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Process data

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  • 【Alta qualità】 Il data logger USB è un registratore digitale con un microprocessore a bassissima potenza basato su un modulo di temperatura e umidità digitali ad alta precisione e un modulo di pressione atmosferica. IP67 impermeabile e antipolvere, utilizzando una custodia in plastica, può proteggere l'interfaccia USB.
  • 【Alta qualità】 Il data logger USB è un registratore digitale con un microprocessore a bassissima potenza basato su un modulo di temperatura e umidità digitali ad alta precisione e un modulo di pressione atmosferica. IP67 impermeabile e antipolvere, utilizzando una custodia in plastica, può proteggere l'interfaccia USB.
  • 【Multifunzione】 Il registratore dispone di memorizzazione automatica, trasmissione dati USB, gestione del PC e statistiche delle immagini. Temperatura di alta precisione ± 0,5 ° C, umidità ± 3% RH. Grande capacità di archiviazione di 60000 dischi, adatta per il rilevamento a lungo termine di temperatura, umidità e pressione dell'aria. Software per la gestione dei PC compatibile.
  • 【Alta precisione】 Il registratore di memoria soddisfa una vasta gamma di misurazioni di alta precisione e requisiti di monitoraggio e registrazione per la temperatura a lungo termine, l'umidità e la pressione atmosferica. Ricche funzioni di impostazione dell'utente, tra cui nome utente, soglia di allarme per alta e bassa temperatura, intervallo di campionamento, modalità di avvio, ecc.
  • 【Applicazione】 Lo strumento è potente, stabile nelle prestazioni e di alta precisione. È adatto per uso medico, trasporto, stoccaggio e altre occasioni, incluso supporto fisso e vite. Il mouse sull'immagine può visualizzare con precisione un determinato punto di dati. Consente all'utente di vedere i cambiamenti di temperatura, umidità e pressione durante il tempo di registrazione a colpo d'occhio.
  • 【Indicazione luminosa】 Indicatori: "REC" e "ALM". "REC" si illumina in verde per mostrare le condizioni di lavoro; "REC" si illumina in rosso per mostrare le condizioni della batteria; "ALM" si illumina in giallo per indicare la memorizzazione completa; "ALM" si illumina in rosso per avvertire la temperatura.
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Siena (Toscana)
Emma Villas, tour operator italiano leader a livello internazionale nel settore degli affitti turistici di ville e casali in Italia, cerca laureati in Statistica/Matematica, Economia o Ingegneria Gestionale, da inquadrare come Process and Data Analyst, da inserire all'interno dell'organico aziendale. Il candidato dovrà occuparsi delle attività di reportistica e analisi dati, con l'obiettivo di predisporre elaborati ed informazioni statistiche, valutare le strategie e analizzare le performance aziendali. Si richiede padronanza dell'uso di computer, internet e pacchetto office, ottima conoscenza e padronanza dell'uso di Excel e Access, buona conoscenza della lingua inglese. Si richiede disponibilità immediata e full-time, flessibilità operativa, ottime capacità analitiche e predisposizione al lavoro in team. Sede di lavoro: Chiusi (Siena). Per candidarsi inviare una mail con proprio curriculum vitae e foto con oggetto "candidatura process and data analyst".
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Emma Villas, tour operator italiano leader a livello internazionale nel settore degli affitti turistici di ville e casali in Italia, cerca laureati in Statistica/Matematica, Economia o Ingegneria Gestionale, da inquadrare come Process and Data Analyst, da inserire all’interno dell’organico aziendale. Il candidato dovrà occuparsi delle attività di reportistica e analisi dati, con l’obiettivo di predisporre elaborati ed informazioni statistiche, valutare le strategie e analizzare le performance aziendali. Si richiede padronanza dell’uso di computer, internet e pacchetto office, ottima conoscenza e padronanza dell’uso di Excel e Access, buona conoscenza della lingua inglese. Si richiede disponibilità immediata e full-time, flessibilità operativa, ottime capacità analitiche e predisposizione al lavoro in team. Sede di lavoro: Chiusi (Siena). Per candidarsi inviare una mail con proprio curriculum vitae e foto a mailing@emmavillas.com con oggetto "candidatura process and data analyst".
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Italia (Tutte le città)
La risorsa verrà inserita in un team dedicato e si occuperà di svolgere attività di analisi di big data, modellizzazione matematico/statistica, data mining e process mining, interfacciandosi con altri membri del team, con risorse del Business e con fornitori esterni:Identificazione di nuovi modi di utilizzo dei dati per poter orientare le soluzioni aziendaliimplementazione, sviluppo e monitoraggio di programmi di data management in collaborazione le strutture internedefinizione e predisposizione di un'unica e coerente reportistica di business per differenti stakeholdersprogettazione e implementazione di dashboard attraverso l'utilizzo di programmi di data visualization in collaborazione con IT Data & Analyticsmonitoraggio analitico delle iniziative strategiche supportato dall'identificazione di KPI significativigestione e alimentazione costante della documentazione per il reporting interno ed esternosupporto allo sviluppo di una cultura data driven Opportunità di entrare in importante Gruppo GDOPossibilità di prendere parte a progetti innovativiIl/la candidato/a ideale è in possesso dei seguenti requisiti: Must haveConoscenza approfondita di modelli e algoritmi matematico statisticiesperienza professionale nella gestione e analisi di dati complessi e ad elevata dimensionalità provenienti da diverse fontiesperienza estensiva nelle tecniche analitiche e quantitative di problem solvingConoscenza di tecniche di programmazione (R e Python)familiarità con strumenti di data visualization (e.g. Tableau, QlikSense)Capacità di analisi ed individuazione dei fenomeni e dei Kpi di controlloLaurea specialistica in discipline scientifiche (matematica, statistica, fisica, informatica), ingegneria, economiaCapacità di comunicare e presentare i risultati in maniera sinteticaBuona attitudine al problem solving e alla proattività Nice to haveConoscenza professionale in big data, machine learning e strumenti avanzati di analisi statistica (e.g. SQL, Data visualization)esperienza nell'industria GDOconoscenza dei trend / servizi innovativi in ambito GDOIl nostro cliente è un rinomato gruppo GDO in fase di investimento su progetti innovativi analyticsOttima opportunità di carriera.Salario da 1 €/anno a 1 €/anno
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Milano (Lombardia)
Npo Sistemi, società del Gruppo Ricoh, è il partner di riferimento per soluzioni di Digital Transformation, con un approccio consulenziale che propone tecnologie, servizi e soluzioni IT su misura per affiancare le aziende nel percorso verso l'innovazione.La Value Proposition di Npo Sistemi interpreta con un focus data-driven e strategico i cambiamenti di un mercato in continua evoluzione e si declina in 10 ambiti di innovazione che riflettono le priorità delle aziende: Technology & Infrastructure, Digital Workplace Services  Hybrid Integration & Cloud Strategy, Insight & Automation, Cybersecurity, IoT & Industry 4.0,  Blockchain, Business Continuity, Smart Working, Business Process Management. Da oltre trent'anni Npo Sistemi promuove il Cambiamento dei sistemi informativi aziendali e dei processi. Npo Sistemi garantisce anche una formazione continua per le aziende con un Training Centre dedicato ai Clienti che sviluppa i corsi sui principali temi del mondo ICT. Data Analytics Consultant: Siamo alla ricerca di una risorsa che abbia maturato almeno 3 anni di esperienza in ambito Data Analytics. L'attività sarà consulenziale, i principali clienti sono localizzati in Lombardia e nel Nord Italia Principali attività e responsabilità: - Realizzazione di analisi funzionali e tecniche, customizzazione del sistema ed esecuzione dei test su tematiche Business Intelligence, Business Analytics e Corporate Performance Management ei relativi strumenti di Front-end; - Eseguire il Knowledge transfer e training agli utenti finali; - Interagire proattivamente col Team Leader su avanzamento attività, gestione delle criticità e stime delle tempistiche di completamento; Costituisce caratteristica essenziale la conoscenza dei Microsoft MS SQL Server (SSAS, SSIS, SSRS, Power BI) e della piattaforma Azure Data Services (Azure Data Lake, Data Factory, Azure SQL,Azure DWH); Costituisce corsia preferenziale l'esperienza su SAS; Conferiscono un significativo valore aggiunto alla candidatura certificazioni Microsoft e SAS; Si richiede una buona conoscenza della lingua inglese sia scritta che parlata; Completano il profilo ottime capacità di problem solving e gestione dell'imprevisto.
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Perugia (Umbria)
Consultant Adecco Engineering & Technical Umbria ricerca per azienda multinazionale settore automotive unPROCESS ENGINEER area ApplicationQuesta figura farà parte del team Manufacturing nello specifico l'area di gestione clienti e delle singole commesse.La figura ricercataGli aspetti di cui si dovranno occupare sono:o Industrializzazione del prodotto compresa la quotazione dell'intero processo e il disegno interno, in collaborazione con gli altri team nello specifico manufacturing, qualità, acquisti.o Contatti di tipo tecnico con clientio Gestione il processo di approvazione del prodotto/processo da parte del cliente (APQP)Requisiti:o Laurea tecnica ingegneristica di tipo meccanico o gestionaleo Lettura critica del disegno meccanico;o Conoscenza di sistemi di disegnazione CAD nello specifico software CATIA;o Conoscenza dei vari processi produttivi;o Buon livello di inglese;o Propensione alle trasferte estere;o Propensione al mantenimento di buone relazioni interpersonali (sia con i colleghi che con i clienti);o Proattività e desiderio di imparare e crescere professionalmente.o Completano il profilo capacità organizzative, ottima comunicazione, team working, e capacità di analisi capacità di gestione di buone relazioni interpersonali (sia con i colleghi che con i clienti), forte proattività e desiderio di imparare e crescere professionalmente.Si offre assunzione a tempo indeterminato diretto da parte dell'azienda.Luogo di lavoro: UMBERTIDE (PG)Data inizio prevista: 10/11/2021Categoria Professionale: Ingegneria ImpiantisticaSettore: AUTOMOTIVECittà: Umbertide (Perugia)Disponibilità oraria: Totale disponibilità Clicca sul link sottostante "sito web" per inviarci la tua candidatura.
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Verona (Veneto)
Westhouse è una società leader che opera nel campo della ricerca & selezione del personale, gestione di progetti ed è autorizzata a tempo indeterminato per la somministrazione di lavoro con Autorizzazione Ministeriale Prot. n. 0000095 del 03/08/2018. Siamo alla ricerca per un nostro cliente che si occupa di process mining/process optimization di un/a JUNIOR DATA SCIENTIST: La persona scelta sarà coinvolta nelle seguenti attività: • guidare i clienti nel loro percorso di trasformazione aziendale (partendo dalla determinazione come process mining o data science possono essere un valore aggiunto fino all'implementazione tecnica); • estrarre e trasformare i dati dei clienti; • analizzare il processo e le specifiche del cliente; • analizzare i processi e trovare potenziali aree di miglioramento; • guidare attivamente i workshop dei clienti; Requirements • conoscenza di base di SQL, Python, Java; • approccio problem solving; • verranno prese in considerazione anche candidati alla prima esperienza che avranno già avuto modo di svolgere uno stage o master in data science o simili; I candidati ambosessi (D.lgs n. 198/2006) sono invitati a leggere l’informativa privacy ai sensi degli artt. 13 e 14 del Reg. EU 679/2016 al seguente indirizzo: https://www.westhouse.it/privacy-professionista/. Si comunica inoltre che i curricula potranno essere considerati per altre posizioni vacanti e potrebbero essere gestiti e comunicati anche attraverso l’uso di tools propri e/o dell’azienda cliente. Si comunica inoltre che i curricula potranno essere considerati per altre posizioni vacanti e potrebbero essere gestiti e comunicati anche attraverso l’uso di tools propri e/o dell’azienda cliente.
Vista prodotto
Per importante Azenda settore ingegneria ricerchiamo un/una Business Process Analyst che, in supporto al responsabile della funzione PBI, si occuperà di contribuire al mantenimento e miglioramento delle performance aziendali attraverso il costante miglioramento dei processi, delle procedure e degli strumenti aziendali, in particolare informatici. Responsabilità e attività principali del ruolo: mappatura dei processi esistenti (workflow as-is); raccolta dei desiderata delle diverse funzioni aziendali e costruzione dei processi futuri (workflow to-be) attraverso incontri verticali sui prodotti (anche in modalità Agile); studio dei sistemi e dei database in uso finalizzato all'ottimizzazione ed alla possibile messa in sicurezza in sistemi più solidi; analisi, individuazione ed applicazione sui sistemi delle funzioni aziendali delle migliori soluzioni informatiche e digitali presenti sul mercato; presidio dell'avanzamento fisico ed economico dei progetti nel rispetto del budget assegnato definendo KPI e milestone con avanzamenti periodici; costruzione e aggiornamento di Dashboard di Business Intelligence per attività di data analysis per le funzioni aziendali; organizzazione e definizione di SAL di allineamento periodici con le unità di business, ICT e fornitori. Requisiti richiesti: Diploma o laurea in discipline tecnico/scientifiche; Pregressa esperienza, anche breve, maturata in mansioni analoghe; conoscenza di tutto il pacchetto Office; conoscenza di project management; conoscenza di metodologia agile & scrum; abilità nella ricerca e gestione dei fornitori; abilità nella preparazione di presentazioni Power Point e illustrazione dei SAL di progetto; avanzate capacità analitiche e di problem solving. È gradita inoltre la conoscenza di tools per Data Analytics (Qlik e PowerBI), conoscenza del sistema SAP,conoscenze hardware. Sono previste brevi trasferte sul territorio nazionale. Sede di Lavoro: Firenze. L'Azienda offre un contratto a tempo determinato finalizzato all'inserimento.
Vista prodotto
The United Nations World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. The mission of WFP is to help the world achieve Zero Hunger in our lifetimes. Every day, WFP works worldwide to ensure that no child goes to bed hungry and that the poorest and most vulnerable, particularly women and children, can access the nutritious food they need. WFP's regional bureau for the Middle East and North Africa provides strategic guidance, policy/technical support, and oversight to WFP's operations in 14 countries: Algeria, Armenia, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey and Yemen. The regional vision is to deliver on zero hunger and contribute to peace. Robust and reliable data analytics on food security, nutrition, vulnerability and emergency needs are fundamental in achieving this vision. JOB PURPOSE: This position is to provide leadership to a dedicated regional team of food security analysts and geographic information system (GIS) experts as well as technically overseeing and supporting country level vulnerability analysis and mapping efforts to ensure that the most reliable and up-to-date evidence is available at all times to inform WFP's portfolio of work. Responsibility will include leadership and strategic guidance in areas such as emergency needs assessments, food security monitoring, climate analysis, context analysis, beneficiary targeting, market analysis, nutrition assessments, cost effectiveness and operational efficiency. The Senior Vulnerability Analysis & Mapping Officer will work under the direct supervision of the regional Head of Programme. MAIN TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The Senior Vulnerability Analysis & Mapping Officer will be responsible for delivering quality analytics in the following key areas: Emergency need assessments - With the application of the latest technology and methods ensure that data and analysis on food assistance needs (who needs assistance, where, when and for how long) are available to WFP and partners at the right time to make key decisions for any required emergency response. - Ensure data readiness for the purpose of rapid emergency needs assessments to guide an initial emergency response. - Support country offices on the implementation and maintenance of WFP's Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and maintain current systems. Work with VAM advisors at WFP HQ in Rome to improve and expand the SDI. - Support Country Office surge requirements for assessments, vulnerability analysis and mapping, including emergency situations. Economic and market analysis - Ensure robust market analysis across the region as early warning for economic shocks and to adequately inform transfer modality choices (food, cash, vouchers). - Contribute to the refinement of cost-efficiency analysis especially for national social protection programme support. - Undertake market-related field missions to support operations –emergency, recovery and rehabilitation, development and capacity building, with emphasis on cash-based interventions. Nutrition assessments - Initiate and guide state-of-the-art nutrition analyses such as Cost of Diet and cash/voucher expenditure patterns for recommendations for improved nutrition programming. Beneficiary targeting - Provide guidance and support to country offices on methodologies and procedures for beneficiary selection that minimize inclusion of non-eligible beneficiaries and exclusion of vulnerable and food insecure households and individuals. Vulnerability and climate change impact analysis - Collect, manage, prepare and analyse remotely sensed climatological data. This includes supporting the efforts by country offices to conduct a Consolidated Livelihoods Exercise for Analysing Resilience (CLEAR) and rolling out 3PA that consist of an Integrated Context Analysis and Seasonal Livelihoods planning. - Conduct urban specific analyses that provide detailed data and analysis on food security situation in urban contexts. Monitoring and evaluation systems: Lead the regional VAM function to support country office outcome monitoring and the M&E function to support country office process and output monitoring. Partnership and representation: Enhance WFP's leadership role in food security analysis by representing WFP in meetings with strategic partners, contributing to high-level technical discussions, exchanging knowledge and experience with other institutions and identifying areas of comparative advantage in both emergency and non-emergency settings. Effective staff management: Lead, motivate and manage a geographically dispersed team of technical staff, providing coaching and guidance to ensure appropriate career development and enable high performance. - Build relationships and collaborate closely across the programme team and with other divisions, regional bureaux and country offices as required. - Ensure that gender perspectives will be incorporated in all areas of assessment and analysis. The post-holder will be expected to perform other duties as required. SPECIFIC QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE REQUIRED: Work experience & skills - Minimum of 11 years of relevant professional work experience in international development and/or humanitarian work, at least 4 of which in an international organisation within food security related domain(s) - Experience in managing complex activities in a humanitarian as well as in development context. - Proven knowledge and ability to comprehend complex sets of data and generate analyses. Economic and market analysis as well as focus on food security/nutrition domain considered to be an added-value - Expertise in international financial institutions, including previous work experience, is an asset. - Experience in the design and implementation of new policies, processes, and vulnerability analysis systems to improve efficiency and effectiveness of assessment efforts. - Experience in creating and cultivating a broad range of relationships with key stakeholders including NGOs, national authorities, UN agencies, donors and academia. - Demonstrated ability to lead and build multi-functional and cross-geography teams and to collaborate with others to achieve collective results. - Ability to deliver results through efficient planning and organisation and by enabling more junior colleagues to excel. - Proven ability to develop quality reports and analysis. - Experience in the Middle East and/or North Africa is preferable. STANDARD MINIMUM ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS: Education: Advanced University degree in Economics or First University degree with additional years of related work experience and/or training/courses. Language: - Fluency (level C) in English language. - Intermediate knowledge (level B) of a second official UN language: Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish, and/or Portuguese (a WFP working language). Arabic is an advantage TERMS AND CONDITIONS International Professional positions are open to all nationalities. The selected candidate will be employed on a fixed-term contract with a probationary period of one year. Mobility is and continues to be a core contractual requirement in WFP. This position is based in Khartoum, Sudan, and would require the incumbent to relocate. After completing this assignment, you will be expected to apply internally for other assignments in WFP. WFP offers an attractive compensation and benefits package including basic salary, post adjustment, relocation entitlement, travel and shipment allowances, 30 days' annual leave, home leave, an education grant for dependent children, a pension plan, and medical insurance. For more details, please visit icsc.un.org. ________________________________________________________________________ This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. - When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support. This service is offered free of charge to Swiss nationals. Interested in a career with multilateral institutions? Read more: Working with the United Nations Working with International Financial Institutions For Swiss nationals ____________________________________________________________________________________
Vista prodotto
Vercelli (Piemonte)
Supplier Quality Engineer Important international company of healthcare. The Supplier Quality Engineer (SQE) ensures that the supply chain companies (suppliers) continually develop their process in line with the design intent of the customer and verify their systems to ensure they are compliant with the end customer's needs. This includes on-going supplier verification. The SQE is responsible for delivering all aspects of the Supplier Quality Assurance function.He/ She collects root cause analysis and provide corrective feedback to prevent line stops due to supply issues. Establish incoming inspection plans for components with the supplier & R&D department, assemblies and/or finished devices and quality department Ensure the proper risk controls are implemented at both supplier and the company, the measurement system at supplier & the company are identical, and/or capable, Monitore and analyze supplier data internally and externally gathered to identify trends and prevent potential problems Initiate and manage Supplier Corrective Actions (SCAR, SAR) in partnership with Manufacturing/Process Engineering and Quality Engineering to ensure complete and effective root cause analysis and corrective action implementation is performed promptly Use appropriate methods such as Statistical Process Control (SPC), Advanced Quality Process (AQP) tools and the metrics, proactively to identify and help implement improvement to supplier quality and supplier quality tools and processes Collaborate with other members of the supply team to establish and maintain a meaningful supplier quality scorecard. Permanent position. Inserzionista: Page Personnel
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Research and Development Engineering is responsible for developing and implementing new products through adherence to established design control processes and good engineering and documentation practices. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: ? Provide know-how in polymeric materials screening and formulations, perform plastic product evaluations and testing using internal Polymer Lab equipment. ? Perform qualifications of new resins as per internal training, material screening /analysis, materials/product testing, shelf life claims and technical reporting. ? Participate in tasks related to plastic/rubber process machinery selections/requirements and vendor sourcing per instructions and guidance by department head. ? Participate in tasks related to Cost Savings projects, ability to derive true cost calculations, priority assessment and critical path analysis. ? Maintain,manage and organize all project files, binders, data archiving and maintenance of long term 5 year stability reports/files and products on stability. ? Provide technical support/direction to MITG sites as needed with resin events, resin incoming inspection, failure analysis and solutions. ? Provide daily updates to Department Manager on progress, setbacks and solutions to small and large projects. ? Provide support to various plants for molding process optimization, travel to these sites will be required. DEPARTMENT SPECIFIC/NON-ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: Other duties as assigned with or without accommodation. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Education: Bachelor of Science in Plastics Engineering (minimum requirement) Masters in Plastics Engineering degree preferred. Experience: ? Individual must have strong polymer material fundamentals and hands-on Injection Molding processing knowhow or /and familiarity, both with full hot runner, valve gated and cold runner high cavitation tools. ? Individual must have hands on experience with simple and complex injection molds, mold setup, familiarity with tool design, venting and cooling capabilities. ? At least 1 year of experience on production floor of an injection molding facility optimizing processes data analysis and product testing /metrology. ? Must have fundamental and sound knowledge in materials such as polypropylene, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene and thermoset and thermoplastic rubbers. Experience with Characterization /testing methodologies for polymers. ? Familiar with bonding, printing and other assembly techniques in a high volume manufacturing environment. ? At least 1-2 years of Project management and participation with cross-functional teams. Preferred Skills/Qualifications: Strong analytical/statistical problem solving tools Skills/Competencies: Ability to support multiple projects and balance priorities Strong facilitation skills and experience working with cross functional teams Strong knowledge of plastic and rubber processes, with component and assembly manufacturing Possess strong verbal, written, and presentation skills Operates independently in carrying out functions with minimal supervision Applies six sigma concepts, Cpk, sample size selection
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Main Job Tasks and ResponsibilitiesLeads the statistical analysis of a clinical study in compliance with the analysis plan and protocol Provides high quality statistical support direct to our clients whilst managing projects Provides statistical and methodological input for sample size calculation and protocol development Develops a detailed statistical analysis plan and related mock shells Performs quality control and senior review of the tables, listings, figures, datasets, inferential analysis and statistical text Leads Data Review Meetings Writes statistical reports and/or sections for the integrated study report, reviews the draft study report, and ensures that all data presented is correct Responsible for project scope, efficiencies, milestones and budgets and completing work according to CRO SOPs Expert person, central reviewer of ADaM datasets, deliverables and processes, keeping abreast with all regulatory developments within CDISC Contribute to the development, implementation and maintenance of the quality system and suggests process improvements Assists in providing input into RFPs and bid defense meetings BiostatisticoCRO internazionaleEducation and ExperienceAdvanced Degree in sciences, with substantial statistics component At least eight years of experience as a statistician in life science/pharmaceutical/CRO environment Proven organizational and problem solving/decision making skills Expert knowledge of the applicable regulatory guidance Proficient in SAS software Proficient in Microsoft Office (e.g. Word, Excel, Outlook) Fluent in English and local language(s) Good communication skills Advantageous, project management and leadership skills An international, full service CRO, is looking for an experienced Statistician to join our team in Europe. We are looking for an experienced statistician to support our growing team of statisticians and programmers. You will work on varied therapeutic areas, be given the opportunity to work on a group of studies for a single client (leading to increasing responsibility and implementing efficiencies), providing analysis and expertise and as a key study team member you will have direct contact with our clients. There will also be opportunities to support the Management Team in organising and executing the departmental process initiatives and may also be the opportunity to act as the Project Lead Statistician on groups of customer studies. Additional, you may also have the opportunity to train and develop less experienced Statisticians and Programmers. Ottima opportunità di carriera.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Il candidato gestirà le attività della filiale italiana in continuo rapporto con le attività HR di gruppo:Personnel administration (hiring, dismissals, transfers, working hours management, payroll, legal and social obligations: - Creation and follow up of employee's data on HRMS - Employee's contract creation and follow up - Coordination of the payrolls with the external provider - Follow up of the Employee's declarations to the local legal authorities made by external provider - Allocation of working hour costs on finance ERP Monthly Reporting: creation and follow up for group and local needs (workforce, recruitment, training, compensation, etc) Recruitment and Selection: working on all R&S process internally or eventually with an external provider: - identification needs, announcements preparation and releasing, interviews, management support. - coordinating the onboarding process of the new employees - trial period follow up People support: - Advise and support managers in all HR aspects related to their teams - Support employees in all aspects related to the employee life cycle Compensation and Benefits - coordinate the C&B annual review process in Italy along with Group HR, Country manager and Head of BL - prepare hiring proposal to new employees - participate in the implementation and follow of benefits Contesto internazionaleOttima opportunitàDegree in Human Resources/ Humanistic studies/similarBroad-spectrum management of all HR domains: recruitment, training, social rights, career management, payrolls..Company Business knowledge (renewable energies) is a plusOffice pack knowledge (Word, Excel et PowerPoint)Advanced english (written/spoken)8 year of experience Power Producer CompanyGood Opportunity.Salario da 37.000 €/anno a 40.000 €/anno
Vista prodotto
WFP seeks candidates of the highest integrity and professionalism who share our humanitarian principles. Selection of staff is made on a competitive basis, and we are committed to promoting diversity and gender balance. ABOUT WFP The United Nations World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. The mission of WFP is to help the world achieve Zero Hunger in our lifetimes. Every day, WFP works worldwide to ensure that no child goes to bed hungry and that the poorest and most vulnerable, particularly women and children, can access the nutritious food they need. ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT The position is located in the Office of the Ombudsman and Mediation Services (HQ, Rome, Italy) and reports to the Senior Ombuds Officer and Mediator. Frequent travel to WFP Country and Field Offices is required. JOB PURPOSE This role will provide informal conflict resolution services to all employees, and assist in identifying systemic issues, trends and patterns, and facilitate change at the systemic level (policies, procedures, practices, structures, culture or attitude). KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES (not all-inclusive) - Provide a comprehensive range of ombudsman services to WFP employees while safeguarding and maintaining the principles of the International Ombudsman Association: confidentiality, neutrality, impartiality, informality, and independence. - Explore with employees and managers in confidential one-on-one meetings their options for addressing their workplace concerns - Provide coaching to address their issues autonomously, and guide them to adequate sources of information - When required and deemed appropriate, provide the following ombuds services: mediation, facilitation, shuttle diplomacy or other intervention. - Act as office case manager ensuring accurate and timely logging of all incoming cases, assign cases to Ombuds Officers and liaise with them on background and context; organize quarterly case reviews and visitor surveys. - Conduct regular official visits to WFP regional, country, and sub-offices to provide in-person conflict resolution services to employees, as well as outreach and training. - Work collaboratively with relevant actors in various offices to achieve informal resolution to work related problems raised by the parties. - Follow up with the parties to receive feedback and where needed or requested, to advise on further services or steps. - Contribute to collecting and interpreting data, and to the writing of the OBD annual report. - Contribute to the identification of both systemic issues encountered during informal conflict resolution, and recommendations for addressing them. - Identify lessons learned for feedback into the system through other avenues than the annual report. - Participate, as required, in corporate initiatives under WFP's cultural change process and the Comprehensive Action Plan (CAP); pro-actively contribute to the desired workplace changes; provide relevant input into related corporate policy initiatives and reviews. - Actively work towards the strengthening of the organization's system of internal justice. - Deliver outreach and learning activities on informal resolution and conflict management to support all employees to efficiently utilize services of the office of the Ombudsman and Mediation Services, and to acquire individual capacity to effectively deal with (potential) conflict. - Keep abreast of developments in the field of conflict resolution and within the Organization. - Contribute to developing state-of-the-art and client-oriented Ombudsman, Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution practices within OBD. - Take responsibility for an equitable and inclusive workplace which incorporates all dimensions of the WFP diversity and inclusion framework such as but not limited to racial equity, gender equality and disability inclusion. - Perform any other duties or special projects to support OBD in carrying out its functions, as assigned, including research in the field of conflict resolution and contributions to reports. STANDARD MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Education: Advanced University degree in social sciences, administration, human resources or other relevant field, or First University degree with additional years of relevant work experience and/or training/courses in alternative dispute resolution or conflict management. Experience: 8 years of relevant progressively responsible experience of which ideally, two years of relevant UN experience and 6 years in the field of international development, civil affairs, ethics, ombudsman, Staff Relations Management, Training or Coaching. Knowledge & Skills: - Conflict Resolution: Demonstrates in-depth knowledge of alternate dispute resolution mechanism, e.g. mediation, reconciliation, restorative practices. Demonstrates professional competence in conflict resolution, seeking fair and equitable solutions to and prevention of employment related problems. Demonstrates ability to creatively respond to problems and to mobilise, empower or enable other actors to respond where necessary. Able to assist in developing a deeper understanding of conflict prevention, conflict management and conflict resolution. - Analysis: Able to analyse a wide range of factors affecting conflict dynamics and to identify systemic issues (with regard to policies, procedures, practices, structure, culture or attitude) and to formulate clear recommendations for addressing those issues in order to facilitate change at the systemic level. - Communication: Able to create a safe setting in which visitors feel comfortable in being able to bring forward issues or concerns by demonstrating advanced listening skills and the ability to establish rapport and gain trust and respect; speaks and writes clearly and effectively tailors language, tone, style, and format to match the audience. - Outreach and Stakeholder Management: Understand the importance of outreach and is able to deliver oral presentation to various audiences; able to diplomatically handle sensitive information and cultivate productive relationships with target audience and stakeholders. Language: International Professional: Fluency (level C) in English language. Intermediate knowledge (level B) of a second official UN language: Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish, and/or WFP's working language, Portuguese. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Non-Rotational Nature: mobility is and continues to be a core contractual requirement in WFP. This position is however classified as "non-rotational" which means the incumbent shall not be subject to the regular reassignment process unless the position is reclassified as rotational. WFP offers an attractive compensation and benefits package, including basic salary, post adjustment, relocation entitlement, travel and shipment allowances, 30 days' annual leave, home leave, an education grant for dependent children, pension plan and medical insurance. ________________________________________________________________________ This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. - When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support. This service is offered free of charge to Swiss nationals. Interested in a career with multilateral institutions? Read more: Working with the United Nations Working with International Financial Institutions For Swiss nationals ____________________________________________________________________________________
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
ZURU TECH ITALY, the Italian division of the multinational ZURU Company, headquarter of software specialized in the realization of innovative software in the architectural field, is hiring for the Dreamcatcher project’s company a SENIOR GRAPHIC DESIGNER, really creative and bright. Dreamcatcher is a BIM software that uses the video game engine Unreal Engine 4. With this project the company intends to make the design of houses and their direct manufacturing accessible to all through our architectural design software. You’ll be part of a team of graphic and web designers and you’ll interact with marketing dep. and UI/UX designer’s team, in a young and funny work-place. You have the following requirements: - Bachelor's Degree in Visual Communication Design or Equivalent Degrees (Bachelor's / Master's Degree in Industrial Product Design, Academic Diploma (Academy of Fine Arts) in Graphic Design or Digital Graphic Arts and Multimedia - Minimum of 3 years of experience, gained in business contexts (better if start-up) in the design of works for the press and the digital world (no graphic and communication agencies) - Experience in visual communication, skills in both print and above all digital processes (digital assets: websites and web pages / social marketing campaigns) - Ability to manage several projects at the same time, perform a coherent estimate of the amount of work and know how to work in a group. - Advanced skills in the Adobe suite - especially in Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop and After Effect. - Good communication skills: being able in the process of creating and communicating the idea - Knowing how to give and receive constructive inputs, provide ideas and points of view, ability to adapt to changes in circumstances and expectations, commitment to understand and remedy interpersonal conflicts - Portfolio highlighting the variety of projects faced, quality and creativity. Appreciated and advantageous skills: - Good knowledge on the use of colors - Knowledge of Front End development principles (basic knowledge of HTML and CSS) - Knowledge of interaction design and UX - Knowledge on printing processes and techniques - Knowledge and experience with the illustrations industry - Skills in typography - knowledge and skills in creating typefaces You will have the following responsibilities: - conceptualize, design and implement creative graphics projects on time and within budget. - Coordinate with marketing manager to confirm marketing objectives. - Ensure to discuss effectual creative direction, brand constancy and top standards of ingenious execution for marketing materials improvement. - Head responsibility for revisions to approvals, artwork and information accuracy. - Assist team members for creative thinking as well as brain storming sessions. - Support marketing department with print and design to coordinate entire corporate uniqueness plus collateral materials. - Assist with web site design, brand identity and logo creation - Work with the Director of Marketing to get assignments, understanding expectations - keeping on task, participate in staff meetings, coordinate activity with team, keep team focused on revenue and be a team player. - Assist the UI programmer in the implementation of UI components. - Effectively collaborate with designers and programmers - Communicate progress and raise any issues or proposed solutions with the CDO and CTO - Work closely with design and developers to implement changes on a tight, deadline driven schedule - Ensure these assets are always within technical, creative and engine specifications and are created to the given timescale and task brief We offer: level and duration of the contract commensurate with the experience, purpose of employment. Paid relocation if non-resident. Working time: full time WORKING CENTER: MODENA Only complete portfolio and detailed CV applications will be considered valid For further information, visit www.zuru.tech The research is addressed to both sexes (Legislative Decree No. 198/2006) and to people of all ages and all nationalities, pursuant to legislative decrees 215/03 and 216/03. Candidates interested and in possession of the requirements are invited to send their curriculum vitae, including the authorization to process personal data, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and to the art. 13 GDPR 679/16.
Vista prodotto
Milano (Lombardia)
Morson Projects Italia, company of engineering services Morson Group off-load, works in avionics, aeronautics and aerospace sectors, nationally and internationally. Despite a growth in technical activities, we want to get in touch with profiles that have gained solid experience in the aeronautical, avionics and/or aerospace. We are currently looking for: PROJECT MANAGER Activities: The purpose of the role is to deliver a project of governance and control functions concerning the safety of a nuclear sites or plants. This will require the management of multi-disciplinary team to identify and mitigate risks, maximizing schedule and cost performance. He/She will operate within a client delivery organisation and will be responsible for: · Nuclear technology and engineering project management oversight · Nuclear fabrication, construction and commissioning project management oversight · Supporting the Nuclear Programme Director in Senior stakeholder engagement · Provide visible and effective leadership to project delivery teams Requirements: The ideal candidate will preferably hold a technical or engineering degree, or equivalent qualification. He/she must have a strong professional background in Projects delivery and in leading multidisciplinary teams with complex project tasks and must be highly skilled in nuclear quality management systems and defect control process. He/She must speak english fluently and should be familiar with: · nuclear quality management systems and defect control. · Proactive risk mitigation management. · Project control disciplines in the monitoring of Earned Value, Critical Path and Milestone delivery. · Project cost administration. · Welding and machining experience associated with nuclear components A FOAK manufacturing experience would be considered as a plus. Location: Milan/Venice To apply please email full CV details to: [*vedi modalità di candidatura*] The research is intended for applicants of both sexes (DL 903/77). Send a detailed CV with authorization to process personal data (Italian Legislative Decree 196/03 and Regulation EU 2016/679 - GDPR), indicating the position Clicca sul link sottostante "sito web" per inviarci la tua candidatura.
Vista prodotto
Terni (Umbria)
DESCRIZIONE OFFERTA Run4Job Srl – Headhunting Company We are looking for a Recruiter and HR Generalist, he/she will be responsible for end to end recruitment as well as assisting in a variety of human resources programs and activities, including HR Administration, employee relationship, operations, compensation and benefits. Our client is an exciting Hi-Tech company located in Umbria (Italy). Responsibilities: - Responsible for the recruitment of all departments/functions from A to Z including: recruitment platforms and agencies, sorting CV's, conducting interviews, will be responsible for recruitment database, employee's contracts. - Responsible for on boarding and termination process - Responsible for day to day employee's relations - Partner with managers on HR related issues - Responsible for HR corporate programs such as: employee's appraisals, Quarterly goals etc. - Ensure new hires boarding process and papers complete and update the HR data base - Support on new comer orientation training and other programs - Support other cross HR tasks / projects and HR Administration as will be defined - Other ad-hoc assignment Requirements: - BA in Psychology, Human Resources, Social Science or equivalent. - 3+ years of previous experience in a similar position. - Strong background in recruitment - Excellent English - Understanding of business environment Soft Skills: - Project management skills - Computer/Systems oriented and experience with (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HR Software) - Service orientation - Strong Communication skills - Multi tasked and well organized Tag reference: HR, Human Resourses, Specialist, Psicologia, Recruitment, Risorse Umane.
Vista prodotto
Milano (Lombardia)
For an ICT multinational company we are looking for the Head of Accounting. Reports to CFO - Manage and oversee the daily operations of the accounting department including: IFRS accounting, local statutory accounting, tax and regulatory filings, month and end year process, accounts payable/receivable, cash receipts, general ledger, treasury, trust account statement reconciliations according to the IFRS, supply chain management and VAT. - Monitor and analyse accounting data and produce financial reports or statements managing the reporting according to headquarter processes/procedures. - Oversee the administrative processes outsourced through the Share Service Centre. - Plays a lead specialist role of senior team of subject matter experts (relative to financial responsibility). - Leads the budgetary and financial control activities for a defined financial area within a business unit to meet needs of all stakeholders Corporate, Government and statutory bodies. - Owns relationship with and influences at DR to LOB CFO level. - Resource management responsibility. - Subject matter expert within a defined specialist area and have specialist advanced qualification. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Functional Knowledge - Knowledge of industry skills to make an impact, including non-financial skills (e.g. process, telecommunications, contracts). - Drives financial performance and gives financial guidance to senior leadership teams and guides more junior roles. - Advises and coaches on financial policy and practices that support company long term goals. - Expert in a number of finance work areas - Specialist roles at this level should be recognised internally for expertise. Complexity of Role - Manages transformation complexity with ownership for delivery of key business unit specific organisation-wide finance programmes. - Ownership and delivery of planning, facilitation and completion of finance programmes - Drives judicious use of resources to maximise productivity and drive cost
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
Summary The Trading Business Accounting Responsible will be reporting directly to the Country Chief Accountant and will secure establishing Accounting controls to ensure the financial integrity of the Italian Trading Business Unit. The successful candidate will combine excellent analytical skills with a thorough knowledge of financial accounting principles. He/she will be mainly in charge of the Accounting of the Commodities Trading Business and Group Reporting Process: Under the general direction of the Country chief Accountant he/she will be mainly responsible for reporting process with the following activities, in collaboration with a Global Services Centre:Build and maintain financial infrastructure, primary responsibility for the group monthly accounting close and reporting preparation Must ensure the month close is completed timely and accurately, including review of all account reconciliations and key accruals Performs tasks within the various disciplines of the accounting functions (General Ledger/Account Receivable/Account Payable) to ensure these functions are operating and performing within Company guidelines Review the existing financial reporting processes, looking for improvements and system change recommendations Timely review the monthly reporting package from foreign subsidiaries, checking the accuracy of the data and the respect of procedures, according to Group policies and IFRS accounting rules Manage the consolidated monthly closing and the intercompany monthly reconciliation Perform regular inventory and derivatives controls/valuation duties on a timely basis. Monthly positions and reconciliations Review of transactional accounting, financial analysis Ensure that all internal and external reporting are prepared accurately and in a timely manner Be involved in projects and initiatives related to different types of Business Unit (Trading/Manufacturing) in Italy or abroad Importante multinazionale FMCG cerca responsabile accounting con esperienza in gestione operazioni TRADINGRequirements: Economic or Management Degree 4+ years of experience with an emphasis on commodities trading accounting, preferably gained in international companies or Big Four firms Deep knowledge of finance and accounting: General Accounting, US GAAP and IFRS Able to work as part of a multi-disciplinary international team based in different locations focusing on deliver both performance improvement and reporting processes Variance Analysis actual Vs Budget Being familiar with using ERP software (such as SAP) Previous work experience in international and/or modernly organized companies Proactive, flexible and result-oriented, with a high propensity to human relationship and team working Good at work under pressure and meet deadlines Autonomy and proactivity Excellent knowledge of the English language (mandatory) Available to travel up to 10% Solida e consolidata multinazionale FMCG, presente in oltre 65 Paesi nel mondoOttima opportunità di carriera.Salario da 45.000 €/anno a 55.000 €/anno
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: At least 5 years experience in the role Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_174120546.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: At least 5 years experience in the role Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills preferably coming from international companies LOCATION: PODKARPACKIE SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln To apply https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_174120546.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills preferably coming from international companies SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_174120546.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: At least 5 years experience in the role Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills preferably coming from international companies SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln To apply https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_174120546.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Padova (Veneto)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: At least 5 years experience in the role Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills preferably coming from international companies LOCATION: PODKARPACKIE SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln TO APPLY: gramazio(at)modulogroup.com The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR & PAYROLL TEAM MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln To apply https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_PAYROLL_TEAM_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_175567520.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR & PAYROLL TEAM MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: At least 5 years experience in the role Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills preferably coming from international companies LOCATION: PODKARPACKIE SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
Vista prodotto
Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR & PAYROLL TEAM MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies REQUIREMENTS: Fluency in English Readiness to live in Podkarpackie HR Management skills SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln To apply https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_PAYROLL_TEAM_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_175567520.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
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Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR & PAYROLL TEAM MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies LOCATION: PODKARPACKIE SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln To apply https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_PAYROLL_TEAM_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_175567520.htm The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
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Italia (Tutte le città)
For a WORLDWIDE INDUSTRIAL GROUP focusing on machinery for the AGRICOLTURE sector, we are looking for: HR & PAYROLL TEAM MANAGER – PODKARPACKIE The HR MANAGER is involved in the management of the Polish plant which include 400/600 employees depending on the season. This position will entail relations with HQs for developing and implementing HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy. Main responsabilities include managing the recruitment and selection process, maintaining pay plan and benefits program, overseeing and managing a performance appraisal system that drives high performance, bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues. In addition, HR manager will ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management, will manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Manage the recruitment and selection process Maintain pay plan and benefits program Oversee and manage a performance appraisal system that drives high performance Bridge management and employee relations by addressing demands, grievances or other issues Ensure legal compliance throughout human resource management Manage relations with trade unions and staffing agencies LOCATION: PODKARPACKIE To apply https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_HR_PAYROLL_TEAM_MANAGER_PODKARPACKIE_175567520.htm SALARY PACKAGE: ANNUAL GROSS SALARY 140.000 pln The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of present and future selections, guaranteeing the rights referred to in GDPR 679/2016. Interested parties are invited to read the GDPR 679/2016 Privacy Policy on the site. The research is aimed at people of both sexes L.903 / 77. MODULE Group Authorization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298 / MA004.A003
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Per strutturata e prestigiosa Azienda Cliente operante in ambito DIGITAL/VIDEO/MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION (NO CONSULENZA/NO BODY RENTAL) stiamo ricercando un/a: DIGITAL ART DIRECTOR - E-comm, Web and App AREA We're seeking a skilled and highly motivated Sr. Digital Art Director to join the Brand Creative Team. This specialized role is responsible for the concept development, content creation and optimization, design and execution of digital assets to be used in online advertising and digital marketing. The ideal candidate is someone who is passionate about creating highly-intuitive, beautifully-crafted, well-communicated designs across web, mobile and app.While this role sits within brand creative, the Digital Art Director will be dedicated to the e-comm, web and app teams, and will also work in close partnership with Integrated Marketing. This person will be responsible for the development of digital campaigns that align to our brand in voice, tone and style and must have strong experience across a range of mediums including digital, social, integrated and even traditional media.RequirementsThis role requires a deep understanding of user-centered research, copywriting, interactive development and content strategy with core strengths in design and communication. The ideal candidate is a go-getter who jumps to new opportunities, passionate for their craft and works fast and flexibly to get the job done. This is a fast-paced environment, so attention to detail and the ability to handle multiple projects with ease are a must. You're a visionary and create strategically You keep it together – organized, methodical and timely Own and produce high-quality visual designs, concept ideation, through flows and wireframes, to full-fidelity professional visual design Provide technical input and advice on all projects You lead with energy and passion for your craft, driving innovation in each campaign Ensure timely delivery, to specification, and to quality targets You're a fantastic communicator. Communicate effectively in a cross-functional team and at an executive level Confident in presenting and articulating your design process, inspiration, and decisions to internal stakeholders including C-suite executives Ability to think through feedback and develop alternate creative solutions and optimize on-the-fly Maintain consistent creative quality while applying brand guidelines Perform design review and provide feedback to software developers during development process Be a standard-bearer for our culture and values. Actively practice and evangelize customer-centric thinking You have a passion for amazing brands Education And Experience A solid online portfolio of digital work, specifically for creative brands 5+ years previous experience in an agency or corporate environment. Committed, independent, service-minded with proven client management skills. Thorough understanding and competency with digital design tools (Sketch, Adobe CC) for diverse formats (web, social, video, email, etc.) Solid understanding of typography and layout Deeply understand business goals and challenge its requirements as necessary Solid comprehension of UX principles and their application across responsive web and app environments as well as understanding of the opportunities and limitations of the modern web Rigorous attention to detail Ability to work through multiple iterations and work quickly. Use quantitative data and qualitative feedback to inform the design decisions iteratively Ability to work independently, but also be an excellent collaborator with the team Experience of working in a fast-paced environment where priorities are constantly changing Ability to work within brand style guides to produce work that is both original and on-brand Not afraid of rolling up your sleeves and doing work at all skill levels You have a humble attitude (no egos here!) and are a competent leader Inserimento: immediato. Sede di lavoro: RIMINI Inquadramento e retribuzione indicativi: contratto di lavoro subordinato a tempo indeterminato, full-time, etribuzione in linea con le capacità e con le esperienze effettivamente maturate. RIF: ARTDGER2020/QUOJOBIS Per partecipare alla selezione è possibile iscriversi al presente annuncio o inviare cv aggiornato citando il RIF: ARTDGER2020/QUOJOBIS a: technology@quojobis.it Il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91 e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03
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