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Administrative office

Elenco delle migliori vendite administrative office

  • La chiave di attivazione per OFFICE 2016 viene consegnata tramite corriere in una scatola sigillata ufficiale;
  • Sono incluse le istruzioni dettagliate su come installare OFFICE 2016 licenza;
  • Sono incluse le istruzioni dettagliate su come installare OFFICE 2016 licenza;
  • MS OFFICE Home and Student 2016 include Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote;
  • OFFICE Home & Student 2016 per PC (non per Mac).
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  • ✅Consegna tramite e-mail/messaggio Amazon entro 1-24 ore NESSUN CD/DVD – NESSUNA CHIAVE NECESSARIA – LICENZA A VITA INCLUSA
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  • Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus ✅ Emissione fattura con IVA. ✅ Supporto clienti 7 giorni su 7 ✅ Microsoft Reseller MPN ID 6294966
  • Codice Download da riscattare sul sito ufficiale Office.
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Napoli (Campania)
Responsibilities typically include: organising meetings and managing databases booking transport and accommodation organising company events or conferences ordering stationery and furniture dealing with correspondence, complaints and queries preparing letters, presentations and reports supervising and monitoring the work of administrative staff managing office budgets liaising with staff, suppliers and clients implementing and maintaining procedures/office administrative systems delegating tasks to junior employees organising induction programmes for new employees ensuring that health and safety policies are up to date
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Italia (Tutte le città)
L’azienda cliente è una realtà in forte espansione come centro di competenza per la ricerca ingegneristica per le imprese e fornisce i servizi necessari per affrontare la digitalizzazione 4.0. La forte specializzazione nella fornitura di tecnologie innovative tese alla ottimizzazione dei processi industriali ha creato rapporti consolidati con le principali realtà del mondo manifatturiero italiano ed internazionale. Cambiamento e innovazione sono fonti d’ispirazione per le strategie e i servizi dedicati alla realizzazione della tecnologia del futuro. Il progetto di crescita e sviluppo prevede l’inserimento di un Administrative Project Manager il quale si occuperà in autonomia della gestione dei finanziamenti pubblici e privati, analizzando i bandi e seguendo il consorzio di aziende consociate al fine coordinare le risorse coinvolte, raccogliere la documentazione necessaria, verificare le normative di riferimento, definire il budget monitorando le spese ed effettuando la consueta rendicontazione finale. La risorsa è performante, ha maturato 3-4 anni di esperienza nel ruolo e ha spiccate doti organizzative, dinamicità ed autonomia nella gestione delle attività e priorità. Sede di lavoro: Milano Nord Contratto: Tempo Determinato della durata di 3 anni Inquadramento e retribuzione: Commisurati al potenziale di crescita manageriale espresso dall’esperienza maturata e dalle reali competenze acquisite. Requisiti: Laurea Magistrale in Economia / Ing. Gestionale; gradito percorso pregresso presso istituti tecnici commerciali Esperienza di 3-4 anni nel ruolo, in contesti di ricerca universitaria e in coordinamento progetti di finanziamenti Inglese fluente (B2-C1) Ottima conoscenza del pacchetto Office Automunito La ricerca è rivolta a persone di entrambi i sessi. Inviare dettagliato curriculum vitae in italiano con autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali ex Reg. UE 679/16 al seguente link: https://futuremanageralliance.mua.hrdepartment.com/hr/ats/Posting/view/574 Oppure alla mail: projectmanager@futuremanager.it con oggetto “Administrative Project Manager”
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Per importante Multinazionale del settore Energie Rinnovabili, siamo alla ricerca di una Office & Purchasing Administrative. Il profilo ricercato dovrà svolgere le seguenti mansioni: - Gestione Agenda del management e di tutto il team (prenotazione voli, treni, hotel, gestione viaggi ed altre prenotazioni) - Accoglienza visitatori esterni, prenotazione sale riunioni - Gestione ufficio (mantenere in ordine sale riunioni, cucina e altri spazi comuni) - Gestione del centralino, filtro e smistamento chiamate in entrata - Gestione prenotazioni taxi ed auto aziendali (noleggi a breve termine) - Gestione parco auto aziendale - Gestione raccomandate e commissioni esterne (Posta, banca e simili) - Gestione spedizioni (ritiri e consegne) - Inserimento a SAP di Purchase Order e Sales Order, supporto logistica - Supporto nell'organizzazione di eventi e viaggi aziendali - Gestione ordini cancelleria e altro materiale di ufficio - Supporto HR: Raccolta e verifica Timesheet ed inserimento in CATS HR SAP, preparazione tabella ufficio paghe per cedolini. Raccolta e verifica rimborsi spese. - Supporto attività Marketing. Fondamentale la conoscenza dell'inglese scritto e parlato che sarà testato in fase di colloquio.
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Ferrara (Emilia Romagna)
CIDAS Cooperativa Sociale operante nell’ambito dei servizi alla persona ricerca un Administrative officer La figura ricercata avrà le seguenti mansioni: - Rendicontazione del personale (imputazioni ore, timesheet, annullo buste paga, etc) e delle spese vive - Verifica delle spese vive a partire dal file monitoraggio - Recupero, scansione e archiviazione documentale - Compilazione del Registro delle Spese - Inserimento dati nelle piattaforme ministeriali/banca dati Requisiti: - Diploma tecnico/ragioneria o Laurea in discipline socio-politiche o equipollenti (formazione economica preferibile ma non necessaria); - Ottima conoscenza del pacchetto Office, con particolare riferimento a Word, Excel, e Power Point; - Capacità di muoversi in autonomia sul territorio della provincia di Bologna e Ferrara - Esperienza amministrativa e contabile pregressa Si offre iniziale contratto a tempo determinato full time. Sede di lavoro: Ferrara
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Milano (Lombardia)
Administrative support Descrizione Aon, leader mondiale nella consulenza per la gestione dei rischi e nel brokeraggio assicurativo e riassicurativo, ricerca per la propria sede di Milano una risorsa da inserire in stage in supporto alla gestione dei rinnovi assicurativi del portafoglio clienti. Profilo stage La risorsa supporterà il responsabile nella gestione delle convenzioni assicurative delle aziende clienti, interfacciandosi con le aziende e i clienti diretti. In particolare, seguirà il processo relativo ai rinnovi delle polizze assicurative e alla regolazione premi (invio allâ€(TM)azienda delle richieste premio, comunicazioni disdette, incasso premio, controllo contabile, rimessa premio alle Compagnie assicurative, aggiornamento anagrafiche clienti). Avrà modo di analizzare ed approfondire le particolarità delle polizze assicurative (garanzie, premi, franchigie, appendici, normativa di riferimento, clausole contrattuali) con particolare riferimento al ramo auto nonché conoscere i principi che regolano lâ€(TM)attività di brokeraggio assicurativo Requisiti Laurea triennale in ambito economico. Buone conoscenze informatiche (Office). Gradita conoscenza della lingua inglese. Completano il profilo precisione e buone capacità relazionali e di organizzazione del lavoro. Caratteristiche dello stage Durata 3 mesi con possibilità di rinnovo; rimborso spese mensile di 700 euro + Ticket Restaurant Sede di lavoro: Milano, Viale Sarca 222/226 Data inizio: novembre Profilo richiesto Titolo di studio: Laurea breve (3 anni) Area di studio: Economica/Aziendale/Commerciale Competenze linguistiche Madrelingua: Italiano Lingua: Inglese Parlato: B1 - Livello intermedio Comprensione: B1 - Livello intermedio Produzione scritta: B1 - Livello intermedio Conoscenze informatiche Word / Pages: Intermedio Excel / Numbers: Intermedio Power Point / Keynotes: Intermedio Informazioni aggiuntive Settore: Banca/Finanza/Assicurazioni Funzione: Finanza/Amministrazione Numero posizioni ricercate: 2 Facilitazioni: Buoni pasto Rimborso mensile: 700 € Inizio previsto: 07/11/2018 Durata: 3 Mesi Luogo: Milano (MI)
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Il profilo di Administrative Support verrà inserito all’interno dell’Ufficio Risorse Umane a supporto delle figure di Administrative Specialist ed HR Specialist. Principali mansioni: - Gestione amministrativa lavoratori somministrati: Verifica conformità dei contratti ai requisiti di legge e al Contratto Collettivo aziendale Consuntivazione fine mese Inserimento dati nel gestionale interno - Collaborazione con Consulente del Lavoro: Confronto e consultazione con il Consulente del Lavoro su diverse tematiche: Gestione paghe Nuove assunzioni e stesura relativi documenti Controllo notula trimestrale Gestione contratti di apprendistato e relativa formazione - Gestionale presenze (preferibilmente Zucchetti) - Amministrazione del personale: Gestione comunicazioni e procedure interne Previsioni costi dipendenti mensile con imputazione del costo, ratei, TFR, bonus e ferie Verifica differenze tra previsioni costi e reali Aggiornamento actual & forecast per verifica scostamenti da budget Redazione di prospetti costi (costo, lordo, netto) e calcolo del costo del lavoro Versamenti fondi previdenziali, elaborazione note spese - Elaborazione Budget del personale e Budget di reparto - Predisposizione Reportistica e Grafici - Gestione bandi e finanziamenti - Inserimento dati e produzione report Gestionale Talentia HCM (ADP) - Predisposizione, compilazione dei vari moduli per richiesta documentazione del personale extra-comunitario e contatto con i vari uffici preposti (Uff. Immigrazione, Questura, ecc…) Requisiti richiesti: - Conoscenze approfondite degli aspetti amministrativi con particolare riguardo all’amministrazione del Personale - Inglese Buono/Avanzato (Livello B2/C1) - Conoscenza avanzata delle tecnologie informatiche: Pacchetto office e Posta Elettronica - Ottime capacità comunicative e relazionali - Diploma Liceo Scientifico o Ragioneria, Laurea Triennale in Economia o Consulente del Lavoro Inquadramento previsto Le modalità di inserimento saranno definite in sede di colloquio. Si richiede disponibilità ad eventuale contratto Part-Time.
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Milano (Lombardia)
Ricercamy.com, the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: TENDER OFFICE SPECIALIST Our client, Getinge Italia, a company operating in the medtech sector, has commissioned us to research a figure of TENDER OFFICE MANAGER. Job Purpose: the TOS is responsible for the preparation of documentation for tenders, offers, registration to authorized suppliers list and for subsequent forwarding to the customer. The profile is also responsible of the orders review. Key Duties and responsibilities: Daily analysis of calls for tender (calls for tenders release, electronic platforms, reading dedicated e mail on shared mailbox) to define potential business opportunities. Collect the relevant documentation of potential business opportunities. Share of potential business opportunities with Sales & Marketing departments to collect the final decision on tender participation. Analysis and the preparation of administrative documentation required for participation in public tenders (self-certification, bank guaranty, ANAC contributions, etc.). Collect technical documentation and directives (such price, product specification, product configurations etc.) from Sales & Marketing departments. Write the tender quotation to submit to the customer. Tender submission to the customer using the dedicated platforms (MEPA, Sintel, Intercent ER, Empulia, Sardegna Cat etc…). Classification and archive of the tender/offer. Biannual electronic platform qualification renewal. Personal qualities: Degree, or equivalent, in economics o laws Excellent Good knowledge of the Tenders Code. Public procurement platform knowledge. Stress management capability. Accuracy. Multitasking attitude. Organization skills. Strong propensity to problem solving. Work in team attitude. Experiences: previous background and work experience in the role (at least 3 years) IT Skills: Good knowledge of Microsoft Office programs
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Milano (Lombardia)
Technical Accounting Descrizione Aon, leader mondiale nella consulenza per la gestione dei rischi e nel brokeraggio assicurativo e riassicurativo, ricerca per la propria sede di Milano una risorsa da inserire in stage in supporto allâ€(TM)ufficio Administration & Finance. Profilo La risorsa, inserita allâ€(TM)interno dellâ€(TM)area Administration & Finance, seguirà la contabilità tecnica. In particolare, si occuperà della verifica e dellâ€(TM)analisi dei dati contabili, della predisposizione degli incassi e dei pagamenti, della gestione dei rilievi contabili, degli arretrati e dei quietanziamenti. Avrà modo di apprendere i principi della gestione contabile ed amministrativa. Requisiti Laurea in Economia o Diploma di Ragioneria. Buona conoscenza del pacchetto Office e della lingua inglese. Completano il profilo precisione, buone capacità relazionali e di analisi dei dati. Caratteristiche dello stage Durata 6 mesi con possibilità di rinnovo; rimborso spese mensile di 700 euro + Ticket Restaurant Sede di lavoro: Milano, Via Andrea Ponti 8/10 Profilo richiesto Titolo di studio: Laurea specialistica (4-5 anni) Area di studio: Economica/Aziendale/Commerciale Competenze linguistiche Madrelingua: Italiano Lingua: Inglese Parlato: B1 - Livello intermedio Comprensione: B1 - Livello intermedio Produzione scritta: B1 - Livello intermedio Informazioni aggiuntive Settore: Banca/Finanza/Assicurazioni Funzione: Finanza/Amministrazione Numero posizioni ricercate: 1 Rimborso mensile: 700 € Inizio previsto: 22/10/2018 Durata: 6 Mesi Luogo: Milano (MI)
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Milano (Lombardia)
Founded in late 2010, MotorK is an international company with a unique mix of digital knowledge, online marketing expertise and strong technological background. We're looking for a Receptionist to join our team. The ideal candidate will be the first point of contact for our company and will manage our front desk on a daily basis and to perform a variety of administrative and clerical tasks. RESPONSIBILITIES: Welcome guests and greet people who visit the business Administrative / logistic support across the organization Coordinate front-desk activities, correspondence and phone calls Ensure reception area is tidy and presentable, with all necessary stationery and material (e.g. pens, forms and brochures) Order front office supplies and keep inventory of stock Organize courier shipments for other offices and events Update calendars and schedule meetings Oversee the company canteen process Arrange local travel Perform other clerical receptionist duties such as filing, photocopying, transcribing and faxing REQUIREMENTS Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite Dynamic and detail-oriented Ability to be resourceful and proactive when issues arise Hand-on experience with office equipment (e.g. fax machines and printers) Pleasant personality Be able to deal with emergencies in a timely and effective manner Multitasking and stress management skills Excellent organizational skills Problem solving Flexibility is a plus Fluent in English BENEFITS Huge open space office with lounge and garden areas Canteen Team building activities Strong and rapid professional growth International team This position is open to all candidate of both gender (ex L. 903/77) and disabled person (ex L.68/99) Clicca sul link sottostante "sito web" per inviarci la tua candidatura.
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Milano (Lombardia)
Ricercamy.com, a headhunting company, is looking for a: GENERAL AFFAIR ASSISTANT Our client, a multinational market leader in office equipment renting, with an expertise in the small-ticket IT market, instructed us to look for a GENERAL AFFAIR ASSISTANT for the MILAN office. The candidate will constantly deal with several departments within the company and he/she will be responsible of the following administrative tasks: â-- General secretariat activities: - Inbound and outbound calls, customer care, technical support for customer - Mail handling and distribution; - Shipping and tracking management; - Reception activities; - Meetings management; - Companyâ€(TM)s parking management â-- Travel management: - Travels, transfer and accommodation booking; - Company events and fair/exhibition management and planning; - Research of new suppliers; â-- Purchase tasks: - Management of purchase (stationery, furniture,etc) - Check and monitoring of supplier performance - Mobile and telephone systems management â-- Support to the marketing and administrative departments The ideal candidate must have: - Languages degree - Excellent knowledge of English - German knowledge is appreciated - At least 4 years Job experience in the role - Good knowledge of Windows Office To complete the profile: - Excellent communication skills - Strong team working attitude - Organizational skills - Multi-tasking capability - Reliability A permanent contract is offered. Candidates who are in possession of the above requirements, can send their application by submitting the Curriculum Vitae in Word format. The research is aimed at Candidates of both sexes (Law 903/77 and Law 125/91). Ricercamy Srl is in possession of the Ministerial authorization for an indefinite term n. 39/0000225 issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Services pursuant to Legislative Decree 276/03.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
About us IM Biofuel S.r.l., a company dedicated to the purchase and sale of biodiesel and derivatives, is part of the international colossus Musim Mas, take a look of its web site http://www.musimmas.com/ Candidate Profile We are looking for a Sales Administrative Assistant to join the Sales Department of our biofuel business and help us achieve our goals. Our ideal candidate is goal-oriented, proactive with good organizational, administrative and logical skills. Job responsibilities • Back Office emailing process • Complete the contractual sales templates • Internal follow-up of sales contracts signed and its correct fulfilment • Take care of the sales contracts’ registration in the database, archive them and keep the data updated • Data entry in the internal system of the purchase order and its request • Manage the documentation and processes with Operation and Finance departments • Support in the elaboration of reports requested by the Management and clients Job profile • Organizational skills including attention to detail and multi-tasking, ability to organize and plan effectively • Logical approach • Good knowledge of the office package and great familiarity handling complex spreadsheets and database • Familiarity with CRM practices along • Desirable knowledge of SAP program • No mandatory prior experience, neo graduates are not ruled out • English and Italian is a must, other European languages are positivity evaluable What We Offer • Motivating and international environment • Temporary employment agreement, one year to start, with a concrete possibility of renewal and career • Office placed in the center of Milan, one of the smartest cosmopolitan city
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Milano (Lombardia)
I am looking for a job as: Receptionist, General Administrative Assistant, Data Entry Agent, Secretary, Translator, Teacher, Personal Assistant, Document Controller, Human Resources Officer, or any other duties. I speak Arabic, French and English very well, I have a good level in German, Spanish and Italian. Along 8 years I fulfill various administrative duties as below: Translation of documents and interpretation of oral communication, from/into Arabic, English, French, Spanish, German and Italian Co-ordinate meetings/workshops/functions Record all incoming and outgoing documentation, facsimiles, email and telephone contacts Handle confidential documents with utmost discretion Acknowledge receipt of correspondence General office administration Manage the appointments of advisors Co-ordinate arrangements pertaining to visitors Assist with travel and accommodation arrangements, when required Availability to travel and provide interpretation support Availability to travel with delegates to conferences/meetings/workshops, to various locations within the region, when required Prepare reports on a regular basis on multiple projects Maintenance of historical and office files Assist advisors in achieving access to government officials at all levels of the Algerian government Presently I am in Algeria, I will need Wrking Permit to be able to relocate. Kind Regards, KHALED CHAABANE
43.033 €
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Torino (Piemonte)
Reporting to Contract Supervisor, we are looking for a Contract Clerk in our team in Italy. 1. Primary Objective of Position Manage independently offers from public customers for the Diagnostics Division 2. Major Accountabilities Manage independently all activities related to the processing of offers by the Public Administration in the diagnostic market. Ability to analyser requests identifying points of attention or binding aspects from an administrative point of view. Autonomous preparation of all administrative documentation of electronic tenders and public offers. Preparation of the economic and technical offer in accordance with the requirements. Collaboration and synergy with the field team with an active contribution to the verification of compliance with the requirements. Ability to manage and mastery in response. Authority and interpersonal skills in collaboration with internal and sales force colleagues. Ensure that the processes comply with corporate policies. 3. Education Degree in political science, economics, law, 4. Background Spoken and written English. Excellent knowledge of the office package. Teamworking skills 5. Impact of position Manages the activities following the signing of the contract. Active collaboration in the preparation of contractual standards. 6. Geography: the position will be based in Torino.
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Napoli (Campania)
We are looking for a part time Administration Assistant to work 3 days (22.5 hours) a week. The main purpose of the role is to support the office team with daily administrative tasks. This role will be based on the Napoli Responsibilities include: Managing Phone Calls and Correspondence. Ensuring supplier invoices get distributed and authorised. Processing sales orders and ensuring customer invoices are raised. Communicating with customers including chasing late payments. Assisting with shipping, including organising courier collections. Organising building maintenance and repairs. Ad-hoc tasks to help ensure the smooth running of the office and support the R&D and back office teams as required Experience and Skills: Excellent organisation skills. Good communication and interpersonal skills. Experience in office administration. Microsoft office skills.
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Isola del Gran Sasso d Italia (Abruzzo)
Paper-smart.com looks for in Italy We at Paper Smart strive to become a worldwide leader in the field of eco-friendly technologies with the singular mission to turn the world into a better place now and for posterity. We are a startup with a team of skillful experts when it comes to developing, and implementing state-of-the-art technological solutions that help companies and organizations from diverse sectors, industries and geographies take necessary steps to become paperless businesses. Remote Office Errand Runner Seeking reliable part-time Remote Office Errand Runner in Italy to join our team. Job Description -Our ideal candidate will be punctual, energetic, task oriented, trustworthy, and show initiative -Must be able to multitask and communicate effectively -Assist as needed with projects, administrative work, pick-up and drop-off -Assist with other duties and projects as assigned Requirements -Proficiency in English -Flexibility and adaptability -Show tact and diplomacy at all times -Safe driving habits a must -Valid driving license -Willingness to consent to a driving record check -Thorough knowledge of the local area a big plus, but not mandatory It is talent that matters to us, and we encourage applications from candidates irrespective of their gender. Compensation varies per job, and is dependent upon experience If you feel that you are the right person for this role, we encourage you to apply, and send your resume in English and photocopy of your ID to the email address. Inserzionista: Eva Otto, Hr Manager
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Completes a broad variety of administrative tasks for the President & CEO including: managing an extremely active calendar of appointments; completing expense reports; composing and preparing correspondence that is sometimes confidential; arranging complex and detailed travel plans, itineraries, and agendas; and compiling documents for travel-related meetings. • Plans, coordinates and ensures the CEO's schedule is followed and respected. Provides "gatekeeper" and "gateway" role, creating win-win situations for direct access to the CEO's time and office. • Communicates directly, and on behalf of the President and CEO, with Board members, donors, Foundation staff, and others, on matters related to CEO's programmatic initiatives. • Researches, prioritizes, and follows up on incoming issues and concerns addressed to the President, including those of a sensitive or confidential nature. Determines appropriate course of action, referral, or response. • Provides a bridge for smooth communication between the President's office and internal departments; demonstrating leadership to maintain credibility, trust and support with senior management staff. • Works closely and effectively with the CEO to keep him/her well informed of upcoming commitments and responsibilities, following up appropriately. Acts as a "barometer," having a sense for the issues taking place in the environment and keeping the President updated. • Provides leadership to build relationships crucial to the success of the organization, and manages a variety of special projects for the President, some of which may have organizational impact. • Successfully completes critical aspects of deliverables with a hands-on approach, including drafting acknowledgement letters, personal correspondence, and other tasks that facilitate the CEO's ability to effectively lead the company. • Prioritizes conflicting needs; handles matters expeditiously, proactively, and follows-through on projects to successful completion, often with deadline pressures.
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Roma (Lazio)
Completes a broad variety of administrative tasks for the President b'&' CEO including: managing an extremely active calendar of appointments; completing expense reports; composing and preparing correspondence that is sometimes confidential; arranging complex and detailed travel plans, itineraries, and agendas; and compiling documents for travel-related meetings. • Plans, coordinates and ensures the CEO's schedule is followed and respected. Provides b'"'gatekeeperb'"' and b'"'gatewayb'"' role, creating win-win situations for direct access to the CEO's time and office. • Communicates directly, and on behalf of the President and CEO, with Board members, donors, Foundation staff, and others, on matters related to CEO's programmatic initiatives. • Researches, prioritizes, and follows up on incoming issues and concerns addressed to the President, including those of a sensitive or confidential nature. Determines appropriate course of action, referral, or response. • Provides a bridge for smooth communication between the President's office and internal departments; demonstrating leadership to maintain credibility, trust and support with senior management staff. • Works closely and effectively with the CEO to keep him/her well informed of upcoming commitments and responsibilities, following up appropriately. Acts as a b'"'barometer,b'"' having a sense for the issues taking place in the environment and keeping the President updated. • Provides leadership to build relationships crucial to the success of the organization, and manages a variety of special projects for the President, some of which may have organizational impact. • Successfully completes critical aspects of deliverables with a hands-on approach, including drafting acknowledgement letters, personal correspondence, and other tasks that facilitate the CEO's ability to effectively lead the company. • Prioritizes conflicting needs; handles matters expeditiously, proactively, and follows-through on projects to successful completion, often with deadline pressures.
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Roma (Lazio)
The EF International Language Campus in Rome is looking for talented Resident Advisor! We seek motivated, responsible, dynamic, and community-building oriented individuals to take on the exciting challenge of working in an international environment. RAs have the amazing chance to get to know and work with an incredible population of international students. RAs will work 20 hours or more per week (nights and weekends).Primary responsibilities include: helping the students at the reception desk, organizing on and off-campus activities, performing administrative tasks, and room checks/on-call dormitory duties, plus other duties as assigned by the Housing Director or School Director. Resident Advisor Duties: - All of our RA's are responsible for the day to day supervision of EF residents from ages of 16-99 who are currently living in an EF residence. - Provide positive role modeling for residents in areas of communications, decision-making, and problem solving. - Assists residents with any questions, complaints, or concerns, as well participating in a weekly activity with the students. - Oversees check-ins and check-outs during their weekend shifts, and helps resolve any issues that may occur during their night shifts. - Communicates in an effective manner with co-workers regarding residents' daily living activities. - Assumes a leadership role, particularly during crises, to affect calm and effective solutions. - Reports any inconsistencies, conflicts or problematic situations to the School Director, Housing Director or Accommodation Manager. - Responds appropriately and effectively to directives assigned by the Housing Director. - Responsible for assisting minors if they need to see a doctor. - Participates in meetings and training sessions, as scheduled. Requirements: - Bachelor's Degree or currently working on graduating with a Bachelor's Degree - English and Italian Language Fluency - Flexible Part-time Schedule for Full-year, Full-time for Summer - Customer Service Experience, or Resident Advisor Experience - Must possess PC skills including basic MS Office applications. - Innovative, organized and pay attention to detail - Must be able to enforce school policies - Must be social, fun and work well with a team Benefits of the Position: RAs at the EF International School of English receive free room in the hotel. About EF Education First: Weâ€(TM)re 43,500 small. Weâ€(TM)re teachers and students, creatives and analysts, visionaries and doers. We are 120 nationalitiesâ€"and counting. Together, we open the world through education, breaking down barriers of language, culture and geography all over the world. Over the past 50 years, our mission has grown to include a diverse range of programs that give millions of students of all ages the freedom and confidence to explore the world through language, travel and academic opportunities.
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Milano (Lombardia)
We are hiring! A company working in the touristic field is searching a manager assistant expert in the hotelleriè or touristic field. The selected candidate should have: Administration abilities, contability skills, high sense of responsability, and expertise in the managment of all the problems and issues that run around a hotel or a hotel like structure. Management of all 360° issues of the vacation home world. Know the world of airbnb, booking, expedia, trivago and all the main booking international portals. Have a high quality of problem solving. Have ability to manage problems related to a customer, or a reservation. Great organizational skills, a strong sense of teamwork. Must be a precise, dynamic and highly flexible person. Must know how to manage collaborators, be familiar with his job and be of assistance to the manager in the bureaucratic sections of the portals, and of customer bookings. Must know the world of hospitality, billing and all the administrative sections that revolve around the tourist activity. Must have a great spirit of flexibility. Sunny personality and positive approach to life and to a personal and professional growth. English language is fundamental be of high level. We are active in the National territory, with main activity in Milan. We are opening a new office in Milan center, Brera area. Age preferred: between 27 and 35 yo. Previous experience in the hotellerie management is required. Please send us your Cv updated with foto and a letter of presentation.
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Siena (Toscana)
Descrizione del ruolo: Imaginewe are recruiting for a marketing coordinator to join the team at rosewood castiglion del bosco, in tuscany.as marketing coordinator, you will support the director of communications in managing rosewood castiglion del bosco communications and provide administrative and operational support to the sales & marketing team. you will build and nurture relationships with your team to ensure they provide an engaging, intuitive and refined service.this person must demonstrate the highest level of hospitality and professionalism in order to achieve the highest standards possible. being part of rosewood castiglion del bosco team means that training and development opportunities are available and with the hotel being a key part of rosewood’s global expansion plans, this role could be a stepping stone to exciting international career opportunities. Caratteristiche del candidato: This role will require an exceptional level of attention to detail, excellent written and spoken english and italian,  advanced microsoft office and indesign.this role's primary responsibilities are the positive promotion of the resort public image, the coordination of messages to always achieve brand consistency and the highest standards for external communications along with a particular focus on social media and all digital initiatives planned.  he/she must demonstrate ability to perform multiple tasks in a busy environment and remain flexible.rosewood hotels & resorts® has been appointed to manage castiglion del bosco, the bucolic italian resort located in montalcino, tuscany. founded by massimo ferragamo, the resort is set within one of the oldest and best-preserved estates in italy and is located in the heart of val d’orcia, a unesco world heritage site.castiglion del bosco is an 800-year-old estate comprising the ruins of a castle, a medieval church, and the borgo, a village that was once an important farming and social hub. the borgo now forms the heart of the resort and 23 suites are housed within its buildings. the resort also offers 10 villas which have been created from restored farmhouses and feature antique furniture, artisanal pieces and modern comforts. an expansion of additional 19 suites will be in place from 2020 season.rosewood hotels & resorts® manages 27 one-of-a-kind luxury properties in 15 countries, with 21 new hotels under development. each rosewood hotel embraces the brand’s a sense of place® philosophy to reflect the individual location’s history, culture and sensibilities. the rosewood collection includes some of the world’s most legendary hotels and resorts, including the carlyle, a rosewood hotel in new york, rosewood mansion on turtle creek in dallas and hôtel de crillon, a rosewood hotel in paris, as well as new classics such as rosewood beijing. rosewood hotels & resorts targets to double its number of hotels in operation by 2020. explorewe believe that life is made of many journeys: inspiration, wonderment, curiosity, or the simple joy of discovering something new every day. we dedicate ourselves to constantly evolve our skills, our practices, our standards and our technologies. we move forward by never standing still. at rosewood, we know that our future depends upon the development for our associates. that is why we devote multiple levels of programs to address the various needs of our associates' career aspirations.
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Milano (Lombardia)
Il nostro cliente è una delle principali istituzioni di Ricerca e Sviluppo di Milano e della Lombardia. Attiva nel campo della Ricerca e indirizzata a progetti di innovazione e sviluppo economico/produttivo a favore di Grandi Aziende e PMI, grazie alle competenze riconosciute a livello internazionale è in grado di operare in collaborazione con Università e Industrie anche al di fuori dei confini nazionali. La Fondazione sviluppa innumerevoli progetti di responsabilità sociale e di cooperazione anche con paesi in via di sviluppo. Oggi il progetto ‘aziendale’ richiede un potenziamento della struttura interna, attraverso l’inserimento di un Support Administrative Project Manager che supporti il Project Manager nella gestione dei progetti di finanziamento. In particolare la risorsa sarà dedicata al supporto alla gestione dei finanziamenti, alla gestione dei contratti del personale, di comodato e delle infrastrutture, al coordinamento delle risorse interne e dei consorzi di progetto ed alla raccolta della documentazione necessaria ai fini rendicontativi. Fornirà, inoltre, supporto nel coordinamento di tutte le risorse coinvolte e nella fase di monitoraggio dello spending nonché di rendicontazione finale dei progetti attivi. Per questa posizione dinamica e sfidante riteniamo ottimale un candidato/a con elevate capacità organizzative, e capacità di gestione parallela di progetti diversi. L’elevata precisione necessaria allo svolgimento delle mansioni amministrative, dovrà essere ben bilanciata da caratteristiche personali di dinamismo, flessibilità e capacità relazionali. La risorsa possiede i seguenti requisiti laureato (Magistrale) in Ingegneria Gestionale o Economia e Commercio (o affini); ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese (C1); ottima conoscenza e capacità di utilizzo del pacchetto Office e in particolare di Excel. Il candidato/a ideale dovrebbe anche aver maturato un’esperienza di 12/24 mesi nell’ambito di enti o fondazioni o consorzi attivi nella ricerca e sviluppo, o in aziende nelle quali potrebbe aver visto la gestione e la rendicontazione di un bando di finanziamento Europeo. La natura dei progetti sui quali verrà coinvolto richiede anche la disponibilità a trasferte estere. Sede di lavoro: Milano. Contratto Inquadramento e retribuzione: contratto a tempo determinato e ral saranno commisurati alla reale esperienza e capacità del candidato. La ricerca è rivolta a persone di entrambi i sessi. Inviare dettagliato curriculum vitae in italiano con autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali (D.Lgs. 196/03).
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RIDEOS è azienda italiana dedicata alle aziende e alle Pubbliche Amministrazioni fornendo supporto nel loro percorso di trasformazione digitale attraverso soluzioni integrate che coniugano cloud, data center, fibra ottica, sicurezza e innovazione. Il profilo ricercato verraà inserito nel team P&CE Processi Amministrativi e di Vendita e dovrà affiancare il Responsabile Administrative Support Grandi Clienti & nella gestione dei contratti con i clienti in termini di: - Inserimento ordini commerciali - Variazioni contrattuali/anagrafica e metodo di pagamento - Disdette e cessazioni di servizi Obiettivi dello stage: In affiancamento al Tutor e al team il tirocinante avrà come obiettivi, la gestione di ordini commerciali semplici e la preparazione di report sulla consistenza di dati relative ai clienti COMPETENZE TRASVERSALIBuone capacità comunicative e relazionali Autonomia e precisione COMPETENZE ATTESE A conclusione del tirocinio la persona avrà acquisito le seguenti competenze: - Conoscenza delle attività di un back office commerciale - Analisi di dati cliente - Relazione con il cliente AGEVOLAZIONI PREVISTE Rimborso spese mensili e buoni pasto
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Studio CPA, business consulting firm of Bergamo (Accreditation by the Ministry of Labor n.2933), looking for an administrative financial director for a client company based in Brescia: Tasks: Management of tasks and projects for dedicated teams Closely collaboration with Strategy and Development Responsible Italy and Sales Responsible Italy Analyze business potentials and support Italian sales organization Apply regulations and follow-up compliance matters in Italian organization Support collaboration between dedicated teams (internally) and interdisciplinary teams Lead, motivate and enable the dedicated teams Strengthen the Italian administration organization within company Support Sales Team on customer site for Admin related issues. Requirements: University degree and minimum 5 years of job experience in business administration Minimum 3 years of Leadership experience Strong project management experience Broad knowledge of processes of Supply Chain, Finance and Human Resources Good IT knowledge, MS Office (Excel and Power Point) and ERP-system (NAVISION) Fluent in English language Structured working method Ability to think analytically and strategically Assertiveness and ability to cooperate in an international and interdisciplinary network All candidates of both sexes (Legislative Decree 198/2006), in possession of the required requisites, can send their updated CV to [email protected] including authorization for data processing (Legislative Decree 196/2003).
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