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Plant industrial

Elenco delle migliori vendite plant industrial

  • BULBI DI QUALITÀ OLANDESE SUPERIORE: Plant & Bloom, un'azienda a conduzione familiare, produce con passione ed esperienza bulbi da quattro generazioni. Coltivati e selezionati con cura nei Paesi Bassi su terreni ricchi, i bulbi Plant & Bloom sono controllati e mantenuti in condizioni ottimali., Plant & Bloom garantisce l'eccellenza dei suoi prodotti con bulbi di grosso calibro, sani, sodi e freschi di raccolto.
  • MORBIDEZZA NEL TUO GIARDINO: trasforma i tuoi esterni in un fulcro aggiungendo colore e poesia la prossima primavera! Classici ed eleganti, fedeli all'appuntamento primaverile, i tulipani sono un must nel giardino. Il loro bel fiore colorato appollaiato su un lungo gambo solido abbellirà l'ingresso della tua casa, il tuo prato, il bordo della tua terrazza o persino il tuo balcone.
  • FACILE DA CRESCERE E MANTENERE: È facile piantare e far crescere i bulbi da fiore Plant & Bloom! Trova con ogni prodotto una piccola guida con consigli e istruzioni per una piantagione ideale. I bulbi da fiori richiedono poca manutenzione e si naturalizzano facilmente per rifiorire gli anni seguenti. Goditi una bellissima fioritura ogni primavera!
  • DA OFFRIRE! Confezionati in una pellicola ecologica resistente e compostabile con fori per far passare l'aria, i bulbi Plant & Bloom vengono consegnati in un bel sacchetto regalo di carta, con le istruzioni per una semina ottimale. Un regalo originale e ideale per tutti gli amanti del giardinaggio.
  • SODDISFAZIONE GARANTITA AL 100%: poiché abbiamo fiducia nei nostri prodotti e perché la vostra soddisfazione è la nostra priorità, offriamo una garanzia "Soddisfatti o rimborsati". Un prodotto non è all'altezza delle tue aspettative? Contattaci per un rimborso completo. Si consiglia inoltre di piantare i bulbi al ricevimento dell'ordine.
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  • BULBI DI QUALITÀ OLANDESE SUPERIORE: Plant & Bloom, un'azienda a conduzione familiare, produce con passione ed esperienza bulbi da quattro generazioni. Coltivati e selezionati con cura nei Paesi Bassi su terreni ricchi, i bulbi Plant & Bloom sono controllati e mantenuti in condizioni ottimali., Plant & Bloom garantisce l'eccellenza dei suoi prodotti con bulbi di grosso calibro, sani, sodi e freschi di raccolto.
  • MORBIDEZZA NEL TUO GIARDINO: trasforma i tuoi esterni in un fulcro aggiungendo colore e poesia la prossima primavera grazie ai bei fiori di calla ! Entrambi rustici con il loro lungo, robusto ed elegante gambo con un fiore di calice, il fiore di Arum è coltivato sia in vaso che in giardino. All'ingresso della tua casa, sul tuo prato, vicino alla tua terrazza o persino sul tuo balcone, fioriranno con i primi bei giorni.
  • FACILE DA CRESCERE E MANTENERE: È facile piantare e far crescere i bulbi da fiore Plant & Bloom! Trova con ogni prodotto una piccola guida con consigli e istruzioni per una piantagione ideale. I bulbi da fiori richiedono poca manutenzione e si naturalizzano facilmente per rifiorire gli anni seguenti. Goditi una bellissima fioritura ogni primavera!
  • DA OFFRIRE! Confezionati in una pellicola ecologica resistente e compostabile con fori per far passare l'aria, i bulbi Plant & Bloom vengono consegnati in un bel sacchetto regalo di carta, con le istruzioni per una semina ottimale. Un regalo originale e ideale per tutti gli amanti del giardinaggio.
  • SODDISFAZIONE GARANTITA AL 100%: poiché abbiamo fiducia nei nostri prodotti e perché la vostra soddisfazione è la nostra priorità, offriamo una garanzia "Soddisfatti o rimborsati". Un prodotto non è all'altezza delle tue aspettative? Contattaci per un rimborso completo. Si consiglia inoltre di piantare i bulbi al ricevimento dell'ordine.
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  • BULBI DI QUALITÀ OLANDESE SUPERIORE: Plant & Bloom, un'azienda a conduzione familiare, produce con passione ed esperienza bulbi da quattro generazioni. Coltivati e selezionati con cura nei Paesi Bassi su terreni ricchi, i bulbi Plant & Bloom sono controllati e mantenuti in condizioni ottimali., Plant & Bloom garantisce l'eccellenza dei suoi prodotti con bulbi di grosso calibro, sani, sodi e freschi di raccolto.
  • MORBIDEZZA NEL TUO GIARDINO: trasforma i tuoi esterni in un fulcro aggiungendo colore e poesia la prossima primavera! I narcisi hanno un fascino unico e si fondono perfettamente con il tulipano, classico ed elegante, inevitabili nel giardino. All'ingresso di casa tua, sul tuo prato, vicino alla tua terrazza o persino sul tuo balcone, questi fiori piuttosto luminosi aggiungeranno un tocco delicato.
  • FACILE DA CRESCERE E MANTENERE: È facile piantare e far crescere i bulbi da fiore Plant & Bloom! Trova con ogni prodotto una piccola guida con consigli e istruzioni per una piantagione ideale. I bulbi da fiori richiedono poca manutenzione e si naturalizzano facilmente per rifiorire gli anni seguenti. Goditi una bellissima fioritura ogni primavera!
  • DA OFFRIRE! Confezionati in una pellicola ecologica resistente e compostabile con fori per far passare l'aria, i bulbi Plant & Bloom vengono consegnati in un bel sacchetto regalo di carta, con le istruzioni per una semina ottimale. Un regalo originale e ideale per tutti gli amanti del giardinaggio.
  • SODDISFAZIONE GARANTITA AL 100%: poiché abbiamo fiducia nei nostri prodotti e perché la vostra soddisfazione è la nostra priorità, offriamo una garanzia "Soddisfatti o rimborsati". Un prodotto non è all'altezza delle tue aspettative? Contattaci per un rimborso completo. Si consiglia inoltre di piantare i bulbi al ricevimento dell'ordine.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Plant/Industrial Controller will have the follow responsibilities:To ensure cost center accounting and standard costs are accurate To ensure inventories (count and valuation) are accurate To support plant organization for more cost effective operations To provide timely detailed production variance analysis To provide product cost calculations for purchased or manufactured products as needed To forecast plant result according to group processes and rules To support working capital management (inventories) To provide investment analysis, including actual pay-back of closed projects To identify cost savings opportunities To support continuous improvement programsMultinational Company near TurinPlant/Industrial ControllerQualifications:Minimum of four years of relevant work experience in cost accounting and standard costing in manufacturing company. Bachelor's degree in Business/Economics or equivalent Knowledge of IT systems (HFM, SAP R/3, OrderPlan, Microsoft office tools etc.) High level of initiative and independence in managing responsibilities Excellent analytic skills and ability to challenge business decisions at a plant level Able to manage the details while being able to discuss business issues Fluent written and oral English Good written and verbal communication skills as well as teamwork skillsMultinational company, leader in Manufacturing and Production sector and located near Turin, looks for a Plant/Industrial Controller to insert inside its own structure. As a Plant/Industrial Controller (m/f) you will need to be able to evaluate, control and interpret the product costs and profitability of the division products ideally combined with a good technical understanding in this field. Location: Cintura ovest di Torino Ral: 45k-50kSalario da 45.000 €/anno a 50.000 €/anno
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Italia (Tutte le città)
L'Industrial Controller dovrà occuparsi delle seguenti attività:Effettuare la corretta tenuta della Contabilità Industriale (Generale ed Analitica) per Centro di Costo e per Attività segnalandone eventuali anomalie, sulla base della corretta applicazione dei Principi di competenza economica e correlazione costi/ricavi;Analizzare i risultati della chiusura della product line di competenza e supportare la Direzione di stabilimento nel monitoraggio dell'efficienza della produzione;Supportare la predisposizione del Budget, delle revisioni periodiche dello stesso e del Piano, (3-5 anni) relativamente alle ipotesi riguardanti i costi;Predisporre e verificare la corretta determinazione dei costi standard di produzione;Verificare e approvare il corretto inserimento in contabilità delle risultanze dell'inventario di magazzino del/i sito/i di competenza;Predisporre i report sui progetti di cost saving (con specifico riferimento al WCM) ed analisi della produttività;Multinazionale automotive con diversi plant produttiviIndustrial/Plant Controller da inserire su stabilimento tra Torino e AstiL'industrial controller dovrà possedere:Laura in ambito economico o Ingegneria Gestionale.Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese.Buona capacità relazionale e disponibilità a lavorare in team e per obiettivi prefissati.Richiesta buona conoscenza strumenti informatici e gestionali (ottima conoscenza di Excel).Proattivitá e problem solving.Realtà italiana strutturata ed internazionale del settore automotive con diversi plant produttivi sul territorio nazionale, ricerca una figura di Industrial Controller con responsabilità e inserito direttamente sullo stabilimento del Gruppo sito tra Torino e Asti.Ottima opportunità di carriera. Località di lavoro: Zona da Torino e AstiSalario da 40.000 €/anno a 50.000 €/anno
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Inumele srl, società di consulenza ingegneristica attiva nei settori Industrial Machinery, Automotive, Plant & Steel e Consumer ricerca per ampliamento organico: DISEGNATORI E PROGETTISTI MECCANICI CON ESPERIENZA per sviluppo commesse presso note realtà clienti. Le risorse individuate, inserite in ufficio tecnico, svolgeranno attività di progettazione e sviluppo in ambito meccanico 3D di componenti e gruppi curando anche la preparazione e la gestione di distinte base.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
People Design, società di consulenza ingegneristica attiva nei settori Industrial Machinery, Automotive, Plant & Steel e Consumer ricerca per ampliamento organico: DISEGNATORI E PROGETTISTI MECCANICI CON ESPERIENZA per sviluppo commesse presso note realtà clienti. Le risorse individuate, inserite in ufficio tecnico, svolgeranno attività di progettazione e sviluppo in ambito meccanico 3D di componenti e gruppi curando anche la preparazione e la gestione di distinte base.   REQUISITI: - Diploma di perito meccanico e/o laurea in Ingegneria Meccanica/Meccatronica - Ottima conoscenza e lettura del disegno meccanico - fondamentale aver acquisito almeno 2 ANNI di esperienza come disegnatore e/o progettista in uno dei settori di riferimento - Buon utilizzo di almeno uno tra i seguenti software di progettazione 3D: SOLIDWORKS SOLID EDGE INVENTOR CREO DIRECT MODELING PRO-E/CREO CATIA NX - Capacità di lavorare in team e buona attitudine alle relazioni interpersonali - Disponibilità alla mobilità territoriale Il pacchetto retributivo sarà commisurato alla effettiva esperienza, si offre contratto CCNL commercio. Zone di lavoro: Emilia Romagna – Veneto – Lombardia – Piemonte. L'azienda, che curerà direttamente la selezione e le comunicazioni con i candidati, garantisce il trattamento dei dati ai sensi del Dlgs 196/03. La ricerca è rivolta a candidature di entrambi i sessi (L. 903/77). Verrà data risposta alle sole candidature ritenute interessanti.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
People Design, società di progettazione meccanica e produzione attiva nei settori Industrial Machinery, Automotive, Consumer e Plant&Steel, ricerca per ampliamento organico   JR MECHANICAL DESIGNER - MACHINERY   Il candidato ideale è un laureato in Ingegneria Meccanica con una buona conoscenza delle lavorazioni meccaniche e delle principali tecnologie di produzione, una buona conoscenza e lettura del disegno meccanico e un’esperienza lavorativa di almeno 6 mesi come disegnatore/progettista meccanico con utilizzo di almeno uno tra i dei seguenti software di disegno 3D:   SOLID EDGE SOLIDWORKS INVENTOR CREO DIRECT MODELING PRO-E/CREO   Le risorse individuate si occuperanno di disegno e sviluppo componenti meccanici e messa in tavola, dapprima in affiancamento a progettisti esperti fino all’acquisizione di una sufficiente autonomia. Il ruolo prevede, dopo un breve percorso formativo, l’acquisizione sul campo di competenze nella progettazione di macchinari complessi, che permetteranno di evolvere all’interno di un percorso di crescita costante e dinamico.   Si richiede disponibilità alla mobilità territoriale. Regioni di pertinenza: Emilia Romagna – Veneto – Lombardia – Piemonte.   L'azienda, che curerà direttamente la selezione e le comunicazioni con i candidati, garantisce il trattamento dei dati ai sensi del Dlgs 196/03. La ricerca è rivolta a candidature di entrambi i sessi (L. 903/77). Verrà data risposta alle sole candidature ritenute interessanti.  
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Our client, part of an international group, leader in delivering sustainable treatment and reuse solutions, commissioned us to search a: PLC and SCADA Programmer Responsability • automation design and plant start-up. • knowledge of electrotechnical field • PLC and SCADA knowledge Requirements The ideal candidate has a high school degree or graduated in electrical / electronic / information technology, has a good knowledge of basic electrical systems and has gained experience of a few years in a similar position, preferably in the field of industrial automation. S/he is available for trips to Italy and abroad for the start-up of plants for periods of time averaging one to three weeks. Knowledge of the Siemens Simatic Manager and TIA Portal programs is a preferred feature. Good knowledge of English, good interpersonal and organizational skills, ability to manage stress and workloads and team work attitude. Location: Padova, Italy All searches are aimed at candidates of both sexes, under the laws 903/77 and 125/91, and people of all ages and nationalities, under Legislative Decrees 215/03 and 216/03
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Francavilla Fontana (Puglia)
Inumele srl, società di consulenza ingegneristica attiva nei settori Industrial Machinery, Automotive, Plant & Steel e Consumer ricerca per ampliamento organico: DISEGNATORI E PROGETTISTI MECCANICI neo laureati in Ingegneria Meccanica, Aerospaziali, Materiali, per sviluppo commesse presso note realtà clienti. Le risorse individuate, inizialmente inserite in un percorso di formazione nel nostro ufficio tecnico, svolgeranno attività di progettazione e sviluppo in ambito meccanico 3D di componenti e gruppi curando anche la preparazione e la gestione di distinte base o disegno meccanico 2d.
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Como (Lombardia)
Ricercamy.com,the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: JUNIOR PROJECT ENGINEER Our client is a multinational company in the automotive sector and ask us to search a JUNIOR PROJECT ENGINEER. Job description: ▪ Set up of project plan and independent planning, coordinating and completion of projects; ▪ Guiding the project team (Kick-off & regular team meetings) and ensure that each member completes the assigned tasks according to project plan; ▪ First point of contact to customer. Ensure customer satisfaction with open and proactive communication; ▪ Financial control of project. Ensure project is finalized with at least the precalculated margin; ▪ Management of changes in scope of delivery. Relate commercial changes to sales department; ▪ Responsible for regular project reporting. Skills: ▪ Completed education in business administration, business engineer, industrial engineer etc.; ▪ Further training in project management e.g. IPMA Level D or comparable; ▪ First experience in operational project management and project business (plant construction) and series business (automotive); ▪ Very good analytical skills and a cross-linked mindset; ▪ Effective und independent way of working; ▪ Hands-on-mentality and organizationally versed with a process-oriented mindset; ▪ Communicative, reliable, persistent and structured; ▪ Willingness to global travelling up to 25%; ▪ Languages: Business fluent in English, German is a plus Place of work: Provincia di Como “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Francavilla Fontana (Puglia)
La società Inumele srl, società di consulenza ingegneristica attiva nei settori Industrial Machinery, Automotive, Plant & Steel e Consumer è alla ricerca di 4 giovani neo diplomati e laureati e da avviare alla professione di disegnatori e progettisti in: Ingegneria Meccanica, dei sistemi Aerospaziali, dell’ Automazione, Disegno Industriale. Il Lavoro: Le risorse individuate, inizialmente inserite in un percorso di formazione nel nostro ufficio tecnico, svolgeranno attività di progettazione e sviluppo in ambito meccanico 3D di componenti e gruppi curando anche la preparazione e la gestione di distinte base o disegno meccanico 2d. Modellazione 3d mediante utilizzo di cad: Creo, Solid Works, NX, Solid Edge  Disegno 2d mediante utilizzo di cad: Creo, Solid Works, NX, Solid Edge
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Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: At least 5 years experience in the role Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_174120546.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
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Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: At least 5 years experience in the role Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills preferably coming from international companies LOCATION: PODKARPACKIE SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
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Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln To apply https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_174120546.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
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Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills preferably coming from international companies SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_174120546.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
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Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: At least 5 years experience in the role Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills preferably coming from international companies SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln To apply https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_174120546.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
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Padova (Veneto)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: At least 5 years experience in the role Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills preferably coming from international companies LOCATION: PODKARPACKIE SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln TO APPLY: gramazio(at)modulogroup.com The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
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Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR & PAYROLL TEAM MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln To apply https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_PAYROLL_TEAM_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_175567520.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
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Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR & PAYROLL TEAM MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: At least 5 years experience in the role Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills preferably coming from international companies LOCATION: PODKARPACKIE SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
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Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR & PAYROLL TEAM MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln To apply https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_PAYROLL_TEAM_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_175567520.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR & PAYROLL TEAM MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies LOCATION: PODKARPACKIE SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln To apply https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_PAYROLL_TEAM_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_175567520.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR & PAYROLL TEAM MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies LOCATION: PODKARPACKIE To apply https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_PAYROLL_TEAM_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_175567520.htm SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
La società Inumele srl, società di consulenza ingegneristica attiva nei settori Industrial Machinery, Automotive, Plant & Steel e Consumer è alla: ricerca: di 2 giovani neo Laureati in Ingegneria e 2 Periti Meccanici da avviare alla professione di disegnatori e progettisti. Ricerca 1 disegnatore con esperienza. Le risorse individuate, inizialmente inserite in un percorso di formazione nel nostro ufficio tecnico, svolgeranno attività di progettazione e sviluppo in ambito meccanico 3D di componenti e gruppi curando anche la preparazione e la gestione di distinte base o disegno meccanico 2d.
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
La società Inumele srl, società di consulenza ingegneristica attiva nei settori Industrial Machinery, Automotive, Plant & Steel e Consumer è alla: ricerca: di 2 giovani Laureati in Ingegneria meccanica e/o automazione con esperienza di almeno 2 anni, 4 giovani neo Laureati in Ingegneria e 2 Periti Meccanici da avviare alla professione di disegnatori e progettisti. Ricerca 1 disegnatore con esperienza. Le risorse individuate, inizialmente inserite in un percorso di formazione nel nostro ufficio tecnico, svolgeranno attività di progettazione e sviluppo in ambito meccanico 3D di componenti e gruppi curando anche la preparazione e la gestione di distinte base o disegno meccanico 2d.
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
La società Phystyle srl, società di consulenza ingegneristica e Desgin attiva nei settori Industrial Machinery, Automotive, Plant & Steel e Consumer è alla: ricerca: 2 Impegate Amministrativa gestionale ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese per mercato estero. sedi di Francavilla Fontana (BR) -e Lippo di Calderara (BO) Contatto [email protected] per invio cv
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