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  • ·         Professionals recommends combining education courses and hands-on experience to prepare for your interview as questions will test your ability to apply the knowledge you have gained in training.
  • Complete video learning of End to end SLDC process explained along with all stages of implementation & Case studies video session will be included. Also, Latest collection of interview question and answers session will be included.
  • Three Resume samples will be given for fresher (Sample Resumes for 0-2 Years’ Experience), Mid-experience (Sample Resumes for 2-5 Years’ Experience) & Advance level Experience sap aspirants (Sample Resumes for 5+ Years’ Experience).
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  • SAP Crystal Reports viene utilizzato per la reportistica, l'analisi dei dati, la business intelligence, supporto decisionale, data mining e data warehousing. . . Dal 1991, commercializziamo con successo SAP Crystal Reports alle piccole e medie imprese di tutto il mondo e contiamo più di 1.000.000 di utenti attivi.
  • Con SAP Crystal Reports, è possibile accedere in modo sicuro ai dati memorizzati, analizzare i risultati, visualizzare tendenze e modelli, filtrare ordinare o classificare tali dati, entrare in maggiori dettagli e creare griglie, tabelle, grafici e mappe.
  • Una volta create le tabelle, grafici e mappe in SAP Crystal Reports, è possibile combinarle in documenti. Inoltre, progettare ogni documento che serve con una definizione perfetta, si puo anche aggiungere loghi, colori aziendali, immagini e codici a barre.
  • Esempi di documenti possibile da creare con SAP Crystal Reports sono, report a una o più pagine, elenchi di fatture per distribuzione ai clienti, sintesi delle attività aziendali per gli stakeholder, etc. Inoltre, potete condividere questi documenti con altri utenti - all'interno o all'esterno dell'azienda - in una varietà di formati, statici o interattivi.
  • SAP Crystal Reports trasforma quasi tutte le banche dati in informazioni interattive e attivabili, accessibili offline o online, da applicazioni, portali e dispositivi mobili.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Il candidato avrà molteplici obiettivi:accelerare la crescita delle competenze interne nell'utilizzo delle suite;presidiare ed innovare le architetture di Business Analytics dei clienti;supportare la gestione di nuove opportunità attraverso lo sviluppo di demo-POC;costruire Business Accelerators per Industry - Process based on: SAP Hana, SAP BW on Hana, SAP BW/4HANA, SAP Cloud Platform, Analytics solutions (Lumira, Web Intelligence, Analysis for Office). SAP BW ConsultantSocietà di ConsulenzaIl candidato prescelto ha le seguenti caratteristiche:lunga e comprovata esperienza nel disegno e implementazione di soluzioni di Business Intelligence su tecnologia SAP, capacità di condivisione con il business delle soluzioni elaborate, di coordinamento di team di sviluppo;capacità di lavorare in contesti complessi;ottima conoscenza dell'high performance database SAP HANA e del linguaggio SQL, sia sul fronte dell'estrazione e modellazione dati che dell'interrogazione e creazione di report, sia nella versione on premise che nella versione cloud (SAP Cloud Platform);conoscenza degli strumenti ETL al servizio delle soluzioni di Business Intelligence basate su HANA (SAP Data Services, SAP SDI);costituisce titolo preferenziale la conoscenza degli altri strumenti SAP in ambito Analytics;conoscenza delle release SAP BW basate su Hana, con particolare riferimento alle release più recenti (SAP BW 7.5 on Hana, SAP BW4Hana); La società è un gruppo internazionale di Management Consulting specializzato nelle aree di Business Analytics e Financial Analytics. L'azienda è Platinum Partner SAP, coinvolta in iniziative di innovation su soluzioni di frontiera e ad alto valore aggiunto nelle aree Analytics, Business Intelligence e Enterprise Performance Management.Ottima opportunità di carriera in un contesto molto stimolante.Salario da 40.000 €/anno a 45.000 €/anno
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Milano (Lombardia)
Mansione Randstad Talent Selection, divisione focalizzata nella ricerca e selezione di profili specializzati, ricerca per rinomata  azienda cliente, leader nel loro settore di riferimento un  FINANCE PROCESS SPECIALIST   Responsabilità La risorsa ricercata, laureato in ingegneria o economia e con un paio di anni di esperienza nell’ambito consulenza, sarà inserita nell’area finance e sarà il responsabile per il supporto utenti degli applicativi in uso alla Direzione Finance in coordinamento con fornitori di software interni (Direzione IT) e i fornitori esterni. Avrà lo scopo di indirizzare la soluzione delle anomalie, individuare esigenze di nuovi sviluppi, coordinare e supportare gli upgrade dei sistemi, sempre in ottica di un continuo miglioramento ed efficientamento dei sistemi e dei processi. Sarà inoltre di supporto alla gestione di progetti in ambito all’ufficio Head of Finance Process & Quality e al disegno e revisione dei Processi Finance in ottica di innovazione e efficientamento operativo, in coerenza con i sistemi utilizzati e mantenendo livelli qualità. Le sue responsabilità saranno: •Gestione supporto degli applicativi in ambito Finance anche attraverso il supporto di provider esterni e della Direzione IT, al fine di garantire la massima funzionalità e continuità degli operativi di seguito elencati e di eventuali nuovi applicativi che saranno utilizzati in ambito Finance: 1.SAP 2.FINAGE 3.SYNERGY – passivo – attivo – reclami 4.NSC1 5.NOTILUS 6.SISTEMI PERIFERICI •Supporto alla gestione e al coordinamento di progetti inerenti agli applicativi gestiti o a nuove iniziative •Supporto al disegno e revisione dei processi Finance in ottica di  efficientamento degli stessi per il continuo miglioramento dei KPI   Competenze Siamo alla ricerca di persone multitasking, in grado di autogestirsi (call, riunioni e relazioni anche in inglese), dotate di problem solving e doti analitiche. Si richiede conoscenza di SAP FI-CO-MM, Digitalizzazione di processi, Share Point, ambito finance/controlling. Sarà considerato un plus la certificazione Project management. L’ambiente è informale e ci saranno gruppi di lavoro misti IT/Business. RAL commisurata all’esperienza, contratto a tempo indeterminato, full time.  
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Per Azienda Leader nella produzione di soluzioni innovative di arredo con presenza storica sul mercato nazionale e internazionale, per il consolidamento della struttura IT, ricerchiamo: TECHNICAL CONSULTANT SAP S /4HANA – TREVISO Con l’obiettivo di implementare la struttura dedicata allo sviluppo del SISTEMA INFORMATIVO coerentemente con gli obiettivi di business e con i processi aziendali, si ricerca un Analista Funzionale e Project Manager Officer. Il candidato avrà il compito di supportare le fasi di microanalisi, progettazione, realizzazione, test e go live del nuovo sistema informativo di prossima implementazione basato su SAP S/4HANA, in particolare con focus sui processi dell’area OPERATIONS. Il candidato ideale ha un’esperienza significativa di progetti IT basati sulla soluzione SAP S/4HANA in realtà produttive e strutturate di medie/grandi dimensioni. COMPITI E RESPONSABILITA’ supportare le fasi di microanalisi, progettazione, realizzazione, test e go live del nuovo sistema informativo basato su SAP S/4HANA partecipare attivamente affiancandosi al team IT interno, ai Process Owners e ai Key Users aziendali interfaccia con i consulenti System Integrator coordinare il lavoro delle risorse coinvolte, sia interne che esterne, garantendo il raggiungimento degli obiettivi nel rispetto dei tempi concordati COSA OFFRIAMO: contratto a tempo indeterminato - retribuzione commisurata all'esperienza Per candidarsi https://candidatimodulogroup.altamiraweb.com/Annunci/Jobs_TECHNICAL_CONSULTANT_SAP_S_4HANA_TREVISO_177698125.htm I dati saranno trattati e conservati esclusivamente per finalità di selezioni presenti e future, garantendo i diritti di cui al GDPR 679/2016. Gli interessati/e sono invitati a leggere sul sito l’informativa sulla Privacy GDPR 679/2016. La ricerca è rivolta a persone di entrambi i sessi L.903/77. MODULO Group Autorizzazione Ministero del Lavoro e della Previdenza Sociale ai sensi GDPR 679/2016: PROT. 39/001298/MA004.A003
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Programs & Projects Consulting Srl, societa’ di consulenza aziendale, operante nel mercato della Information & Communication Technology, nella progettazione, Analisi e Sviluppo di software applicativi, nei diversi ambienti WEB, Mainframe, Client Server, SAP R/3, ricerca Specialisti su Prodotto BPM (Business Process Management) di IBM su Milano. E' necessaria un'esperienza sul campo di almeno 2 anni, durante la quale si siano applicate le conoscenze tecniche sopra indicate e si siano gestiti piu’ progetti contemporaneamente, in societa’ caratterizzate da forte propensione all’innovazione, assunzione di responsabilita’, forte crescita aziendale e personale. Competenze personali dei candidati: Capacita’ di lavorare in team; Capacita’ di multitasking e gestione delle priorita’; Attenzione ai dettagli e metodicita’; Capacita’ di analisi e problem solving; Flessibilita’ e adattabilita’; Buone doti di comunicazione; Capacita’ di gestione dello stress; Essere propositivi e determinati. Siamo disponibili e aperti a offrire diverse tipologie contrattuali con visibilita’ di media/lunga durata in base allo specifico progetto. La retribuzione sara’ commisurata alle esperienze e alle effettive capacita’ professionali. I candidati interessati devono inviare il proprio Curriculum Vitae aggiornato e dettagliato in formato word, all'indirizzo e-mail risorseumane@p-pconsulting.com, indicando nell'oggetto la posizione/profilo per cui ci si candida. Per conoscere tutte le nostre posizioni aperte:http://www.p-pconsulting.it/ppconsulting/it/offerte-di-lavoro/ La ricerca ha carattere di urgenza ed e’ rivolta a persone di entrambi i sessi. I dati saranno trattati e conservati esclusivamente per finalita’ di selezione presenti e future, garantendo i diritti di cui all'art. 13 DLgs 196/03.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Experis TECH [www.experistech.it], nell'ambito dello sviluppo di progetti relativi alla propria Divisione Automotive, sta ricercando una figura di PROCUREMENT PROCESS AND SYSTEMS SUPPORT Sede di lavoro: area bolognese La risorsa, inserita all’interno del team acquisti, darà il proprio contributo nello svolgimento dei seguenti task: - miglioramento continuo dei processi acquisti di serie così come degli acquisti indiretti - confronto con differenti interlocutori aziendali quali IT, Qualità e Finanza - gestione dei processi di Global Sourcing - redazione di documentazione QMS e partecipazione a riunioni o audit interni Il/la candidato/a ideale possiede i seguenti requisiti: - laurea (idealmente discipline economiche/tecniche) - almeno un anno di esperienza in ruolo analogo in contesti industriali modernamente organizzati, strutturati e di respiro internazionale; - ottima dimestichezza con MS Excel e capacità di utilizzo di SAP - ottima padronanza dell’inglese, preferibile la conoscenza della lingua tedesca Spiccate capacità di analisi, organizzazione e gestione, abitudine a operare sotto pressione, attitudine al problem solving e velocità di pensiero e di azione completano il profilo, unitamente a caratteristiche personali di autonomia, orientamento al risultato, motivazione, determinazione, proattività, dinamismo, flessibilità, attitudine al team work ed ottime doti relazionali. L’aver maturato eventuale esperienza nel sett. Automotive sarà considerato requisito preferenziale. Per candidarsi a questa offerta usare preferenzialmente la piattaforma di candidatura al seguente link: https://www.experis.it/annuncio-lavoro/procurement-process-and-systems-support/500227930 oppure inviare un’e-mail a recruiting.tech@it.experis.com allegando il curriculum vitae ed indicando nell'oggetto codice e titolo della posizione d'interesse. Experis è una compagnia eticamente responsabile, che promuove le pari opportunità (L 903/77) e rispetta la privacy di tutti i candidati. Il servizio è gratuito. I candidati sono invitati a leggere l'Informativa Privacy sul sito Experis. Aut.Min. Prot. N. 1119 - SG - del 26/11/04. Si prega di inviare CV completo di autorizzazione dell’uso dei dati ai sensi del Codice Privacy – ex GDPR 679/2016
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Per importante Azenda settore ingegneria ricerchiamo un/una Business Process Analyst che, in supporto al responsabile della funzione PBI, si occuperà di contribuire al mantenimento e miglioramento delle performance aziendali attraverso il costante miglioramento dei processi, delle procedure e degli strumenti aziendali, in particolare informatici. Responsabilità e attività principali del ruolo: mappatura dei processi esistenti (workflow as-is); raccolta dei desiderata delle diverse funzioni aziendali e costruzione dei processi futuri (workflow to-be) attraverso incontri verticali sui prodotti (anche in modalità Agile); studio dei sistemi e dei database in uso finalizzato all'ottimizzazione ed alla possibile messa in sicurezza in sistemi più solidi; analisi, individuazione ed applicazione sui sistemi delle funzioni aziendali delle migliori soluzioni informatiche e digitali presenti sul mercato; presidio dell'avanzamento fisico ed economico dei progetti nel rispetto del budget assegnato definendo KPI e milestone con avanzamenti periodici; costruzione e aggiornamento di Dashboard di Business Intelligence per attività di data analysis per le funzioni aziendali; organizzazione e definizione di SAL di allineamento periodici con le unità di business, ICT e fornitori. Requisiti richiesti: Diploma o laurea in discipline tecnico/scientifiche; Pregressa esperienza, anche breve, maturata in mansioni analoghe; conoscenza di tutto il pacchetto Office; conoscenza di project management; conoscenza di metodologia agile & scrum; abilità nella ricerca e gestione dei fornitori; abilità nella preparazione di presentazioni Power Point e illustrazione dei SAL di progetto; avanzate capacità analitiche e di problem solving. È gradita inoltre la conoscenza di tools per Data Analytics (Qlik e PowerBI), conoscenza del sistema SAP,conoscenze hardware. Sono previste brevi trasferte sul territorio nazionale. Sede di Lavoro: Firenze. L'Azienda offre un contratto a tempo determinato finalizzato all'inserimento.
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Milano (Lombardia)
Ricercamy.com, the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST Our client, Getinge Italia, a company operating in the medtech sector, has commissioned us to research a figure of CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST. Job Purpose: the CSS is the Customer reference point being responsible for order management – from incoming order to invoicing – ensuring satisfaction through timely product delivery. Key Duties and responsibilities: Order management in the ERP system (SAP) Knowledge of goods handling systems (MB51, MB04, MMBE) Sending of purchase orders to vendors (intercompany or third parties) Delivery time monitoring interacting with vendors (by e mail, calls) Monitoring and managing deliveries to the customer. Sales orders invoices creation and support in solving e-invoicing issues. Support to finance department for solving issues linked to purchase orders and sales orders. Support to the Customer Service Manager for the monthly Net Sales forecast. Manage any product return process following the reverse process from customer to the warehouse. Skills: Excellent knowledge of SAP Good english, written and spoken Strong phone contact handling skills and active listening Familiar with CRM systems Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters Ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time effectively Adaptability Ability to Work Under Pressure Positive Attitude Languages: Native Italian speaker and fluent in English. Temporary contract is offered. The position is open to both men and women (L. 903/77 e L. 125/91). “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Milano (Lombardia)
Ricercamy.com, the new recruiting company founded with the aim to rewrite the standards of the sector in Italy, is seeking a: CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST Our client, Getinge Italia, a company operating in the medtech sector, has commissioned us to research a figure of CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST. Job Purpose: the CSS is the Customer reference point being responsible for order management – from incoming order to invoicing – ensuring satisfaction through timely product delivery. Key Duties and responsibilities: Order management in the ERP system (SAP) Knowledge of goods handling systems (MB51, MB04, MMBE) Sending of purchase orders to vendors (intercompany or third parties) Delivery time monitoring interacting with vendors (by e mail, calls) Monitoring and managing deliveries to the customer. Sales orders invoices creation and support in solving e-invoicing issues. Support to finance department for solving issues linked to purchase orders and sales orders. Support to the Customer Service Manager for the monthly Net Sales forecast. Manage any product return process following the reverse process from customer to the warehouse. Skills: Excellent knowledge of SAP Good english, written and spoken Strong phone contact handling skills and active listening Familiar with CRM systems Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters Ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time effectively Adaptability Ability to Work Under Pressure Positive Attitude Languages: Native Italian speaker and fluent in English. MEMBERSHIP IN PROTECTED CATEGORIES WILL BE PREFERENTIAL Temporary contract is offered (3 months) The position is open to both men and women (L. 903/77 e L. 125/91). “Ricercamy Srl is in possession of open-ended ministerial authorization n°39/0000225 granted by the Ministry of Labor and of PS in accordance with D. Lgs. 276/03”
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Summary The Trading Business Accounting Responsible will be reporting directly to the Country Chief Accountant and will secure establishing Accounting controls to ensure the financial integrity of the Italian Trading Business Unit. The successful candidate will combine excellent analytical skills with a thorough knowledge of financial accounting principles. He/she will be mainly in charge of the Accounting of the Commodities Trading Business and Group Reporting Process: Under the general direction of the Country chief Accountant he/she will be mainly responsible for reporting process with the following activities, in collaboration with a Global Services Centre:Build and maintain financial infrastructure, primary responsibility for the group monthly accounting close and reporting preparation Must ensure the month close is completed timely and accurately, including review of all account reconciliations and key accruals Performs tasks within the various disciplines of the accounting functions (General Ledger/Account Receivable/Account Payable) to ensure these functions are operating and performing within Company guidelines Review the existing financial reporting processes, looking for improvements and system change recommendations Timely review the monthly reporting package from foreign subsidiaries, checking the accuracy of the data and the respect of procedures, according to Group policies and IFRS accounting rules Manage the consolidated monthly closing and the intercompany monthly reconciliation Perform regular inventory and derivatives controls/valuation duties on a timely basis. Monthly positions and reconciliations Review of transactional accounting, financial analysis Ensure that all internal and external reporting are prepared accurately and in a timely manner Be involved in projects and initiatives related to different types of Business Unit (Trading/Manufacturing) in Italy or abroad Importante multinazionale FMCG cerca responsabile accounting con esperienza in gestione operazioni TRADINGRequirements: Economic or Management Degree 4+ years of experience with an emphasis on commodities trading accounting, preferably gained in international companies or Big Four firms Deep knowledge of finance and accounting: General Accounting, US GAAP and IFRS Able to work as part of a multi-disciplinary international team based in different locations focusing on deliver both performance improvement and reporting processes Variance Analysis actual Vs Budget Being familiar with using ERP software (such as SAP) Previous work experience in international and/or modernly organized companies Proactive, flexible and result-oriented, with a high propensity to human relationship and team working Good at work under pressure and meet deadlines Autonomy and proactivity Excellent knowledge of the English language (mandatory) Available to travel up to 10% Solida e consolidata multinazionale FMCG, presente in oltre 65 Paesi nel mondoOttima opportunità di carriera.Salario da 45.000 €/anno a 55.000 €/anno
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Italia (Tutte le città)
This role is responsible for the management of Production and Materials Planning, Inventory Control and Planning, Sales and Operations Planning, Warehouse Operations and Logistics. This position will work with Manufacturing, Quality, Finance, Sales & Project management and other relevant functional teams at the site. The Supply Chain Head must be able to negotiate and implement lean processes by developing creative solutions and forward-looking strategies and must have demonstrated ability to lead through influence. In collaboration with site teams, develop processes and Key Performance Indicating metrics, utilizing the ERP system to provide timely visibility and tracking of materials and finished goods status across the supply chain. The main responsabilities are:Direct the work of the Master Schedulers, providing expertise and assisting functional leads in identifying risks and evaluating capacities required to support production, storage and other capacities.Maintain best practice KPI metrics and dashboard(s) to measure site execution, customer service and performance of Supply Chain processes.Ensures the management of the introduction and obsolescence of materials throughout product life cycle. Positively affects cash flow and cost of goods by consistently maintaining costing accuracy, supporting the order execution process and managing inventories.Continual and transparent communication with peers to determine the status of assigned projects. Expedites operations, including all functional groups, to prevent delay of schedules. Alters schedules through the Sales and Operations Planning to meet unforeseen conditions.Utilizes a collaborative and consensus approach to ensure customer needs are well represented and met.Manage the team providing professional guidance in terms of performance appraisals and team empowermentPerforms other job duties as required. Supply Chain Head - Multinational API companysupply chain - multinationalTo perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Education and/or Experience Minimum 5 years' experience in turning around supply chain organizationsDegree required: Bachelors, preferred: Masters or MBA focused in Supply Chain, Business Management, Finance, EngineeringFamiliarity with Supply Chain concepts, Import/Export rules, transportation and warehousing requirementsMust be organized, possess time management skills, have the ability to deal with ambiguity and be able to manage changing priorities. Leads, motivates, and develops direct reports and peers.Possesses excellent communication, analytical, problem solving and decision making skills.Ability to perform work under general direction and normal business pressuresVery good English Knowledge Preferred ExperienceKnowledge/experience with SAP ERP system or comparable ERP systems.Previous process manufacturing and planning experience.Pharmaceutical environment or similarAPICS certification & Lean Six Sigma Certification as a plusClear understanding of Supply Chain Best PracticesAbility to work and succeed in a global environment and people management Our client is an important American multinational company that deals with active pharmaceutical ingredients. We are looking for 2 Supply Chain Head figures for 2 Italian sites in the north-west Milan area and south-west Milan.Ottima opportunità di carriera.
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ABOUT WFP The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is the world's largest humanitarian agency, fighting hunger worldwide. WFP Technology Division (TEC, formerly known as IT) is the digital business engine of the World Food Programme, providing the business with multi-pronged and resilient technical capabilities able to respond with the agility required in humanitarian operations, be they manmade or in a natural disaster setting. TEC Division continues to increase its activities to meet the constantly growing demand from the organization and implement the initiatives related to digital transformation. ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT The Architecture branch (TECA) is seeking a Business Transformation Officer with a passion and vision for building quality technology solutions to support WFP operations. Reporting to the Chief of IT Architecture Branch of the Technology Division, the Business Transformation Officer will play an important role in transforming business objectives into a cohesive and effective WFP Digital Landscape. They will use their substantial technical knowledge, with a focus on technical solution architecture, to analyse business needs and build the blueprint of a modern digital foundation for WFP. Working with the Architecture Team, Solution Architects and other TEC units, the Business Transformation Officer will also be part of thought leadership activities and provide strategic and tactical advice to WFP business units. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES (not all-inclusive) - Develop and evolve WFP's digital platform strategy, aligned to and prioritized by business priorities; - Support the development of functional work plans, ensuring compliance with the digital platform strategy; - Continuously improve guidelines, processes and procedures to assist Business Relationship Management, Business Analysis and IT Project Management functions; - Participate in identifying business needs and propose well-researched ideas (by maintaining up-to-date knowledge of technology products) for new or improved systems and solutions that assist in meeting WFP objectives; - As a principal role in the TEC Product Journey, use evidence-based criteria to provide in-depth analysis of IT solutions: make key decisions (example: 'Buy before Build'), identify risks and prepare related documentation to support the design and delivery of digital solutions; - Seek out and establish collaboration mechanisms with all teams and branches of the Technology Division, and subject-matter experts from Business Units, to ensure WFP's digital landscape is effective, efficient, secure and robust; - Build and nurture relationships with the business counterparts to understand and anticipate the direction of the business and ensure alignment of solutions with changing business requirements and priorities; - Manage business expectations in servicing business needs and oversee success of solutions, seeking ongoing opportunities to support or increase the business value from those solutions; - Propose change and continuous improvements that supports business capabilities and keep WFP's digital landscape in good health by determining when existing solutions should be retired, rebuilt or transitioned to off-the-shelf solutions to ensure delivering value for business priorities; - Manage a team of staff and/or contractors (as applicable), providing coaching, training and guidance to ensure appropriate development and enable high performance. OTHER SPECIFIC JOB REQUIREMENTS - Broad, conceptual understanding of solution architecture trends with demonstrated proficiency of technologies, frameworks, and languages. - Excellent understanding of software and very strong technology knowledge covering Cloud, ERP (e.g. SAP/HANA) and web (e.g. Python/HTML/CSS/JavaScript). - Ability to work on different levels of abstractions; application frameworks, service-oriented architecture (SOA), microservices, cloud solutions, containers, networking & infrastructure, IAM/CIAM etc. - Deep understanding of modern API platform design, security practices, data architectures. - Technically curious with appetite to learn and master emerging technologies. - Communicate the alignment between business objectives, requirements and solution architecture to make it accessible, understandable and usable in support of decision-making by those involved, at various levels, in technological and architectural decision. DESIRED EXPERIENCE - At least five years' experience in designing and implementing platform architecture and cloud-native application development projects; - Experience working in organizations that apply: Agile, DevOps, Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), and Human-Centred Design (HCD); - Demonstrated experience in managing technology projects and supervision of team members; - Experience in transforming business trends into target architectures and new solution designs. INTERPERSONAL COMPETENCIES AND ATTRIBUTES - Building consensus, particularly in the face of competing design requirements; - Ability to influence / coach solution architects on modern evolutionary platform architecture principles and practices; - Well organized and detail oriented with strong judgement/decision-making skills; - Ability to effectively coordinate multiple responsibilities simultaneously; - Ability to plan and organize work and communicate effectively; - Ability to handle a large volume of work and to meet strict deadlines; - Ability to deal tactfully with people of different national and cultural backgrounds. STANDARD MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Education Advanced University degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics or Engineering or other related fields or First University Degree with additional years of related work experience and/or training/courses. Language - Fluency in oral and written English is essential. - Intermediate knowledge of another official UN language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish) or Portuguese (one of WFP's working languages). TERMS AND CONDITIONS Mobility is the essence of WFP and continues to be a core contractual requirement. These positions are rotational which means that you shall be subject to the regular reassignment process to any other location on a period of 2 to 4 years unless the position is reclassified as non-rotational. The selected candidate will be employed on a fixed-term as well as a rotational contract with a probationary period of one year. Depending on the duty station, the position may be eligible for Rest and Recuperation (R&R) scheme. WFP offers an attractive compensation and benefits package, including basic salary, post adjustment, relocation entitlement, travel and shipment allowances, 30 days' annual leave, home leave, an education grant for dependent children, pension plan and medical insurance. More details on https://icsc.un.org/ ________________________________________________________________________ This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. - When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support. This service is offered free of charge to Swiss nationals. Interested in a career with multilateral institutions? Read more: Working with the United Nations Working with International Financial Institutions For Swiss nationals ____________________________________________________________________________________
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Consumer & category insightsDefines and sizes the target of the brand, taking into account the consumption and social trendsTransforms the deep consumer & shopper understanding into insights and opportunities at brand / range levelDefines the direct and indirect competition and the key sources of growth for the brandTransforms the deep category understanding into insights and opportunities at brand / range levelFeeds the sales department with relevant category insights at a brand / range level Category and Brand strategyDefines an exhaustive diagnosis at a category, brand and range levels: drivers and barriers, key marketing activities that worked and didn't workDefines the brand positioningLeverages the brand vision and the brand purpose in all brand activitiesBuilds and sizes the yearly marketing plan in line with brand strategyRecommends relevant KPIs Product innovation & renovationBuilds differentiated innovation /renovation concepts in response to insightsAssesses the ideas / concepts vs business opportunities, brand strategy, R&D constraints, trade, supply constraints, expected profitabilityRecommends and implements actions on product (formula) and packaging to reach the best mixPuts in place research to test innovation/renovation ideas with CMI department Pricing strategyRecommends a price and format strategy considering the brand positioning, other products of the brand, competitive set, elasticity, potential cost of goods evolution and global profitabilityRecommends adjustments if necessary on the global price and format strategCo-defines trade promotion strategy with Sales department: promotional mechanics, relevant format, visibility strategy, seasonality Brand ExperienceWrites a clear integrated communication brief based on the brand ideaAligns internal partners & agencies on the brief, timing, roles & responsibilitiesDefines the overall touch points orchestration for the campaign: roles of the claim / play / talk and prioritization of the touch point planRecommends the right budget for each touch point including the media planDefines the right KPIs for each touch point and for the overall campaignFinancial managementRecommends the brand / range budget aligned with yearly marketing planManages and controls the brand /range budget aligned with defined priorities Communication and Digital leader Transversal responsibilities:Lead and coordinate Communication and Digital strategies with MD and another BMLead and coordinate Communication Digital transversal processes with communication agenciesImplementation and assessment of digital performance toolsInspire the team with updated external digital knowledgeCollaborate with MD, GM and HR in the Company´s digital transformation process FMCG Multinational CompanyInteresting & Challenging OpportunityUniversity Degree and ideally Master in Business, MKT or DigitalMinimum of a 5 years' experience in MKT brand management in multinational environments dealing with Headquarters, media/communication, and digital oriented agencies. FMCG ideallySolid in Digital environments to challenge agencies and inspire local teams: Strategy, content, Social Media, data management, media planning (on line video, programmatic, youtube, facebook, etc.). influencersExperience and knowledge on agile methodologiesExperience in product developmentBusiness holistic approach: MKT, trade, financeStrong analytics strengths: market trends, consumer understanding, media and digital performance, etcStrong communication and persuasive skillsHigh level of English and ItalianUser level computer skills. Databases (SAP; Nielsen; internal computer programs).Solid Social Media and digital tools knowledgeIT skills: daily user of IT tools (SAP, windows, internet) FMCG multinational company guided by a sense of purpose and responsibility and respect for the world. Fast-growing FMCG Company High internal exposure
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Important and innovative company, leading manufacturer of high precision plastic parts and gears, is looking for ERP SPECIALIST rif. 51439-BG The ERP Specialist’s role is to provide IQMS application support in logistics, operations and finance accounting. This includes analysing the business processes, providing recommendations for functionality enhancements and implementing the needed solutions for the end users. Reporting to the group IT management based in Switzerland, you will have to support the companies worldwide, in the following areas: • Leading application functionality in logistics, operations and finance modules of the global IQMS ERP system • Testing, patch testing, and provide recommendations for functionality enhancement. Working with software vendor to implement enhancements. • Working with all departments to develop a thorough understanding of the business processes and business requirements in order to facilitate the implementation of the IQMS ERP system and other related applications. • Developing and updating important documentation including business process flows, requirements documents, functional and technical design documents, test cases, and user training materials. • Modifying existing forms and reports and building new forms and reports as required by users, based on SAP® Crystal Reports reporting tool. • Developing and supporting the EDI solutions. Are required: 5+ years related experience in an ERP application support function or as an ERP power user in a manufacturing company; Bachelor Science degree in Computers Science, Engineering or an equivalent education; Fluency in English and Italian, speaking and writing; open to travel to Europe, US and Asia.
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Varese (Lombardia)
Morson Projects, società di servizi ingegneristici off-load del gruppo Morson, collabora con aziende del settore avionico, aeronautico, aerospaziale, automotive, ferroviario, meccatronico ed ICT in campo nazionale ed internazionale. Nellâ€(TM)ambito di un progetto di esternalizzazione di attività di engineering, ricerca per il proprio organico un/a COST ENGINEER Attività: il profilo, supportando un progetto di propulsione ibrida, si occuperà di: ï,§ Sviluppo di benchmarking, con analisi dati e produzione elaborati di sintesi e performance; ï,§ Definizione dei target di peso/costo delle soluzioni da sviluppare a partire da analisi di concorrenza, costi/benefici e di costi operativi; ï,§ Supporto alla pianificazione attività, individuazione percorso critico, monitoraggio, anche durante esecuzione; ï,§ Redigere appropriata documentazione e report periodici. Requisiti: la risorsa ideale: - è laureata in ingegneria aerospaziale/meccanica/gestionale/dei materiali; - ha maturato almeno 3 anni di esperienza come Cost Engineering o Process Engineering, meglio se in realtà aeronautiche; - possiede buona conoscenza del gestionale SAP e possibilmente di ENOVIA; - possiede approfondita conoscenza della lingua inglese, meglio se certificata; - ha un buon grado di problem solving. Inquadramento: contratto a termine. Si offre un contratto a termine con ottimo livello retributivo e con la possibilità di lavorare in un contesto prestigioso e tecnicamente allâ€(TM)avanguardia. Sede: Varese Le ricerche sono rivolte a candidati di entrambi i sessi (D.L. 903/77). I dati saranno trattati nel rispetto delle norme del GDPR. Inviare un dettagliato CV, con autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali(D.L. 196/03), citando nellâ€(TM)oggetto il riferimento allâ€(TM)annuncio, attraverso apposito form del portale.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
About us IM Biofuel S.r.l., a company dedicated to the purchase and sale of biodiesel and derivatives, is part of the international colossus Musim Mas, take a look of its web site http://www.musimmas.com/ Candidate Profile We are looking for a Sales Administrative Assistant to join the Sales Department of our biofuel business and help us achieve our goals. Our ideal candidate is goal-oriented, proactive with good organizational, administrative and logical skills. Job responsibilities • Back Office emailing process • Complete the contractual sales templates • Internal follow-up of sales contracts signed and its correct fulfilment • Take care of the sales contracts’ registration in the database, archive them and keep the data updated • Data entry in the internal system of the purchase order and its request • Manage the documentation and processes with Operation and Finance departments • Support in the elaboration of reports requested by the Management and clients Job profile • Organizational skills including attention to detail and multi-tasking, ability to organize and plan effectively • Logical approach • Good knowledge of the office package and great familiarity handling complex spreadsheets and database • Familiarity with CRM practices along • Desirable knowledge of SAP program • No mandatory prior experience, neo graduates are not ruled out • English and Italian is a must, other European languages are positivity evaluable What We Offer • Motivating and international environment • Temporary employment agreement, one year to start, with a concrete possibility of renewal and career • Office placed in the center of Milan, one of the smartest cosmopolitan city
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Italia (Tutte le città)
PM per attività di UAT Si ricerca un profilo di tester senior o Project Manager con esperienza in ambito CRM e fasi di UAT. La risorsa dovrà coordinare le attività di UAT legate ad un’implementazione di Salesforce - CRM. Più in dettaglio le attività da svolgere saranno: •User Acceptance (UA) testing activities during every stage of the UAT process (test preparation, testing plan in accordance with the integrated test plan, user selection, user training, test environment set up, defect management, test performing, output presentation, issue resolution/escalation, reporting, risks and gaps and required countermeasures) for SAP SV-CRM and Salesforce GLMS implementation projects at Market level •Reporting to the SV-CRM and GLMS Project Manager and senior executives on testing milestones •Support to the test scope definition and tests formulation in alignment with Global Team •Regular meetings / calls on testing topics •UAT scripts, even based on existing global scripts
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Como (Lombardia)
The globally operating Geberit Group is a European leader in the field of sanitary products. Geberit operates with a strong local presence in most European countries, providing unique added value when it comes to sanitary technology and bathroom ceramics. The production network encompasses 29 production facilities, of which 6 are located overseas. The Group is headquartered in Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland. With around 12,000 employees in around 50 countries, Geberit generated sales of CHF 3.1 billion in last 2018. SKILLS REQUIRED -M/F, at least 2-3 years of experience in similar activities as sales controlling, i.e. with strong interaction as well as focused experiences with the sales department -Master Degree in industrial/management/computer engineering or Economics -Excellent knowledge of MS Office, IT and data management tools; knowledge of SAP will be considered a plus -Fluent English and Italian, both written and spoken -Available and flexible person, accurate and timely, used to working for deadlines and goals -Strong interpersonal and relationship skills -Highly motivated & positive attitude especially towards team working -Outstanding presentation skills and communication skills -Ability to work well under pressure KEY TASKS & RESPONSIBILITIES -Manage customers’ agreements and bonus calculation -Formulate forecast estimates of sales -Analyze and report daily/monthly/annual sales -Administrate CRM procedures and daily activities -Support Key Accounts and other customers (data, price list, target achievement) -Sustain sales force through specific reports and IT support -Follow the implementation of new projects (CRM, reporting tools, showroom’s order form, etc.) -Revise customers reliability and payment terms -Manage agreements, commissions and relationships with agents JOB LOCATION & ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -Manno (Lugano Nord), Switzerland | 100% Full-time permanent job contract -Permanent residence in Canton Ticino required or, alternatively, in the italian border areas Please send CV (with current photo) by e-mail to cvgeberit@4uc.ch, showing the Ref. CO-051; as stated in the EU Directive 2016/679 (GDPR), please clearly consent to the treatment and processing of personal data present in your CV, for the Personnel Research and Selection exclusively purposes. Please also be kindly informed we will not be able to process your application without your explicit consent; this consent may be revoked at any time by writing to: info@4uc.ch, Finally, we will get in touch with you by when your profile will match with the posted vacancy.
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Italia (Tutte le città)
Descrizione Cerchiamo una risorsa da inserire nell'ufficio di Procurement per una sostituzione di maternità nella nostra sede di Torino. Ruolo relativamente junior, quindi un’ opportunità per qualcuno che ha già un minimo di esperienza e desidera apprendere in un’azienda internazionale in crescita come www.planetsmartcity.com o un profilo in transito di carriera che potrebbe comunque aggiungere valore al CV. Contratto a tempo determinato di ~8 mesi da marzo 2022. Responsibilities: • Purchase goods, materials, components, or services in line with specified cost, quality, and delivery targets • Act as an interface between suppliers and other relevant departments on Procurement processes and new projects and activities • Monitor and advise on any issues which present risk or opportunity to the organisation • Monitor market trends, competitor strategies and market suppliers. • Provide analysis on costs, new and existing, and review cost reduction activities • Prepare reports and updates as and when required • Work closely with others in the procurement function and review opportunities for continuous improvement and business improvements • Adhere to any health, safety and environmental policies and procedures to ensure the safety and wellbeing of self, staff, and visitors • Negotiate contracts, improve prices and terms of business with suppliers and review opportunities to make business savings utilising negotiation and procurement best practice tools and methods • Prepare and raise purchase orders and order schedules • Build, maintain and manage supplier relationships and keep up good communications • Ensure that a professional and consistent approach is taken in relation to all supplier relationships • Ensure compliance to company guidelines, procurement policies and procedures and guidance during supplier negotiations and contracts award process • Conduct research for new components, services and suppliers • Compile data relating to supplier performance to enable evaluation • Assess and evaluate suppliers and contribute to performance reviews to ensure contract compliance • Claims management skills • Improvement of green, ethic and impact friendly procurement strategies Skills/competencies: • Able to build and maintain effective and productive relationships with staff, stakeholders, and suppliers • Good communication, negotiation, interpersonal and influencing skills • Analytical, numerically astute with strong demonstrated problem-solving abilities • Able to manage time effectively, prioritise tasks and achieve set targets • Commercial and financial awareness with a full understanding of how failure impacts the production, manufacture, and customer order fulfilment • Able to work well under pressure and handle emergency and stressful situations • Keen attention to detail and accuracy • Demonstrated abilities in ERP based systems such as ORACLE, SAP etc. • Demonstrated abilities in e-procurement tool
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