only
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Venezia (Veneto)
ENGLISH VERSION ON THE BOTTOM Ciao ! Le mie lezioni di lingua italiana sono orientate a renderti presto autonomo ed in grado di comunicare al meglio; ambientarti in Italia e a capire la mentalità locale. Le lezioni sono online (con skype o zoom). Durante i nostri incontri posso aiutarti a tradurre documenti o scrivere curriculum. Spiegarti come la vede un italiano per facilitare i tuoi rapporti personali o lavorativi. Da 3 anni aiuto i nuovi arrivati in Italia ad inserirsi nel mondo del lavoro o stare al passo con i compagni di scuola. Sono consulente di viaggi, amo viaggiare e sono una curiosa appassionata delle culture straniere. Parlo e scrivo fluentemente inglese e spagnolo. - HELLO ! My Italian lessons are tasked with making you independent and able to communicate better as soon as possible; feeling like you belong in Italy and understand the local mentality. I do online classes (skype or zoom). During our meetings I can also help you translate documents or write resumes. I’ll explain Italian social attitude to help your personal or business relationships. For 3 years I have been helping newcomers to enter the italian world of work or keeping up with school programs. I am a travel consultant, a curious traveler and I love to learn about other culture. I speak and write fluently English and Spanish.
12 €
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Milano (Lombardia)
About this course Do you want to speak better English? This course will help you reach that goal in a realistic way. In this 4-week course, you will learn how to communicate effectively and understand native speakers. You will develop and demonstrate the speaking skills for group discussions, presentations, interviews, meetings and personal interests like hobbies or vacations. You will review and practice how to give information and respond to requests on the phone. Throughout the course, you will change how you speak English and you will become more fluent and accurate when you speak. You will learn culturally appropriate language and tone. Through practice, youâ€(TM)ll gain the skills and confidence to communicate well in English, anywhere in the world. By the end of this course you will: Change how you speak English and more importantly how you think Improve your pronunciation and fluency Increase your English vocabulary Feel comfortable leading a conversation in English Be able to speak without translating from your native tongue Know statements, questions and responses for different settings and situations Learning English online with the help of modern technology means that your schedule can be easily accommodated. Without a doubt this is the most flexible way to learn this language. For those who have a busy schedule, studying English with traditional methods can be nearly impossible. My online coaching is 1-to1 and completely personalized for each student. I will help you with all aspects of your English including: everyday English and small talk grammar, article and vocabulary review work /personal emails business English, interviews & resumes special projects You may not have the time to drive to a physical location and even if you are able to take a class, you can simply be too tired to learn effectively. With my online coaching, you can literally learn wherever and whenever you want. If you are travelling, you do not have to worry about missing a class. You can enjoy a fun lesson while at the airport, train station or even from your hotel room. You can even decide to review some material while on your lunch break at work. Also, learning English online provides you with many choices that would simply not be possible within a classroom. If you truly wish to perfect your understanding and do all of the things that contribute to speaking well, I recommend trying to my online coaching. All of the previous lessons are at your fingertips which means that reviewing any topic is quick and simple. You can also book lessons as you need them and only pay for what you want. For more information, a free trial or to book a lesson contact me.
Vista prodotto
Milano (Lombardia)
About this course Do you want to speak better English? This course will help you reach that goal in a realistic way. In this conversation course, you will learn how to communicate effectively and understand native speakers. You will develop and demonstrate the speaking skills for group discussions, presentations, interviews, meetings and personal interests like hobbies or vacations. You will review and practice how to give information and respond to requests on the phone. Throughout the course, you will change how you speak English and you will become more fluent and accurate when you speak. You will learn culturally appropriate language and tone. Through practice, youâ€(TM)ll gain the skills and confidence to communicate well in English, anywhere in the world. By the end of this course you will: Change how you speak English and more importantly how you think Improve your pronunciation and fluency Increase your English vocabulary Feel comfortable leading a conversation in English Be able to speak without translating from your native tongue Know statements, questions and responses for different settings and situations Learning English online with the help of modern technology means that your schedule can be easily accommodated. Without a doubt this is the most flexible way to learn this language. For those who have a busy schedule, studying English with traditional methods can be nearly impossible. My online coaching is 1-to1 and completely personalized for each student. I will help you with all aspects of your English including: everyday English and small talk grammar, article and vocabulary review work /personal emails business English, interviews & resumes special projects You may not have the time to drive to a physical location and even if you are able to take a class, you can simply be too tired to learn effectively. With my online coaching, you can literally learn wherever and whenever you want. If you are travelling, you do not have to worry about missing a class. You can enjoy a fun lesson while at the airport, train station or even from your hotel room. You can even decide to review some material while on your lunch break at work. Also, learning English online provides you with many choices that would simply not be possible within a classroom. If you truly wish to perfect your understanding and do all of the things that contribute to speaking well, I recommend trying to my online coaching. All of the previous lessons are at your fingertips which means that reviewing any topic is quick and simple. You can also book lessons as you need them and only pay for what you want. For more information, a free trial or to book a lesson contact me.
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Milano (Lombardia)
My name is Maria and I'm an English psychologist living in Milan. I have 10-year experience working in various hospitals in London and a doctorate in Personality Disorders from an Italian University. My passion are people. I relish the challenge of analysing and exploring the different avenues of thinking with the diverse range of subjects embarked upon in my work. If you want to be accompanied by me working through your personal difficulties in English, I offer my support, expertise, full respect, commitment and professionality. It is with great enthusiasm that I look forward to the intellectual and personal journey that would take place whilst working with you. I can understand Italian very well, but give best responses in English.
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Milano (Lombardia)
Mother tongue English coaching for professional and personal use. I will assist you in improving basic spoken and written English allowing you to communicate freely in an International environment both in a professional and personal context.
17 €
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Napoli (Campania)
Learn with trained native-speaker tutors and personalized materials, schedule on-demand lessons for any language anywhere, anytime. Focus on conversation, exam preparation, proofreading, translation, interviews or business communication I can help students with exam preparation or even just to learn English for extracurricular purposes. Language has always been a passion of mine since I was very young and hope to meet like-minded students to share this passion and create an excellent course catered to your specific needs. Reasons why you should book classes with me on Preply: - Firstly, I have been teaching for 17 years with mostly teens and adults. I have taught a wide range of subjects in English such as the English language (as a subject/grammar/ESOL), Business and General English.. - I am always learning new things as not only do I have a passion for language, I have a love for knowledge and teaching. I have experience preparing students for the YLE exams, PET, KET, FIRST, IELTS, CAE, and so far my students have only had excellent results, as my aim for my students is not only to teach but to create a fundamental understanding of the knowledge they gain. My classes cover speaking, listening, reading and writing. However, depending on your level of English and your personal needs, we may concentrate on the most needed areas. I will provide material that will be completed in the student's own time. I will provide other materials such as: - Audio files - Video links - PDF or Word documents - PPT's So, if you would like to have some online classes, then please book your classes with me! I am friendly and love to meet new students. Let us have fun learning!
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